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October 29, 1964 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-29

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NCAA-AAU Battle To Break Out Anew Next Week

Rooters Trip Toledo, 4-3


NEW YORK 4)--The skirmish-
ing has started and the first ma-
jor shot is expected next week,
now that the Olympics have end-
ed, an end that also terminated
the AAU-NCAA tr'uce so carefully
forged by the late Gen. Douglas
"There are no more rules," an
NCAA spokesman told the Asso-
ciated Press Tuesday, "not unless

the government steps in again. I.
think it's safe to say that some-1
thing more than talk is going to
At stake in the fight, which was1
recessed after the late President
Kennedy asked Gen. MacArthur
to step in, is control of amateur
athletics in this country.
The major participants are the
Amateur Athletic Union and the {

various sports federations fostered1
by the National Collegiate Ath-'
letic Association. The federations
cover track and field, gymnastics,
basketball and wrestling.
Track and Field
"The track and field federation
is one," the NCAA source said.
"The gymnasts, the wrestlers
pretty much go their own way.
The AAU isn't concerned. Basket-

ball becomes an issue only in an
Olympic year.I
"So the track and field federa-
tion will be the first to test its .
strength, a test that undoubtedly1
will come at the start of the in-
door season.
"The NCAA Council is meeting
this weekend. They undoubtedly
will formulate and publish a1
policy. The NCAA members want1
a policy, .a guideline, something
to stand on. This policy should be
It works like this:
The AAU holds the international
franchises for sanctioning of ama-
teur sports in this country. The
NCAA, which represents the na-
tion's colleges and their athletes,
feels it should have a greater voice
in the administration and sanc-
tioning of their athletes in inter-
national competition.
That, essentially, is what the
fight is all about.
The NCAA has' helped form the
federations, which the colleges,
high schools, YMCA and -other
groups-and the AAU has been
invited-have voice, to administer
the international or non-college
competition of those athletes.
The AAU contends that it has
the only sanctioning power.
Bitter Fight
And around and around it goes.
The fight became so bitter, so
involved, that it threatened to
wreck thiscountry's teams for the
Olympics. That's when President
Kennedy stepped in and appointed
Gen. MacArthur to mediate a
truce. That truce ended with the
close of the Olympics.
"We're not feuding with the
NCAA," AAU President Jay-Ehret
Mahoney said Tuesday in San
Francisco after his return from
the Tokyo Games. "They're feud-
ing with us"
The same day an AAU publica-
tion was mailed to newspapers
pointing out the number of AAU
sanctioned athletes who won
medals in the Olympics. A few
days before the NCAA mailed out
a memorandum outlining its poli-
cies, its stands and pointing out
AAU defenses against them; all
obivous preliminaries to the first
big shot.,
Boston 119, St. Louis 117

That shot should come this
weekend with the meeting of the Center forward Adolf Arm-
NCAA Council in New York. The bruster and defensive specialists
Council is the college group's Perry Hood, Peter Sholnik, and
policy-making organization. Viggo Stoltenberg-Hansen led the
"They'll form a policy," the Michigan Soccer Club to its first
source said. "It should be news- victory last Sunday as Michigan
worthy." outscored the University of Toledo
That policy almost certainly will 4-3 in overtime.A

be support of the federations, par-j
ticularly the track and field fed-
A Tradition
All those interested in be-
coming a part of that great
American tradition known as
the Daily sports staff are en-
couraged to contact Gary Wy-
ner at 764-0555.
"The federations have to take
a stand. They haven't used their
weapons yet."
The weapon, by inference, has
to be withholding of NCAA ath-
letes from the indoor track season
if the AAU does not agree to
double sanctioning of those meets.
"Yes, the big test should come
at the opening of the indoor track
season," the source said in answer
to a question.
Where it will end is question-

The win gives the booters a 1-21
record so far, with three intercol-
legiate games remaining. The loss
was the third for Toledo against
a tie.
In the opening minute of play,
Toledo's center forward, Andy
Barabaz, snuck past the Michigan
defense to record the first score
of the contest. Michigan, unable
to dent the Toledo net in the first
period, tied it up early in the sec-
ond frame as Mario Winter took
the ball in unassisted from mid-
field to tally.
Armbruster Scores
Michigan went ahead several
minutes later as Armbruster
scored his first goal of the after-
noon on a short shot past the
Toledo goalkeeper. Toledo bounced
back with a score from 10 feet
out as the period ended.
A third period tally on a head
shot by Robert Peters gave Mich-
igan the lead again which it held
until the last minute of play when
a Michigan player deflected the
ball into his own net to knot the
When an intercollegiate soccer
game is tied at the end of regula-

tion play, two five minute over-
time periods are played, with the
score standing at the end of the
overtime. With two minutes gone
in the first overtime, Armbruster
belted in his second goal to wrap
up the game for Michigan.
Defense at Best
Michigan's defense played its
best game of the season so far,
according to game coach Ted
Cohn, as it consistently repelled
the persistent Toledo team, hold-
ing them virtually scoreless in the
second half. The alert and aggres-
sive play of fullbacks Dick Hen-
drickson, Skolnik, and Stolten-
berg-Hansen halted many Toledo

scoring attempts.
The game was costly for Mich-
igan, however, as Skolnik was
forced to leave the game after
colliding with Toledo's Barabaz on
a sensational goal-preventing play.
Skolnik sustained a minor con-
cussion and will miss at least the
next two games. Several players
incurred leg injuries, but all will
be ready for this Saturday's game.
Saturday the club travels to
Kent, Ohio, to take on Kent State,
one of the more powerful teams in
the Ohio Conference. Kent cur-
rently sports a 5-1-2 record, with
impressive victories over Fenn and
Mount Union.





"Mahoney seems to be ar
sonable man, a man you can
to. Maybe something can
worked out."


Two errors have been made in the listing of this week's grid
selections. The mistakes appear on both the entry blanks and the
Tuesday and Wednesday editions of the Daily. Game No. 13 is
Oregon vs Stanford at a neutral site instead of Oregon State vs
Stanford. Game No. 20 has been corrected to Southern Mississippi
at Florida State instead of Florida State at Houston.
Anyone who has already turned in an entry and wants to
change his selection can come to the Daily and do so.
Entries are available at the Daily, 420 Maynard, and must
be submitted before midnight Friday. A contestant is allowed only
one entry.
This week's winner will receive two tickets to the Michigan
Theatre, which is now showing "Come Blow Your Horn" and "Li'l
Abner," and a chance for the grand prize at the end of the season.

-Daily-Kamalakar Rao
MICHIGAN'S WARREN SHEAR (left) drives past two Toledo
defenders in last Sunday's soccer match, which Michigan won,
4-3, in overtime. The win was the first for the club against two
losses in its first season of intercollegiate play.
Cyclists Dominate Meet

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~ t

1. N'wstrn. at MICHIGAN (score)
2. Illinois at Purdue ,
3. Ohio State at Iowa
4. Minnesota at Indiana
5. Michigan State at Wisconsin
6. Arizona at Air Force
7. UCLA at California
8. Georgia Tech at Duke,
9. Iowa State at Army
10. Kansas at Kansas State

11. Missouri at Nebraska
12. Navy vs. Notre Dame
13. Oregon vs. Stanford
14. Washington at USC
15. SMU at Texas
16. Pittsburgh at Syracuse
17. Kentucky at West Virginia
18. Baylor at TCU
19. Oklahoma at Colorado
20. Southern Miss. at Florida St.

With Mike Kolin leading the
way with two victories, the Uni-
versity Cycling Club fared " im-
pressively in its debut Sunday, in
a Windsor, Ontario, meet.
Kolin's first triumph occurred
in a one-half mile elimination
match race. Numerous heats of
dual competition finally left Ko-
lin as the sole cyclist. His second
victory took place in a continu-


State Street on the Campus


A Campus
Buy Your
h* is

ous "miss-and-out" event, in
which the trailing man.at the
end of each lap on the quarter-
mile track is eliminated until only
one man remains in the race.
Rich Fitts and Dan Ruuska each
added a second place to the Wol-
verine total. The meet determin-
ed the champions of the Wolver-
ine Sports Club of Detroit.
Pistons Sign
No. 1 Choice
DETROIT (IP) - The Detroit
Pistons announced yesterday: that
Joe Caldwell, their No. 1 draft
choice, has signed for the current
National Basketball Association
The 6-foot-5 Caldwell recently
returned from Tokyo where he
was the second highest scorer on
the U.S. Olympic team which won
the gold medal.
While at Arizona State, Cal-
well set a career scoring mark
with 1,518 points.
The Pistons expect Caldwell
to make his NBA debut against
the Boston Celtics in Detroit to-


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