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October 29, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-29

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li irtgan t~ii
Sev'enty-Fifth Year

Congress Boosts Higher Education Aid

re OpiniosAre Free, 420 MAYNAPD Sr., ANN ARto, MICH.
xruth Will Prevail

NEWS PHoNm: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Residence College News
Policy: Vital Breakthrough

THE TREND toward more fed-
eral aid to higher education
received almost overwhelming ap-
proval from the recently adjourn-
ed 88th Congress.
Not since 1958, when the orig-
inal National Defense Education
Act was approved, had a major
piece of higher education legisla-
tion been dispatched to the White
But starting in the pre-Christ-
mas rush of 1963, the 88th Con-
gress approved three massive edu-
cational bills which will provide
unprecedented amounts of money
for student loans, a work-study
program and construction of high-
er education facilities. There was,
however, one disappointment in
the field of higher education legis-
lation. This was the failure by

Congress to approve the proposed
social security reforms.
cation Act received a massive
overhauling. The new program has
been greatly expanded and ex-
tended until 1968.
The act provides $163.3 million
for the fiscal year 1965. This is
an increase of $28.3 million over
the present level available for
loans to students. There are sim-
ilar increases for the fiscal years
1966, 1967 and 1968, which re-
spectively provide $179.3 million,
$190 million and $195 million.
In further expansion, the ceil-
ing of $800,000 available to each
institution in the original act has
been eliminated. As a result, the
University may receive more than
$700,000 for student loans.

Graduate students will be most
directly affected by the increase in
funds available for 4oans. Con-
gress, acknowledging the rising
tuition for graduate schools, has
increased the amount of money
available to students from $1000
to $2500, with a maximum of
$5000 for the years spent in grad-
uate study.
However, undergraduate stu-
dents will not directly benefit
from the increase in the amount
of money available for loans. The
$1000 ceiling on undergraduate
loans has been retained with a
maximum of $5000 for the years
spent in undergraduate study.
The new act also broadens the
program of aid to students plan-
ning to teach English, reading,
history, geography and civics. The
original act reserved preference to
those planning to teach science,

SOME OF THE SALIENT features of bu-
reaucratic organization are the im-
personality of its internal and external
relationships, its rigid hierarchical struc-
true and its formalized, reticent system
of communication, both inside and out-
side its structure. The University is cer-
tainly no exception.
Key decisions and interchanges be-
tween the University's various adminis-
trative levels are revealed to others in
the University only after they have been
made, ;after they have passed formally
through "channels." The individuals oc-
cupying any but the very top positions
in the hierarchy can only occasionally
make their personalities felt beyond the
duties and limitations of their roles. The
performance of those roles is tied ir-
revocably to that of countless others;
along with this interdependence, which
apologists for bureaucracy laud, come
the innumerable restraints by which the
individual is bogged down and excluded
from significant participation.
Such a system is probably the most
rational and efficient which man has de-
vised, but it is often the least sensitive
to pressures from those at the University
who do not have offices west of State St.
Information finds its way to those outside
the bureaucracy or to those at its lower
levels only in superficial form, while the
expertise developed by those inside the
structure remains inside.
FORMAL FACULTY and student advis-
ory groups and other interested indi-
viduals can get near the decision-mak-
ing process, but the only weight they car-
ry is that which the bureaucrat grants
them. Without power they are not re-
sponsible, and without responsibility they
often do not care.
As a function of the bureaucracy's in-
terdependence, it is extremely hard to
pinpoint just who is responsible for a
given decision. Even if the ultimate
source can be located, he is shielded by
all the imposing weight of his organiza-
tion. And he can always issue the re-
joinder that those outside the organiza-
tion do not understand the complexity of
its problems.
The most recent manifestation of fac-
ulty frustration with such a set-up is the
proposal by a University Senate subcom-
mittee for restructuring that body to en-
able quick and forceful expression of fac-
ulty opinion. On the students' side, frus-
tration has bred the Student Action
League, a quest for explanation, at the
least, and change, at the best, of various
conditions which students feel intolerable.
MOST SIGNIFICANT in both these phe-
nomena is that they attempt to es-
tablish some form of organization, ex-
ternal to the bureaucracy, which can
obtain information and involve those not
officially within the system in the mak-
ing of decisions.
Note, however, that these are pres-
sures from without. One wonders just how
effective they can be. Is not a voluntary
opening-up of some segment of the bu-
reaucracy by a member of it the real nec-
For those interested in some new amal-
gam of bureaucracy's efficiency and the
long-range benefits of democratic parti-
cipation, a recent policy decision by Asso-
ciate Dean Burton D. Thuma of the lit-
erary college, director of the residential
college, is both a welcome sign and a test
of the bureaucracy's capacity for democ-
:eE DECISION has to do with publicity
on the planning of the residential col-

lege-the classroom-residence complex
which the University will open in 1967.
Between now and then, an uncountable
number of hours will be spent by Thuma,
a faculty planning committee and a stu-
dent advisory group in deciding the un-
ending questions-from the design of liv-
ing quarters to curriculum-which go into
an enterprise like this.
The planning will certainly not be
smooth. It will include many reversals,
many disagreements, many picayunish
details. It will involve many decisions
with which skeptics will take issue. It will
be so painstaking that only those directly
involved will have an intimate knowledge
of why any given decision has been made.

two committees. The administration, one
level higher, would of course have its
say: final authority rests with Vice-Pres-
ident for Academic Affairs Roger W.
Heyns and ultimately with the Regents.
cence. The planning process could be
carried out much more efficiently, with-
out the necessity of accommodating num-
erous outsiders, if every step in the proc-
ess were not subjected to the glare of
publicity. Faculty, students and admin-
istrators would not be angered-an an-
other literary college official claims they
are-by reading of various decisions in
The Daily before the decisions had been
presented in the proper manner.
They would not be confused by hearing
of the numerous, perhaps contradictory
opinions voiced by the planners or by tak-
ing tentative preferences as final deci-
sions. It would be much more difficult
for dissidents to alter key decisions at the
end of the process than during it.
Furthermore, people would not become
tired of the residential college from read-
ing about its minutae every other day.
The college would better preserve its air
of excitement and innovation.
SUCH IS NOT, however, the policy
Thuma has chosen. Instead, he has
decided to allow complete news cover-
age of each faltering, tentative step in
the planning process.
His reasoning is basically simple: the
planning of something as significant as
the residential college should involve as
many people in the University as possi-
ble. Only by revealing all the steps-
thus officially inviting and stimulating
feedback from everyone interested-can
this be done.
The benefits of this feedback will per-
haps be even more significant than the
sense of participation which will also
result: Hopefully, a much better residen-
tial college will be built because a larger
number of men have invested their crea-
tivity in it.
Without such openness, the existence
of the two committees working with Thu-
ma would be relatively insignificant. All
the top administrators already have their
own advisory committees, yet even many
of these do not communicate well with
their numerous colleagues about the proc-
ess of decision-making. As a result, their
value is greatly reduced.
THUMA'S POLICY will undoubtedly be
a hard one to follow. There is bound
to be criticism from faculty and admin-
istrators, above and below. The policy
may well make the college's already ten-
der position among the faculty even more
If the desired feedback materializes,
the planning process will necessarily be
slower and more complicated, for there
will be many more ideas to consider. Or
perhaps people actually will lose interest
as they are continuously bombarded with
the residential college. Or perhaps the
existing committees will resent Thuma's
"going over their heads."
But the potential benefits of this free-
ness and the need for such freeness are
much greater. And in the larger sense,
Thuma's decision cannot help but be an
important precedent for opening chan-
nels of information and influence in oth-
er areas of the University.
planned better--and more satisfactor-
ily to those concerned-much of the ar-
gument that little can be gained from
involving the whole faculty in University
affairs will dissolve. And perhaps those

who feel students cannot participate ad-
vantageously either will change their
minds when they see the record.
If, in the process, the University be-
comes less efficient while it is becoming
more democratic, while it is involving
more people in making meaningful con-
tributions outside their narrow interests
-if this happens, we can well afford the
inefficiency for the humaneness.
Perhaps it is useless to speculate like
this. But it is exciting that this conscious
step has been taken to democratize the
administration of the University. Even if
the decision is nothing but a test case,
simply running the experiment is worth
+h^ li+ho hit of ,the resdeiadl colege

modern languages and mathe-
AS PART of President Johnson's
massive war on poverty program,
Congress has approved the Eco-
nomic Opportunities Act. How-
ever, Johnson's proposed budget
for the program was cut by $200
million to $747.5 million. Due to
this drastic cut, it is expected that
the appropriations for the Eco-
nomic Opportunities Act also will
be cut by about 20-25 per cent.
This act, which involves a work
study program, is unique in that
it will not only aid the students
involved, but also will be an in-
strumental part of the whole pov-
erty campaign.
The purpose of the act is to
provide money to students from
low income families, who, with-
out the aid, would be unable to
attend college. But the student
must be working either on or off-
campus to qualify. The student
who is working in his community
on projects to alleviate poverty,
will be given preference.
However, it is possible to hold
a campus job and still receive
A PROBLEM arises in deciding
what is a "low income" family.
Speculations are circulating that
a family of four with an annual
income of $3000 will be considered
a "low income" family. Or "low in-
come" may be considered $4000
"Dueto the limitations on in-
come, we do not know how many
students at the University will
be eligible for aid under this bill.
However, we are in the process
of forming a proposal which
would benefit as many students as
possible and we will definitely
Bad Bill,
Fine Group
LAST NIGHT in Rackham Audi-
torium the Societa Corelli
opened the Second Annual Cham-
ber Arts Festival of the University
Musical Society with a concert of
seventeenth- and eighteenth-cen-
tury Italian music for string in-
struments. They played to a large
and enthusiastic audience. The
program included concertos by
Corelli, the Society's namesake,
Vivaldi, Geminiani, Locatelli and
Bocherini; and a sonata by Ros-
The Societa Corelli is a small
orchestra of a dozen string play-
ers and continuo (played on
piano),dundernthe leadership of
cellist Silvano Zuccarini. They all
play very well, and quite indi-
vidually. The group is entirely
successful in presenting the co-
bination of soloistic playing with-
in an ensemble, which is the es-
sence of the concerto grosso style.
IT WAS, in short, a pleasant
concert. Pleasant, but featureless.
Much of the music was so very
bland as to be thought-provoking:
Here was a large, paying audience
giving its careful attention to one
piece after another of what might
be described in Satie's phrase as
"musique de meuble"-"furniture
music," all of it played with care
and spirit by a group whose talent
far outran the technical demands
of the music.
Each of the compositions did
recommend itself in one way or
another, however. I found the
Boccherinal Concerto in C ma-
jor (not in D major, as announc-
ed) to be an intriguing combina-
tion of classical solo concert and
Baroque concerto grosso styles.
The Rossini sonata, which had a
charming finale, featured the bass
in some rather strange solos. And
so on.
Granted that this was a fine

performance of little-heard music,
it still seems that people will flock
to a concert if they have to pay,
and once there, they are very
strongly inclined to enjoy them-
selves, whether they have heard
anything to speak of or not.
-David Sutherland

continue to investigate," James
A. Lewis, Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs, said.
The act further stipulates that
any off-campus job m~ust be re-
lated to the student's academic
program, his vocatioal goals or
be in the public interest as re-
lated to the poverty campaign.
It is expected that the average
undergraduate who works 15 hours
a week will receive $500 for the
school year. If an undergraduate
works during the summer for 40
hours a week, he wil receive $1000.
Graduate payment will be twice
the amount paid to undergrad-
S . * .
gress, through the Departments
of Labor and Health, Education
and Welfare, passed the Higher
Education Facilities Act, which
provides $463 million for the fis-
cal year 1965 to be administered
by the Departments of Labor and
Health, Education and Welfare. It
is this act which provides the
means whereby the University
could receive funds for the ad-
dition to the General Library.
Congress appropriated $60 mil-
lion dollars for the construction
of facilities for graduate schools.
Planners of the addition to the
General Library have estimated
that they will require $1.5 million
of this amount for their project.
However, it is not yet known
when the money will be available.
The law requires that an advisory
commission be appointed to air
the Commissioner of Education
in establishing the criteria for
distributing the money. At pres-
ent, University officials await the
the appointment of the commis-
sion before they apply for funds.
Under another title of this en-
actment $463 million is available
for construction of undergraduate
facilities. This money, however,
will be distributed by the state
commissions of education rather
than by the federal government.
The state of Michigan will receive
approximately $10 million.
One has only to walk into any
University dormitory or classroom
to realize that this money is
urgently needed.
* * *
THE FAILURE to pass the
amendments to the-Social Secur-
ity Act was due mainly to the
controversy raging around the
health care to the aged program.
If it had passed, the bill would
have provided $175 million to stu-
dents between the ages of 18 and
22 whose fathers are disabled or
dead. This expands the present
program whereby widows or wom-
en whose husbands are disabled
receive money for each child under
the age of 18.
It was expected that about $0
a month would be received for
each child between the ages of
18 and 21. However, as the pay-
ments are based onrthe income of
the husband before he stopped
working, between 800 and 1200
University students would have
received $80 a month.
THE PROBLEM which ultimate-
ly led to its failure to pass, arose
from the fact that the Senate
version of the bill contained the
Health Care for the Aged program.
The House version did not. There-
fore, a conference committee had
to be formed to carve out a com-
promise. The committee failed to
do this before the close of this
session of Congress. It is now hop-
ed that the bill will be brought up
again next year.
Referring to the National De-
fense Education Act, President
Johnson called the act "one of
the finest works of this very fine
year." This statement can be ex-
panded to include the Economic
Opportunities Act and the Higher
Education Facilities Act. All three
acts provide vast sums of money
desperately needed in higher edu-
The 88th session of Congress

has snapped the federal govern-
ment out of its apathy in the
field of higher education. Hope-
fully future sessions of Congress
will continue this trend. First on
the agenda for the next session
ought to be the Social Security
extension bill.


Rebutting the MacNeal Letter

To the Editor:
to Kenneth Winter's sane and.
well-done editorial on the ramifi-
cations of possible hereditary dif-
ferences in intelligence between
the races is a Pandora's box of
over-simplification and ignorance.
Her comments can be dismissed
in either one of two ways. The
first is to assume her conclusion
about rationality to be true. Hence,
if rationality does not necessarily
produce desirable or valid results,
then every one of her arguments
can be thrown out the window
with gusto, for they are all de-
rived rationally. Even her basic
tenant (that rationality is not
particularly virtuous) is derived
in a supposedly rational fashion,
and is therefore self-invalidating.
THE SECOND (and by far most
effective) way of dismissing Miss
MacNeal's arguments is to show
the faults in her reasoning (and
let us assume for the moment,
Miss MacNeal, that rationality
can point to and distinguish ir'-
rationality). To claim, for ex-
ample, that the invention of nu-
clear weapons demonstrates aneg-
ative function of rationality is
pure denial of reality. The de-
velopment of nuclear weapons has
led to investigations into the
peaceful uses of atomic energy.
Nuclear fission is the same
whether in a bomb or in the re-
actor at the Phoenix Project, and
the men who developed the first
atomic bomb are also directly re-
sponsible for the first system of
nuclear-generated electric power.
Second, Miss MacNeal's assump-
tion that irrationality is some-
times reinforced by society (as
in the case of the artist) is patent-
ly false. After all, whats do we
appreciate in Beethoven-his imn-
pudence, courseness, slovenliness?

race problem. I suppose because
she wrote her letter, Miss MacNeal
has some humanitarian goal in
mind. This is laudable, but her
methods are not, for she her-
self cannot support them ration-
What it all boils down to is that
good, old - fashioned individual
productivity still counts in this
world. And as far as rewarding
nonproductivi ty goes (as Miss
MacNeal proposes to do), we know
very well what happens in nature
when mediocrity and inferiority
are encouraged by artificial means
-natural selection cannot oper-
ate, and the race (whether hu-
man, as in the case of the Amish
who are now deteriorating gen-
etically because of their inbreed-
ing-inbreeding which encourages
perpetuation and amplification of
inferior traits, or sub-human)-
the race suffers and deteriorates.
The only answer is to take each
person on his merits (regardless

of race) and reward him accord-
object is Miss MacNeal's use of
the word conservative. I must con-
fess that neither I nor any of my
conservative friends entertains at-
titudes or ideas which reflect those
attributed to "the conservative"
by Miss MacNeal, who constantly
paints the conservative position
as one which assumes Negro in-
feriority. If Miss MacNeal can
point to any legitimate conserva-
tives who assume such a position,
I will be delighted to listen.
-David Andrew, '65
Letters Policy
Letters to the editor must be
typewritten, doublespaced a n d
signed. They should not exceed
300 words. The Daily reserves the
right to edit or withhold all

Fine Production Despite Set Problems

PA'S "MAN AND SUPERMAN," like last year's production of Piran-
Adello's "Right You Are," demonstrates once again that this com-
pany is happiest with plays whose dramatic life depends above all on
the knowing exploitation of the picture-frame stage, on its realistic
conventions of characterization, speech, and setting, and on its
incongruously unreal conventions of well-tailored plotting.
In his later plays in particular, Shaw is a master of the
hilariously inconsequential plot presented in settings of extraordinarily
realistic detail. The essence of his comedy, however, is perhaps to
be found in his characters, almost all of whom are so unswervingly
and boisterously what they think they are, and that, as Shaw
demonstrates, is so theatrical and so un-human-or, from another
point, all too-human.
* * * *
THIS PRODUCTION is excellent. The direction is well-paced,
witty and elegant, and the performances are almost uniformly very
good indeed. It is true that the play sets problems that are not
altovether snoved.o instance simnle economics probably prevents

the "Life-Force" business. One laughs with relieved agreement when
Anne tells Tanner that it sounds rather like the life-guards. When
Shaw became a preacher, he stopped being a dramatist. The trouble
with the Life-Force is not that it is out-of-date, but that it is
undramatic. Shaw committed the unpardonable sin of bringing on
his stage a bit of irreducible reality, and every time Tanner uses
the phrase, it is just as if he had spat real spit, or slept a real
sleep. It is embarrassing.
With this production, however, one does not want to dwell
upon failings. The last act is a triumph, and probably represents the
standard that the whole production will soon arrive at. With inelegan-
cies of costuming over and done with for Miss Marchand in particular
(whose first act costume is no help to her), and with staging problems
over for everyone, the play ends quite superbly. Ronald Bishop is
absolutely right for old Malone. Clayton Corzatte stops looking and
sounding like Brer Rabbit, and comes to vivid comic life. Donald
Moffat has fixed Octavious in my mind's eye for a long time to
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