PAGE TWO TUF 1 ICH IC A N ne Tir.v ...E TW Ul' 12 U~ri. 14[E1. 1'11 1tHL T fr~~~~~~~u. lY hU 'I tt ' R I".... . WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1964 4ยข ACROSS CAMPUS: Van Buren, Jackson, Scanlan To Speak at 'U' Today Sweet Develops Methods Union Plans For Teaching of Latin To Dedicate WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28 9:30-11:30 a.m. - Paul van Buren, professor of theology at Temple University, will be in the Michigan Union Grill to talk in- formally with interested students, faculty and staff. 11 a.m.-Eugene Jackson of the General Motors research labora- tories will speak on "The Chal- lenges of Special Librarianship" in the Multipurpose Rm. of the UGLI. 3:30 p.m.-George T. Scanlan, senior fellow of the American Research Center in Egypt, will speak on the excavations at Fustat, an Islamic medieval capital, in Architecture Aud. 4:10 p.m.-Paul van Buren, pro- fessor of theology at Temple Uni- versity, will speak on "The Chal- lenge of Contemporary to Tra- ditional Theology: The Challenge of Clarity". in the Multipurpose Rm. of the UGLI. 7:30 p.m.-The International Students Association will present a discussion led by Prof. Norma Diamond of the anthropology de- partment and the Center for Chinese Studies on "Are You Aware: China-Of Its Role in Today's World?" in the Multi- Purpose Rm. of the UGLI. 8 p.m.-The PTP will present the APA in the premiere perform- ance of George Bernard Shaw's "Man and Superman" in Mendel- ssohn Theatre. 8 p.m.-Paul van Buren, profes- sor of theology at Temple Univer- sity, will engage in a dialogue with Fr. John Harden, S. J., of Western Michigan University on the topic "Recent Developments in Catholic Theology" at the Newman Center. 8:30 p.m:--Societa Corelli will perform in a Chamber Arts Series Concert in Rackham Aud. THURSDAY, OCT. 29 9:30-7:30 a.m.-Paul van Buren, professor of theology at Temple University, will be in the Michigan Union Grill. 2:15 p.m.-J. C. R. Licklider of International Business Machine laboratories will speak on "Man and Computer Interaction" in Rm. 1057 of the Mental Health Re- search Institute Bldg. 4 p.m.-Prof. H. F. Schurmann of the University of California at Berkley will speak on "How to Survive and Prepare for the Fu- ture: Reflections on Communist China Today" in Rm. 200, Lane Hail. 4:10 p.m.-Paul van Buren, pro- 7:30 p.m.-Prof. Horace Dewey, acting director of the Center for Russian Studies, will moderate al panel discussion on "The Changel in Soviet Leadership" in the Mich- igan Rm. of the Women's League. Participating in the panel will be Marian Low and Prof. Alfred Levin, both of the history depart- ment, Prof. William Medlin of the education school and William Zimmerman of the political science department. 7:30 p.m.-The International Students Association will present a discussion led by Prof. William Gable of the political science de- partment and associate director of the Institute of Public Admin- istration on "Are You Aware: China-Of Its People on Campus?" in the Multi-Purpose Rm. of the UGLI. 8 p.m.-The PTP will present the APA in George Bernard Shaw's "Man and Superman" in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. 8 p.m.-Young Citizens for Johnson rally featuring Josh White and Eric Goldman, special assistant to President Johnson, will be held in the Ann Arbor High School Aud. (Continued from Page 1) one recitation in an hour. With programmed learning, a bright student can make 200 or more re- citations per hour, he points out. No Embarrassment Using such a program, the sen- sitive student is not exposed to public embarrassment when he makes an error. A good program is not boring, says Sweet. It seems very personal to the student, yet is actually very impartial in its testing. Also, the better the program, the simpler it looks. Sweet believes that the purpose of programmed learning, in gen- eral, should be not to replace an instructor, but to free him from all drill routine work. 400 Students So far, about 400 students of all ages have been experimentally ex- posed to programmed learning in Latin. Sweet says that graduate students have been just as en- thusiastic about the program as eighth graders. Sweet also says that Prof. Er- win M. Hamson, acting director of the Language Laboratory, has found that the morale of students learning Latin through the pro- gram is remarkably high-all the n Rtgu1 students have the feeling they can' hi dEli do the work. 400 Level The Michigan Union is plan- One semester ago, Sweet said, ning to dedicate the third room he had four students who took 'in the MUG to alumni. elementary Latin using the pro- The dedication is scheduled for gram and were able to go into next month after redecorating has graduate courses in the 400 level been completed. for their second semester of Latin. The Union's intentions in dedi- However, these students had eating the room to alumni is to both ability and previous exper- spur alumni interest in the Un- ience with foreign languages, he ion, Wilmm Mrek, '7 member added. "I cannot make too many ion, William Mrozek, '7, member claims yet for wild miracles," of the Union's University Affairs Sweet said. Committee, said. Next fall, the University will''The Union's University Affairs have introductory courses in Latin Committee, which is in charge of under the programmed learning the redecoration, is asking alumni system on a regular basis. to submit any plaques or pictures In the future, Sweet intends to te Uversity which coul be pUt smooth out various minor prob- on the walls. lems in the system as they are theti rm e lh discovered. He plans to develop The third roomt presently has the system to the point where carved table tops on the walls. there are more variations in the Further plans, including changes program, so that a student will in lighting, have not yet been de- have wider freedom of choice as termined. to whether he may skip a section The Union is planning a grand or choose to do more work on one opening for the dedication and facet of study. may include discounts and pries , Sweet hopes to be able to de- Mrozek said. velop a complete, four-year course The first and second rooms of of study in Latin, using the pro- the MUG were remodeled in pre- grammed learning system. vious programs. RICHARD WOODS AND ELLIS RABB confront Nancy March- and in George Bernard Shaw's "Man and Superman" which opens tonight as the fourth play of the APA repertory season presented by the PTP. fessor of theology at Temple Uni- versity, will speak on "The Chal- lenge of Contemporary to Tra- ditional Theology: The Challenge of Security" in the Multipurpose Rm. of the UGLI. 7 p.m.-Richard C. Jelineck of Hospital Administration of the In- dustrial engineering department will speak on "Nursing: The De- velopment of an Activity Model" in Rm. 70, Business Administration Bldg. 7 and 9 p.m.--Cinema Guild will p r e s e n t Somerset Maugham's "Rain" in the Architecture Aud. DAILY OFFICIAL. BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan, for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor. ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TVPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m., of the day preceding publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on Request; Day Calendar items appear once only. Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 Day" Calendar Short Course for Assessing Officers -Rackham Lecture Hall, 9 a.m. School of Public Health Conferences on Coordinated Home Care-3042 School of Public Health, 9 a.m. Dept. of Library Science and Special Libraries Association John oCtton Dana Lecture-Eugene B. Jackson, Research Laboratories, General Motors Corp., "The Challenges of Special Librarian- ship": Multipurpose Room, Undergrad- uate Library, 11 a.m. 9:30.11:30 a.m.: Paul M. van Buren, associate professor of theology, Tem- ple University, will be in the MUG of the Michigan Union to talk in- formally with University students, fac- ilty and staff. 1:30-3 p.m.: Paul M. van Buren, as- sociate professor of Theology, Temple University, will engage interested stu- dents and faculty in seminar. Call 764- 7442 for details. Office of Religious Affairs Lecture -- Paul van Buren, theologian, Temple University. "The Challenge of Contem- porary to Traditional Theology: The Challenge of Clarity": Multipurpose Room, Undergraduate Library, 4:10 p.m. Office of Religious Affairs and New- man Club Dialogue-Paul van Buren, theologian, Temple University, and Fr. John Harden, S.J., Western Michigan University, "Revent Developments in Catholic Theology": Newman Center, 8 pm. Chamber Arts Series Concert-Societa Corelli: Rackham Aud., 8:30 p.m. Professional Theatre Program - APA Repertory Company in George Bernard Shaw's "Man and Superman": Mendels- sohn Theatre,8 p.m. Lecture: The Dept. of Economics and the Economics Society will sponsor- Prof. Robert Triffin who will pre- sent, t"From Waterloo to Tokyo and After: The Evolution of the Interna- tional Monetary System," on Wed., Oct. 28, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Dept. of Architecture Illustrated Lec- ture: George T. Scanlan, American Re- search Center in Egypt, "Excavations of Fustat": Architecture Aud., Wed.. Oct. 28, 3:30 p.m. Lecture: On Wed., Oct. 28, Miss Nor- ma Diamond from the University An- thropology department will speak at 7:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the Undergraduate Library. Wesleyan Guild: Wesley Grads, Pine Room, Wesley Foundation, State & Huron, 6 p.m., Wed., Oct. 28. Dinner, followed by going as a group to visit the Newman Club. Sociology Colloquium: The Dept. of Sociology and the Inst. of Social Re- search are co-sponsoring Dr. Alexander Szalai, Budapent, Hungary, "Survey Research in Eastern Europe," on Wed., Oct. 28, 4:15 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. General Notices Film: There will be a 30-minute film on the analogue computer and its ap- plication to differential equations on Thurs., Oct. 29, at 4:15 and also 5:15 p.m. in Aud. B, Angell Hall. The film was made at the University with 'stars" Prof. Howe of Aeronautical Engineer- ing and Prof. Kaplan of the Mathe- matics Department. Recreational Leadership: This- course is designed to prepare individuals for leadership roles as camp counselors, playground leaders, and youth group leaders. Meets next term on Fridays at 3 p.i. at the Women's Athletic Bldg. and involves an internship in a com- munity agency. Applications may be ob- tained in Room 15, Barbour Gym, and must be returned by Nov. 18. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics: Roger Wright will speak on "Linear Relations Among Variables Observed with Error," at 4 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 29, in 3201 Angell Hall. Sports and Dance-Women: WomenI students who have completed the physi- cal education requirement who wish to register electively may do so in 4r- bour Gymnasium (Main Floor) on Thurs. and Fri., Oct. 29 and 30. Regis- tration hours are 8 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Doctoral Examination for Franz Eu- gene Huber, Education; thesis: "A Study of Academic Achievers, and Non-Achiev- ers among Severely Disturbed In-Pa- tient Children," Thurs., Oct. 29, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 13 p.m. Chairman, W. C. Morse. Doctoral Examination for Ernest Sid- nyLis Goodwin, Business Adminis- tration; thesi5: "The Structure of Or- ganization," Wed., Oct. 28, 816 Bus. Ad., at 3 p.m. Chairman, F. G. Moore. Final Payment of Fall Semester Fees is due and payable on or befors Oct. 30, 1964. If fees are not paid by this date: 1) A $10.00 delinqtlent penalty will be charged. 2) A "Hold Credit" will be placed against you. This means that until pay- ment is received and "Hold Credit" is cancelled: (1) Grades will not be mailed. (2) Transcripts will not be furnished. (3) You may not register for future semesters. (4) A senior may not graduate with his class at the close of the current semester. 3) The Dean of your school or college will be given a list of delinquent ac- counts. Payments may be made in person, or mailed to the Cashier's Office, 1015 Ad- ministration Bldg., before 4:30 p.m., Oct'. 30, 1964. Mail Payments postmarked after due date, Oct. 30, 1964, are late and subject to penalty. Identify mail payment &s tuition and show student number and name. Applied Mathematics Seminar: Thurs., Oct. 29, 4 p.m., Prof. William Root, De- partment of Aeronautical Engineering, will speak on "Channel Measurement or Identification in Communication Theory," Room 246 W. Engrg. Coffee 3:30 p.m., 350 W. Engrg. National Teacher Examinations: Ap- plication blanks are available for the National Teacher Examinations tests to be held during 1964-65. They may be picked up in Room 122 Rackham Bldg. The first administration of the test will be on Sat., Dec. 12, 1964, and ap- plications must be received in Prince- ton, N.J., by Nov. 27, 1964. Joint Judiciary Council: Petitioning begins Oct. 16. 1964 for five student members of the Joint Judiciary Coun- cil. Deadline date, Oct. 30, 1964. Inter- viewing time and place will be an- nounced at a later date. Petitions are available in Room 1011 SAB. Recreational Open Hours: Barbour Gymnasium will be open from 7-9 on Tuesday evenings for recreational use of the equipment and facilities by women students. Next Week: "The Imaginary Invalid" by Moliere, as translated by England's distinguished actor-playwright Miles Malleson, opens in Trueblood Aud. for a four night stand. Opening night will be Wed., Nov. 2; it will close Sat., Nov. 7. "Invalid" is produced by the University of Michigan Players of the Dept. of Speech. Box office open daily 12:30-5 p.m. starting Nov. 2, or mail orders to University of Michigan Play- ers, Dept. of Speech, Ann Arbor. Tickets $1.50 and 1.00 for the Wed. and Thurs. performances, 1.25 Fri. and Sat. Curtain rises at 8 p.m. nightly. An original play, "The Peacemaker," by Carl Oglesby, will follow "Invalid" in Trueblood Aud., Dec. 2-5. ORGANIZATION NOTICES Center for Chinese Studies: Will spon- ANNOUNCEMENT: tions in marketing & sales located sor Prof. H. F. Schurmann, University T. N. Burns of the Baxter Labora- throughout U.S. of California on, "How to Survive and tories, Inc., will be at the School of FRI., NOV. 6- Prepare for the Future: Reflections on Bus. Admin. to interview students ma- Aetna Casualty & Surety Co., Detroit Communist China Today," Thurs., Oct. Lring in Biochem., Chem., Lib,. Arts, -Seeking majors in many areas of 29, 4:10 p.m., Room 200, Lane Hall. Lib. Sol., and Psych, for territorial study. Positions include Insurance, sales. If you are interested, please Home Office and Claims. Botany Seminar: Will present Dr. make appt. with Mrs. Holt, Rm. 254Hd Margaret B. Davis, on "Ecological Im- Bus. Ad. Bldg. POSITION OPENINGS: plications of Pollen Accumulation PLACEiMENT INTERVIEWS, Bureau of City of St. Paul, Minn.-Director of Rates," Thurs., Oct. 29, 4:15 p.m., 1139 Appointments-Seniors & grad students. City Planning. MA in City Planning Nat. Sci. Bldg. please call 764-7460 for appointments plus 8 yrs. profess, exper. A:with the following: For further information, please call Aquatic Leadership: Applications may WED., NOV. 4- 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap- be made in Room 15, Barbour Gym, for State Farm Insurance Co., Marshall, (Continued ors Page 3) this course which gives instruction in Mich.-Degree in any field for posi- teaching Synchronized Swimming, Coin- tions in Elec. Computing, Insurance petrditiv ng.eTSwimming and Spring- (Home Office & claims) and Mgmt. board Diving. This course is for women Trng. Locations throughout U.S.Br students and will meet next term on THURS., NOV. 5- hu Tues. and Thurs. 1-1:50 p.m. at the Department of the Navy (Admin. Of- A Women's Pool. Applications are due by fie), Wash., D.C.-Management Post- DIAL 8-6416 Nov. 18. tions available through FSEE & Mgmt. ENDING TONIGHT Regents Meeting: Fri., No-. 20. Com- Intern Program. Group interviews held munications for consideration at this on the hour. Lib. Arts degree, bkgd. meeting must be in the President's in Econ. & Poli. Sol. Next FSEE given hands not later than Nov. 6. Jan. 16. Filing deadline Dec. 17. Ap- plications available at Bureau of Ap- } Lf'tG1apointments. I lltf llQ Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co., Los --TE NEW YORK TIMES Angeles, Calif.-Majors in Econ., Lib TEACHER PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Arts, Hist., Math, Philos., Poli. Sol., for The following schools will he inter- positions in Mgmt. Trng.. Personnel viewing candidates available next se- a Investments, Insurance (home office) mester at the Bureau of Appointments and Sales (p.m. only). the week of Nov. 2. Detroit Civil Service - Positions in TUES., NOV. 3- Elec. Computing, Botany, Mgmt. Trng., w Royal Oak, Mich.-Elcm,; Elem. Vo- Personnel, Pub. Admin., Pub. Rel., Pur- cal; Speech Corr.; H.S. Girls PE, H.S. chasing, Recreation, Social Work, Sta- FRIDAY Comm.; Spec. Ed.-MH & Ed.; Chem./ tistics, Transport, Writing. Majors in F A Physics. most fields of study. Both men & wom- Stanton, Mich.-Math. en. Journ., Math, Mat. Resources. Both LESL I E CA RON in ** * men and women. Make appointments now. Scott Paper Co., Philadelphia, Pa. - For additional information and ap- Seeking degree majors in Econ., Engl., pointments contact the Bureau of Ap- Fine Arts, Lib. Arts, Hist., Journ., Philo., pointments, 3200 SAB, 764-7462. Polli. SciSpeech and Chem. for posi-- - TODAY and TOMORROW "The Challenge of Contemporary to Traditional Theology" SContinued!! Use of This Column for Announce- ments is available to officially recog- nized and registered student organi- zations only. Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB. Joint Judiciary Council, Petitioning is to pen forufive student members o'teJoint Judiciary Council. The deadline date, Oct. 30, 1964. Petitions are available in Room 1011 SAB. Le Cercle Francais, Le Baratin, le 29j Oct., le jeudi, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. Newman Student Association, Cath- olic-Protestant Dialogue: Paul van Bur- en and John Harden, S.J., Oct. 28, 8 p.m., 331 Thompson St. University Lutheran Chapel, Midweek Devotion, Oct. 28, 10 p.m., 1511 Washte- naw. University of Michigan Student Em- ployes' Union, special membership meeting, Oct. 29, 7:30 p.m., Room 3D, Michigan Union. Young Democrats, Young Citizens for Johnson Rally: Featured entertainer: Josh White, variety of other enter- tainment. Speaker, Prof. Sric Goldman, special assistant to the President pro-, fessor, Princeton University, Oct. 29, 8 p.m., Ann Arbor High School Aud. International Students Association, Cultural series, China Week, Oct. 28,1 7:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the Undergraduate Library. Speaker: Miss Norma Diamond. 11 'M I i i t i i i t IBOYS! Looking For Something Really BOLD to do Friday Night? Bring Your Date to MVUFIJNW At The UNION Friday, October 30, 8-12 P.M. TODAY AND TOMORROW TWO WONDERFUL COMEDIES RETURN 11 PAUL M. VAN BUREN Author of "The Secular Meaning of The Gospel" WEDNESDAY: (in the MUG all morning; 1:30-3:00 seminar) 4:10 p.m. I1. "The Challenge of Clarity" Multipurpose Room, UGLI JUDy I 8:00 p.m. Van Buren responds to an address by I I YOUR HNORNM gTECHN C0Lr t isl UE. MOLY SARSARA At. COBB-P .RUSH-STJOHN SHOWN AT 1:10-5:10-9:10 SAND COMES AtlIV IN TECHNICOLOV! Shown at 3:10 and 7:10 Only FRIDAY "FATE IS THE HUNTER" Fr. John Harden, S.J., Western Michigan University, on "Recent Developments in Catholic Theology" Newman Center, 331 Thompson Street THURSDAY: (in the MUG all morning; I I1 I 11 n 1 :30-3:00 seminar) 4:10 p.m. Il. "The Challenge of Secularity" Multipurpose Room, UGLI Sponsored by The University of Michigan, Off ite of Religious Affairs OPEN TO ALL UNIVERSITY STUDENTS, FACULTY & STAFF DECEMBER GRADUATES I on Announcements on Sale 'I PREMIERE -OCT. 28, 8 P.M. by George Bernard Shaw D'ireted by Stephen Porter Joseph Bird SRonald Bishop Clayton Corzdtte Paddy Croft Keene Cut s Gerdon Gould Jernnifer H ors~ Rosemary Harris Nancy Marchand Donald Moffat Maul Sparer Ellis Rabb . Joaiina Roes Riehord Woods A Delightful, Witty Battle of the Sexes. Fishbowl 9-3 Daily October 2', 28, 29 iigDll Dial 662-6264 1 IF1 1 I l~ I , t~l IIIIBES1U)t Ili~iflh F Shows Start at 1 :00-3:00-5:00-7:00 & 9:05 I TODAY BLOCK TICKET SALES BEGIN JOINT GLEE CLUB CONCERT ILLINOIS & MICHIGAN I ki.~1 . '7j. "7.fVA -.1 J~ "~t -.I I -. ~ w