PAGE TWO THE MICHIG~AN DlAILY *rtc av nrmnlvv n *n.d TULWAYJI1, JUjLUDL3 Z7,19643 t COLLEGE ROUNDUP: Johnson Wins Mock Election at Harvard ISR Initiates Program To Study Employment III '1 DIAL 662-6264 STARTS WEDNESDAY ENDS TODAY "FAIL SAFE" Shown ot 1-3-5-7 &9:05 a 3 t By KAREN KENAH move: the greater relative growth official stopping the school's in the women's dorms is expected The Institute for Social Re- of the graduate school and the Young Republican Club and Young to be corrected by girls getting search has started an 11 part, 10 CAMBRIDGEeMass. - Harvard tendency toward earlier speciali- Americans for Freedom chapter married, dropping out and mov- year program to study employment University "elected" President zation in the undergraduate years. from selling copies of "None Dare ing home. In the men's dorms fra- status and its effects on the physi- Lyndon B. Johnson by the hugest Should such a development oc- Call It Treason," and "A Texan ternity rush and decisions of some cal and mental health of the in- landslide a candidate has ever cur a student might have the Looks at Lyndon." men to live off-campus will solve dividual, achieved in the near-century-old option of several different degree 'The sale on the books had orig- the problem. The study will be concerned poll taken by the university's E programs with varying time re- inally been blocked on the grounds with health effects of job termina- newspaper for each presidential quirements. that the books were non-univer- EVANSTON, Ill.-A top-ranking tithe mobilty of terlabor election. The trend is a marked departure sity publications. Northwestern University official force and the psychological re- The President received 86.1 per from Yale tradition which has* * * denied a statement indicating actions of the individuals in- cent of the vote in the university kept the undergraduate school TEMPE, Ariz. - Overcrowded members of the freshman class volved to a change in their job as compared to Sen. Barry Gold- strictly apart from the graduate dorm conditions have forced 40 were classified on the basis of I e status and unemployment. water's 13.9 per cent. school. co-eds and approximately 250 men race, color, or creed by the ad- Robert L.Kahn, one of the Three per cent of the Democrats at the University of Arizona to missions department. initial planners of the series stat- voted for Goldwater while 51 per BOULDER, Colo. - Two con- take temporary housing assign- Franklin M. Kreml, university ed the purpose of the study as: cent of the students listing them- servative student political orga- ments until the situation can be vice-president and director of "We are interesued in understand- selves as Republicans voted for nizations were first denied and alleviated, according to director planning and development, said ing the relationships between work Johnson. The President received then granted the right to sell poli- of housing, Edward M. Hickcox. that the practice of coding appli- and health-the effects of trans- 90 per cent of the independent tical information at a booth, in Plans for next year are being cants was definitely not in ef- fers, hiring, and firing-which vote as compared with the 10 the student union at the Univer- made to deal with the problem, feet last year and has not been will help us to make more sense per cent that went to Goldwater. sity of Colorado. in the form of two additional halls used in the recent past. He spoke of the way people react to, and * * * Dean of Men and student un- for men and the conversion of in reply'to an accusation that the are affected by, changes in their NEW HAVEN, Conn.-Informed ion director James Quigley said it one old hall for men into a hall system had not been abandoned employment stalus. sources suggest that the day is was a "misunderstanding" that for women, until after the acceptance of the The project is being run by the coming when Yale College will had originally led to a university Hickcox said that the situation current freshman class, researchers of the Institute's merge into the graduate school, ; ____-______-Mental Health in Industry Pro- making the four -year student a gram and will utilize government thing of the past. agencies, private foundations, in- Two trends for eshadow such a dustry and labor organizations to ._______________ make its findings. The study isl ," ." : , : $ being financed by a five-year grant of $398,000 from the U.S. A crossPublic Health Service. Dr. Sidney Cobb, an epidemiol- Campusogist in the school of public health and George ti Brooks, an ISR ;