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October 27, 1964 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-27

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City Halts Permit
ONf ew Building
Property Owners Charge Violation
Of State, Local Building Standards
Ann Arbor's Building and Safety Engineering Department tem-
porarily withdrew yesterday the building permit for the 18-story
apartment building now under construction on South University.
The reason given for declaring the permit "in abeyance" was that
the proposed building would allegedly have had only a 20 foot wide
court. State housing laws require a court at least 33 feet wide. This
declaration has had no effect on current construction, as present
work-on foundations only--has been approved under a separate
"foundations permit."
The building permit was withheld after members of the newly-
formed Ann Arbor Property-Owners Association notified the city

State Enrollment: Issues Beyond Numbers

Special To The Daily
PLYMOUTH-It sounds like the same old story.
Armed with alarming enrollment statistics and bleak financial
statements, the state-supported schools enter their annual fund
plea to the Michigan Legislature for greater financial support.
The tax-supported institutions seek over $175 million to pay
for operations and more than $50 million to construct buildings.
But there is a difference from other years. This fall, the
enrollment projections of a "baby boom" have .turned into very
real students: 132;000 of them swamped the state school campuses
this fall, a leading state educator reports.
Voluntary Organization
He is Warren Huff of Plymouth, chairman of the Michigan
Co-ordinating Council for Public Higher Education, the state's
most prominent voluntary organization of tax-supported colleges
and universities. He is also a trustee of Michigan State University.
Huff is wielding revisions of the birth and enrollment sta-
tistics which educators waved at the Legislature during the de-
pression years for Michigan higher education-the late fifties.
In that period budgets sagged. The 10 state schools were getting
around $80 million.
The Legislature broke out of its apathy towards education in
the early sixties, increasing appropriations about $10 million each
year. This spring the figure jumped by $21 million to $131
million, of which the University gets $44 million.
But Huff, viewing the one good fund year in a perspective of
many skimpy ones, remains convinced that higher education re-
quires greater support.

First, he says, look at the underestimation of the population
'The trouble with educators is that we just don't have the
courage of our convictions. We have drawn up the enrollment
figures, but somehow we just don't believe them," he says.
In 1963, institution officials gave these overall enrollment
projections for the ten schools:
Fall of 1963-116,000
Fall of 1964-126,000
Fall of 1965-136,000
Now only one year later, here is a revision of the figures:
Fall of 1963-123,000 (actual)
Fall of 1.964-132,000 (actual)
Fall of 1965-145,000 (projection
Exceeding Expectations
The enrollment trends, exceeding all expectations, only under-
score, his next point: "Not only are there more eligible students
than we thought, but there are more of them actually attending
college," he explains.
Currently, 40 out of every one hundred college-age students
are in a higher institution in this state. There are about 400,000
in the college-age bracket of 18-24.
By 1970, fifty out of one hundred will be attending college.
At that time, 667,000 students in the state will be of college age.
"How can we expect to double our enrollments in six
years," he asks. "Can you picture the University or Michigan
State University with 60,000 students.
If the statistics aren't alarming, Huff foresees another pres-
sure, harder to distinguish, on the schools. This is what he

calls "the explosion of knowledge."
With the university becoming much more complex, he explains,
the facilities and teachers necessary to instruct students must
be more complex and expensive themselves.
"We need to begin planning now to, double our libraries,
extend medical education and construct more laboratories aW
classrooms. We should be planning for the students born in tyre
early fifties, not find ourselves incapacitated by the students of
the forties."
Least Expensive
In the long run, education is. the least expensive of the
alternatives; it will still cost money, Huff says. He presents a
series of expansive programs which he thinks the state should
-Massive state scholarship programs geared to encouraging
the disadvantaged and untrained high school student to pull
himself off relief;
-Community college bonstruction which would morg than
double the 18 two-year institutions which currently exist. "Detroit
alone could use six tomorrow," he emphasizes;
-The floating of a $350 million bond issue to be used for
construction of public and private higher educational facilities
with special emphasis on classrooms; laboratories, libraries and
faculty offices; and
-Substantial increases of the state-school appropriation for
operations so that the schools can "effectively" compete with other
institutions and industry for top-notch faculty.
"There has never been a time when the university stands
at the center of society as it does today," Huff observes. "Our
society can afford to support it properly."



" Inspectors,
Not Evictors
--L areom
City Administrator Guy C. Lar.
corn explained to City Council last
night that the primary function
of the city building inspector is
to improve housing conditions, not
to "evict as many people as he
He went on to explain that de-
ficiencies found by building in-
spectors cannot always be reme-
died in 30-90 days-the time limit
after which families involved are
taken to court or evicted.
He noted that often families are
hampered by financial difficulties
or unavailability of repairmen at
reasonable prices. His explanations
were in response to recent com-
plaints at council about alleged
lax enforcement of housing codes.
To remedy inadequacies, Larcom
asked the council to approve the
hiring of two more building in-
spectors, bringing the total city
staff to 16. Since last night's
council session was. a non-voting
one, council will consider the pro-
posal next week.
Larcom termed the present staff
"inadequate" to do the job de-
manded by council. He said that
the two extra inspectors could
eliminate the backlog of repeat
inspections within six to twelve
months. At that time he would re-
evaluate. the number of inspectors
needed to stay abreast of Ann
Arbor's growth. He added that
the growth of Ann Arbor and of
the University enrollment increas-
ed the importance of maintain-
ing the building codes.
Councilman LeRoy A. Cappaert
suggested that they establish a
Housing Appeals Board, to take
into consideration the factors'
pointed out by Larcom. The job
of the building inspector is not to
make' judgments, but just to de-
termine whether a building is sub-
standard, he added.
Larcom countered that building
inspectors had to use their discre-
tion when making their inspec-
tions, that they were "not just a
human machine." %
Cappaert also suggested that the
tenants and not just the owners'
of a house be notified that they
are living in substandard housing.
He explained that they might want
to move out if they knew the
condition of the house was en-
dangering the lives of the family.
'U' Jazz Band
Tco Make Tour'
The University Jazz Band, an
18-member student group, will tour
13 countries in Central America
and the Caribbean next year as
part of the Cultural Presentations
Program of the Department of
State,.it was announced Sunday.

building and safety department.
that they had information that
the apartment building would
break state building codes as well
as one local regulation.
Notification of these potential
violations was allegedly given the
city "several weeks" prior to the
date when it issued the permit for
the building. The POA pressed its
claims, however, and this resulted
in yesterday's declaration.
Officials of the POA baid that
"there is no question but that
what the apartment building,.
which we would like to see go up,
will be built. We merely want it
revised to conform to 'the letter
of . . . the housing law of the
state of Michigan."'
Robert E. Weaver, of R. E.
Weaver Co. Inc., the local firm
development the apartment build-
ing in partnership with Towne
Realty Inc. of Milwaukee, noted
that this action was merely a
technical delay, one that would
not slow up construction. He said
that present work could continue
under the foundations permit and
that by the time workers had gone
far enough to need a building per-
mit, the permit problems would be
ironed out.
Several Weeks
"We haveknownkabout this
issue for several weeks and
weren't too surprised when it
arose," he said. He added that the
technicality which led to the dec-
laration was merely one of what
interpretation would be applied to
state building codes. "Our opposi-
tion has their interpretation and
we have ours. We will be taking
legal steps to present our inter-
pretation to the city in the near
future, he said.
Weaver noted that he was puz-
zled by the fact that the POA had
chosen this apartment building to
object to, considering the "many
other buildings in the area" which
do not come up to the technicali-
ties of state building codes.
Sources in wthe POA on& replied
that this building was one in
which they had a "particular in-
The apartment building has
been the center of controversy
ever since students and citizens
became aware of its construction.
Original opposition came from
groups who feared that parking
and traffic problems posed by the
influx of roomers to the South
University ,area would be greater
than facilities could stand.
This area of oppostion was
quieted somewhat when Towne
Realty last week offered to build
a parking structure to serve the
building at their own expense.
Russia Appeal


dtr ieau
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom



Johnson, Goldwater
Trade Accusations
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - Republican Presidential candidateJ Sen. Barry
Goldwater flailed away at President Lyndon B. Johnson at
a roaring partisan Madison Square Garden ,rally last night, but
Johnson struck right back in a whirlwind tour of Florida and of
Georgia, the state that is probably safest for the Democrats this fall.
At Madison Square Garden, Goldwater received the wildest ova-
tion of his campaign as he accused Johnson of "political 'daddyism"
to the delight of the Goldwaterites.
Goldwater characterized Johnson as a President "of arrogance"
and "too much power," suggesting "his power has gone right to his
head. "
To the jam packed crowd estimated at more than 18,000, Gold-
water called again for "freedom to associate and freedom not to
associate." He deplored the busing of school children just to get
"what some bureaucrat" thinks
is an ethnic balance.
No Show
Neither Sen. Kenneth B. Keat-
{:ing nor Gov. Nelson Rockefeller,
* :.two of the state's ranking' GOP
officials attended. They were in
Albany where Keating was cam-.
paigning for reelection, running
sRon a platform which refused to
recognize Goldwater.
Goldwater called busing a viola-
tion of the Bill of Rights. He
touched on the Bill of Rights as a
fundamental document.
In his tour of Florida and
Georgia, Johnson countered that
Goldwater is responsible for "wild
and impulsive statements," and
for "the most radical proposals
ever made to the American
f4Peace, Prosperity
At Jacksonville, Johnson hit
SEN. BARRY GOLDWATER hard on his campaign themes of
peace, prosperity and national
s for~w U nity"The policies of peace we follow
today are the consistent policies of


Labor Government



--Associatea rress
and Secretary of State Dean Rusk, discussing policies which will insure maximum cooperation be-
tween Britain and the United States. Great Britain yesterday enacted temporary economic meas-
ures limiting her imports. U.S. officials, who had been expecting such a move because of Britain's
poor economic situation noted it would give Britain time to enact realistic remedial programs.
Tax Temporary, Rusk, Assured

Extra Tax
Hits Half 'of
U.S. Goods
News Leaders Act
To Close Trade Gap,
Revitalize Economy
By The Associated Press
LONDON-Nearly half the goods
the United States exports to Brit-
ain are subject to a new 15 per
cent surcharge on imports start-
ing today. Prime Minister Harold
Wilson's Labor government is im-
posing'it in a crash action to curb
overseas spending and boost Brit-
ish earnings.
The 15 per cent levy, described
as temporary, is on the landed
value of 'all imports except food,
industrial raw materials and raw
tobacco. The landed value is the
basic cost plus insurance and
The levy, announced yesterday,
is being coupled with tax rebates
for exporters ranging from 1 to 3
per cent..
The surcharge on imports will
affect all Britain's trading part-
ners but will hit hardest at Brit-
ain's strongest competitors. Thus
only 13 per cent of imports from
Commonwealth countries such as
Canada will be affected, because
Britain gets mainly food, raw ma-
terials and tobacco from them.
Two Aims
The government's new economic
program has two overriding aims:
-In the short term, to close
the nation's yawning trade gap. By.
the end of this year, experts esti-
mate, Britain will have spent be
tween' $2 billion andv$2.2 billion
more abroad than she will have
-In the long term, to allow the
nation's economy to expand while
eliminating waste and extrava-
gance in sectors considered nones-
Initial reactions to the meas-
ures in the London stock and cur-
rency markets and in some world
capitals were favorable. But tit-
for-tat measures' were considered
possible among nations selling to
Other emergency measures set
forth in a white paper include
moves to step up productivity, use
of Britain's standby credit nt the
International Monetary Fund up
to a billion-dollar ceiling and a
strict review of all government
spending, particularly on "pres-
tige projects."
Denies Charges
In a nationwide television talk,
Wilson denied charges that his
government was in favor of in-
creased trade barriers. He said:
"These are temporary measures
and it must be made absolutely
clear that they are not protection-

Among East Europeans
MOSCOW VP)--The new Kremlin leaders appealed to East
European allies yesterday for unity within tne Communist camp. The
call apparently sought to quiet the alarm caused by the ouster of
Nikita Khrushchev.
The appeal came in an editorial on the front page of the
government newspaper Izvestia. It warned that the future economic
progress in Eastern Europe will demand stronger Communist unity.
There was no mention of Communist China and the appeal
seemed aimed only at Eastern Europe, where doubt had been raised
as to the wisdom of ousting Khrushchev. The editorial coincided
with a flocking to Moscow of'
foreign Communist delegations to
seek explanations for Khrush
chev's removal Oct. 14ras premier
and first secretary of the Soviet
Communist Party.
(Diplomatic informants in Vien-
na reported they had learned that
the new Kremlin leaders are put-
ting pressure on the East Euro-
pean Communist parties to speak:
out against Khrushchev. State-
ments of praise for Khrushchev
had come from Hungary, Czecho
slovakia, East Germany and. Po- . ;:::;:: .;i.::;.:«:.:::;.::::.".:0
land.) . :::.: ;;
Communist newsmen in Mos-
cow were advised that an official
account of the secret meeting that
deposed Khrushchev would be:

every President since World War
I. They reflect a tradition as old
as the .nation. Courage does not
exist in threats and bluster-in
refusing to try to lessen the danger
of war--in withdrawing all con-
tact from those who don't agree
with us.
"That way lies- in disaster.
While Johnson received enthusi-
'astic receptions everywhere he
went in Florida, a smattering of
sign-carrying Goldwater support-
ers always was on hand and the
President heard an occasional
chant, "We want Berry."

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Britain's For-
eign Secretary Patrick Gordon
Walker assured Secretary of State
Dean Rusk here yesterday that
the new surcharge levied by his
Labor government on imports is a
temporary measure that will be
eliminated as soon as possible.
The Wilson government's emer-
gency measures to bridge Britain's
trade gap was injected unexpect-
edly into talks between Gordon
Walker and Rusk. The two offi-
cials have been meeting to discuss

a wide range of British and a year, U.S. officials said, and at
American policies and to develop the end of that period the British
a working relationship between might relax the restrictions.,
the new Labor government and the Rusk and Gordon Walker touch-
Johnson administration. ed on several points other than
Though the ,new British meas- the new British measures in their,
ures affect almost one half of U.S. talks yesterday:.
trade with Britain, they were wel- -Gordon Walker assured Rusk
comed by the Johnson adminis- that his government supports U.S.
tration as a realistic attempt to insistence that Russia and other
relieve Britain's economic prob.- nations must pay their debts to
lems. Most U.S. officials believed the United Nations or lose their
that some restrictions had been votes in the General Assembly.
inevitable. -On Middle East problems
They appeared to be relieved Gordon Walker pointed out thatl
that these restrictions did not take the Labor government believes the
broader form, such as an increase Conservatives did not make most
in the bank interest rate. of their chances to bring about'
$75b Mllionreconciliation in the area.
The new ea es will cover -The Labor government be-
about $750 million worth of goods kie
which the U.S. sells to Britain each r nclearb a it even
year, officials estimated. more necessary to admit this Asian
No estimate was available on power to the United Nations. This,
what percentage of the $750 mil- in essence, was the position also
lion in trade might be discon- of the Conservatives.
tinued because of the tax.
U.S. officials said the tax re-U
bate on British exports will akeCent
the United Kingdom more compet- al"o l"p
itive in U.S. markets and in Tuition in Fall
markets in other countries, but
one expert addedthat "we believ Central Michigan University has
we can meet this competition." l announced it will raise tuition $50
There was no advance negotia- for instate students and $100 for
tion on the British program be- outstate students, with the in-
tween the , United Statess andthecrease going into effect in Septem-
United Kingdom, officials said. ber, 1965.
Adverse Effect bene196hg
There is little doubt that the einig ne fall, Michigan
British program will have at least yresidents will be paying $300 per
a temporary adverse effect on the! year in fees, and nonresidents will
U.S. balance of payments deficit, 'be paying $600. The increase varier.
which is expected to run from $1.5 with the number of semester hours
billion to $2 billion this year. for which the student enrolls if
However, U.S. officials regard the the student enrolls for less than
-riri~n r~- f ve4innspaa 4 mri r-1eleven.

From January11124Uto April YW2V U-U N
From January 24 to April 24 published within the next few
the band will visit Guatemala, days.
Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, No Word
Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Trini- There has been no official wor
dad and Tobago, British Guiana, on Khrushchev's whereabouts
Surinam, Dominican Republic, since Leonid I. Brezhnev took over

The group was picked by a

the party leadershiprand AlexeiJ
N. Kosvgin became Premier.

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