A Seventy-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNiVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin D. .Out-of-State Students: Black Mark on the Record by U. Nel Berkson --mm Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHoNE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT HIPPLER and up. and up, UP. Washtenaw Citizens Should Support Comniunity College PROPOSED Washtenaw Communi- ty College would serve to alleviate many of the county's growing educational problems. High school graduates who either can- not afford further education or who do not have the requirements for college ad- mission are presently up against a stone wall. Employment opportunities are prac- tically non-existent unless the graduate has at least some technical skill. Ironically, with the number of unem- ployed' high school graduates growing, the industrial employers find there is a shortage of skilled or semi-skilled workers to fill job opportunities. ONE OF THE OPPORTUNITIES the pro- posed college would offer is a one- or two-year technical and vocational train- ing program developed to meet the needs of area industry. Thus, just one of the college's programs would help solve two problems: indus- try's employment need and the surplus of unemployed high school graduates. The curriculum also includes a two- year program in regular college work aim- ed at those who plan to repair scholastic weaknesses before transferring to a four- year school. THE PROBLEM of unemployment in the county extends to more than just high school graduates. Adults also suffer from technological innovations which have re- placed their jobs. The proposed college has a program for the retraining and continuing education for adults which would help solve the program of displaced and unemployed adults. Aside from high school graduates and displaced adult workers, the Washtenaw County unemployment program is wors- ened by the high percentage of high school dropouts. IF THE COMMUNITY college is created, perhaps these dropouts would be mo- tivated to finish high school and continue their education in a technical or voca- tional program. The majority of these dropouts are already in a deprived economic bracket and suffer from a feeling that there is H. NEIL BERKSON, Editor KENNETH WINTER EWARD HERSTEIN Managing Editor Editorial Director ANN GWIRTZMAN ............... Personnel Director BILL BULLARD ........................ Sports Editor MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor JOHN KENNY......Assistant Managing Editor DEBORAH BEATTIE ...... Associate Editorial Director LOUISE LIND........AssistantEditorial Director in Charge of the Magazine TOM ROWLAND ............Associate Sports Editor GARY WYNER............Associate Sports Editor STEVEN HALLER .............Contributing Editor MARY LOU BUTCHER. ...Contributing Editor CHARLES TOWLE.........Contributing Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: David Block, John Bryant, Jeffrey Goodman, Robert Hippler, Laurence Kirshbaum. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Gail Blumberg, Rob- ert Johnston, John Meredith, Leonard Pratt, Bar- bara Seyfried, Karen Weinhouse. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to the newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters here are also reserved. Business Staff JONATHON R. WHITE, Business Manager JAY GAMPFL ..........Associate Business Manager Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning. Subspription rates: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail); $8 yearly by carrier ($ by mail). no hope of raising their socio-economic status. If there were an institution with programs aimed directly at alleviating their employment (and eventually their economic) problem, perhaps they would take advantage of it. At least there is the chance the college would appeal to them. A GROUP of interested citizens have formed a committee for the Washte- naw County Community College on the basis of a citizens' survey of the county's educational needs. The committee, head- ed by Professor Emeritus Wyeth Allen, is working on informing the public of the educational needs which the proposed college would fulfill. Other groups working with either the culturally deprived student, the unem- ployed dropout or high school graduate are laying the groundwork for the pro- posed college. , The Tutorial and Cultural Research Project is set up to give tutorial aid to the city's culturally deprived elementary and secondary school students. University students volunteer to tutor and so far the project has worked well. Also th'e Ann Arbor Human Relations Commission has contacted and worked with unemployed high school graduates or dropouts to either secure them jobs or place them into a vocational or techni- cal training program. Richard Simmons, Jr., assistant director of the commission, has set up a Job Placement Bureau and is working on get- ting a counseling program into operation to channel unemployed youths into avail- able positions. THE PROPOSED COLLEGE is a natural outgrowth of programs such as these. Its creation depends on the outcome of the January ballot. If the citizens defeat the proposed Washtenaw County Community College, they are denying the county's youth of opportunity for higher education and pre- venting the work of the Tutorial Proj- ect and the HRC from coming to natural climax and fruition. The citizens of Washtenaw County can- not afford to let an opportunity such as the proposed college be defeated. The in- formed, conscientious citizen will vote "yes" in January. -JULIE FITZGERALD Poor Sports PARTS OF THE SEAMIER side of the current presidential race were present at yesterday's Minnesota-Michigan Home- coming football game. As the 60,000-plus crowd streamed into the Stadium they were continually pest- ered by persons trying to give out single- sheet "lineups." In the past a similar sheet had contained only innocuous ad- vertisements for local merchants, but this one revealed the gory details of the Jen- kins' case on its backside. Slightly later, as the band finished up its salute to the United Nations for Unit- ed Nations Week, a helicopter appeared over the southern horizon with an adver- tising streamer trailing behinrd proclaim- ing in big, red letters, "Help the U.S. get out of the UN." Next year's enrollment reaches a record figure of 30,300-Wait a minute. What did you say? Oh!-30,900. The numbers seem to whirl like a computer on election night. Can anything be done? Not much. The University is not its own boss. It belongs to the citizens of the state of Michigan. Try to tell them that Johnny can't come here next year because enrollment is being frozen. Last year's "blue ribbon" report on higher education projected a total college enrollment in the state of 229,- 000 next year, 321,000 by 1970. These figures, which are already being revised upward, compare to an actual 160,000 in 1960. Eighty per cent of the total enrollment comes to the University and nine other state schools. The pressure is on. Enrollment here will be going up by 1500-2000 a year for the next ten years at least. UNWANTED GROWTH is the first fact of life at the University, and it is to the administration's credit that it hasn't wasted time trying to avoid that fact. Especially since the establishment of the Office of Academic Affairs in 1962, the University has constantly sought to gauge its long-term needs and resources. Regardless of the merits of any higher education institution with an enrollment over 30,000, the Univer- sity has so far done a competent job of attempting to cope with such numbers, While problems exist here which can't be overlooked, when they are placed in perspective against those of other monstrous state institutions, the University comes out looking like Puff the Magic Dragon. ON THE OTHER HAND, the ceiling on out-of-state students will greatly harm this institution if it remains in effect. For the sixth straight year, the percentage of non-Michigan residents at the University has dropped until it is now nearing 25 per cent. The figure has normally been over 30 per cent, sometimes well over. The University has opted to keep the number of out-of-state students constant; each year's extra stu- dents have come entirely from within the state. Univer- sity officials claim they don't like the policy, but they have so far been unwilling to stand up to an ignorant Legislature which uses this issue as a club. A vocal minority of legislators is always threaten- ing to cut the University's budget if it doesn't limit out-of-state enrollment, As a matter of fact, a narrowly- defeated rider on last year's higher education apprpria- tion bill would have called on all state schools to reduce out-of-state enrollment to 15 per cent. TO PRAISE the cosmopolitan atmosphere out-of- state students provide the University has become cliche. These students, as a group, far out-perform their in- state colleagues. They should, because their selection process is much tougher. When wondering why Michigan has earned a reputation far above other state schools, it is worth comparing the out-of-state proportion here and elsewhere. Alumni continually express concern over the limit on out-of-state students. They realize what such students have meant to the University. Here is one element of the enrollment situation that the administration can do something about, and it's time that Lansing's bluff on this issue was called. * * * * TOM SMITHSON made one good move in his semester as SGC president-he decided not to run again. His mishandling of Council business, both at the table and away, steadily earned him the ire of more and more members. Doug Brook now takes over the presidency at a time when SGC could not be more glum. Not only are members doing nothing, they don't begin to know what they should be doing. Motions grow increasingly super- ficial; debate at the table has become virtually non- existent. The last meeting had to break up for lack of a quorum. BROOK HAS both administrative skill and an ex- cellent, analytical mind which could aid SGC greatly if he decides to depart from the tradition of Council presidents and go to work. While he is not liberal, the liberal-conservative breakdown on SGC has become completely irrelevant. The division is between the com- petents and the incompetents, and Brook is one of the very few who falls in the former category. His major drawback is a tendency to use SGC to frame his own sense of humor. Brook unfortunately considers himself a protege of Steve Stockmeyer, the second worst president I have known on Council. Stock- meyer's only concern was how SGC could further his own political career. Once he got the title of president, he proceeded to make jokes, drink beer and cheat his way into a second term of office. BROOK HAS enough problems, and hopefully, he will not become so self-impressed that he will forget his job. The officers stopped meeting regularly under his predecessor; the committee structure is in bad shape; students have not been assigned to-SACUA sub- committees yet this year; membership regulations are not being enforced. * Brook has all the qualifications to be a good presi- dent, and Council never needed him more. The Week in Review A Regents Meeting and a Pair of Major Decisions By JOHN KENNY Assistant Managing Editor and LOUISE LIND Assistant Editorial Director A REGENTS MEETING at which plans for new dormitory construction were approved and projected enrollment figures for next fall were released culminated news events this week at the Uni- versity. In terms of the undergraduate student, the meeting could have been moreasignificantaonly if the Regents had named a new vice- president for student affairs. The current vice-president, James A. Lewis, last summer announced plans for his retirement from the office. Informed sources had spec- ulated the Regents might name his successor at the October meet- ing. HOWEVER, a building schedule for four housing complexes-Burs- ley Hall, Cedar Bend Housing I and II and the residential college -was approved by the Regents, as well as architectural plans for a $4.9 million University Events Building. The new residential units will house an additional 3600 students by 1968-hardly soon enough, for Vice-President for Academic Af- fairs Roger W. Heyns told the Regents the University can expect a record 1800-student enrollment increase next August. COMPARING projectedenroll- ment figures with scheduled con- struction for next year raises sev- eral important questions. The Uni- versity is planning to admit an additional 1800 students, bringing total enrollment to 30,900; how- ever, it plans to complete no new academic or housing facilities by 1965. Even though it intends to en- force a deferred admissions policy which would accept some of these additional students for the winter term when enrollment is tradition- ally smaller, the University will be crowded. Classrooms and dorms are already jammed with this year's record 29,103 enrollment. * * * THE UNIVERSITY must pro- vide housing and classroom space for the additional 1800 students somewhere, but where? Officials at the Friday meeting were unani- mous in their optimism that the University can handle the increase. One wonders where their optimism came from. An fncrease of 1715 students this year resulted in the temporary housing of 460 students in make- shift quarters in the dorms. An- other 1800 above this year's en- rollment cannot conceivably be accommodated in University hous- ing in its present form. It appears evident thit admin- istrators must be planning some revision of University housing pol- icies which would free eeded spaces in the dorms for new stu- dents. The most logical chan;ge would be to grant apartmlent per- mission to junior women now re- quired to live in University hous- ing. Such a policy change would ease housing problems, iu, do nothing to alleviate cramped classroom conditions. * * * ANOTHER interesting aspect of the projected enrollment figures is that they do not correspond to those in the University's operating budget request. Made public just two weeks ago, the budget request of $55 million submitted to the state Legislature was geared to an enrollment of 30;300. University officials have now uped their estimate of next fall's enrollment by 600. They have not, however, altered the operating budget request to make financial provision for the extra 600. ACCORDING TO Executive Vice-President Harvin L. Niehuss, the University had rejected the idea of asking the state for more money. He said the additional students will increase revenues.n It is true that 600 additional students will bring in 600 more tuition payments. But one won- ders why, if tuition alone will not finance an education for the rest of the enrollment, the Regents consider tuition sufficient payment for the education of an additional 600. This may indicate that a tui- tion hike, the second in four years, is under serious consideration. ONE FINAL QUESTION the projected enrollment figures raise concerns the status of the out-of- state student at the University. In a public statement last Wednes- day, Registrar Edward Groesbeck revealed that 73 per cent of the present University enrollment con- sists of Michigan residents, an increase of 1.2 per cent over last year. The qualified out-of-state ap- plicant is slowly being edged out of the admission race by the mushrooming crop of Michigan high school graduates seeking en- rollment at the University. The trend began in 1959, and no end is in sight. * * * HEYNS TOLD the Regents Fri- day that although the University will increase enrollment next year, the out-of-state student percent- age enrollment will remain at its present level. This means the per- centage of out-of-state students to in-state students will drop again for the seventh consecutive year. It is understandable that th University, a state-supported in- stitution, should give some pref- erence to Michigan residents in admissions. But it is truly un- fortunate that this means cutting down on the number of out-of- state students, often the most active and academically apt group on campus. THE NEW University Events Building, scheduled for completion by 1966, will hold 14-16,000 per- sons. Although it was designed primarily, as a basketball arena, the building can also be used for other sports, lectures and stu- dent entertainment. The versatility of its design speaks well for its planners. If used as a concert hall by such groups as the Chad Mitchell Trio the new structure should effective- ly eliminate the problem of block ticket sales the Homecoming com- mittee encountered working with. the smaller facilities of Hill Aud. * . . STUDENT Government Council officer elections resulted in the following slate of officers for the fall term: Douglas Brook, presi- dent; Gary Cunningham, execu- tive vice-president; Sherry Miller, administrative vice-president and Eugene Won, treasurer. It is understandable that the slate of officers to breathe life into Council, which, by any con- servative estimate, has been on the decline since 1958. However, judging by the undeniably un- professional conduct of last Wed- nesday's Council meeting, it might be more appropriate to think of the new officers as witnesses of Council's death-throat rattle. THE STUDENT protest move- ment, currently exhibiting some of the life that Council lacks, ex- perienced another set-back Thurs- day when Joint Judiciary Council found Voice political party guilty of violating two University rules. Voice, in large part responsible for the student protest revival, sponsored an Oct. 5 student rally on the Diag and distributed pam- phlets in the Fishbowl. Permission to hold the protest rally had been denied by John Bingley, di- rector of student activities and organizations. JJC convicted Voice for illegal procedures in these actions and suspended recognition for one cal- endar year. The suspension, how- ever, will not become effective unless Voice is convicted for sim- ilar violations before May, 1965. Loss of recognition would mean an activities group could not spon- sor speakers or use University facilities. While JJC's suspended sentence may be a fair one, hopefully it won't stamp out life in one of the few campus organizations now ex- hibiting it. ARKANSAS POLITICS: Start of a Two-Party System ELL AT LEAST the football clean, game was -C. TOWLE FEIFFER MW RY SV AYS ZI .ook( 105r WC4(' MY FATHR."', (1 itt IB'SA 1 1t t WV FATHK'S PRACTICA W ( OAW. 1N AVE ttt.v A P1L. OF ) FAIR~. MVW FATOR HAS A 116 I NAVE A f W NOSE WITH14 PA rCAUL~L By HAROLD WOLMAN and CAL SKINNER, JR. FOR THE FIRST TIME since re- construction, Arkansas is ex- periencing a spirited two-party race for the governor's mansion. Incumbent Gov.eOrville Faubus (of Little Rock fame) is being challenged by Republican Win- throp Rockfeller (Nelson's broth- er) in what may be the most im- portant state race of the 1964 elections. Just 15 years ago the late V. O. Key, the foremost student of Southern politics, pointed to Ar- kansas as his best example of the South's one-party politics. The Democratic Party consisted of many factions based not on politi- cal philosophy or ideology but on friendship and personality; thus, as leaders arose and disappeared there were few stable patterns which could be discerned in Ar- kansas politics. And, of course, nomination in the Democratic primary was tantamount to elec- tion; there was no Republican Party to speak of. * * * ALL THIS is changing now in a way that moderate Republicans long hoped it would and political scientists predicted it should. Un- like other Southern states which have built Republican parties by rallying around Barry Goldwater as an opponent of civil rights, Winthrop Rockefeller has built his own party in Arkansas around the desirability of industrial growth for the state. Rockefeller, a transplanted New Yorker who bought a ranch in Arkansas over a decade ago, has served for the last eight years as chairman of the Arkansas Indus- trial Development Commission, a post to which he was appointed by Govurnor Faubus. In this capacity eluding some strong supporters of Barry Goldwater resent the take- over of the party by the enthusias- tic Rockefeller organization, and some of these people have an- nounced their support of Faubus. ON THE ISSUE of Negro rights, Rockefeller is known as consider- ably more liberal than his op- ponent. His campaign has been free of the race-baiting tactics which so often have characterized Southern politics; in fact he tried to avoid bringing the issue of civil rights into the campaign at all. Although he opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Rockefeller has said, "I believe as an American- and I believe that all Americans should believe-that there isn't any room in this country for first and second-class citizenship. I be- lieve in equal rights for all Ameri- cans, and I also believe that with rights go responsibilities-and that last is all too often forgotten." Since one-seventh of the register- ed voters in Arkansas are Negroes, Rockefeller is likely to benefit from that element for his mod- erate stand. Orville Faubus, on the other hand, gained fame for his part in the Little Rock school integra- tion riots in 1957 when he defied a Supreme Court order and called out the state militia to prevent integration of a Little Rock school. For this act, he was for many years viewed as the symbol of Southern segregation. 5i" M BUT DESPITE this reputation, Faubus has not been the rabid racist that some other southern governors have been. Until re- cently he has been known in his own state as a racial moderate; in fact, he ran as a moderate on the The five terms which Faubus has served have not been without positive accomplishment. He has increased pensionsand welfare payments, built roads, improved' mental institutions and presided over a fairly prosperous (for Ar- kansas) economy. * * * THE MAIN political support of the governor has come in the past from the rural and backwoods areas of Arkansas which he him- self calls home. In an effort to solidify that support Faubus has emphasized his identification with these rural areas; he has called the campaign "a battle to see if a poor boy can still beat a mil- lionaire." Faubus has also attempted to pull together various factions of the Democratic Party in the state in support of the entire Demo- cratic ticket, and he has met with some success. The governor had little opposition in the primary last July, and he has received at least implicit support from popular Sen. J. William Fulbright who, despite his sharp ideological differences with the governor, fears strong opposition from the GOP in his 1968 senatorial cam- paign should Rockefeller win. The governor himself has come out in support of the Johnson- Humphrey ticket, which he ex- pects to take Arkansas. Rockefeller, for his part, unlike other southern Republicans, has kept his distance from Barry Gold- water in an attempt to win mod- erate and liberal votes. He has endorsed the Arizona senator but rarely mentions him. At the same time he hopes to benefit from the coattails effect of a strong con- servative vote for the Republican presidential candidate. * * * MV( FATHER OAS MILLI N5J OF~ LITTiLE LAr/ WV - MY FATHCR 5KUw 4VI-7 T'M &)WI I