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October 23, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-23

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JJC Finds Voic

Joint Judiciar'y Council found
Voice political party guilty of vio-
lating two University rules last
JJC suspended recognition of
Voice for one calendar year, but

R aps Ceric
k ,
VATICAN CITY (.)-England's
leading Roman Catholic church-
man called yesterday for revision
with laymen's help of the Vatican
Ecumenical Council's document on
modern world problems to cover
such things as birth control pills.
Archbishop John C. Heenan of
Westminster attacked the docu-
ment, or Scheme, as "a set of
platitudes" and brought the con-
traceptive pill issue openly before
the assembly in St. Peter's Basili..
ca for the first time.
He lashed out at the clerics
who prepared the document as
men "who hardly know the world
as it really is" and said the re-
sults would dash the hopes of
everyone who has been awaiting
it. .
Heenan proposed that a new
commission of lay specialists and
priests with long pastoral exper-
ience be set up immediately to do
over the document. He suggested a
long recess of the council in the
interval. I
"After three or four years let
the fourth and final session of
the council convene to discuss all
these social problems," he said.
He argued that the council would
become "a laughing stock in the
eyes of the world" if it rushed
through a debate on world hun-
ger, nuclear war and family life.
Others took it as an attack on
those in the church who have cri-
ticized traditional bans against
contraception and want changes.

the suspension will not become
effective unless Voice is brought
before JJC and convicted for sim-
ilar violations before May, 1965.
Voice was charged with spon-
soring an illegal rally in the Diag
and with distributing pamphlets
illegally in the Fishbowl.
The Voice rally was held Tues-
day, Oct. 5, at noon on the Diag
in order to raise mass student
support for a "student action
league" which could effectively
act on student grievances. The
rally had been inspired by the
demonstrations at the University
of California at Berkeley and had
expressed sympathy for Berkeley's
Barry Bluestone, '66, and Rich-
ard Horevitz, '67, representing
Voice, explained that their organi-
zation had voted to hold the rally
on the Diag even though they had
been denied permission by John
Bingley, director of student activi-
ties and organizations.
The ruling on no demonstrations'
on the Diag was instituted last
spring at the request of the Gen-
eral Library and the literary col-
Bluestone added that a repre-
sentative of Voice had gone to
Thomas Smithson, '65, president
of Student Government Council,
and scheduled the rally for the
League Mall. At a Voice meeting
that night; the membership voted
to hold the rally on the Diag.
When asked to justify their
actions, Bluestone explained that
the group felt that "violation of
Reds Blast
Test Treaty
TOKYO (P)-Communist China
rejected yesterday President Lyn-
don B. Johnson's suggestion that
it sign thenlimited nuclear test
ban treaty and repeated its pro-
posalrfor abolition of nuclear
weapons at a world summit meet-
The Peking People's Daily, or-
gan of the Chinese Communist
Party, said in an editorial that
the treaty, now signed by more
than 100 nations, is "nothing but
a fraud."
The People's Daily said the Com-
munist Chinese proposal for a
summit meeting on nuclear weap-
ons is "practical, reasonable, eas-
ily feasible and involves no ques-
tion of control."
The editorial added that "if all
the countries concerned are will-
ing to make this commitment, then
the danger of nuclear war will be
immediately reduced. After that,
it would be possible to discuss the
questions of the cessation of all
kinds of nuclear tests, the prohi-
bition of the export, importrpro-
liferation, manufacture and stock-
piling of nuclear weapons and
their destruction."

LI3J Wines r
e Guilty In Mock
t h e D i a g r u l e w o u l d c a u s e l e s s lh r.h nvft e r l w s ' i - Elc
harm than if the rule wnt gvio-aOR
"We wanted to bring together
as many students as possible so By MICHAEL DEAN
that we could work on student peiet ydnB ono
problems. Since official channels President, Lyndon B. Johnson
have not accomplished anything easily won over his Republican
on these problems, we felt the opponent Senator Barry M. Gold-
,Diag rally was necessary," he said. water in the Big Ten student mock{
Jacqueline Lupovich, '66, chair- presidential elections held earlier
man of JJC, explained that the this week. The University did not
decision was based simply on if
a violation had occured, not on The Daily Illini, University off
the political issues raised by Voice. Illinois newspaper and originator
Besides the suspension, a letter of of the event, reported a margin for
warning will be sent to Voice; its Johnson of over 9000 votes of the
national organization, Students total 37,064 cast.
for Democratic Society; and SGC The results of the balloting con-
concerning the illegal distribution stitute a complete reversal of the
of pamphlets. results of the 1960 mock elections.
According to Horevitz, Voice At that time, Vice-President Rich-
will probably not appeal JJC's de- ard M. Nixon won over then-Sen-
cision, although it will work ator John F. Kennedy by some
through "official channels" to re- 6000 votes, carrying all seven par-
voke the ruling limiting rallies on ticipating schools, including the
the Diag. University.
Balloting was also held for the
1 gubernatorial positions, but the
eluded only the presidential re-
repts fo h al liii
cc sed O However, the Michigan State'
tniversity State News reported'
that in the MSU mock balloting
'C onte- G~ ov. George Romney swamped
PCongressmanat-LargeNeil Staeb
ler by garnering 6,824 votes to
Staebler's 1,299.
JACKSON, Miss. (M) - U.S. Participating in the balloting
District Judge Harold Cox yes- were the University of Illinois, the
terday ruled U.S. Attorney Rob- State University of Iowa, Mich-
ert Hauberg guilty of contempt igan State University, the Univer-
of court and ordered contempt
proceedings against Acting Attor-
ney General Nicholas Katzenbach Vote Results"
because they refused to draw up Johnson Goldwater
indictments for a federal grand Illinois 3,570 2,084
jury here. Iowa 2,226 1,161
Judge Cox first directed Hau- Michigan St. 6,610 2,822
berg to draw up the order, but Minnesota 4,350 3,530
when Hauberg said the Justice Northwestern 1,270 1,172
Department might not permit him Ohio State 5,045 3,224
to do it the judge said:
Burden Total 23,071 13,993
"So that I don't burden Mr.
Katzenbach too much, I'll prepare sity of Minnesota, Northwestern
the order myself." University and Ohio State Um-n
The formal order, filed in late versity.
Iafternoon with the court clerk,' JIFC!I
orderedHauberg confined in the During the 1960 mock elections,f
Hinds County Jail in federal cus- the Junior Interfraternity Coun-
tody. cil. since assimilated into the In-
It also directed Katzenbach to terfraternity Council, handled the
"appear before this court and arrangements for the balloting..
show cause why he should not Larry Lossing, '65, president of the
be adjudged guilty of contempt of IFC, sid yesterday that the coun-
this court for his instructions and cil had received no requests to
directions to the United States perform a similar service this
attorney to disregard and dis- year.
obey the orders of this court ..." Michael Grondin, '66, president
In his recital of events listed of the Young Democrats, said last
in his order, Judge Cox said Hau- night that he did not want to di-
berg and an assistant sat with vert manpower from more essen-
the grand jury and explained "in tial tasks to handling arrange-
detail to the grand jury the perj- ments for the elections. He added
ury laws . . . The grand jury heard that he felt the group was getting
witnesses through the day (Wed- enough publicity now and that 'r
nesday) . ..the results of the student preferi
Grendayur ence poll which they published
"On the Go Juryof Oct. 22 earlier this year had accomplished
the grand jury . . . made known their purposes p ccl
to the court in open court that The Young Republicans could
they had requested Robert E. Hau- not be reached for comment.
theyhadreqestd RoertE. au- Other non-participants in the
berg . . . to prepare certain in- election were Purdue University,
dictments which they desired to Indiana University and the Uni-
bring ... versity of Wisconsin.
"The court ordered and direct- Purdue
ed the United States attorney to The Purdue Exponent stated
draft such true or no true bills that the university had no desire
as te grnd ury ay ave r .to participate in the balloting, say- yo
vote . .. The U.S. attorney was af- ing, "The project isn't of real T
forded one hour to decide wheth- significance or importance, and his
er or not he would abide by the therefore the effort required int
instructions and order of the isn't worth it" ter
court." Indiana University, which had
After that time, the contempt started out the week as a partici-I
order said, Hauberg advised that pant, cancelled the balloting after tio
Katzenbach had instructed him confusion developed over election ar
not to comply. procedures. or







State Loyalty Oath--Constitutional?

Despite the recent reversal of
a Washington state loyalty oath
for professors by the United
States Supreme Court, Univer-
sity faculty members will be
obligated to sign their, "oath
of office" in the foreseeable
In fact there is a good chance
that the state of Washington
will replace its "unconstitution-
ally vague," loyalty oath and
disclaimer with the simpler
state of Michigan oath.
Spokesmen for the Univer-
sity, the American Association
of University Professors, and
the American Civil Liberties
Union all point out that the
Supreme Court decision does
not affect the Michigan oath.
In contrast to Michigan's
oath which merely has the
signer support the United
States and Michigan constitu-
tions, the Washington oath re-
quired support of constitution,
flag, governmental institutions,
reverence of law and order, and
a disclaimer on Communist
party membership.
On June 1 of this year the
Court hanced down a 7-2 de-
cision striking down the oath.
The case was argued for a
University of Washington pro-
fessor by the AAUP and the
The court contended that
the language of the oath was
so vague that professors at-
tending international scientific
meetings where Communist
scholars were present, or dis-
Michigan Oath
"I do solemnly swear that
I will support the constitu-
tion of the United States of
America and the constitution
of 'he state of Michigan, and
that I will faithfully dis-
charge the duties of my po-
sition, according to the best
of my ability."
cussing the concept of world
government could not be sure
if they were acting as "sub-
ver'sive persons."
In replacing their oath,
Washington officials have ask-
ed the University of Michigan


for a copy of its oath of office.
University Attorney Edward
Cummiskey said yesterday he
understands the University of
Washington will probably draft
a new oath similar to Michi-
gan 's.
Michigan is one of six states
that requires some form of
loyalty oath from its employes.
The others are California, Colo-
rado, Indiana, New York and
It is important to note that
the Court .decision does not
necessarily invalidate all of
these oaths. In the Washington
decision the court does not con-
tend a state does not have a
right to require a loyalty oath
of a faculty member as a con-
dition of employment. Rather
the ruling only disallows a state
from requiring an oath which
is "too vague."
Too Vague?
Is the Michigan oath too
vague? It isn't according to
Ernest Mazey, director of the
ACLU of Michigan, who said
yesterday he has, "no quarrel,"
wi .h the Michigan oath of of-
Mazey's views are partially
supported by Prof. Arthur Carr
of the English d'epartment,
President of the local AAUP
chapter. Carr calls the oath a
"nuisance," and says many fac-
ulty members resent it. How-
ever he does not foresee the
repeal of the oath of office in
the near future.


What would happen if fac-
ulty members refused to sign
the oath of office? A spokesman
for the local branch of the
ACLU pointed out a statute on
the books which in such a case
gives the state the right to
withhold all funds from the
This provision represents an
interesting distinction in the
minds of legislators. All Uni-
versity employes are required to
sign the oath of office. How-
ever the, state only has the
right to withhold funds if a
faculty member refuses to sign
the oath. Should a typist or
maintenance man refuse, the
state would have no legal basis
to withdraw its financial sup-
port of the University.
"This gives the implication
that professors are considered
to have a high degree of dis-
loyalty," the ACLU spokesmen
He is in agreement with Prof.
Carr who points out that the
oath meets with "cynical re-
ception," of foreign faculty
members. Carr went on to say,
"I think these oaths reflect the
Washington Oath
"I the undersigned, do
solemnly swear that I will
support the constitution and
laws of the United States of
America and of the state of
Washington, and will by pre-
cept and example promote
respect for the flag and the
institutions oftthe United
States and the state of
Washington, reverence for
law and order, and undivided
allegiance to the govern-
ment of the United States;
"I do solemnly swear that
I am not a member of the
Communist party or know-
ingly of any other subversive
"I understand that this
statement and oath are made
subject to the penalties of
political atmosphere of the
"What we have here is a
remnant of the McCarthy era,
which is no longer legally ob-
jectionable but uncomfortable
morally," Carr concluded.

Chief Urges
Seeks Cause of Exit;
Says Ex-Premier
Helped. World Peace
Nations Secretary - Geeral ' U
Thant yesterday called for a "sum-
mit" conference between the
world's five nuclear powers to be
held next year.
Thant made the statement at a
news conference, where he also
said it would be helpful and de-
sirable if Nikita Khrushchev could
tell the world about the circum-
stances leading to his exit as
leader of the Soviet Union.
In making the proposal for a
meeting of the world's atomic
powers, Thant said he was en-
dorsing a recent suggestion made
by former Kansas Gov. Alf M.
Landon, the 1936 Republican pres-
idential nominee.
Thant described Peking's nu-
clear test explosion as regrettable
and in violation of a 1962 General
Assembly resolution condemning
all testing.
Then. he fished out a newspaper
clipping containing the Landon
suggestion, and said he approved
of it.
"I feel that it could be very
worthwhile to have a dialogue be-
tween the United States, the So-
viet Union, the United Kingdom,
France and the People's Republic
of China perhaps s'ome time in
19$5,", he said. .
Asked to assess the situation in
the Soviet Union in view of the
shakeup in leadership, Thant had
praise both for Khrushchev and
the new leaders, Communist
Party Chief Leonid I. Brezhnev
and Premier Alexei N. Kosygin.
Thant said Khrushchev would
be remembered as a man who had
advanced the cause of peaceful
coexistence with some degree of
success, particularly among some
of the leaders of the Western
"It would be helpful and even
desirable if Mr. Khrushchev were
able or inclined to make a public
statement on the situation leading
to his exit," he said.
He made clear, however, that
he had transmitted no request to
Moscow that Khrushchev be per-
mitted to speak out.
He said he knew both Brezhnev
and Kosygin, and regarded the
former as a man with a deep
knowledge of world affairs.
He expressed the belief that the
two new leaders have a realistic
approach to the world situation,
and were unlikely to reverse the
course of history and take the'
Soviet Union'back to the 1953 era
of Stalinism and the Cold War.
He recalled that Nikolai T. Fed-
orenko, the Soviet Union's chief
UN delegate, had assured him that
the new government would pursue'
the same policy of peaceful co-.
existence and support of the Unit-
ed Nations.
GOP Candidate
Asserts Views
On Civil Rights
Goldwater presented his views on
civil rights in a nationally tele-
vised speech last night. Civil-rights

are, he claimed, a matter of free-
dom to associate-and freedom not
to associate.
In his speech, Goldwater said he
is opposed to the. transfer by bus
of school children from one neigh-
borhood to another merely to ob-
tain a racial balance in schools.
He said the nation's aim should
be to establish neither integrat-
ed nor segregated society, but to.
"preserve a free society."
"Freedom of association is a

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Hayden Arrested in Rent Strike Row

FBIs Investigation Clears
Jenkins of Divulging Secrets
WASHINGTON (A)-The Federal Bureau of Investigation, after
an intensive inquiry into Walter W. Jenkins' life back to his early
years in Texas, said last night it found no information that the former
top White House aide has compromised U.S. security or interests "in
any manner."
Jenkins was quoted as saying no attempt ever had been made to
compromise or blackmail him in connections with the two morals


'When you hit someone in the
)ketbook, they are liable to hit
iu back with it," former editor
omas Hayden said concerning
sOct. 14 arrest on charges of
tent to kill and assault and bat-
Hayden's arrest came in connec-
n with his work with the New.
k Community Union. The union,
ganized last summer in the

Clinton Hills section of Newark,
works in the areas of unemploy-
ment,' schools, housing condi-
tions and against urban renewal
and factory development.
Charges were pressed on Hay-
den by a landlady who had been
recently subject to a rent strike
organized by the union. She
had signed a notarized agreement
with them to make repairs in her
rooming house and to lower rates.

arrests which

led to President

Lyndon B: Johnson asking him to
resign his post recently.
Jenkins' arrest in 1959 and
again on Oct. 7 this year came to
light Oct. 14. Johnson immed-
iately asked the FBI to make a
thorough inquiry into the matter.
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover
said last night over 500 people
who knews Jenkins in business or
socially were quizzed and all
records about him were combed
These were some of the key,
findings included in the eight-
page Hoover report:
-Jenkins admitted the indecent
acts at the Washington YMCA
which led to his arrests but said
he did not recall any further in-
decent acts, "and if he had been
involved in any such (other) acts
he would have been under the in-
fluence of alcohol and would not
remember them.
--"It was his belief that these
two experiences had occurred after
extreme fatigue and imbiding in
alcohol." Extensive interviews of
y,-knm - oartAjd ,ndn4rnr a.+



Students Debate Merits of Romney vs. Staebler

"Staebler or Romney: Which for Michigan?" This was the topic
of debate between Alan Sager, '65L, chairman of Students for Romney,
and Mark Killingsworth, '65, chairman of Students for Staebler.
Killingsworth opened. the debate held before a sparse crowd at
the Michigan Union with an attack on Rdmney's claim to have "put
Michigan in the black." This claim is fallacious in that the increase
in the amount of revenues that the state has taken in during the
Romney administration has been due to national growth and increased
productivity of the auto industry.
Sager challenged Killingsworth's remarks saying that the Romney
administration had increased state revenues by nuisance taxes and by
the increase in industry that has located in the state due to the new
image that Romney has given Michigan.
Killingsworth came back to say that the nuisance taxes were
passed under the administration of former Gov. John B. Swainson, a
Democrat. "The present surplus isn't doing anyone in the state any
a.n ... nnr.G flnf- x n-nA I.4 nndnm oan " h P oid

also overturned by the U.S. Su-
preme Court. This plan was.
based on an 80 per cent factor
for population and a 20 per cent
factor for land area.
Sager retorted saying that the
new districting that has been set
up for the legislative and congres-
sional districts is obviously an at-
tempt at gerrymandering in favor'
of the Democrats. Reapportion-
ment has been forced on more
than 40 states, most of these hav-
ing Democratic governors. He said
that this is no reflection on the
governors of these states, just as
it is no; reflection on Romney.
In the area of education, Sager
claimed that the Romney admin-
istration has provided more than
the nrevious funds Democratic

Hayden said that he was dis-
cussing the agreement with her
when she pulled it from his hands
and began hitting hm over the
head with her pocketbook. He
went to the police to complain and
was told to come back in 30 min-
utes. When= he returned to the
place where he had been assault-
ed he was arrested by policemen
who were there.
Hayden is waiting now for the
date to be set for the grand jury
Hayden commented that he did
not think that the arrest would
have any lasting effect on the
work of the union as a whole.
He sees Newark as a spearhead
of the civil rights movement in the
North. It has a majority of active
Negro voters and several thou-
sand poor whites. The two groups
together make an active work-
ing majority.
Newark is a national pace-set-
ter for urban renewal. It spends
as much money per capita income
as any other city in the country,
he said.
Regents Hold
meeting Today
The Regents will hold their,
monthly meeting today at 2 p.m.
in the Regents' room on the sec-

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