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October 22, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-22

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LwF A6
411 t .- -~ ''F '4,'Z f

:43 a t I

Clearing and cold
today; sunny tomorrow



Viet Generals Seek
Civilian Government
Triumvirate Decree Asks Change
From Military Rule Before Tuesday
SAIGON AP)-The ruling military triumvirate decreed last night
that South Viet Nam's promised civilian government must be formed
before next Tuesday.
Maj. Gen. Nguyen Khanh, the caretaker premier, and his partners
in the triumvirate held to the deadline Khanh established after wide-
spread rioting in late summer by Buddhist and student critics of the
Khanh administration.
The order was directed to the high national council, a 17-man
agency named last month to steer this Communist-plagued nation

China Head
Asks World
Atom Talks
WASHINGTON (p)-- Commun-
ist China's Premier Chou En-lai
has sent a direct message to
President Lyndon B. Johnson pro-
posingta world summit conference
to outlaw nuclear weapons, the
State Department disclosed yester-
While no formal reply has been
made, both President Johnson and
Secretary of State Dean Rusk have
emphatically rejected the Peking
Rusk has termed the Chinese
effort a propaganda smoke screen
to divert world public opinion
from blaming the Red Chinese for
nuclear testing.
The message from Chou was re-
ceived in Warsaw by Chinese Com-
munist Ambassador Wang Kuo-
chuan and delivered last Monday
to United States Ambassador
John Moors Cabot for transmittal
to the White House.
It was the first time State De-
partment officials could recall
that the Warsaw channel had
been used for a direct communica-
tion between the heads of the two


'U'D ecreases
Bethe Lands
Peace Value
O f A -A rms
"The possibility of War has been
greatly reduced by the develop-
ment of the Polaris submarine and
the hardened silos- which contain
the Minuteman missiles," Prof.
Hans Bethe said last night at .:.
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Bethe, a physics professor atr
Cornell, has been intimately in-
volved with disarmament nego-
tiations in Geneva. His talk, "Dis-
armament and Strategic Stabil-
ity," was sp'onsored by the Phoe-
nix Project.
Bethe said the fear of war is
itself a prime cause of war. This

Police Drop
Check' Form
Ann Arbor Police Chief Rollo
J. Gainsley yesterday ordered the
destruction of forms used by the
police when making a check on
a person's. police record because
they contained a provision for a
"subversive check."
The mimeographed forms are
used primarily for interdepart-
mental investigation since police
records are considered personal.
The Ann Arbor police depart-
ment cooperates with other law
enforcement agencies in obtain-
ing the necessary information.
Through cooperation with locs
police forces, a business may un-
der somewhat vague circumstancEs
obtain information contained in
police records.
Gainsley did not explain the dif-
ference between commercial em-
ployers and domestic employers,
and their opportunity to get a po-
lice check.
The form was supposedly de-
clared obsolete in 1962, but their
continued use could not be read-
ily explained.
Gainsley said that the forms
were /used to check on people who
might have access to security in-
formation or might be placed in
a position of heavy responsibility.
The request for police record in-
cluded sections for checking on
the validity of the person's name,
checking his criminal .record and
checking for subversive activities.
The criterion used to determine
whether an activity is subversive
is established by laws on the na-
tional, state and local levels. In
brief, any person who advocates
the overthrow of government -of
the United States is committing; a
subversive act, Gainsley said. The
police would check their records
for any violations or arrests made
which might indicate such activi-
ties. For further information they
would interview people who know.
the person being checked,

from military to civilian contro
It said:
"The high national council c
the nation has the right and dut
to install the organism of stat
including the immediate electio:
of the privisional chief of stat
and thus the council must choos
immediately in forming a civilia
government before Oct. 27."
Signing the decree with Khan
were Maj. Gen. Duong Van Mini
the current chief of state, and LI
Gen. Tran Thien Khiem, th
former defense minister who is re
ported slated to become ambassa
dor to Washington.
There was speculation that th
council may name its chairman
Phan Khac Suu, as the new chie
of state if the popular Minh i
not retained in that post. Th
council scheduled a news confer
ence for tomorrow.
A United States embassy spokes.
man said the American govern
ment welcomes the provisiona
constitution proclaimed by th
council Tuesday "as the first ste
in the creation of a strong, effec.
tive government that will continue
to prosecute the war" against the
Communist Viet Cong.
The constitution, rather vague.
ly worded, makes the high nationa:
council at least nominally respon-
sible for all the key appointments
in the new government.
It appeared likely that the mar
with the most real power in Sai-
gon still will be Khanh, who could
be named to succeed himself as
premier or to hold the post of
commander of the armed forces.
Sure of Job
In any case, Khanh appeared
certain to be named to the na-
tional security council, a four-man
agency whose decisions concern-
ing military affairs will be bind-
ing on the premier.
Suu, the likeliest bet to become
* the new chief of state, was for
many years a Vietnamese revolu-
tionary and opponent of President
Ngo Dinh Diem. Diem sent him
to the penal island of Poulo Con-
dore. Suu was released after
Diem's downfall in last Novem-
ber's coup.
While politics claimed the spot-
light in Saigon, a U.S. military
spokesman reported the Viet Nam
war claimed 1,595 casualties in the
week of Oct. 11-17. This was the
highest toll since 1,710 were re-
corded in the week ended April 18.
Two Americans were killed by
a land mine and 13 were wounded
in combat.
Government forces suffered 225
dead, 440 wounded and 240 miss-
ing in action. The Viet Cong totals
were 525 killed and 150 captured.
There was no count on the Red
guerrillas' wounded, who are us-
ually removed in withdrawals.
Informed sources have predicted
that Khanh will step down as pre-
mier before the Oct. 27 deadline.
He probably will be named armed
forces minister at that time.
He would then have entire con-
trol, in that capacity, over the
chief of state.
Khanh's resignation will be a
part of the new constitutional gov-
ernment which was announced on
Tuesday. A 17-man council will set
up a parliamentary government.



In the past, any such messages WASHINGTON (M)-Sen. Barry fear a result of the possibility of..........
have been routed through London Goldwater said last night the sneak attack, has been diminished
by the British ambassador in Pe- Johnson administration has creat- greatly by hardened missile bases
king or through friendly neutrals ed a grave threat to national and Polaris submarines which are,
such as India and more recently security by helping to rebuild a difficult to-destroy, Bethe explain- DOUGLAS BROOK, '65 (UPPER LEFT)
Pakistan. once-divided and economically ed. (upper right), Sherry Miller, '65, and
State Department press office rained Communist world. Bomber Bases elected president, executive vice-preside
Richard I. Phillips, acknowledg- He called for a bold new policy kIn the past it was easy to president, and treasurer respectively
ing receipt of the Peking proposal, of confrontation, based on rebuilt knockbout the vulnerable bomber Council last night. The four will servehal
discounted this approach as sig- alliances, strength and resolution, base, but the present situation es-
naling even tacit recognition of and full recognition that "Com- tablishes a strategic stability.
Communist China by the United munism is our enemy." Therefore, we welcome the Russian Sta
States. Goldwater, replying to Presi- ucmn fsmlrmltr UV u n n
Asked if acceptance of the mes- dent Lyndon B. Johnson's address equipment. This strategic stabil-
sage in any way changed U.S. non- to the nation Sunday, spoke in a ity that will break the chain of to
recognition of Communist China, nationwide telecast keyed to the fear and give the disarmament
Phillips replied "no." fail of Soviet Premier Nikita Diaerencesta wihlnotucess"
Phillips also discouraged the Khrushchev and Red China's ex- Disarmament will not, Bethe
idea that this represented any up- plosion of its first nuclear device. said, interfere with the security of B
grading of the ambassadorial talks Paid Program the country, and nuclear weapons Student Government Council elected
which began in Geneva in August, The address, taped in advance, would not be completely abandon- at it t
1955 and later were switched to was paid for by the Republican ed. "We would maintain approxi-
werensatecye200obombershandemissiles Douglas Brook, '65, was elected presider
Warsaw. The ambassadorial meet- Party after Goldwater was re- mately 200 bombers and missilesg
ings-the 123rd will be held about fused free time on radio and compared with 2300 bombers'and; executive vice-president, Sherry Miller,
Nov. 27-started as a means of television. missiles that now are operation- president, and Eugene Won, '65, treasurer.
discussions the release of Ameri- The Republican presidential m . In other action Council continued
can prisoners held by Communist nominee, taking aim at the Bethe listed several reasons for grievance motion of September 16, -
China and the return of Chinese "momeneous" events in Russia and maintaining a military force: "It brought by Barry Bluestone, '65.
in the United States to their China, charged the foreign policy maintains the strategic stability At that time he brought to Coun- call

Charge LBJ
With Aiding
Red Revival


Both Johnson and Rusk have
called upon Communist China to
sign the limited test ban treaty
banning nuclear explosions in the
In addition, Johnson said the'

of the administration has beenJ
"an utter failure," and stressed:!
"The Communist threat to our
security has become more grave.
The dissension in Communist
ranks . . . is being repaired. Red
China and the Soviet Union seem.

and serves as protection against
smaller countries who might de-
velop nuclear weapons."
Present Policy
Bethe criticized i present mili-
tary policy towards an anti-ICBM
missile development. He pointed.

cil several reports with recom-
mendations. Before final action
taken the quorum was i
lsand te meeting adjourned.

te Students
Marks Sixth
In-State Rise
Registrar Reports
21,205 Students,
7,898 Out-of-Staters
For the sixth consecutive year,
the percentage of in-state students
at the University has increased,
It marks the first year, however,
that qualified out-of-state appli-
cants have been rejected by all
the University's schools and col-
Registrar Edward Groesbeck, in
a public statement yesterday, an-
nounced that 21,205 students, or
about 73 per cent of the full-time
residence credit students are Mich-
igan residents. This marks anoth-
er step in the growing percentage
Gary Cunningham, '66 superiority of state residents, a
Eugene Won, '66 were trend which has proceeded stead-
nt, administrative vice- ily since 1959.
f Student Government The decade before that year
f-year terms. witnessed the in-state level wav-
ering between 60-70 per cent.
f Through most of the 1800's, the
ham W I ratio was closer to 5050.
Yesterday's breakdown indicat-
ositions ed just how far the in-state per-
centage has advanced:
-The Vniversity's record fall
Ht "residence credit" enrollment of
29,103 is composed of 21,05 Mich-
new executive committee igan residents, or 73 per cent, and
7,898 out-of-state students, or 27
nt, Gary Cunningham, '65, per cent;
'65, administrative vice- -The total represents, an in-
crease of 1,715 students over last
the' work on Bluestone's year with 1,551 residing in Michi-
gan and 164 coming from the oth-
er states and foreign countries;
e-Thenumber of in-state stu-
dents has increased slightly more
than one percentage point over last
-m Wyear's 71.8 level.
While it might appear a rather
minor increase, admissions offi-
)UIS tom) - President Lyn- cials saw a deeper significance
Johnson campaigned into in the figures. They said nearly
linois and Missouri yes-aversiy schools and
nd into last night, label- colleges were forced to reject
ee a thegrea camaign"qualified state applicants" for the
~e as the great campaign first tim ihsoy
d saying hopes for main- I pr eyime in hstory.
it cannot be left to those n previous years, only the lit
dict war. erary college, the music school and
thedarchitecture and design college
ruck also at those who had turned away a substantial
talk of a "nuclear war as number of these applicants, offi-
e 'inevitable." ials emphasized.
end of campaigning, just The figures announced yester-
rk in St. Louis, Johnson day were also seen as another con-
heckling and swung back firmation of the University's poli-
ng that Republicans are cy of tight control over in-state'
g from "the smear lash." and out-of-state ratios. This poli-
Sign Trouble cy is devised by the executive of-
the crowd facinghim - ficers and passed down to the ad-
Is of people packed into missions officers.
are around the old Post Obligation
uilding downtown - was a Executive Vice-President Marvin
n on high saying "Great Niehuss explained the procedures
-LBJ, Bobby Baker, Billy last year when he announced the
... number of out-of-state students
find a few like this in would remain constant around 7,-
crowd," Johnson said, in- 700 "because of the University's
g his speech pegged to obligation to the state."
policy and peace. "But He added last night that the
fewer and fewer as the levels are re-evaluated every year.
on." He noted the concern of admin-
rought a roar of approval istration officials, including him-
audience that was large- self, over the increasingly low ra-
hnson. tio of out-of-state students.
1some people get desper- The question of out-of-state stu-

get dangerous," Johnson dents has been a key issue
throughout the state during the
Move Away past few years. Key state legis-
id that in the 'last few lators, concerned that the Michi-
.epublican leader told him gan taxpayer is supporting stu-
noticed recentl a trend dents from other states, have raisl
m the temporary leader of ed strong objections to the Uni-
iblican Party. versity's "high" level of out-of-
"said Johnson, "isn't the state students.
h, It isn't the front-lash, Although the University is not
mear lash." bound legally to accept legislative
swung into the final fort- sentiment on admissions, officials
f campaigning, Johnson reiterated their concern last night
ping himself more in the that 'by failing to cooperate they
statesman and command- would damage their legislative ap-
ef, bearing down on in- propriations.
ial problems and peace. When the Legislature appropri-
China Blast ated $44 million to the University
ron, Ohio, the President last spring, it narrowly defeated a
the Red Chinese nuclear rider calling for all state schools
3 the changeover of gov- to reduce their out-of-state stu-
in the Kremlin made it dent ratios to 15 per cent, of the
te nation's tremendous total student body.
annot be put in the hands This vote came in the after-
who might use it im- math of a legislative audit com-
or carelessly." He re- mission report in February which
is idea at other points, condemned state schools for their
d that is why the policy enrollment policies.
vernment, as long as he Rep. William D. Romano (D-
will be based on two Warren>, who is seeking election to

Two Apiece
For all but one of the executive

United States would continue to to be patching up their differences out that such a weapon will in- positions ther were two nomina-
work for a halt to all nuclear tests . . . and we must look forward to crease the possibility of war and tions one of which in each case
--underground as well as in the being faced by a more unified itself be worthless. Bethe said ef- was presented by Bluestone. For
atmosphere and upper space-pro- Communist movement." fectiveness is limited by the use president, League president Nancy
vided adequate safeguards to Place Finger of major decoys which confuse the Frietag nominated Brook, and
verify the suspension could be The administration is to blame AICBM. Bluestone nominated Carl Cohen,
worked out. for this, Goldwater said, partly "If there was to be an effective '66. For executive vice-president,
because it fell for what he termed system then every individual would nominations were' Cunningham
-t Khrushchev's soft sell policy of have to be assigned one specific and Cohen again. Bluestone nom-
IIf peaceful coexistence-"which is; area, tying him down. to a fixed inated Rachel Amado, '67, for
simply the Communist strategy spot. War would be pictured as administrative vice-president and
To Go U S wfor world conquest"-and partly more likely than it really is." upset procedural plans by nom-
because it tool: the position there The only way to avoid war is mating Won for treasurer before
are good Communists like Khrush- to pursue a policy which 'will make the person scheduled to nominate
Construction on a $2 million 16 chev and bad Communists like it physically impossible, Bethe him could speak.
story addition to the existing Bell the Chinese. said. This means a reciprocal In all but the last instance Blue-
Tower Inn on Thayer Street will: "The only difference between phasing out of military equip- stone spoke for his' nominations
begin this February. 'good' and 'bad' Communists," he ment and more effective control on the ground that they would
The new 166 room hotel will be said, "is a disagreement on how of fissionable material, he added. give Council the dynamism that
called the Tower Plaza, and will to bury us. "We must be willing to make a it at present lacks. "I don't want
consist of 156 new guest rooms in "But never mind those things," compromise to establish a more this slate of officers to be the
addition to six conference rooms, he continued. "This administration relaxed state in which disarma- last. My candidates will give SGC
three exhibit rooms, dining facili- embarked on the dangerous policy ment agreements can take place." the dynamism it needs. Their
ties and an informal coffee shop. of being nice to the 'good' Com- constituency is in the student
Also available will be a swimming munists. . body, not the administration."
pool located on the roof of the "If they object to our arma- Sm all Fire Hits Brook speaking for the presi-
building, and adjacent rooms with ments program, cut it back uni- dency noted three areas in which
sliding glass doors opening out laterally. Iaw ersflu he believed that more intensive
onto the terrace. "If our pursuit of national in- aW yeiS work was in order: legislative, in-
The 15 levels will be built over terest in Cuba makes them ner- ternal organization, and commun-
a ground level parking lot which vous, promise never to rock the Fire engines were called to the ications.
will, it is hoped, alleviate some of boat as long as Communism reigns. Law Quaange le as tFunnel
the city's parking problems. "In these and other ways we when a resident noticed a wall of tHe said that if elected as presi-
The existing Bell Tower, built helped Khrushchev over his dif- his room beginning to smoke, dent he intended to "funnel ideas
in 1947, was called inadequate to ficult times . . . this man who did Firemen reported that the fire out of his office into the hands of
meet the demands of a growing not hesitate to remind us that was caused by a fireplace on the Council members who did not'
number of visitors. he intended to bury us " oth d f th wl seem to have anything to do." He
he itendd toburyus .. oter side of te wall. se rr -ipl ,.+t l i

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Tillich Discusses Challenges to Religious Faith'


"In determining the grounds for moral choice in a pluralistic
society, a fundamental problem of ethics is implied: the conflict
between morality that has an unconditional character-a moral
imperative-and the content of the morality itself," Paul Tillich,
professor of theology at the University of Chicago, said yesterday.
Tillich lectured yesterday afternoon and participated 4in a panel
last night as part of the Office of Religious Affairs Lecture Series:
"Challenges to Religious Faith in a Century of Revolution."
"The content of the morality will be subject to temporal and
spatial changes. Moral decisions would be made on the basis of what
is "good" in this moment. The conditioned character of the moral
content is an external problem."
The plurality of moral choices with in society makes it necessary
for the individual to come to his own decision as to the moral

is to love the enemy, to accept him as a person-to be acknowledged
and to acknowledge another as part of something greater than
yourselves. Through this alone can their be fulfillment."
Tillich described the intermediary between the first and third
elements as being the Laws of Wisdom.
Third Element
He then explained the third element of a moral decision as'
the concrete. "The situation cries, listen to what is demanded. Every
situation has a voice which the spiritual ear can hear. Listening
love-listening to the cry of the situation coming silently from,
the other one makes the moral act concrete."
"The moral life has in, itself a risk when one confronts a moral
decision. The decision may be wrong and it may be damaging to
ourselves and to others. It may, perhaps, destroy," he warned, "We
can risk it if we have learned either from the Testament aboutE

warnea Council not to elect nim
unless they intended to do a lot
of work.
Council began debate on the re-
vised sections of Bluestone's mo-
tions as presented by Bluestone
after research. Questions were
raised as to the form in which
they were to be presented to the
administration, whether piecemeal.
as the reports came in, or in one
package "in 1971" said Bluestone.
The consensus of the body as
interpreted by the president seem-
ed to be to hold all grievance
legislation and present it to the
administration in one block.
Before the report had been fully
reviewed however, the meeting was
forced to adjourn for lack of a
Group To' View



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