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October 21, 1964 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-21

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By Charlie Towle


Minnesota Gophers Open Up' Offensive Game

The Low 13lowI
In Track and Field
Maybe it's because he's in Tokyo and I am not or maybe it's
because I'd like to see the smear tactic kept on the national affair
page rather than the sports page, but whatever the reason I have a
bone to pick with the New York Times' venerable sports editor Arthur
In a column datelined Tokyo, Oct.n5 Daley continued his sporadic,
gut-fighting attack against the National Collegiate Athletic Associa-
tion, which he has maintained since at least last summer.
In the struggle between the Ann Arbor-based United States
Track and Field Federation and the New York-based Amateur
Athletic Union Daley is a strong advocate of the AAU. In backing
the AAU, Daley has seen fit to launch a no-holds-barred attack
on the NCAA and its "puppet federations," particularly the
Daley's emotional attack describes the NCAA as "power mad,"
"self-seeking," "campus cutups" whose "rule-or-ruin policies will strip
America of talent for future Olympic Games."
Daley starts his column by equating the disqualification of 11
Indonesian and North Korean athletes from the Olympics with the
eve-tal fate of America's track athletes if the NCAA persists in its
stand against the AAU. The Indonesian athletes were disqualified for
participating in the Games of the Newly Emerging Forces (GANEFO).
The GANEFO games were organized by Indonesia's Sukarno as purely
a political propaganda device. The International Amateur Athletic
Federation, ruling body for international track and field, refused to
sanction the games because Sukarno wouldn't periiit athletes from
Tiawan or Israel to participate. Because it was an international meet
unsanctioned by an international body, all athletes who participated
were banned from any further competition in international meets
by the ,DAAF.
False Analogy...
Daley would have his readers believe that this situation is similar
to the current track and field situation in the United States when in
reality the cases are quite remarkably dissimilar. The USTFF does
not ban anyone from its meets. It is, Daley to the contrary, organized
with the best interest of track and field at heart. Further the IAAF
has never issued a statement of warning to the USTFF that its ath-
letes would be banned from international meets as it did in the
GANEFO case.
Daley continues, "when the NCAA puppet federation (like Presi-
dent Johnson, Daley never mentions the opposition by name) held a
few meets this year, the AAU made a generous gesture and rein-
stated the athletes involved, but only for the sake of Olympic unity."
The facts are the AAU and the USTFF entered a joint agree-
ment negotiated by Gen. Douglas MacArthur whereby both parties
were bound to sanction each others meet. Though the AAU often
reneged on this agreement, they couldn't stop the USTFF meets or
ban its athletes.
"Not until a tourist mingles here in the international set can
he realize how solidly entrenched the AAU is in the IAAF and
most other international federations as well. They sneer at the
NCAA power crab and vow support of the AAU to the end," says
Daley. Historically, however, the IAAF recognizes the group which
controls the majority of athletes in a country. And no matter how
many cocktail parties the AAU may have for members of the
IAAF in Tokyo, the fact remains that this group is the USTFF.
From my personal contact with USTFF officials I have never been
given reason to believe that the IAAF was turning a deaf ear to-
ward them.
Grand Finale . .
"The AAU has tightened ship and made needed reforms in recent
years. It has few paid employes and the main job is handled by a vast
army of self sacrificing amateur volunteers. The NCAA, however, is
run by professionals who keep reaching out for more and more power.
The loot gained from televising football games can be used as a whip
to drive any reluctant athletic directors into line.
"If the NCAA wants to take control of amateur sports in the
United States, it doesn't have to wage open warfare in defiance of
international rules. It can take over the AAU easily merely by infil-.
trating it. In fact, college men hold all the major AAU posts anyway.
If the NCAA cause is just and proper, the NCAA need only to join
rather than destroy," sums up Daley.
The contradictions, half-truths and out and out fabrications con-
tained in these two paragraphs are so broad that they stagger imag-
ination. Earlier in his column Daley had written, "It behooves all
college presidents to open their eyes and not let themselves get hood-
winked by the self-seeking hanky-panky of athletic directors and
coaches." It behooves all Americans to keep an open mind and not
let themselves be hoodwinked by the self-seeking hanky-panky of
Arthur Daley.
Lacrosse Squad Organizes
For Spring Season Gaines

By SCOTT BLECH was hurt and then had to fight missed
for a 21-18 win, which
Halfback Dave Raimey slants John Hankinson, who is consid- Besid
into the end zone from four yards ered by Nelson as the best passer of two
out, and Doug Bickle kicks the Minnesota has had in several fumble(
-extra point to give Michigan a years, led the Gophers in the line anc
120-8 lead withten minutes gone Northwestern game. The talented Larry I
in the third quarter. quarterback was shaken up on the second
These points, which were scored i first play of the Illinois game and throwin
against Minnesota in the 1961'
game °which Michigan lost 23-20,1 f
represent the last points scoN?
by the Wolverines against
Gophers. Minnesota went on to
blank Coach Bump Elltts squa
pE':"17-0 in '62 and 6-0 last season.
'Tough' Team
This year "they'll be a tough
football team," explained Coach
Jocko Nelson who has scouted
Minnesota in its games against
Northwestern and Illinois.t
"Minnesota has its usual rough,
burly defense, but its offense has
opened up considerably compared
to past seasons.
"Instead of its usual basic varia-
tions off a T-formation, Minne-
sota employs every type of offense
against you - men in motion,
flares, options, spread formations,
and generally a wide-open attack,"
Nelson pointed out.
Crockett Leads Offense2
The offense centers around Bill
Crockett, a speedy back built along
the lines of former MSU great
Sherman Lewis. "Crockett missed
the entire Illinois game (last Sat-
urday) atrsffrn ninjury
tfe ufrn nhe week before against North- *
western." Minnesota was leading
Northwestern 14-0 when Crockett AARON BROWN;

the remainder of the game Illinois scored both of its tallies fensive line is big and strong and (Rich) Hahn and (Barry) Dehlin,
Illinois won 14-0. in the first half. the entire defensive unit is tight we have no injury problems,"
de not having the services If this were not enough, de- - and gets the job done," Nelson trainer Jim Hunt added. Hahn and
starting backs. Minnesota fensive end John Rajala and commented. Dehlin are both out for the sea-
d on the Illinois two-yard tackle Fred Nord missed the game * * son. Both of their knee operations
d second-string quarterback because of injuries. "The only time Practice Notes were successful so Dehlin, who is
Peterson helped set up the I saw the Gophers at full strength The Wolverines in preparation a junior, will be available next
Illinois touchdown by was for about a quarter and a half for what is expected to be a very season. John Rowser, who was
ng an intercepted pass. of the Northwestern game," Nelson capable opponent, worked aggres- operated on earlier, is also pro-
added, "and in that lengthof time sively yesterday against a simu- gressing well and will returnto
M1:+O:.y:4".yW~:'Gv?'they scored 14 points.". f'l:v.1:., lateid Minnesota defense. The full strength by next season ac-
.innsot isexpcte tobe t 'practice included hard contact cording to' Hunt.
Minestah is xpectedr toe at gwork beside polishing basic Mich- Elliott is still experimenting at
Cocke isquic s andtmt danero from a rib inury. "Other than for the position.
;:rfi'n>, :., :x} souas ld eaeys, omreaflaer
back (Ray) Whitlow is a deep pass
threat, and (Kent) Kramer and :Bfrd T er'a di n M c a i
(Aaron) Brown are big and cap-Bg Teonta dig
able pass receivers," Nelson said.
Both Crockett and Whitlow are Conference All Games
about 5'9", 160, and run 100 yards
in about :09.7. W L Pet. PF PA W L PF PA

Farthing at Fullback
Fred Farthing, who led all
Gopher ball carriers in yards per
carry last year, is at fullback. The
200-pound fullback played atj
Crockett's halfback spot last Sat-
urday and Mike Reid played full-
back. Reid ordinarily plays only
on defense.
The defense is led by captain
Joe Pung at linebacker. "The de-

Ohio State
Michigan State








Drops from AP Rankings


By The Associated Press
- Michigan's 21-20 loss to Purdue
last Saturday cost the Wolverines
their position as fifth best team
in the country in the national
rankings as seen by the Associat-
ed Press sports writers.
Ohio State's impressive victory

Hayes Leads U.S. to Medal

ing two votes for the number one
position and 297 points, good for
fourth place. Then comes Nebras-
ka with 230 points.
Newcomer Florida
Louisiana State, Syracuse, Flor-
ida and Florida State round out
the first 10. Florida, 37-0 winner
over South Carolina, are the only
newcomers among the elite.
The No. 3 and No. 9 teams meet
this Saturday when Florida visits
Alabama in one of the big games
of the day. In other games in-
volving ranking teams it will be
Syracuse against Oregon State,
Notre Dame-Stanford, Arkansas-

T O K Y O () - Brilliant Bob1
Hayes anchored the United States
to an expected triumph in world
record time in the men's 400-me-
ter relay today, while methodical
Peter Snell of New Zealand swept
to an easy victory in the 1,500-
meter run on the final day of
track and field competition at the
Olympic Games.
Hayes, who solidified his claim
as the world's fastest human with
a gold medal in the 100-meter
dash, came from two yards off the
pace on his final 100-meter leg in
the 400 relay and won by two
World Record
The time was 39 seconds flat,
a world record for the event the

over Southern California and Tex-
Poland won the women's 400- today on the closing day of track as' surprising setback by Arkan-
meter relay with the United States and field competition at the as has soved the strothe Buck-
second and Britain third in world Tokyo Olympics after the Rus-e ito Prsstweekcy in th Asso-
record time of :43.6. 1 sians gained ground in Operation ciatedessbwe p om
Last Day Overhaul and Germany's Willie college football teams.
American medal production is Holdorf pulled a major upset by Clear Lead
expected to reach its final peak winning the decathlon. Ohio State holds a clear-cut lead
over second-ranked Notre Dame,
but the Buckeyes are not in the
clear as far as the length of their
Tankers Dominate Gai-estenure in the top spot is con-
cerned. They tackle Wisconsin this

Wichita, Nebraska-Colorado, Tex-
as-Rice, LSU-Tennessee and Flor-
ida State-Virginia Tech.,
(Listed below are the top ten
teams as chosen by the Associated
Press, their first place votes, won-
lost records, and total points.)
1. Ohio State (35) 4-0 447
2. Notre Dame (2) 4-0 380
3. Alabama (5) 5-0 365
4. Arkansas (2) 5-0 297
5. Nebraska 5-0 230
6. Texas 4-1 194
7. Louisiana State 4-0 174
8. Syracuse 4-1 123
9. Florida 4-0 82
10. Florida State 5-0 64
Others receiving votes, in alpha-
betical order: Duke, Georgia Tech,
Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Oregon, Or-
egon State,i Purdue, Wyoming.

Phi Gamns, Pi Lambs
Win Itrlamural Titles

TOKYO (lP)-You have to go
back to the Battle of Midway to
find a victory on the water as one-
sided as the one scored by the
U.S. swimming team at the Tokyo

In a way, Miss Stouder and Saturday and the Badgers sur-
Schollander summed up this team prised everyone by whipping Iowa
of swimming Yanks. 31-21 last weekend.
The American kids are so young Ohio State blanked USC 17-0
--every girl swimmer is in her last weekend while Texas dropped
teens, for example-and look even a 14-13 decision to the Razor-
k.. ,.- alareltinri the Tngor

During the seven days of swim younger. They all have a slim,
competition, the American Na- long-legged look, with hair bleach-
tional Anthem was played so often ed from the sun.
for U.S. victories that little Japa- They look core comfortable in
nese kids were whistling it on the water than on dry land. And
the way to the subway. there are more where they came
'Did Everything' from.
"We did just about everything "We had to leave kids at home
we wanted to do," said team Coach who could have won," Counsilman
Jim Counsilman of Indiana. "We said.
had a fine team, with good depth."
Which is a coach's way of say-,
ing that his team did this: n n v-n u u-

b ac s, resutn ingtmne Lngnurns
'tumbling five places to sixth in
the balloting by the AP's panel
of 44 writers and broadcasters.
Two Firsts
Notre Dame. collected two first-
place votes and 380 points, follow-
ed by Alabama with five nomi-
nations for first and 365 points.
Arkansas picked up the remain-


7 ' £EIrVT"T O

f Won 16 of the 22 gold medals in
men s and women's swimming and
:: '" <?>>If '''diving.
Took 37 medals out of a possi-
ble maximum 56.
Broke the' Olympic record in
every victory.
Only Disappointment
The only major disappointment
was in the 1500 meters in which
Roy Saari, the favorite and world
record holder, finished seventh.
Michigan's Bill Farley took fourth.
PETER SNELL Another Wolverine swimmer,
United States lost in 1960 because Carl Robie, won a silver medal,
of an illegal baton pass. finishing second in the 200-meter
The team was made up of Paul butterfly behind Kevin Berry of
Drayton of Cleveland, Dick Steb- Australiay
bins of Los Angeles, Gerry Ash- Only six gold medals got away
worth of Haverhill, Mass., and and Australia won four of these.
Hayes, the flash from Florida Of the remaining two, the Soviet
A&M. Union won one, and Germany one.
Methodical Snell, the man with Wins Four
the killing finishing kick, stormed Don Schollander, a fresh-faced
to a 15-yard victory in the 1,500- blond youngster from Lake Os-
meter run, the highly regarded wego, Ore., took four gold medals,
metric mile, in the Olympics in the first man ever to do that in
3:38.1. Olympic swimming.
Slim Dyrol Burleson, the only; Schollander, an 18-year-old who
man from a select three-man U.S. swept into the hearts of swim-
team to make the finals, finished mad Japan, won the 100 and 400
well back in fifth place. meter freestyle races, and swam
Snell's amazingly easy triumph on the winning 400 and 800 me-
made him the first double winner ter relay teams.
in track and field. He previously I Among the girls, Sharon Stoud-
had won the 800 meters. er, only 15 from Glendora, Calif.,
Off Elliott's Record 'won three gold medals and a sil-
The tireless New Zealander, who ver.
holds the world record for both Only Australia's great Dawn
the mile and half mile, was 2.5 Fraser, who nipped Miss Stouder
seconds off the world 1,500-meter in the 100 meter freestyle for her
mark established when Australia's third straight gold medal in that



The Fijis climaxed a. perfect'
season yesterday by defeating
Delta Tau Delta in the final game
of the "A" softball playoffs. Phi
Gam runs were scored by Geoff
Gaidos, Bob Lawrence, Darryl
Wilber, Jay Shutt and Mike Wy-
Lawrence held the Delts to two
hits, winding up a season in which
he permitted only eight hits in
the nine games.
The Delts had led 4-0 until the
fourth inning when the Fijis ral-
lied for three runs.
SIn- the fifth, Wilber's clutch
double tied the game at 4-4. Then
an error allowed the winning run
to score, and the Phi Gams added
an insurance run in the sixth,
to win 6-4.
Tennis Crown
In IM tennis, Pi Lambda Phi
beat Theta Delta Chi for the social

We of The Daily sports staff would like to extend our deepest
sympathy to all you poor grid picks losers of last week. If you are
among the many who did not win, you picked a bad week to lose.
Yes fans, along with the two free tickets to the Michigan Theatre,
now showing "Topkapi," last week's winner won a free date with
Zealous Smack!! We were very fortunate to be able to make this!
addition to our prize list. However, due to circumstances within our
control, last week was the only time this amazing prize will be offered
for the entire season.
But take heart, this week's winner also receives two tickets to the
Michigan Theatre, provided he submits his entry before midnight.
Friday at the Student Publications Bldg.
We of The Daily sports staff are also glad that last week's winner
was not, heaven forbid, a girl!

fraternity title, 2-1. Second singles
Tom Singman won his match for
the Pi Lams 6-1, 6-0, while the
doubles team of Oren Conway and
Martin Jackier triumphed 8-6, 6-4.
The only victory for Theta Delts
came in first singles, where Bill
Gustafson won, 6-3, 6-0.
Just Opened-
75 cars
to choose from
$75 and up

"Headquarters for Collegians"
near Michigan Theatre

Started by the North American
Indians, the game of lacrosse is
being carried on at schools and
clubs throughout the nation, in-
cluding the University.
Bob Gillon, organizer of the
Michigan Lacrosse Club, which at
the present time has 25 members,
sees the club participating in in-
tercollegiate competition in the
near future.
"I've been talking to people in
East Lansing and they will try to
scrimmage us this fall," Gillon
stated. "We're also trying to set
up games with Ohio State, Ober-
lin and other schools, as well as
clubs, like the Cleveland Lacrosse
Of the 25 members, about 13
have had lacrosse experience, in-
cluding men who have played at

Rutgers and Yale. The rema
12 have only limited exper:
but, as Gillon announced,"
practice, I'm sure the ine
ienced men can pick up the
quite easily."
Lacrosse is played on a
slightly larger than a foo
field, and each team has ten
With the goals 80 yards apar
object is to score the most
in the 60 minute regulationi
ing time. Each man has a
or Crosse, which has a nettin
one end. The hard rubber bal
inches in diameter, can on
touched with the crosse. At
and defenses are set up sim

t, the
rig on
1, 21/2
ly be

1. Minnesota at Michigan (score)
2. UCLA at Illinois
3. Purdue at Iowa
4. Northwestern at Michigan St.
5. Wisconsin at Ohio State
6. Duke at Army
7. California at Southern Cal.
8. Tennessee at Louisiana State U
9. Kansas State at Oklahoma
10. Miami (O) at Ohio U.
Arts and Crafts
I O riginals
Hours: Mon. and Fri. 12-9 p.m.
Tue.-Sat. 9-5
417 Detroit Street

11. Houston at Mississippi State
12. Washington State at Idaho
13. Pittsburgh at Navy
14. S. Carolina at N. Carolina
15. Stanford at Notre Dame
16. Florida at Alabama
17. N. C. State at Virginia
18. Dartmouth at Harvard
19. Clemson at TCU
20. Oregon at Washington
finest quality laundry--
(plain) /'
312 E. Huron
across from City Holl
NO 8-9500


-I I

to hockey and basketball, wi
short passes playing an importa
part in offensive maneuvers.
"While lacrosse is primarily
spring sport," Gillon announce
"we are practicing now in order
get organized, so that we will1
ready for the regular season. V
are still looking for addition
players, so that we can field t
best squad possible. Previous e
perience in the game isn't nece
- - - -- - - B

th Herb Elliott won this race in the
nt 1960 Games at Rome.
Under the arbitrary formula of
a adding 17 seconds to the 1.500-
ed, meter time to arrive at an equiva-

event, kept the lanky California
blonde from winning four golds.
Sharon won the 100 meter but-
terfly and was on two winning
relay teams.



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to lent time for the mile, Snell would
be have had a 3:55.1 mile, less than:
Ve a second off his own world record..
al Josef. Oilozil of Czechoslovakia l
he was a fading second as Snell un-;LITTLE
x- leashed his fantastic kick and won
s- it going away. John Davies of New'
SZealand was third.
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