I WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1964 THE MICHIGAN IlAir.v 1 u - *'a aai 4>J~U PL UAi J PAGE FIVE L; For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557 from 1:00 to 2:30 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M. :.DAILY OFFICIAL BU LLETI N ..::.... .... ..4 .''Y ..iM : .11i. . ....;^::.:::.J... ~h" Y..fr ^:.' .....::.'. (Continued from Page 2) Mail Payments postmarked after due CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington HELP WANTED PROOF OPERATORS-Girls with ex- perience on 10 key adding machines desired. Proficiency at typing. Good salary and benefit structure. Apply at ANN ARBOR BANK, MAIN AT HURON STS. Ann equal opportunity employer, H12 SPECIAL FIVE-DAY LINES 2 3 4 ONE-DAY .70 .85 1.00 R A 3. 3. 4. T1 E .00 .75 .35 thru Fr i. AL i {t . 3 I I , BE SURE TO WATCH REGISTERED NURSE for supervisory Professional football and the Elec- position in a 102-bed convalescent tion Campaign on a NEJAC-TV est. home near AA. Apt, available if de- Rent a 19 in. GE Portable for only sired. Write or call Whitehall Con- $10.00 a month. Call NEJAC TV valescent Home, 3370 Morgan Rd., Rentals, 662-5671. Xi Ypsilanti, 663-1733. H10 WANTED TO RENT M ALE HELP WANTED - busboys must be 18 yrs. old. Phone 665-3636, ask 'for WANT Small Furnished Apt, or Pri- manager, Webers Inc. H38 _ate Room. Call TBm 6o5-9178, 5-7 p.mB or Girl part time 2 nights a week MISCELLANEOUS 8:10-1 a.m.or 10-2 a.m. Apply in per- son after p.m. Drakes Sandwich _.1.__.____-__ _ Sho . pH 5 Been standing in line all night? Gottw Shop.H tickets in last row, second balcony? T~h~nh ,~., ~ - ~FOR MALE STUDENTS-PARTTIME T C E r 3 Figure 5 average words to a line Call Classified between 1 :00 and 2:30 Mon. Phone 764-0557 PERSONAL AUSTIN DIAMOND - "Where marginal prices buy quality diamonds!" 12091 S. University. 663-7151. F WAKE UP SERVICE - Have your phone ring at any-designated time - day or night - LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 665-8871 (24 hours) F42 Meet the Right Person The purpose of our organization, using established techniques of personality appraisal and an IBM system, is to introduce unmarried persons to others with compatible backgrounds, inter- ests and ideals. Interviews by ap- pointment. Phone NO 2-4867. MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC INTRODUCTION SERVICE PERSON RUBBERIZED RAIN PARKAS Now in Stock Navy-denim, Red, Black, Yellow, and o.d.--$5 Available at the: BUD-MOR AGENCY 1103 S. University (Above Wikel Drugs) The Little Le Mans - a must for your Homecoming fun. F50 Dearest Turo Scnit, Hear you might be transfering to Natural Resources. Love, Ace F498 Flash! AEPi was upset by SAE in 'B' football last Sunday 6-2 on a lucky touchdown pass. Watch out Tau- Delta Phi. F48I Aren't Brussel-sprouts nicer than can- talopes? Butler-Winchell P47 PERSONAL ads must be PREPAID. F10 Once upon a time there were three- bears. BUBBY bear, Bartlet bear, and friendly bear. BUBBY bear grew up_ to be A-Rat-fink. Bartlet bear grew up to be Rumsey bears den mother. Friendly bear grew up to be a pretty U of M Coed who is the life of BUB- BY HOUSE parties. Moral-Bear with BUBBY HOUSE and you'll never be grizzly. F45 FIORELLO SUPPORTS DIAG SITTING! Support Fiorello!! F44 He got along without her Long before he met her, But can't do it now. Guess Chicago will have to. St. George F43 Home on the BUBBY HOUSE range, Where the beer and the booze make you gay, Where seldom is heard a coherent word, and the girls all have friendly bear ways. F42 Lockjaw, you're a loser, there is no a11PLLCKL c eeryv up -vst i J'J4 'flJ- V*O* m 4U soon at RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard open every night till 12 LOST AND FOUND j FOUND: Gray and white cat with green ollar found near S. Division and Williams. Call 761-0565. F20 $10 REWARD. Lost-Man's ring, sq. Hematite setting, intaglio, yellow goldmounting, Call Mike Broome, 662-3256. A47_ FOUND: Key, outside entrance to Angell Hall near room 35. Inquire at cashier's window, Michigan Daily. A45 LOST-"The Counterfeiters" by Gide. Probably on the Diag or S. Univer- sity. Please call Ann, NO 2-6452. A46, LOST: long-haired, orange male cat. Oct. 10, vic. Forest & S. Univ. 663- 8755. A48 BARGAIN CORNER~ If you wish to earn from $50-$120/wk. for this semester and have a car, call Mr. Foster at 668-6808. H61 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $6 for Rh positive; $7 and $10 for Rh negative. Hours: Mon., 9-4; Fri., 1-7.k 18 21 yrs. old need parent's permis- fn. Detroit Blood Service, 5 North Hamilton, Ypsilanti, Mich. H29 WANTED--GRADUATE WOMAN STU- DENT TO BE IN HOME NIGHTS WITH ELDERLY WOMAN. FREE ROOM. PHONE 663-4660. H9l SUBJECTS for Psych, experiment to take paper and pencil test. Pay $1.25! hr. Report to Room 2235 Angell Hall Tues., 7 p.m or Wed., 7:30 p.m. H11 Student rm. & bd. in exchange for some babysitting. Opportunity to - earn additional spending money as well. Close to campus. Immediately or beginning 2nd semester. Call 5- 4537. H13 STEADY PART-TIME Mall- P a o cvaymsmrke nft U.%L C;u date, Oct. 30, 1964, are late and subject BIKES AND SCOOTERS to penalty. '63 ALJSTATE 125 cc cycle, $330. Call Identify mail payment as tuition and, Ike Evans at NO 2 8644. Z14 show student number and name. '64 YAMAHA 250 cc, 5-sp. $600. Call School of Music Honors Program: Hank, 761-1886. Z46 Applications are now being received for the second term (Spring, 1965). '58 VESPA. $100. 662-7727. Z45 Forms are available in the School of Music Reception Office. Deadline for YOU MEET THE NI(EST PEOPLE on receipt of applications and supporting a HONIIA! Join the fun at HON1)A statements by the Honors Council: of Ann Arbor. 1906 Packard Rd. 665- Mon., Nov. 2. 9281l. Z-2 -2 Professional Qualification Test: Can- SEE IT NOW - the '64 Yamaha with didates taking the Professional Qualifi- the revolutionary new oil injection cation Test on Oct. 24, are requested to system. t'o more fuss or muss. report to Aud. B, Angell Hall at 8:45 NICHOLSON MOTOR SATES Saturday morning. 224 S. First Opportunity Graduate Fellowships: 1964 Honda 50, 2400 mi., $240. Call Ray, For - 1965-66 for citizens having the 663-7669. Z50 following backgrounds or original resi- - dence are announced: Spanish-Ameri- "62" Triumph, 650cc, Bonneville, excell. cans, American Indians, Negroes, resi- cond., NO 3-9437 after 8. Zi dents of Sothern Appalachians and Ozark Mountains, Guam, Puerto Rico, Racer for sale. Good condition. Call Samoa, Pacific Trust Territory and Vir- John Daughdrille. 761-1345. Z2 gin Islands. Further information is available at the Graduate Fellowship CONCOURS MOTORCYCLES Office, Room 110 Rackham Bldg. 2 rare sport models BSA Gold Star, Clubman Roadracer, Student Gove nment Council Approval 500cc, 2,000 mi, 42hp, $1095 of the following student-sponsored BMW, R68 special, 590cc, 35hp, 19" events becomes effective 24 hours after wheels, Tele-Forks, $895 the publication of this notice. All pub- licity for these events must be with- HONDA of Ann Arbor held until the approval has become ef- 1906 Packard Rd fective. 665-9281 Approval request forns for student- Z!sponsored events are available in Room 1011 of the SAB. '59 ZUNDAPP in excel. mech. cond., low Young Democratic Club, Young Citi- price. Call 662-4762. Z49 zens for Johnson Rally, Thurs., Oct. ~-~~~~ ~ - 29, 8 p.m., Ann Arbor High School Aud. TRIUMPH CYCLE. TR 6. 650 cc. Ex- cellent shape. Call Mark. 761-0992. F19' 1964 Honda 90, 2200 mi. Call 663-5192, Placem ent 12-1 p.m. or 6-7:30 p.m. Z5 ANNOUNCEMENTS: For sale or trade for motocycle of same value - '58 MGA sportster convert. I Air Force Logistics Command-Atten- 668-9329. Z3 tion: Graduating seniors & Dec. MA de- 2 Tc5- gree candidates-Data Processing Train- 1352 Triumph 650cc, $300. NO -03344 ing Program beginning Jan. 27, 1965 at -_Wright Patterson AF Base, Ohio. Pref. majors in data processing, math, indus- trial engrg. or bus, ad., but open to any with aptitude. Candidates selected RENT A T R UCK through competition in Federal Serv- ice Entrance Exam given in Nov. Must Pickups, panels, stakes, and vans. apply for FSEE by Oct. 22. One-yr. 59 Ecorse Rd., Ypsilanti, Mich. formal trng. program. Applications 665-6875 or HU 2-4434 S available at Bureau of Appointments. WANTED TO BUY U.S. Navy & U.S. Marine Corp-Will Degrees in Lib. Arts & Bus. Ad. for the Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, various positions. 764-7462, , Kroger Co., Detroit-Majors in Lib. Arts & Econ. for positions in Mgmt. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- Trng., Merchandising, Personnel & VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please Transportation located in Detroit area. sign schedule posted at 128-H W. Engrg. International Paper Co., N.Y., N.Y. - for appointments with the following: Dec. grads in any major field. Mgmt. OCT. 23-- Trng. & Industrial Sales Trng. Located Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co - All throughout U.S. Degrees: ChE, EE,Instru. & Met., Chem. Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc., Niles, Ill. --(Analyt., Inorg., Org. & Physical), -Dec. grads.' Majors in Econ., Lib. Math & Physics. BS: E Math, E Phys- Arts, Chem., Physics, Geology. Positions ics & Sci. Engrg. Permanent residence in Econ., Sales & Prod. Worldwide 10- visa required for non-citizens. R. & cations. D. WED.,sOCT. 28-- WD.,T. 2y- )Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp., N.Y., U.S. Navy-(See above). N.Y.-BS-MS: ChEf EM. IE, ME & Met. Monarch Life Insurance Co., Spring- R. & D., & Des. field, Mass.-Majors in Econ., Poll. Sci., Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., De Engl., Socio., Psych., Speech & Lib. Arts. troit, Pittsburgh & Cleveland - All Positions in Insurance Sales in Ann Ar- Dgrees : ChE & Met. BS-MS: EE, IE bor & Detroit, area. & ME. MS: Instrum. BS: CE, EM, Ma- Bureau of the Census, Wash., D.C. - terials & Si. Engrg, R. & D., Des., Men & women. Majors in Econ., Math, Prod. & I d. Engrg. Statistics, Psych., Socio. & Bus. Ad. for Whirlpool Corp., Midwest Locations- positions for Econ., Statistics, Econ An- BS-MS: EE, IE, Mat'ls, & ME. R. & alysis, Statistical Analysis, Personnel D., Des., Prod. & Service. Mgmt. & General Mgmt. Detroit Bank & Trust Co., Detroit- Mgmt. Trng. & Banking Programs for majors in Econ., Laiw & Lib. Arts. Brunswick Corp., Chicago, Ill.-Seek-IZATION ing Lib. Arts, Econ. & Psych, majors for Foreign Trade, Market Research, __IES Personnel & Sales. Personnel in Midwest -Sales throughout U.S. (p.m. only). ALCOA, Pittsburgh-Sales positions available throughout U.S. for majors in Econ., Engl., Geog., Geol., Physics, Poll. Use of This Column for Announce- Sci., Speech, Psych. and Socio. ments is available to officially recog- Harvard Univ., Boston, Mass. - Men nized and registered student organiza- & women, major in any field includ- tions only. Forms are available in Room ing Engrg. for students planning busi- 1011 SAB. ness careers and might be considering * * * graduate study. Alpha Phi Omega, Regular chapter THURS., OCT. 29- meeting, Oct. 21, 7 p.m., Room 3-C, Control Data Corp., Minneapolis, Michigan .Union. Minn.-Men & women. Degrees in Math. * * * Positions in program analysis, corn- La Sociedad Hispanica, Visiting Prof. puter applications, compunter sales en- Julio Cesar Caillet-Bois will talk in gineers. Spanish on "La Poesia Argentina Con- Dept. of Navy Admin. Offices, Wash., temporanea," Wed., Oct. 21, & p.m., 3050 D.C.-Men & women for positions in Frieze Bldg. Mgmt. trng., Pub. Admin., Transporta- * * tion, Personnel, Statistics, R. & D., Le Cercle Francais ,Le Baratin, le 22 Design, Project Mgmt., Elec. Computing. Oct., le jeudi, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze. Bldg. Majors in Econ., Poll. Sci., Engl., Socio., * * * Psych., Hist., Lib. Arts & Math. University Lutheran Chapel, Midweek Bureau of the Budget, Wash., D.C. - Devotion with Holy Communion, "The Seeking men & women for positions in Way of Wisdom," Pastor Schelps, Oct, Mgmt. Trng., Econ., Foreign Trade, La- 21, 10 p.m., 1511 Washtenaw. bor Econ., Pub, Admin. & Statistics. Majors in Econ., Poll. Sci., Hist., Law; also Pub. Health & Nat. Resources (MS & PhD). Marathon Oil Co., Detroit - Seeking Lib. Arts, Bus. Ad. (Mktg.) & Chem. majors for positions in Sales located in Ill., Ky., Ind., Ohio & Michigan. FRI., OCT. 30- Corning Glass Works, Corning, N.Y.- Majors in Econ., Engl., Psych., Anthro., Journ., Ed., & Chem. Men and women for positions in design, Econ., - elec. computing, Market Res., Personnel, Prod., Purchasing, Sales, sales promo- tion, Statistics, Traffic, advertising & art & design. Bureau of the Budget-(See above). Univ. of Chicago,, Chicago-Students in any field interested in Masters or PhD degree in Bus. Admin. Univac, Detroit-Men & women ma- jors in Lib. Arts, with special interest in Econ., Phych. & Math. Positions in Elec. Computing & Sales. Campbell Soup Co., Napoleon, .Ohio- Positions in Personnel, Prod., Quality Control & sales for majors in Lib. Arts, Econ., Chem., Biochem., Elec., Indust. & Mech. Engrg., & Bus. Ad. For further information, please call 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3200 SAB. F14 MEMO TO: U-M students. THE SMOTHERS BROTHERS invite you to attend their concert in Flint Wed., Nov. 11, or Lansing Thurs., Nov. 12. Mail orders now being accepted at the IMA Aud. Flint, and the Civic Center, Lansing. Prices: $2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00. F11 Patty never dies -- she just switches co-chairmen. Wish me luck, Bob. Bruce F39 Michigan's stomping soccer team gon- na beatem U. of Toledo, Sunday, 2:00 at Wines Field. Gotta winnum first home game of season. F37 SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! LEVI'S SLIM-FITS-$4.49 "White," and 5 Colors For "Guys and Gols" LEVI'S STA-PREST PAN I-S Never Needs Ironing Asst'd. Colors-$6.98 LEVI'S DRESS PANTS Asst'd. Colors-Styles-$4.98 up S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI's Men with cars - $50 weekly, sales; promotion for division of Alcoa. Call - 5-7 p.m. only, for interview. 662- 5 TICKETS wanted for evening per- 3732. H19 formance of "Uncle Vanya," Jan. 30, 1965. Call 662-8454. K7 Young man, over 18, for stock work on Desperately need 2 tickets to Minnesota Fri. and Sat. nights from 6-11 p.n. game. Will pay fair price. Call 663- Must be dependable. Stop in for in- l5970 K terview at Village Apothecary, 1112 K South University. H15 TRANSPORTATION FOR RENT TRANSPORTATION to and from the Daily is cheap - so is a classified ad. LOOK NOW FOR YOUR SECOND SE- MESTER APARTMENT. Several new Ride wanted from New York City to bldgs. are under construction & will Ann Arbor. Weekends. Will share be completed in Dec. for Jan. occu- expenses, driving. Call Lynn, NO 2- van cv, 1.& 3 bedrm. luxurious units. } CA,., uG be on campus Oct. 26, 27 & 28. Ground & Aviation Officers will be in Union lobby from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. with infor- mation about commission programs for students & grads. Officer programs for men & women include general line, supply, medical & dental. Engrg., law, theological & Aviation-men, only. Of- ficer qualification tests given to sen- iors with no obligation. No appointment needed. Stop by information booth. PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS, Bureau of Appointments-Seniors & grad students, please call 764-7460 for appointments with the following: MON., OCT. 26- HELP AN ALUM COME HOME. Ride doubt about whom this iS for. F41 For Gals and Guys ustmnutesfrcamus&hosptaU.S.tNay, ___________________js its fr cmuU&ho~us. Na_____ ____-_ Haen, Conn, to Ann Arbor NHome WHO'S TICKLISH??? F4 "White" and Colors-$6.98 Drop by our new office at 610 S. Ride wanted to Chicago for weekend of Men & w .an__WAnAoHm WHSIKSP0 W tadoo-$9Forest, Suite 1, or phone NO 3-0511 Oct. 23. Will share cost. NO 3-4045. other degr coming weekend. Will share expenses, One HOMECOMING FOOTBALL TICK- for additional information. G26 training pro driving. Call Lynn. NO 2-6452. P35'ET wanted. Call Suzi 2-7988, 39 LEVI'S JACKE IS APARTMENTS LIMITED ---- - --areas of ant ALL MOTORCYCLISTS Interested in C17 Ride needed to Detroit, Fri., Oct. 23 in TUES., OC going riding: meet Sunday at noon take him completely by surprise. . . Blue Denim-$5.49--------- - - -afternoon. Call after 5, 665-8247. U.S. Navy AMBUSH perfume Y Dana "White"-$5.98 2 GIRlS NEEDED to share 3.girl attrac- 027 Standardi (if weather's nice) in the Union AMUHpru-yDn Wie-$5.98 tive apt., 1 mile from camplus. Call------- ---- -- ___ iLb.At parking lot. F33'T12Vlg Available at: tv .I il rmcmm Cl nLb r parkin lot.33 The Avail ble a t:cry after 6 p.m., 668-6828. C4 BUSINESS SERVICES Mgmt. Trng Dear John, Dear John when will you 1112 So. University Luxurious 2 bedrm unfurn apt avail. otion & everever get your hair ut and scis- LEVI's Superslim's--$4.98 immediately. $170/mo. Apt. Limited, LIKE GOOD MUSIC? Call the Esquires, Michigan. evrs for your beard? Heh, Heh. F46 COME! 3-0511 01 established band, new to this area. U.S. Civi Fun with the hill terrace boys 665-4691. J9 cago-Seeki Will the Freshman Law Student who united we will go Gol's LEVI'S "Cut-Offs" GARAGE and open parking available positions in bought a football ticket Saturday Canoeing to a grasser near intersection of Forest, Washte- TYPING-Offset and wake-up serviee, through morning at 9:30 in the Union please know not unto the foe. $3.98 and $4.29n t on o Wash.e- TU wake-up s Exrou. naw and Wilmot. NO 2-7787. C16 HU 2-0191. J5 Exams. call 764-2662. F30, B.Y.O. 665-8788. __-_-SocialS F1 FOR SAL E_ USED CARS Claims Exan Lazy newcomer to Ann Arbor would - -- -- - ------Open Mon. & Fri. Nites thorizer Trai like guide and/or companion (female) NEW CARS One 50-yd. line student football ticket '58 VW, radio, heater, 35,000 mi., 55 hp. -Social to explore nightlife and mores with- ,A--S-- -T___Oz-__ R E for last 2 games. 665-4603 B46 eng. 665-3180 after 6. N5 -Claims Re in 200 mile radious of Ann Arbor. IS YOUR I CAR fina y falling ;_ _ _ _ _-- -----Naval5 Write to Box 7, Michigan Daily, 420 apart? gnid a new one th"'ngb the 122 E. Washington Wollensak tape recorder. 665-5576 betw. '61 Honduras red Monza, 4 on the Ill.-Various Maynard. H14 Muan ly Classifds. v 7-8 except Fri. and Sat. B47 floor, big eng. $950. 662-8786. N6 -Maritim -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - ..TODAY ONLY F Invite you to hearxJK REV. GEORGE BILLINGS Minister of the 1 st Avenue Baptist Church of Toronto, P A U L T IL L IC H Minister......of..the x.::1t: Ave:i:ue a nephew of Dr. Oswald J. Smith Professor of Theology, formerly Date: Sat., Oct. 24, 7:30 p.m.hi Place: University Club Dining Rm., The Danish Christnas Plates of Harvard University now at ovinside the Michigan Union, Ann f rom ROYAL COPENHAGEN The University of Chicago Arbor. Rev. Billings will give his testimony and BING and GRONDAHL as to what the Holy Spirit has are beautif l this year. done in his life and work. All Are Welcome. Please come. Why not start your collection Full Gospel Business Men Fellow- with the 1964 plate? ship International TRY THE DAILY JOHN B L EhIY r<:,:" AND SEE THE WORLD... (Through an Phone NO 8-6779 0 601 East Liberty AP machine, that is) I --- r -- - y, Detroit-Officer Programs. iomen with liberal arts or ees. Jr. Women - Summer ogram. Opportunities in most erest. T. 27- -(See above). Oil Detroit-Dec. male grads s, esp. Econ. & Poli Scl. for g., Merchandising, Sales Pro- Sales. Located throughout i Service Commission, Chi- ng Liberal Arts degrees for 60 fields' with Federal Govt. Federal Service Entrance Security Admin., Chicago- iminer Trainee & Claims Au- ainee. Security Admin., Ann Arbor epresentatives. Supply Depot, Great Lakes, s positions. ae Admin., Wash., D.C. - TEACHER PLACEMENT: The following schools have recorded vacancies for the present semester: Arlington Heights, Ill. (Dist. No. 25) -Teacher for perseptually handicapped; reading consultant-J.H. Port Huron, Mich.-Art (grades 9-12). St. Cloud, Minn. (St. Cloud State Col- lege)-Teacher to work with orthoped- ically handicapped children in Campu Lab. School. St. Louis County, Mo.--Teachers of the mentally retarded. Piqua, Ohio-Man for J.H. supervi- sion & guidance counseling. * * * For additional information contact Read and Use Daily Classifieds 1:: J "GROUNDS FOR MORAL CHOICE IN A PLURALISTIC SOCIETY" 4:10 p.m.-Rackham Lecture Hall "CONTEMPORARY MAN IN SEARCH OF IDENTITY" 8:00 p.m.-Michigan Union Ballroom (an Open Forum with U. of M. students James Helm, Marion READ YE & BE HEARTENED: On the twenty-fourth day of October, nineteen hundred sixty- four, the MEN OF TAYLOR will rid the campus of the moldly scourge of Gomberg. Recognizing our role as champions of justice and righteousness we do hereby formally challenge the boys of Gomberg to trial by tug of war in the interest of their sanitation and spiritual redemption. It is common knowledge that the boys of Gomberg personify the traits of moral decadence and spiritual ennui characteristic of the baser elements of our generation. As stalwart supporters of the cause of good and defenders of the purity of American youth, the MEN OF TAY- LOR find it their natural inclination and foremost desire to rid the vs. i 11 Mark Killingsworth, '67, Chairman Students for Staebler on: "Ya.pl-'lpr nr Rnmnvnv+ W7hi h - no r " Ohr a&" iii I it 11 i I ! 11 1 _ _ __ _ _I!1