Seventy-Fifth Year EDTrE AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ammosim-Sel -- - -_R= v Opinions Are Free420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. truth will Prevail NEwS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM Chinese A-Bomb: Time for U.S. Policy Changes THE EXPLOSION of an atomic weapon by Red China is regarded by Ameri- cans 'with great horror, though not with any particular surprise. Indeed the New York Times of Oct. 15 reported that Mao Tse-tung had called on all "peace-loving peoples to struggle for complete, thor- ough, total and resolute prohibition and destruction of nuclear weapons." The re- port then sarcastically added, "The Chi- nese have been working for years to de- velop nuclear weapons. There have been reports they will test their first nuclear device before the end of the year." It is interesting that Americans can regard this blatant contradiction with such horror and cynicism, when it is pre- cisely one which they themselves have expressed. "Peace through preparedness" is the cry and we build nuclear weapons to achieve this "peace." "No man any- where wants peace more than I do . .. If we want to save America's future and freedom, we must be stronger than the enemy-not just by a little, but by far." And the man who said this has achieved sufficient support to win the nomination for President of the United States-Barry Goldwater. THE GROTESQUE distortions in this argument are painfully apparent. How this nation, or any nation, can believe it can achieve peace by constantly prepar- ing for war is yet to be established. We operate under the belief that prepared- ness will deter war and we continue to add to our stockpile. But the race doesn't end. As this country enlarges its stock- pile, so does Russia, and now, China. When does this cycle end? Where does it lead? Does man have no greater des- tiny than self-destruction? Goldwater, speaking to Dallas' Ameri- can Legion in late September, complained because "the sharp rise in federal spend- ing in the present administration has been mainly for purposes other than common defense . . . (It) proposes ac- tually to cut our military spending in or- der to provide funds for sticking the gov- ernment's fingers in still a larger mess of pies-for handouts here, subsidies there...." AND WHAT IS Mr. Goldwater's solution to the achievement of peace? "And I am speaking for peace when I say we must build our strength and show the will to halt the Reds' aggression. I am speak- ing for peace when I say we must quit helping the Reds - by sending them wheat, for example-to keep their oppres- sive and unsound system alive. Their sys- tem has so many intrinsic faults it would collapse if it wasn't braced from the out- side as we've been bracing it." Unfortunately, Mr. Goldwater's attitude is not too different than that of the pres- ent administration which vests its drives for peace in the continued program of building nuclear arms. The rising "threat" of Red China will undoubtedly cause in- creased reliance on these weapons. THE BLUNDERING POLICY of the Unit- ed States is particularly evident in this country's refusal to recognize Red China. Indeed, it seems it will be most difficult for the United States to nego- tiate about Red China when the gov- ernment of Chiank Kai-shek is still con- sidered the representative Chinese gov- ernment and Mao Tse-tung a "passing phenomenon." The United States has vacillated be- tween predicting the demise of Red China -headlines for 1950 read: "Famine This Year Will Be Catastrophic" (New York Times editorial March 2), and even in 1963: "March and April will be months to watch. It is then that food stocks will be the lowest. Unrest among Chinese peasants expected. Revolts are likely"- (U.S. News and World Report, Jan. 7)- and warning of its emergence as a third world power with nuclear capacities. The prophecies of catastrophe and in- ternal revolution causing the govern- ment's demise are identical to those pre- dicted about Russia - predicted in the '30's, in the '49's, in the '50's. There is no definite indication that Red China's problems will be great enough to cause internal revolution. The entry of Red China into the circle of nuclear nations will give its government further strength and prestige that increase the improb- ability of internal dissolution. ' by Mao Tse-tung. The New York Times of June 1, 1958, reported: "Without mention- ing names or places, Marshal Tito said the Chinese liked to boast that their pop- ulation of 600 million was a guarantee of victory in war. According to President Tito, Peking calculated that 'if 300 mil- lion were killed there would still remain 300 million Chinese'." Indeed, Felix Greene, in his book "A Curtain of Ignorance," reported writings of Mao Tse-tung which said that war is a "monster of mutual slaughter," and predicted its final elimination "through the progress of human society and in no distant future." The call for nuclear dis- armament by Mao does not appear so sur- prising in the light of these attitudes. BUT THE UNITED STATES has consis- tently distrusted such comments from the "enemy" nations-whether they be Russia or China. Russia's proposals for disarmament, her expressed wish to es- tablish a UN police force, have been re- garded as "hoaxes" and this country has gone to astounding lengths to discover the "catches" in such proposals. And perhaps the United States has not quite recognized the Red Chinese hos- tility as partially justified. The U.S. re- fuses to recognize the country, refuses to permit its admission in the UN, per- mits no commercial intercourse and when the people of Red China were starving would not send any of its surplus crops to them. And then the United States government acts indignant when the Chi- nese are not "peace-loving" and do not seem particularly friendly. The U.S. is like a boy who has kicked someone in the stomach and then expects that person to be his devoted friend. IT IS INCREDIBLE that a nation can spend $55 billion on building destruc- tive weapons-to annihilate the human population-and then to profess to be for the UN, for peace, and for the develop- ment of civilization. We condemn Nazis for speaking so coldly of genocide while we quibble about the number of human* beings that would be killed by our weap- ons, while we spend millions of dollars preparing for germ warfare. This country should not have to resort to mass weaponry to maintain its insti- tutions. It seems far more evil, far more dangerous to discuss the relative capaci- ties of nuclear weapons for destroying "Commies" than it does to speak of the relative merits of democracy over Com- munism. To consider "Commies" as some- thing less than human-to place such little value on human life-is a far great- er desecration of democratic principles than to reach some sane, rational pro- gram for peaceful co-existence. WHEN WE SPEND $55 billion a year on building destructive capabilities rath- er than providing the money for much needed internal improvements, we are weakening democracy far more than any Communist onslaught or propaganda could. Seymour Melman, an economist at Columbia University, reports that if the U.S. would stop building new weapons and just maintain its present stockpile, we could save approximately $22 billion. This money could be used to help fight poverty, to improve schools and universi- ties, -to clear slums. We could inaugurate and expand foreign aid programs like the Alliance for Progress and thus help un- derdeveloped countries mobilize their economies and improve social conditions. It is time that the United States prove its true desire for peace. It is time that the U.S. stop branding all other nations as "aggressive" and totally relieve itself of blame. The spiral must be stopped somewhere. It is up to this country, with its tremendous wealth and its tremendous prestige and its noble humanitarian values to take the first steps. The U.S. could then establish in the world the kind of peace envisioned by Nietzsche: AND PERHAPS THE DAY will come when a people, distinguished by wars and victories and by the highest develop- ment of a military order and intelligence, and accustomed to making the heaviest sacrifices for these things, will exclaim of its own free will, "We break the Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin D. Comments on Hatcher's State of the 'U' Speech by H. Nel Berkson THOUGH EVENTS HAVE nearly passed it by, Presi- these important and inescapable facts." It remains to the millions of young people now demanding, and need- dent Hatcher's State of the University address, be seen how much of this gubernatorial compassion will ing ... post-high school education, there will have to be delivered to the faculty two Monday nights ago, should be translated into dollars next spring. some adjustment made as to the time of entrance." not escape comment. The speech is always a noteworthy PRESIDENT HATCHER confronted the issue of This will certainly be an issue of contention. one, emphasizing the issues and themes which will overcrowding and put it into the same perspective he Another will be trimester itself. While President preoccupy 500 State St. in the coming year. has in the past: "We were crowded somewhat beyond Hatcher asked support for the system, many people Research was President Hatcher's topic in speech already think it is a failure. Our calendar is too far capacity, though not very much in percentage points, ou-fklewihtecenasfohrisiuin. after speech last year. This year he will apparently because of the rush for entrance into this University, out-of-kilter with the calendars of other institutions. underscore the contrast between scientific accomplish- as in others, on the opening day of the autumn term. The faculty was responsible for the decision, over the ments and human failures. Never again in the course of the 52 weeks will any one objections of the administration. Professors were quite The same cameras which recorded the achievements of these 'universities have as many students as it had hesitant to re-organize their courses. Nevertheless, Vice- of Ranger VII, "turned back upon the earth itself, at that point." President Heyns told the Regents last winter that interest would have shown the dark and menacing craters of The past few weeks have seen the dorm situation in the quarter system would grow; he is probably right. Rochester and Harlem yet to be explored, understood alleviated; the real pressure point remains in literary Praising the residential college concept, President and humanized," he said. "The most urgent of all college classrooms. Hatcher called it "a prototype of small academic com- matters before us," he declared, is "how do we get Dealing squarely with the question of growth, Presi- munities . . . within a larger academic community that the needed knowledge and acquire the technical and dent Hatcher said that the University must continue to consists of. many other units." He did not raise the social skills to harmonize the conflicts among men on enlarge proportionately to the population. He frankly essential question about the residential college: can a this overcrowded planet?" The President made the same admitted to reservations, although he didn't dwell upon small, isolated unit survive within a large university, point to freshmen last August and can be expected to the "facts of life" which most serious observers of higher or will it be overwhelmed? He made it clear, however, make it again. education see: while the dangers of size cannot be over- that the residential college represents the University's ONE SUBJECT which comes up over and over is stated, any ceiling on enrollment would drastically attempt to revitalize undergraduate education. the University's financial situation. Acknowledging that change the nature of the University. Out-of-state stu- Turning to graduate education, he confirmed the t yniersity'sy'sfialhincoesas ewledngthay dents, whose number is already frozen, would soon suspicion that this area will get "a new and searching last year's major budget increase went a long way disappear. Moreover, graduate education would soon look" He was not specific, however, leaving us to wonder toward eradicating the effects of seven lean years overwhelm undergraduate education; perhaps the fresh- just what "fresh and new and stimulating approaches" at the hands of the Legislature, President Hatcher was man-sophomore years here would have to be eliminated, are in store. Moreover, his elaborate praise of the new still not satisfied. "An economic fact of life that needs Mr. Hatcher indirectly alluded to the pressures on graduate school dean, Stephen Spurr, must have irritated more public recognition is that universities are a part him when he said, " . . . I can see nothing in the many faculty members who are not pleased with the of the total economy of this state and nation. Univer- experience of the United States in higher education . . . appointment. sities must respond to the same upward pressures that to lead me to believe that we would be better off without affect every business and industry in the community. our traditional intake of undergraduates in this Univer- IN TOTAL, the speech showed much concern with They cannot stand still while a 3%-4 per cent per yeart,, the various facets of growth. The University "must bend improvement factor is introduced into the rest of the s. every effort to continue to discharge in the future the economy. Merely to stay abreast, therefore, requires HOW WILL THIS INTAKE-which will rise by same kind of service and in as nearly the same relative each year a considerable addition to a University's more than 1000 per year for the next ten years, at least quantity as it has in the past," President Hatcher said. budget." -be handled? The University is banking on year-round The question remains whether quantity and quality In a political gesture worthy of the best profes- operation, and President Hatcher came very close to can co-exist. The answer ig illusive, but it should take sionals, he added, "I feel sure that both of the distiri- suggesting a deferred admissions policy when he declared, concrete form as the University moves toward a student guished candidates for governor of Michigan understand "It is perfectly obvious that in order to accommodate body of 50,000. ( , I ,( I The Week in Review, Protests and More Protests By JOHN KENNY Assistant Managing Editor and LOUISE LIND Assistant Editorial Director FRICTION BETWEEN pro- and anti-Student Government Council groups highlighted a Uni- versity week that was oveishadow- ed by Khrushchev's forced resig- nation, Communist China's first nuclear explosion and a shaky Labor victory in Britain. At Tuesday's meeting with 25 students-activist Voice, Student Action League, and Student Em- ployes Union representatives and SGC members-President Harlan Hatcher urged students to seek solutions to the problems of the University through "the agencies already created" - specifically, SGC. After the meeting, represen- tatives of Voice and SOC mem- ber Barry Bluestone expressed strong disagreement with the President's suggestions. They had hoped for concrete proposals to handle student grievances. The students urged administra- tors to exert pressure on the Ann Arbor community to lower rents and food and clothing prices. They also mentioned academic policy as an area needing reform. AN SGC DIAG RALLY, origin- ally intended for Tuesday, was cancelled at a special meeting last 'TOPKAPI': Thrill A fter Thrill At the Michigan Theatre IF YOU THINK silly movies are fun to watch, and if you can forgive two hours' worth of creaky devices, go see Jules Dassin's pro- duction "Topkapi." Turkish intelligence hires Peter Ustinov as an agent, after he had unwittingly become a tool of the thieves. Later the thieves entice him into joiningtheir plot and double-crossing the Turkish au- thorities. The thieves' plans are blocked by Turkish intelligence, but within thirty seconds, Maxi- milian Schell cleverly devises an ingenious new plan. Exciting? You just can't imagine. Schell cunningly keeps many details of the plan hidden in the depths of his mind, revealing them only a few at a time. In the scenes inewhich he does reveal details of the plan, the direction of the film approaches positive brilliance. Borrowing a technique used in the filming of tennis matches, Dassin has the camera shift back and forth from the con- fident face of Schell to the tense faces of his accomplices, as they question and he expounds. The script is packed with ex- changes of surpassing wit. For example, when Schell demon- strates a knot that can be pulled out at will, Melina Mercouri sexily comments, "Genius!" "Boy scout," is Schell's witty rejoinder. Sunday morning. At that time Council also voted to change its Constituent Assembly meeting from Tuesday until Thursday night. (In the meantime, SGC held an election. Six approved candidates and three write-ins failed to ex- cite student interest. Five official candidates won seats and Sharon Manning, '65Ed, a write-in can- didate, defeated James Boughey, '65, one of the official candidates, for the sixth seat. From the lowest voter turn-out in SGC history, it seems obvious the student body doesn't really care.) Thursday was the day for SGC's "Constituent Assembly," but only 30 constituents showed up. The students who turned out wanted rallies and Diag demonstrations to show the administration stu- dents are concerned. Student grievances exist on campus. But so far student pro- testors L.ave made noise, but have not convinced the administration they really understand the com- plex University situation. * * * A RELATED ISSUE is Voice's hearing before the Joint Judiciary Council. Director of Student Ac- tivities and Organizations John Bingley asked JJC to hear the case of Voice's holding a Diag rally two weeks ago and dis- tributing literature without Uni- versity permission. Such permis- sion is issued through Bingley's office. The hearing, originally sched- uled for Oct. 15, was postponed until this Thursday at the request of Voice chairman Richard Horevitz. Open to the public, the hearings could result in penalties ranging from a fine to withdrawal of SGC recognition. The current lull in student pro- test action will probably not last long. SAL's list of housing de- mands, submitted to Director of Housing Eugene Haun over a week ago, have not yet been answered. SAL will ask for a statement on those demands this week, Horevitz said last night. AT THE ROOT of the problems which created the "grievances" of protesting groups is the philosophy of expansion at the University. This topic will be related to the theme of President Hatcher's first student convocation. Lawrence Lossing, IFC president and chairman of a student group planning the convocation, indicat- ed last week the President will discuss the effects of the expand- ing University on the individual student. Perhaps students will hear some creative insights into the nature of a universitycommunity which predicts an enrollment of over 50,000 by 1975. * *, * PROMPTED BY a "shocking" enrollment surge, Michigan State University's Board of Trustees voted this week to ask the state Legislature for an additional $1 million appropriation to accom- modate an estimated 5000 more students next fall. This brings the total MSU bud- get request to $49.3 million, up from $39 million this year. The increased funds will be used for more teachers and a 10 per cent across-the-board faculty salary hike. Appropriation requests from all three large state universities have increased this year. The Univer- sity is asking for $55 million, an $11 million increase. Wayne State University seeks $35 million, $8 million more than last year's re- quest. FINANCIAL PROBLEMS finally killed Phi Mu sorority this week. The University chapter was of- ficially closed after two years of sparse pledging and financial problems. Three other sororities, Zeta Tau Alpha, Kappa Delta and Alpha Omicron Pi face similar problems, Ann Wickins, Panhel president said this week. Speaking at a packed Hill Aud, American Nazi Party head George Lincoln Rockwell used an "intel- lectual" approach, not his more usual "racist" approach. He said before his speech that this "log- ical" approach was intended for "more intellectual groups." The protests that raged before his coming and the picket line in front of Hill Aud made more "noise" than Rockwell's toned- down speech. Yet he still remains a man to be feared and pitied. "'Non-Al igned Nation" d! t M / LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Role of The Daily In SGC Rally Action "Then Just Before The Election He'll Make One More Wild Swing Around The Country" Rfga-j .1 ~~~ 4 - r A \ To the Editor: IN THE FUTURE, Daily night editors should be more con- sientious about getting their stories straight. Daily neglegence lay at the heart of Student Government Council's apparent floundering and ineffectual handling of an impor- tant issue last week. At its regular meeting last Wed- nesday, SGC voted to hold a rally in the afternoon, and a consti- tuent assembly on the evening of Tuesday, October 13. The express purpose of the rally was to drum up student interest, discussion, and support of Council's actions in the field of student grievances. Specifically, we wanted to get students involved enough to at- tend a constituent assembly that night,'at which time it was hoped a meaningful dialogue would oc- cur. Out of that dialogue was to come: for the students-an un- derstanding of how their elected representatives were handling the much discussed field of grievances, and for Council some new sug- gestions, a more crystalized "plan of attack," and perhaps some con- fidence that students are interest- ed enough in their own welfare to advance past the stage of emo- tional hullabaloo, to the point of sorting sifting, and understanding complex problems. It washoped that the rally would generate ex- citement that would be directly channeled into the constructive activity of a constituent assembly. * 5. * * THE SGC rally committee plan- ned the event with exactly this in mind. A site was chosen that would not be objectionable to Uni- screaming front page headlines the following day. With this as their only source of information, Uni- versity administrators strongly recommended to the SGC execu- tive committee that no rally be held. President Tom Smithson, acting on this,, and perhaps a personal misunderstanding of the purpose of the rally, flatly refused to have anything to do with the venture. He explained that the ad- ministration would necessarily mis- construe our intent, and that this would cause our already strained relations with them to deteriorate to the point where no real progress could be made. This stand of Smithson's, coup- led with strong pressures along the same lines from Executive Vice-President Doug Brook, and Interfraternity Council President Larry Lossing (both of whom, in- cidentally had been absent from the Wednesday night meeting when Council discussed the pur- poses and decided to stage the rally), convinced a sleepy Council on Sunday morning to drop the whole idea. * * * I VOTED to hold the rally, be- cause I thought we could make our purposes clear by explanations in the Daily, and by our actions at the rally itself. Council, how- ever, decided it was too much of a gamble. The entire fiasco made SGC look incompetent and rather stupid. The confusion and subsequent reversal could have been avoided had the Daily been more careful, and had they been aware that rally does not imply protest. The Daily ought to be more careful to