SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 19G4 'I'RE MICHIGAN DAILY PAI:F. TR'R'. ;i THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAf~V '3'UUVU - ~ £i ~ arisuie. i ntc ni n'r;! PanelFails To End NewspaperStrike China May Seek Leadership Of 'Third World' A-Nations * * * * * * * * * F our Vote Control New Parliam ent -r Observers Predict New Election in Year By HAROLD WOLMAN_ The Labor Party is in power in Britain for the first time in 13: years, but the big question is: l'or how long? The narrow margin of Labor's victory-giving them a bare ma- jority of only four votes in the 630-member House of Commons- 1has le4 observers to predict that. a new election will be held with- IN WHA in a year.aInoA Such a small majority is thought and noth to be unworkable in Commons for from thei any extended period of time, even Alexei Ad with the strict party discipline of the go which characterizes the British kov, right Parliament. In 1950, the Labor The sourc Party was returned with a clear bad tactic nmajority of only six seats (al- though it held 19 more than the Tories dhid),* and was forced to hold another election after having been in office little more than a year. 7' W ins Majority; Fills Cabinet T INFORMED SOURCES said yesterday was an ouster a resignation, two top Soviet journalists were dropped r positions along with Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev. .zhubei, left, Khrushchev's son-in-law, had been editor vernment newspaper Izvestia (News) and Pavel Satyu- , editor of the Communist Party organ Pravda (Truth). ces said Khrushchev had been accused of nepotism and es in Russia's long controversy with Red China. ushchev Ousted 'Wk ~ 'm~ year. Trogble for Labor Prof. Gabriel Pearson of the English department, a native Eng- lishinan and close observer of British politics, commented that Labor would have trouble merely keeping its slim majority present in Commons at all times due to absenteeism and illness. He added that constant harrass- merit and the threat of votes of confidence which could bring the government down are likely to be forthcoming from the Tories. At the same time, the election has shown an. increase in the strength of the Liberal Party, which polled almost 10 per cent of the vote an elected eight mem- bers to Parliament. These eight assume greater importance with the small Labor majority, and it is likely that the Liberals will have to be consulted on policy issues. 'he new prime minister, liar- old Wilson, is a man who Pearson thinks sees himself as a British counterpart of the late President John F. Kennedy. Wilson's slo- gans have put heavy emphasis on getting Britain moving again, Pearson added, and he is expect- ed'to depend heavily on academic figures outside government for many of his ideas. Intellectual Wilson is an intellectual with- out being an ideologue, but he shows no evidence of any Marx- ist tendencies, Pearson said. De- spite his earlier flirtation with the left wing of the Labor Party, Pearson believes Wilson now rep- resents the ideological dead cen- ter of the party. Pearson also called Wilson the strongest leader the Labor Party has ever had, at least in terms of the control he possesses over the party. In thge realm of foreign policy, Wilson will press for more dis- cussion of disarmament proposals and a continuation of the detente in the cold war. However, it is not likely that there will be any radical depar- tures in foreign policy, and, as Pearson observed, "the Anglo- American alliance will continue to be the foundation of British for- eign policy." (Continued frorn Page 1) mandism and unwillingness to take into account the achievements of science and practical experience." It said the Communist Party opposed all these things and de- manded "collective leadership" - exactly what Khrushchev insisted upon when he ruled Russia first in partnership with former Pre- mier Georgi Malenkov and later with Nikolai Bulganin. The editorial also charged him with "disregard for the practical experiences of the masses." The reference to the masses was taken as an indication that the party's grass-roots soundings showed dis- content with many of Khrush- chev's policies. Suslov: Old Stalinist The charges against Khrush- chev which led to his ouster were presented to the party meeting by Mikhail Suslov, an old Stalin- ist who has been the Kremlin's chief spokesman in its bitter dis- pute with China. Suslove presided at the 1957 meeting at which Khrushchev drummed out of the party a group of opponents, including former Premiers Vyacheslav Molotov and Malenkov. The sources said Suslov accus- ed Khrushchev of developing a "cult of personality." This was the term Khrushchev used against Stalin to summarize charges of crimes by the late ruler. The charge of nepotism was fol- lowed by the dismissal of Adzhu- bei, informed quarters said.' The editor of the party newspaper Pravda, Pavel Satyukov, is due for dismissal when he returns from a trip to Paris, these informants added, and state radio-television boss Mikhail Kharlamov has been dropped. Three personal aides and advis- ers of Khrushchev are also being transferred to other jobs. There was surprise in diplomat- ic circles that Suslov presented the charge of mishandling rela- tions with China and other Com- y Failures' munist parties, considering his own role. But a number of indi- cations pointed to this having been the issue that finally decided a majority of the central committee against Khrushchev. Many Soviet leaders had been reported worried that Moscow had lost its unques- tioned leadership of the world Communist movement. Agricultural Failures Another charge was agricultural failures. Khrushchev had made ag- riculture his special field since before becoming first secretary in September, 1953. Furthermore, Pentagon experts noted yesterday that indications of military disagreement have been appearing in Russian publications for some time. The main differences between the Soviet marshals and Khrush- chev reportedly involved the mili- tary budget and strategy. Khrushchev had proclaimed a fiscal goal of more bread and few- er guns for the Russian people, while stressing missiles and other nuclear weaponry where the mar- shals felt conventional weapons and forces were in danger of be- ing slighted. harder Line Also, the senior Soviet officer corps is believed to favor a harder line toward the West, like that espoused by the Chinese. Generally, the Soviet military group is believed to be traditional- 1ist in outlook. Khrushchev, as pre- mier, was an innovator. The Red Army also apparent- ly has been concerned about the rise of religious influences with the young. Informants said Khrushchev, rushing back to Moscow Tuesday from a Black Sea vacation, was called to a meeting of the presid- ium of the party's central commit- tee that night, where he was voted out of office. When the par- ty's full committee met the next day-with Suslov prosecutor and Khrushchev defendant-the proc- ess was evidently completed. Fear MarginF M1'ay M'ake Rule ShaKe Walker To Assume 1 Foreign Secretary < Post; Home Resigns LONDON (AP)-Labor Party lead-1 er Harold Wilson became Britain's prime minister yesterday by vir- tue of a Laborite election victory{ so narrow that it jeopardizes his chances for a stable administra-E tion. Wilson's party scraped no more than a four-seat majority in the House of Commons in a photo fin-1 ish which ended 13 years of Con- servative rule. When final returns are in sometime today, Labor willk have a 317 to 313 lead over itst combined Conservatives and Lib-t eral opposition. Queen Elizabeth II yesterday ac-x cepted the resignation of Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Homet and appointed Wilson to forma new cabinet from the ranks of the Laborites. Home will remain in1 Commons,. however, as leader ofr the opposition. Doubts immediately developedt whether Wilson, with his extreme- ly thin edge, could long keep con- trol of the newly elected House. Walker as Foreign Secretary s Nevertheless, Wilson quickly be-x gan filling places in his cabinet. For the key post of foreign secre-E tary, he named Patrick Gordon Walker, a party stalwart whof failed to win election to Com- mons. Walker is expected to runt again in a special election in a safe Labor district from which ank obliging incumbent, newly elected, would be asked to resign. As expected, Wilson namedI deputy party leader George Brown, once Wilson's rival for power, as first secretary of state" and minister for economic affairs. Brown, in the second-ranking cab- inet post, will be acting prime minister when Wilson is away. James Callaghan, another rival to succeed the late Labor Party leader Hugh Gaitskell last year, becanr.° chancellor of the ex- chequer (treasury). Denis Healey an advocate of an East-West dis- engagement in Europe, became de- 1 fense minister. Party Whip, Lord Gardiner was put in charge of the judiciary as lordE chancellor. Herbert Bowden be-r came lord president of the council, which makes him leader of the House of Commons, and Edward Short became party whip, whichE places on him the responsibility of keeping Labor's narrow majority, in line. Another 20 cabinet members are expected to be appointed within arY few days. In a three-minute television talk from his new office at 10 Downing St., Wilson tried to dis-I pel any fears his Labor govern- ment might be tumbled from pow- er because of its thin margin. "I want to make it quite clear that this will not affect our abil-< ity to govern," he said. "There< are serious problems to be dealt1 with, and we intend to deal with them."t Union Local Rejects Plan To Arbitrate By The Associated Press DETROIT - The 95-day-old newspaper strike again reached an impasse yesterday as Local 10 of the Plate and Paper Handlers Union rejected the recommenda- tions of a three-man panel nam- ed by Gov. George Romney to end the strike. The plan, which involved an agreement by both sides to sub- mit the strike to mutually bind- ing arbitration, had been accept- ed by the newspaper publishers. According to a publishers' as- sociation spokesman, the local also rejected "a new contract proposal" by the strikebound papers, the Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press. The commission was composed of Prof. Russell Smith of the Law School, Episcopal Bishop Richard Emrich and Wayne State Univer- sity President Clarence E. Hill- berry. It recommended that: -Each side reconsider its posi- tion and report any significant changes by Oct. 19; -A neutral person be appoint- ed to arbitrate if no agreement is reached by Oct. 26, and -This arbitration become bind- ing if no agreement is reached by Nov. 1. . The rejection came as six men, identifying themselves as mem-.. bers of a strike-idled Teamsters union local, demonstrated in front of the News and Free Press in an attempt to start a "back-to-work movement." ' A spokesman for the group said the six were members of team- sters. Local 372, made up of tr"k drivers employed at the two papers. But he stressed the men were acting without the endorse-; ment "of the local. He praised the recommenda- tions of the Governor's commis- sion as "an excellent one" and urged both sides in the dispute to follow it. But the publishers' spokesman said, following a meeting with the, plate handlers, that "union repre- sentatives would not agree to the arbitration of unsettled issues and .offered no solution other than to continue the strike." Both striking unions rejected the idea of binding arbitration last month when it was suggested by the Detroit Newspaper Guild. Neither paper has published since July 13, when the plate handlers and pressmans Local 13 walked off the job after rejecting a contract offer. World tNews Roundup By The Associated Press VATICAN CITY-The Ecumen- ical Council made further changes yesterday in Roman Catholic wor- ship to help bring priest and par- ishioner closer together at mass. Changes will be made in church construction and in the text of the mass. Spoken prayers will be des- ignated by the National Episcopal Conference and scriptural read- ings will be included in evening devotions.., SANTA MONICA. Calif. - World-famed composer and lyric- ist Cole Porter died yesterday at a Santa Monica hospital, where he underwent kidney surgery last Oct. 13. He was 71 years old. Porter was the author of song hits such as "Night and Day, stage musicals including "Kiss Me Kate," and did music and lyrics for such films as "High Society." It was he who first broke away, successfully, from the restrictions of Tin-Pan Alley traditions that a popular song had to have a 16- bar verse and a 32-bar chorus. Some of his pieces almost doubled this. By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press Special Correspondent Red China, after traveling a long, rocky road to a nuclear test explosion, now can be expected to mount a diplomatic drive to be- come the nuclear club spokesman for a "third world." Peking's feat-no matter how long it will take to acquire stock- piles and delivery systems - is gloomy news for the West and the Soviet Union. Not only is the development likely to increase tension between Moscow and the Red Chinese, but it also can step up the potential of the Peking regime for trouble- making. Already, with the explosion of a nuclear device, Red China is in an enhanced position to pursue one of its major policy aims - creation of an "intermediate zone" -a third world-which it envi- sions as a bloc which regards the Soviet Union and the United States both with hostility. Target Area The main direction of this drive is in Asia, Africa and Latin Amer- ica, the so-called underdeveloped world, where Red Chinese diplo- macy already is extremely active -and in some cases highly suc- cessful. In the non-white world, the im- pact of the feat will be heavy. It is probable that what the' Chinese did was accomplished without significant Soviet help. China's do-it-yourself drive to- ward the nuclear club's door be-' gan in earnest in 1958. Since then the drive has brought increasing. estrangement from Moscow, a wid- ening rift in the world Commu-' nist movement and a quiet purge inside Red China involving both the party and the army.' History' As long ago as 1950, shortly. after the revolution enveloped the China mainland, Peking's nuclear aspirations became a problem for Moscow. Though Josef Stalin - for anti-Soviet propoganda pur-' poses-now is given a place of honor by Peking in the Red Pan- theon, the Soviet dictator seemed' leery of Chinese ambitions and suspicious of such potential power on the Soviet border. Stalin signed a mutual aid agreement with Peking in 1950.' It appeared to fall far short of' what Mao Tze-tung wanted in the military field. Such aid seemed' limited to technical training and material. It was increased some-., what after Red China intervened in the Korean War, but the Chi- nese bought Soviet equipment on long-term credit and went deeply into debt until 1957. Unfair The Chinese in 1957 openly complained that it was unfair of the Russians to saddle China with the burdensome cost of the Ko- rean War. One section of the 1950 treaty was believed to have dealt with joint development of uranium in Sinkiang Province, but this was reversed after Stalin died and the Chinese took full control of the operation. However, Plutonium- 239 instead of Uranium-235 may have been used in China's test. In the post-Stalin era, Moscow agreed to cooperate on peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The Chi- nese sent scientists to the Dubna Nuclear Research Center. But Pe- king pressed constantly for help on nuclear weapons technology, incessantly urging the Russians to recognize the Chinese need. They sent a military delegation to Mos- cow in 1957 to seek such help. No Progress The mission, headed by the then Defense Minister Peng Teh-huai, $1 Million From State (Continued from Page 1) years from 1:20 to 1:23; -The dormitory system, bolster- ed this fall by the opening of two new halls with a total of 2500 rooms, has been forced to place over 1200 students in triple rooms which are actually doubles, and - The increasing enrollment pressure, "particularly affecting MSU and the University here," has left "a serious size problem" which the state must recognize. Legislature Flooded The Legislature is being flooded with record requests from all 10 state-supported universities. The "big three" schools are setting the trend. While MSU is at the $50 million mark, the University seeks to shoot from its current $44 million to &, $55 million appropriation level. Wayne State University is asking an unprecedented $35 million, an $8 million increase over this year. Taking these requests, the gov- ernor's office and Legislature will arrive at the final appropriations. this spring. There are usually heavy slashes recorded in Lansing, but Huff warned "nwe must seek to educate this Legislature that we cannot downgrade our product; that we, cannot downgrade education." Re-districting will seat almost a, completely new batch of legisla- tors this fall, and Huff pledged a statewide campaign to spell out educational needs to them. The first leg of that campaign takes place next week when the Coordinating Council for Public Higher Education, which Huff chairs, meets to map out plans for informing legislators of edu-, cation needs. evidently made no progress and signs of a Soviet-Chinese split be- came more apparent. Peng, refusing to give up, tried again and again. He is believed to have clashed with Mao over the truculent attitude toward Moscow which Peng probably felt hurt any chances of help toward the nu- clear club. Peng disappeared into oblivion, accused of being "anti-party." Other high-ranking military men were relieved of their posts. The housecleaning reached high into party and government ranks, be- ginning in 1958, and about six party vice-chairmen and some government people were quietly removed. Today, a new and even deeper purge is believed in prog- ress to weed out remaining ele- ments suspected of pro-Moscow leanings. Own A-Device In 1958, anti-Russian Marshal Chen Yi, then foreign minister, predicted publicly that China would build her own nuclear weap- on But China still was far away from the goal, and Mao called the atomic bomb a "paper tiger," pro- pounding the theory that man- power would be the deciding fac- tor in world politics. China had plenty of that. There seemed to be a clash be- tween the hierarchy and elements of the Chinese military who con- tended that Russian help would significantly s p e e d Chines e achievement of its own weapon. But the party leadership became more enraged than ever with Mos- cow when then-Premier Nikita S, Khrushchev suggested that Asia be made a nuclear-free zone. The Chinese in 1960 served notice they would ignore any disarmament agreement reached by the Soviet Union and the West. Russia Pulls Out The split deepened. The Rus- sians withdrew all their military advisers and technicians. Chen Yi defiantly reasserted the doc- trine of "reliance on one's own re- sources," and Peking boasted that it was making strides toward over- coming difficulties raised by "mod- ern revisionists'" refusal to lend technical information. Inj August, 1962, Chen Yi an- nounced publicly that China was devoting "tremendous" resources to development of a nuclear bomb which he said China wanted "for the sole reason that the capital- ists consider us underdeveloped and defenseless as long as we lack the ultimate weapon." .FOO9TBALL TICKETS RESALE 9 a.m.-12 noon every home game Main Desk Student Union Bring in tickets you want sold early w . --. ' d .J , ° " / . '"" , f; ,,' i s: j % l' f / . i ./ Miss .! sh ifts The University of Michigan YOUNG DEMOCRATIC CLUB announces: SENATOR PHILIP HART D-Mich. MONDAY, OCT. 19, 1964 _ _17-_ HOMECOMING '64 PRESENTS 'Ii The Miitchell Trio I Mike Kobluk Chad Mitchell Joe Frazier from day to date in soft wool crepe... looking neat and pretty for any number of occasions ...our long-sleeved shift with dropped cowl neckline, bowed for accent. Pink, powder blue + or brown. 5 to 13 sizes. :.. < : 22.98 <} BLOCK SALES 8:30 A.M. Monday, Oct. 19 AT HILL AUDITORIUM lil[ ............ s::. :.