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October 16, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-16

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F1 II)AY, OCTC1$ER 16, 1964


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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 21 * r~u' 'u~wt~wuu

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News Unions Silent on Offer

By The Associated Press
DETROIT-Publishers of this
city's two newspapers have urged
the unions striking them to accept
the terms--mediation followed by
binding arbitration-recommend-
ed by a three-man committee ap-
pointed by Gov. George Romney.
But as of last night, the unions
had no comment on the recom-
The commission, named by
Romney to try and solve the
three-month-old strike of press-
men and plate and paper handlers
at The Detroit News and Detroit
Free Press, submitted the pro-
C dural recommendations in lieu
offailure to halt the strike.
The recommendations, endorsed
by Romney, urged that:
1) Each side reconsider its posi-
tions and report any significant

changes by Oct. 19.I
2) If settlement on all issues
is not reached by Oct. 26 a neu-
tral person or persons should be
authorized to mediate and if no
agreement is reached by Nov. 1,
to become binding arbitor.
3) If mediation-arbitration is
accepted and arbitration becomes
necessary, the issues be stipulated.
The" commission listed these two
issues as predominant:
Night Shifts
1) "A demand by those who
work Saturday night shifts for
the Sunday morning editions that
they shall receive some kind of
premium pay recognition for such
work, and
2) "Demands by the publishers
and the pressmen relating to con-
tract 'manning' requirements for
press operations."

The commission said a third
issue was the pressmen's demands
for paid washup time or alternate
work clothing arrangements.
Romney said both sides should
accept the procedural proposals.
If they are rejected he said,
"then the unions and the publish-
ers will have to answer to the
public of Michigan for their ac-
The commission said failure to
achieve settlement promptly "will
indicate, to us and we think to the
public, a failure of leadership re-
sponsibility on either or both
Economic Issues
The commission said it did not
believe economic force would re-
solve the issues. It said the parties
should agree to resume publica-
tion at the time any agreement

on binding arbitration is signed.
The commission was composed
of Episcopal Bishop Richard Em-
rich, Prof. Russel Smith of the'
University Law School, and Wayne'
State University President Clar-
ence Hillberry. .
The newspaper strike is now
entering its fourth month. The
strike started July 13. It was then
that 291 pressmen and 150 plate
handlers walked out at the morn-
ing Detroit Free Press and even-
ing Detroit News in support of
new contract demands.
Hi Karen
Originally, one stumbling block
was a demand by Free Press press-
men for time-and-a-half pay for
any work done Saturday night on
Sunday's paper, even if this work
fell within their normal 35-hour
work week.
Later the pressmen said they
rescinded this demand, but the
publishers said the pressmen had
added a demand for a paid lunch
hour and other fringes that out-
weighed in costs their original
In the early stages publishers
bought prime television time to ex-
plain what they termed "a fair,
equitable and generous offer" and
laid blame for the news blackout
to the strikers, the only two unions
among several to refuse to settle
for similar terms.
The strikers proclaimed in a
news conference the "justice" of
their demands and argued for
more bargaining-table meeting in
preference to television debate.

court Ousts
Detroit Law
LANSING 1P)-The Michigan
Supreme Court yesterday dismiss-
ed a complaint asking it to pre-
vent the State Civil Rights Com-
mission from nullifying Detroit's
"home-owners' rights ordinance."
The Greater Detroit Home-
owners Council contended the
commission had publicly an-
nounced an intention to act
against the ordinance. But Chief
Justice Thomas Kavanagh said
the complaint gave the court no
issues to act upon.
Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley, repre-
senting the rights commission, had
sought the dismissal.
He contended the commission
has not indicated "it intends to
exercise powers other than those
granted by the Constitution."
He further contended the home-
owners council presented no facts
entitling it to the relief sought.
The court was not asked to rule
on the ordinance itself.
A spokesman for the rights com-
mission said the ordinance is "by
no means a dead issue," but said
commission plans regarding it still
are unsettled.
Earlier statements from civil
rights groups indicated that the
ordinance would be attacked both
on issues of unconstitutionality
and on procedurals issues.

Viet Nam May Junk Election

By The Associated Press
SAIGON-Sources close to the
South Vietnamese government's
17-man High National Council
said it has decided to junk plans
for a general election to choose
a new Congress. Instead, it will
appoint all congressmen.
The reported reason was a dan-
ger that the Communists, who
control much of the countryside,
could score a moral victory
through demonstrations and cast-
ing of blank ballots even though
they listed no candidates.

Meanwhile a firing squad
executed Nguyen Van Troi, the
Viet Cong guerrilla who sought to
blow up U.S. Defense Secretary
McNamara last spring. In a Sai-
gon courtroom, the possibility of
death sentences loomed before 13
military officers and civilians
called to trial on a charge of
treason in the abortive coup of
Sept. 13.
Brig. Gen. Lam Van Phat, a
former interior minister who is
one of the chief defendants, testi-
fied U.S. Deputy Ambassador U.
Alexis Johnson told him 10 hours
after the rebel troops occupied Sai-

gon: "Do anything you want, but
avoid bloodshed."
From foreign ministry sources
came word that Lt. Gen. Tran
Thien Khiem, absentee member
of the ruling military triumvirate,
will be South Viet Nam's new am-
bassador to Washington.

A controversial figure
to a diplomatic tour
Khiem is believed to be

in Hong

Kong. The Washington embassy
has been run by a charge d'affaires
since Ambassador Do Vang Ly was
dismissed following the 1963 coup
that toppled the Ngo Dinh Diem



Guest Speakers:

Robert C. Angell,


Daniel R. Fur feld, Economist
Carolyn D. Lewis, Prominent Republican

FRIDAY OCT.16 8:00 P.M.
Arborlond Community Room

-Associated Press

THE ABSENCE OF PREMIER NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV from this meeting of Soviet and Cuban lead-
ers yesterday was the first indication of a change in power. Khrushchev was the only top Soviet
-, leader absent from the meeting. His protege Leonid Brezhnev, second from left, has taken over
the key party post of Communist secretary. Alexei Kosygin, third from left, succeeds Khrushchev
as Premier.

Kosygin and Brezhnev Get
Highest Posts in Kremlin

(Continuedt from Page 1)
Brezhnev, a Communist Party'
member for 33 of his 57 years, has
been heir-apparent to Premier'
Chrushchev for at least the pastj
three years.
The stocky Ukrainian made his
last previous step forward last
July 15, when he relinquished his
figurehead role as president of the
Soviet Union to concentrate on
work in the Communist Party, the
real source of power in Moscow.
Khrushchev said then that
Brezhnev was needed for full-time
work as a secretary of the/Com-
munist Party's central committee.
Brezhnev has been associated
with Khrushchev's career since
1938 in the Soviet Union's Ukrain-
Ian region. He was born in Decem-
ber, 1906 in Kamenskoye. He and
Khrushchev came up in the
tlraine as faithful party workers.
In 1927, Brezhnev was graduated
from an agricultural institute in
Kursk, and in 1931 he was ad-
rhitted to membership in the Com-
munist Party. He is one of the
post - Bolshevik, post - revolution
Communists among whom tech-
nological knowledge was more im-
portant than revolutionary fervor.
Brezhnev was posted to the
Urals area as a specialist in land
use, and there rose to the head
of the Oblast (area) Land De-
partment. He left the Urals to
study metallurgy in his home
When the war ended, Brezhnev
was sent back to the Ukraine,
where he continued his move up-
ward in the party. At the 19th
Soviet Party Congress in Moscow
in 1952, he became as the party's
presidium. It was the power cen-
ter of the whole Soviet structure.
When Stalin died in 1953, Brez-
hnev was fired from his job as
first Communist Party Secretary
of the - Moldavian Republic, ac-
quired from Romania during the
war. But by the time other Soviet
leaders arranged the arrest of
Lavrenty Beria, Stalin's secret
police chief, Brezhnev had bounced
back. He turned up in the role of
first deputy chief of the main
political board in the ministry of
defense - political commissar of
Kelly Girl Service, Inc.
518 E. William, Ann Arbor

the armed forces.
As Khrushchev rose to power,
the new leader seemed to lean
heavily on Brezhnev. The Ukrain-
ian became a full member of the
party presidium and later took
over as president.
He was no ceremonial president
as others before him had been.
Like Khrushchev, he had traveled
broadly and was to continue to
do so as a sort of traveling sales-
man for the Soviet Union. He has
been to Italy, North Korea, Fin-
land, Morocco, Guinea, Ghana,
Yugoslavia and Iran..
a' a-

Arts and Crafts
Hours: Mon. and Fri. 12-9 p.m.
Tue.-Sat. 9-5
417 Detroit Street



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tonite-6:30 'til 9:00
Alice Leach
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Dianne Dennison
Cindy Kammann






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