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October 15, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-15

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Phi Mu Sorority

Announces Closing of 'U' Chapter

Lack of Members,
Funds Force Action.
Three Other Sororities May Face-
Similar Difficulties in Near Future
Panhellenic Association President Ann Wickins, '65; revealed
Wednesday that Phi Mu sorority has closed down its University
chapter. Pressing financial problems were given as reasons for the
A letter from the national council of Phi Mu stated that "a
chapter 'cannot function to, the benefit of the individuals in it,
as Phi Mu demands, when it is occupied primarily with financial
and membership problems." Miss Wickins reflected that the with-
drawal of Phi Mu should serve to warn the sororities of the many
- roblems they will face in the












Faculty Discuss

'U' Senate Restructuring

To Eye Effect
Of Ex ansion
University President Harlan
Hatcher will seek to forecast the
effects of an expanding University
on the .individual student at his
convocation with students Nov. 5.
The convocation will be held in
the Rackham Lecture Hall which
holds 1100 students, Interfrater-
nity President Lawrence Lossing,
'65, said yesterday.
Lossing chairs a student com-
mittee which worked out the for-
mat for the convocation, first of
its kind here in 40 years.
20 Minutes
President Hatcher will open the
session with a 20-minute address,
yet to be titled, seeking to show
what the student can expect with-
in a University community at-
tempting to maintain academic
He added that the President will
regard questions similar to these:
"Will the student invariably at-
tend classes. of 300 or more? Will
he invariably reside in high-rise
dorms? Will he invariably be
forced to pursue his studies with-
out direct personal guidance from
These topics are suitable for
both a specific examination of
housing and academic issues as
well as a 'philosophic' overview of
the changing concepts for Univer-
sity growth, Lossing said.
President Hatcher was not avail-
able for comment.
His speech will be followed by
a "spontaneous" question and
answer period where students can
address the President through a
roving microphone system.
At the time, however, the entire
student body could fit in Hill Aud.
In announcing the convocation
last spring, the President explain-
ed his goal was to redefine the
student's place in the expanding
He has expressed hope that the
student convocation, if successful,
could be repeated in the spring.
A recent Student Government
Council campus leaders forum,
which featured administrator and
faculty speakers, drew a meager
turnout: However, Lossing said the
committee plans a massive pub-
licity canpaign for the convoca-
tion to attract students.
The President has been criti-
cized by some students for "poor"
communication with the rest of
the University community. Presi-
dent Hatcher has maintained,
however, that he is always willing
to meet and discuss student ideas.
Currently, the President ad-
dresses the freshmen at the be-
ginning of each academic year and
hold several informal open houses
at his own home. He also has pre-
sided over large assemblies at spe-
cial events such as the memorial
service here for the late President
John F. Kennedy last November.
Delay Hearing
On Voice Rally
At the request of Voice chair-
man Richard Horevitz, '67, Joint
Judiciary Council has postponed
until Thursday, Oct. 22 its hear-
ing on alleged violations of Uni-
versity regulations at the Voice-
led protest rally Tuesday, Oct. 6.
Hn~r,'a,4+' w#l1} ,r~ar~at4 V~n a 4-

Three More? '
Reportedly, three other sorori-
ties-Zeta Tau Alpha, Kappa Del-
ta and Alpha Omicron Pi-face
similar problems. Miss Wickins
acknowledged that rush 't these
houses had fallen off and said
they had reported financial dif-
f iculties.
"There are many more girls who
want membership than there are
places, yet a few houses have not
made their quota recently," she
observed. "The reason lies in the
prestige attached to certain
houses. Girls don't look for friends,
but for a name."
Miss Wickens elaborated on the
history of the Phi Mu chapter at
the University and outlined the
financial and membership prob-
lems which the sorority had ex-
perienced since its initiation. Phi
Mu is a relatively new house on
campus, started ten years ago with
remarkable success in culling a
large pledge class during its first
year of existance.
Its troubles began, in earnest
two years ago when Phi Mu did
not take any pledges, and even its
subsequent participation in open
rush attracted only a few pledges,
During the 1964 springrush, the
house had been forced to end its
program at the end of the third
set after a sparse turnout of'
Panhel then initiated a new
plan, consisting of a "friendship"
group designed to pledge en masse.
This failed when the National
Council felt there wouldn't be
enough members to pay for the;
upkeep of the house and that it
would be unfair to pledge the girls,
who wanted housing as well as'
sorority affiliation.
After the 1964 attempt to aid'
the sorority, Panhel President Pat
Elkins, '64, had asserted that "Phi
Mu is the one house that could
not exist without help.",
Open Extra
Stud yAreas ,
Rooms in Angell Hall will be
I open 7-10 p.m. today and tomor-
row for students desiring a placeI
to study, Frederick Wagman, di-
rector of University libraries, an-;
nounced yesterday.7
The rooms to be opened are:
Today: 25, 231 and 2003; Friday:l
231 and 2003. All the rooms have
tables and chairs rather than
Wagman said the rooms are be-
ing opened now because of the ex-
ceptionally h e a v y amount of
studying done during this part ofc
the academic year. He noted, how-
ever, that surveys have shown the
library system has not been filledl
to capacity even during peak
periods this week.f

Name IKing
T o Receiv~e
Nobel Prize
OSLO (IP')- Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr., an American Negro lead-
er in the national civil rights
movement, was awarded the 1964
Nobel Peace Prize yesterday.
In announcing the 1964 winner
of the coveted award, the Oslo
Nobel Institute said "Martin Luth-
er King has consistently asserted
the principle of nonviolence."
In an Atlanta hospital for a
routine physical checkup King
said: "I'm deeply moved, gratified
and honored to be chosen for such
a significant award.
"I do not consider this merely
an honor to me personally, but a
tribute to the discipline, wise re-
straint, and majestic courage of

How should faculty relate to the
administration in expressing their
ideas and exercising influence on
policy decisions? What kind of
structure for the University Sen-
ate-the faculty's official forum
-will allow the most fruitful dis-
About 25 professors pursued
these questions yesterday after-
noon. The impetus to their open
forum was a proposal to restruc-
ture the Senate, hopefully so that
faculty could "speak out force-
fully and promptly on University
Opinions on the proposal were
sharply divided. They ranged fromn
one professor's feeling that the
proposal's assumptions have noth-
ing to do with the modern univer-
sity--such institutions must, b run
by professional administrators -
to the contention that there ought
to be some vehicle through which
the faculty as a whole can com-
munrcate continously with admin-
65-Man Assembly
The plan in question has been
put forth by the Senate Subcom-
mittee on University Freedom and
Responsibility, which sponsored
yesterday's discussion. Its most
controversial feature is a 65-man
elected Assembly which would
meet monthly and have authority
to speak as a representative of the
.whole faculty.
The Senate-composed of the 1,-
200 men with professorial rank
and presently the only official
meeting ground for all 1200 -
ould continue meeting once a se-
mester. Any of its members would

termed the manageri-al revolution
in education, the teacher is in-
creasingly only an employe of the
university and cannot hope to
exert real influence on" "manage-
With their real strength lying in
their advisory capacity, Prof.
Charles Sawyer of the architec-
ture and design college said, fac-
ulty naturally shy away from ad-
ministrative tasks-as members of
advisory "groups, they can more
easily represent an ideal positionf
without having to bear final re-
There is still no reason for not
seeking a representative faculty
body composed of those men who
do have some expertise in admin-
istrative affairs and can express
general faculty opinions, Prof. Wil-
liam Frankena of the philosophy
department, chairman of the free-
dom and responsibility group,

countered. He said he was not as.
willing as Rice to "give up democ-
Yet the functioning of the As-
sembly would subvert the advis-
ory groups' activities, Prof. Rich-
ard Wellman of the Law School,
chairman of SACUA, said. Unlike
the committees, the Assembly
could not have enough interesting
work to keep its members' en-
grossed-or even enough interested
For as in order to become in-
volved in interesting tasks, the
Assembly would have to call on
the committees to inform it of
their work: This would discour-
age the committees from inde-
pendent investigation, Wellman ex-
Prof. William LeVeque of the
mathematics department d i s-
agreed, saying that was not nee-
essarily the case. He saw no rea-

son why many of the meaning- maintained that this "poverty" was
gul topics presently considered by a function of the impossibility of
SACUA would not be transferred carrying on a meaningful dia-
to the Assembly or why the com- logue at the meetings and of for-
mittees would necessarily lose their mulating a decisive, representative
effectivenesss statement of faculty opinion.
Internal Functions The Assembly, they contended,
Interspersed with their debate would be better able to engage in
on how faculty should relate to vital debate and reach a consen-
the administration and how they sus because of its size and the
would be able to under the pro- deeper involvement. of its mem-
posed restructuring, the professors bers which would hopefully exist.
debated the more general issue of Kerr agreed that Senate meet-
how the new system would affect ings were sometimes felt to be
the internal workings of the facul- meaningless but attributed this to
ty body. the difficulty of attending the
Their considerations were based meetings and the amount of time
on the fact that attendance at allowed for discussion. He pro-
Senate meetings has steadily de- posed setting aside a special day
clined from around 16 per cent of each semester just for the sessions.
the faculty in the 1940's to around Wellman agreed that Senate
seven per cent last year. In ab- meetings were too large for dis-
solute numbers, last year's meet- cussion but said the Assembly
ings averaged about 150 men. would be too small to be represen-
Proponents of the restructuring tative.

Smithson Tops SGC Vote,


Write -In

the millions of gallant Negroes be allowed to speak at Assembly
and white persons of good will who sessions.
have followed a nonviolent course The Senate's executive arm -
in seeking to establish a reign of the Senate Advisory Committee on
justice and a rule of love across University Affairs-would be par-
this nation of ours. ed from 19 to nine and meet week-
King said every dollar of the ly instead of monthly.
prize moneywould be spent on the The numerous subcommittees
civil rights movement, which do the real work of the Sen-
King is the 12th American and ate and have the closest, most
the third Negro to be awarded the continuous contact with the ad-
Peace Prize. Dr. Ralph J. Bunchemintionoldcarryh onea
Unitd NaionsUndersecretary' ministration would carry on as
United Nations Udrertr they do now.
for Special Political Affairs, was Consultative Capacity
the first American Negro so These subcommittees act Iarge-,
awarded winning the prize in 1950. ly in a consultative capacity when
He sent King a letter of congratu- y n a mi aity w -e
lations immediately after the 'they deal with administrators -
award was announced. and this is the only really viable
"This announcement . . . is a procedure, Prof. Warner Rice,
striking international recognition chairman of the English depart-
for the cause and str~uggle of the ;went, said.
American Negro for full equality Furthermore, he added, this
in the American society and for functioning is all faculty are will-
full participation in the main- ing to take on. Under what Rice
stream of, American life," Bunche'
wrote. G T H
The other Negro NobelfPeace SGC To Hear
Prize winner was South African
leader Albert Luthuli, in 1960.n9
This year King was made an Voters' Views
honorary doctor at Yale Univer-
sity and was awarded the John F. Student Government Council
Kennedy Prize by the Catholic will hold its first Constituent's
Council for cooperation between Assembly tonight at 7:30 in the
the races, in Chicago. multipurpose room of the UGLI.
King, 35, had been rumored as The assembly is being held to
an award candidate for months. give students the opportunity to
He will receive the Nobel gold express their grievances and have
medal and diploma and the cash them taken formally to the Coun-
prize, which this year is $53,123, cil table.
in Oslo Dec. 10. SGC President Tom Smithson,
King began his civil rights cru- '65, will open the assembly with
sade from the pulpit of Dexter a few remarks. Then it will break
Avenue Baptist Church in Mont- into groups to discuss various
gomery, Ala., in 1955, after earn- issues. The groups will be led by
ing his Ph.D. in systematic theol- Scott Crooks, '65; Sherry Miller,
ogy at Boston University. '65, SGC treasurer; Gary Cunning-
The stocky Negro cleric pattern- ham, '65; and League President
ed his campaign after the nonvio- Nancy Frietag, '65.
lent methods of India's Gandhi, Crooks said that SGC hopes to
preaching peaceful demonstrations recruit m e m b e r s for their
and passive resistance. committees.

ACLU Promises Aid
T'oBerke ley Stucdents
The American Civil Liberties Union has decided to intervene on
behalf of the eight students recently suspended from the University
of California at Berkeley for violating the ban on direct political
action, Ernest Besig, Executive Director of Northern California
Branch of the ACLU, told the Daily over the phone yesterday.
He said the ACLU believes, "that the regulations which the
students were alleged to have broken violate their political rights
as guaranteed by the first amend- -
Berkeley's ban on student poll- l,
tical activity is based upon Kerr'sJ
interpretation of the state con-
stitutional provisions for the es-
tablishment of the university. PI, j j eV e
State Constitution
The California state constitu-j
tion states that the University Ciof vi 1 an R 1 e
California must be kept free ofl
political influence.
Although the ACLU says that SAIGON ()-Prospects for the
this law applies only to the ad- pledged quick switch of South Viet
ministration, University President Nam from military to civilian gov-
Clark Kerr believes that the law.ernment went glimmering yester-
refers to both the administration day. This development followed a
and the student body. week of unusually heavy casual-
The ACLU will test the con- ties in the United States-backed
stitutionality of Kerr's interpreta- war against the Communist Viet
tion in court if the Regents of the Cong.
University of California do not Reliable sources disclosed that,
reverse his stand at their meeting through a complicated deal work-
today at Davis. ed out with the 17-man High Na-
'Bad Faith' tional Council, the military trium-
Furthermore, Besig stipulated verate which was supposed to step
Kerr has been acting in "bad down Oct. 27 will continue to wield
faith" on the terms of the tenta- executive power until some time
tive . agreement reached betweer next year.
the Berkeley administration and Under revised arrangements it'
student demonstrators October 2. is reported Maj. Gen. Nguyen
Claiming that Kerr has been Khanh, who has said he wanted
"using his power in an arbitrary to return to duty in the armed
manner, Besig pointed to the com- forces, will resign the premiership
mittee charged with reviewing the but join the figurehead chief of
cases of the eight suspended stu- state, Maj. Gen. Duong Van Minh,
dents as an example of the admin- in some unspecified job of the
istration's "unfair procedures." executive branch.
Nominally sharing authority
with Khanh and Minh in the txi-
umverate is Lt. Gen. Tran Thien
1Kheim, a widely criticized former

* Win
' Lowerst Vote
fin History
Brook, Cunningham,
Bodkin, Amado Also
Gain Seats on Body
Sharon Manning, '65Ed, won a
surprising victory yesterday as a
write-in candidate in the Student
Government Council e 1 e c t io n
while current SGC President
Thomas Smithson, '65, paced the
victors in winning reelection.
Incumbents Douglas Brook; '65.
the present executive vice-presi-
dent of Council, and Gary Cun-
ningham, '66, current treasurer,
were reelected. Robert Eodkin,
'67E, and Rachel Amado, '67; were
also elected.
Miss Manning reqeived 781 votes
among the 2,569 valid ballots cast
in the election. It was the lowest
voter turnout in the history of


Victorious Student Government
Council candidates are Thomas
Smithson, '65 (upper left);
Douglas Brook, '65 (upper
right); Gary Cunningham, '66
(center left); Robert Bodkin, '67
(center right); Rachel Amado,
'67 (lower left) and Sharon
Manning, '65Ed.
HR C To Seek
The Community .Relations Coin-
mittee of the Ann Arbor Human
Relations Commission has set up
meetings between citizens and
members of the police force in
answer to charges of police bru-
Assistant Human Relations Di-
rector Richard Simmons said that
the purpose of these meetings is
to clear the air between the citi-
zens and the police so that the
police can understand the peoples'
complaints and the people can un-
derstand the problems of law en-
forcement on in informal basis.
The meetings are held in private
homes of interested persons. Sim-
mrons said each meeting will be
held in a different neighborhood
so that the entire city can be con-
tacted on matters that concern
Simmons .said. the the first
meeting, at which Deputy Chief
Walter Krasny spoke, proved suc-
__ _ _r . __ _ _ t * .. t _ t .. ..

Smithson accumulated a
vote total. Brook received;
Cunningham 1,153, Bodkin
and Amado 921.


otleb, Guns Top igrite-InFel
By MIChAEL DEAN -'. . "
Student Government Council-----
elections'" traditionally attract a .
large number of write-in candi-'
dates, and yesterday's balloting
was no exception.
Gret Gunns, local fraternity
"wonder dog," led the field by an
overwhelming m a r g i n, soundly .::: ;
trouncing his closest opponent,:
South Quad turtle Walter Gottlieb. :
President Lyndon B. Johnson.
and Cynthia Maddox attracted the:
next largest - block of votes. Miss :
Maddox's strength reportedly was
derived from the extensive cov- i _

defense minister who left with
apparent reluctance recently for
a three-month diplomatic mission
Khanh apparently will continue
" to hold key powers.
The 37-year-old soldier-politi-
: clan, who wrested the government
from Minh in a bloodless coup Jan.
4# 30, may become premier of a pro-
. visional regime pending general
elections in 1965 to choose a con-
gress and ratify a new constitu-

James Boughey, '66, an official
candidate whose name appeared
on the ballot, received 699 votes
in a losing cause. Roger Leib, '65,
and Gregory Napoleon, '68, were
defeated as validated write-in can-
didates. 373 votes were cast for
Leib and 60 for Napoleon.
Miss Manning's victory appar-
ently came as a surprise to many
people. Before election day there
was widespread criticism that SGC
was not offering a choice of candi-
dates to the student body, with
only six candidates listed on the
ballot in contention for the six
vacant positions.
Miss Manning had filed a peti-
tion three weeks ago to run in
the campaign as an official can-
didate. However, her petition was
invalidated by SGC's Credentials
and Rules Committee for being
circulated illegally.
Miss Manning attributed her
victory in part to "campus dis-
satisfaction with the fact that SGC
was not offering a choice to the
student body on the official bal-
lot. Perhaps many students feel
that I received unfair treatment
by having my petition invalidat-
ed," she added.
A total of 2,632 sstudents voted
in the election. Sixty-three of these
ballots were declared invalid. Ac-
cording to elections director
Charles Cooper, '66, there were no
formal protests of infractions at
thQ Bolling stations on campus.
The lowest previous voter turn-

JenRKins Quits
J ohnson Post
NEW YORK ('P)-Walter Jenk-


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