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October 14, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-14

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Seventy-Fifth Year
Where -Opn ion AreFree' 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEwS PHONE: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf f writers
tOr the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Eachi Time I Chanced To See Franklin D.
Towards God Motherhood and Apple Pie
by U. Neil Berkson


The Political Game:
Played for High Stakes

AMERICANS seem to have a knack for
turning almost anything into enter-
tainment. Politics, for example.
If the proverbial objective-but-unin-
formed Martian landed in the United
States today, he would have trouble dis-
tinguishing the presidential campaign
from, say, the Rose Bowl race. In both
cases, most people pick a team, for to-
tally non-rational reasons, well before the
contest starts. From then on, one's loy-
alty to Candidate or Party X is no more
susceptible to reasoned counter-argu-
ments than is one's loyalty to Michigan's
football team. (Those who don't choose
sides apparently find the political game
as dull as does a person with no football
team to root for. Witness the numerous
studies which demonstrate the incompe-
tence and apathy of the "independent"
With sides chosen, everyone then set-
tIles back to watch the game. We cheer
when the Good Guy wins someone's en-
dorsement and we hiss when the Bad Guy
says something nasty about the Good Guy.
And the pretty cheerleaders and other
hoopla keep us fired up.

ALL OF THIS would be lovely, were it
not for one fact: in politics, not just a
trophy and some prestige are at stake. The
outcome of this particular game happens
to be a life-and-death matter for thou-
sands of people, and of considerable im-
portance to millions.
Perhaps the most tragic irony is that so
many serious students have been taken
in by the entertainment mania, and have
contributed to it thinking that they were
doing something worthwhile. Paramount
among these is the game of predicting
elections-a practice somewhat analogous
to, and no more worthwhile than, the pre-
dicting of football games--which is play-
ed by social scientists and journalists and
viewed as serious, public-spirited activity.
In this light, the Survey Research Cen-
ter's announcement that its study of the
1964 elections will analzye, not predict,
voter behavior is refreshing. It's good to
see that the University's scholars have not
fallen for The Great American Game.
Managing Editor

Guess what's happening today.
It's the SGC election.
You know, Student Government Council.
Student Participation.
Six candidates for six seats.
Write-ins galore.-
Remember to vote.
It's basic to the democratic process.
FIFTEEN YEARS after the issue of Greek discrimina-
tion was first raised on campus, it has finally settled
on Trigon fraternity. The situation is ironic, for Trigon
is the only house which has a religious clause for
religious reasons. The group has a strong Christian
orientation, conducting its own services, for example;
its constitution quite naturally limits membership, there-
fore, to Christians. This is quite different than the
"White Protestant" clauses that have been buried in
many other fraternity constitutions.
Nevertheless, the issue is larger than Trigon's good
or bad intent. The question is not whether or not a
group with common convictions can live together, prac-
ticing its beliefs, but whether this group can be part

of the University's social fraternity system. Should it,
for instance, have the same rushing privileges as other
houses when it does not offer the same bill of fare as
other houses?
The painful answer has to be no. Suppose the New-
man .Club or Hillel were to gain living quarters. Wouid
they then qualify as members of the fraternity system?
Chances are, they would not.
WHEN LAST YEAR'S IFC President, Cliff Taylor,
established the membership comnmittee, he had 'Trigon
particularly in mind. He thought the situation could.
be cleared up quickly. But Trigon has no intention of
dropping its restrictions, and the next weeks of hearings
will be full of tension. If IFC finds Trigon guilty they
will probably appeal the case to the courts. If the
verdict is not guilty, SGC's own membership committee
has no choice but to step in.
* *
A GROUP of Young Republicans has been distributing
a most fascinating document on the Diag. Entitled "A
Businessman's look at Communism vs. Capitalism," it
could well prove the most profound statement ever
issued on the subject. Exerpts:
"I hope to prove to you that you can beat the
Communist menace and preserve your future, and also
make money doing it. While making money was not

the original intent, Knott's Berry Farm, Coast Federal
Savings, Richfield Oil Company and many others have
discovered that anti-communism attracts customers and
raises employe morale."
"I began buying Richfield gasoline a few weeks ago.
I enjoy driving into a Richfield station and saying, IT
want some anti-communist gasoline.' I enjoy watching
the attendant's face light up with pride in his company."
"Anti-communism builds sales and raises employe
"Those who in truth are in need and cannot produce
for themselves are provided for under the Judeo-
Christian principle of the 'Good Samaritan.' No one
has ever starved or was in 'need' in the United States
for lack of a Good Samaritan who recognized his need
and helped him."
Communism is "a' wonderful hope and promise for
the misfits, the impractical 'intellectuals,' the idealist
dreamers and those who feel discriminated against, such
as the homosexuals, the insane, the criminals and the
juvenile delinquents."
* * * *
AND SPEAKING of juvenile delinquents, Panhellenic
Presidents Council held its annual retreat Sunday to
discuss serious matters affecting the sorority system-
over a keg of beer.


An Influential Senate Race

New Slant on UMSEU



Carrel Catastrophe

SUBWAYS are for sleeping and librar-
ies are for studying and carrels are
for graduate students. And I'm all for
studying and sleeping and grad students
and carrels,
However, what's going on in the gen-
eral library is ridiculous. You couldn't
sleep there even if you were a post-gradu-
ate and wanted to;A gleeful team of han-
dy men with hammers and drills are
romping and stomping through the stacks,
floor by floor, putting handles on the
fence-like doors they've been installing
all month. They seem to take special de-
light in whistling lightly as they saw
away at their metal rods about one inch
from your elbow.
IT SEEMS 'TO BE another move in the
plan to keep the undergraduate out
of the. general library stacks. Day and

night most undergraduates study innocu-
ously in the carrels. Certainly there are
occasions when personal property left in
the stacks is damaged or taken, and cer-
tainly many a dirty look has escaped
the undergraduate when asked or com-
manded to surrender his seat to its right-
ful owner. And certainly this vandalism
is bad.
Whether the frequency of these Crimes
merits such a drastic retort is the ques-
tion. If books and papers are disappear-
ing from the carrels, lock up the books
and papers on the bookshelves. But is it
necessary to spend over two months and
how-much-money individually enclosing
each table and chair to the tune of "Yan-
kee Doodle" or "How Soon Till Lunch?"
Personnel Director

THE NEW YORK senatorial race
between former, Atty. Gen.
Robert Kennedy and incumbent
Republican Sen. Kenneth Keating
has captured the attention of the
American people more than any
other senatorial race in recent
years. The importance of this
election, both to New York state
and to the nation, well justifies
this extraordinary interest.
First consider what this elec-
tion will mean to the Democrats.
NewaYork, with its great metro-
politan areas, its multitude of
religious and nationality groups,
and its "strong labor unions has a
large Democratic registration ma-
jority despite the existence of a
strong upstate Republican vote.
In this situation the Democrats
should be expected to carry the
state easily and certainly Lyndon
Johnson wil have no trouble doing
that this year.
HOWEVER, surprisingly enough,
New York state currently has a
Republican administration headed
by Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, and
its two senators, Kenneth Keating
and Jacob Javits, are both Re-
This situation can be traced
partially to the factionalized state
Democratic Party. New York
Democratic leadership has con-
sisted of a curious amalgamation
of feuding big city bosses, such as
Charles Buckley, Adam Clayton
Powell and Carmine DeSapio,
each carving out his own little
empire; upstate patricians, ex-
emplified by Franklin Delano
Roosevelt; and liberal, issue-
oriented, reform Democrats (many
of whom actually belong to the
Liberal Party) best personified by
the late Sen. Herbert Lehman and
Eleanor Roosevelt. Presiding over
this uneasy alliance is New York
Mayor Robert Wagner, who allied
himself with the reformers to oust
Carmine DeSapio and the bosses
from control of the party.
Robert Kennedy, carryihg with
him the explicit blessing of Charles
Buckley, who, to the reform Dem-
ocrats, personifies the bossism
which they abhor.
A close friend of Joseph P. Ken-
nedy, the cagy Bronx Irishman
had barely escaped ceifeat in a
stiff primary battle two years ago,
even though he had the strong
support of the late President. This
spring Buckley was decisively de-
feated by a reform Democrat in
the congressional primary battle,
and reformers feared he would
attempt a comeback by allying
himself with the political fortunes
of Robert Kennedy.
Mayor Wagner also was ex-
tremely wary of the Kennedy can-
didacy, for a victory for the for-

mer Attorney General could well
mean a challenge to Wagner's
state leadership.
* * *
thusiasm with which certain fac-
tions of the state party greeted
Kennedy's candidacy, there was no
denying him the nomination.
Democratic Party leaders who
were wary of his candidacy were
placed in an unenviable position,
because it was - readily apparent
that Kennedy was- the only man
likely to defeat the popular Sen-
ator Keating. Upstater Samuel
Stratton was the other serious
carididate, but he waserelatively
unknown, and it was feared he
would not run as well as a Demo-
crat must in New York City in
order to win.
Also, any attempt to deny the
nomination to Kennedy would
have run afoul of the enthusiastic
support given the late-President's
brother by a large portion of rank
and file Democrats across the
state. Faced with this situation,
Mayor Wagner was not disposed to
test his prestige in a state con-
vention battle to deny Kennedy the
nomination, and he reluctantly
endorsed him.
* *a * '
from the brewing intra-par~ty
struggle as the dominant figure in
the state party, repercussions
would also be felt on the national
level. For if Kennedy is able to
win and, in the process, gain some
semblance of control over the
octupus-like New York Democratic
Party, he will have created for
himself an extremely strong power
base of moving toward the Presi-
dency in 1972.
Many detect thendevelopment of
a nationwide Kennedy machine
which oould cotnrol by sheer
weight of votes, the next open
Democratic convention. Besides
New York, Kennedy could depend
on Massachusetts where brother
Teddy holds sway, and probably
California wherenPierre Salinger,
the late President's press secre-
tary, seems likely to win a Sen-
ate seat and establish himself as
a figure to be reckoned with in
California politics.
Kennedy has already strongly
hinted at his Presidential ambi-
tions in a speech at Rochester, and
to many New York liberals (as well
as to those of similar persuasion
across the country), the prospect
of Kennedy making a strong chal-
lenge for the Presidency is not a
comforting one. Many of these
people do not trust Kennedy and
look to Hubert Humphrey as the
logical successor. This no doubt
small but also influential group
may well desert their traditional
Democratic allegiances to vote for
Keating this year.'
the New York Republican Party

where senatorial candidate Ken-
neth Keating has refused to en-
dorse his party's Presidential can-
didate, Barry Goldwater. In New
York, the Republicans must run
liberal candidates if they expect
to win on a statewide basis, and
the electorial successes of Rocke-
feller, Javits, and former Gov.
Thomas Dewey attest to the work-
ability of this strategy.
Keating is a prime example of
the metamorphisis traditional Re-
publicans must undergo if they
seek statewide office. As a member
of the House. of Representatives,
Keatingsaneupstate New Yorker,
was known as a conservative, but
as a member of the Senate he has
become progressively more liberal.
In view of the realities of New,
York politics, Keating had no
choice but to disassociate himself
from the conservative Sen. Gold-
water, but in doing so he met with
other problems. Henry Paloucci,
the New York state Conservative
Party candidate, is running in or-
der that the Goldwater point of
view have some recognition in the
« * *
RELATIONS are also strained
between the Goldwater-Miller or-
ganizations in theistate (mostly
citizen's organizations) and the
state organization. New York state
Republican candidates reportedly
have already been urged by Gov.
Rockefeller to disassociate their
campaigns from that of the na-
tional candidate, and reports of
noncooperation have been heard
from both groups. State chairman
Fred Young frankly characterizes
the relations between his own
organization and the Goldwater-
Miller people as "crummy."
Keating's fate has also assumed
great importance in terms of na-
tional political considerations out-
side of New York state. His role
in the Republican convention and
his renunciation of Goldwater
have made of him a symbol of
moderatedRepublicanism. The de-
feat of Keating would likely be
seen by many, however unfairly,
as a defeat for the entire moderate
cause. A Keating victory, on the
other hand, could mean an in-
crease in the influence of Nelson
Rockefeller in the council of Re-
publican moderates.
Rockefeller, who gained respect
among moderates for his per-
formance at the Republican con-
vention, has staked his prestige
on a Keating victory. For both
parties, the 1964 New York sena-
torial race could greatly influence
Presidential politics of the next

To the Editors:
PROTEST the inaccuracy and
slant of your news article con-
cerning the UMSEU-University
meeting Thursday. Your reporter
has very badly misinterpreted
what occurred at that meeting.
First, we did not meet with a
"sharp rebuff." That may be
Nancy Stein's opinion, but it is
certainly not the union's, nor do
I believe it is the University's. We
believe we accomplished a great
deal: we presented our proposals,
we discussed them in general, we
gained University agreement to
study them, wengainedtUniversity
agreement to "negotiate" or "dis-
cuss" them with us regularly in
the future, and we gained equal
status with other employe unions
on this campus.
Second, your reporter has mis-
interpreted the significance of the
"negotiation" issue. Mr. Allmand,
to preserve University prerogatives,
prefers to call the meetings we
will be having "discussions." We
prefer to call them "negotiations."
No matter what terminology is
used, the results will be the same:
we will meet with the University,
we will argue the merits of our
proposals, we will receive reasons
for University positions, we will
present reasons for our positions,
we will investigate means of fi-
nancing with .the University, and
this process will continues untilwe
have achieved a satisfactory solu-
tion or the union is forced to make
the urgency of its proposals more
clearly known.
If this is not "negotiation," what
is it? The fact of the matter is
that your reporter has twisted a
problem of semantics into a
"sharp rebuff,"srather than recog-
nizing that what we set out to
accomplish byedemandingsnego-
tiations has been accomplished.
major inaccuracies is the slant of
your ar~ticle. Again your reporter
has interpreted what actually oc-
curred in favor of the administra-
First, your article contains con-
stant references to things "All-
man said." Surely, since we were
at the meeting, our views of what
took place merit at least mention-
Second, your reporter places ex-
cessive emphasis on University
prerogatives. The University will
"investigate the possibility of a
wage increase," but we also are
doing the same, and will be meet-
ing with the University to con-
sider both sets of results, not
simply to listen to another edict

from Mt. Olympus. The problem
of priorities is the crux of the
matter, but the University will not
be the only body making recom-
mendations concerning them, but
rather will be meeting with us to
consider their recommendations
and to hear our recommendations.
Your reporter has failed to men-
tion at all our role in this process.
* *
THIRD, your statement that
our proposals followed the Resi-
dence Halls Board of Governors
proposal to raise wages is inac-
curate and misleading. Our pro-
posals-have been known and pub-
licized for nearly two weeks.
Rather than following some other
group's lead, our actions have
stimulated the Board of Governors
to make its recommendation, the
Michigan Union to raise its stu-
dent wage rate, and the University
to begin a comprehensive review of
its student wage policies.
The UMSEU has been and will
continue to play a significant role
in this whole process, inasmuch as
it has been recognized as an of-
ficial employes' union with equal
rights and access to that which
the full-time employes' union now
--Dave Salmon,
UMSEU Vice-President
C arrels
To the Editor:
problem when he wants to find
a quiet place to study. But, so
does the graduate student. The
carrels are one of the few "luxur-
ies" available to the graduate stu-
dent who does not have an office
somewhere on campus and often
lives much farther away than the
undergraduate. Even then, these
carrels are available only to a
minority of graduate students.
Instead of being unrealistically
envious of graduate students and
their carrels, undergraduates and
graduates should join in applying
persistent pressure for better aca-
demic surroundings.
FINALLY, the faculty have just
as much at stake in providing stu-
dents adequate study space as do
students themselves. Teaching and
learning are, after all, a single
One way for students to stim-
ulate the faculty to deal with the
problem more actively, may be
for them to speak to their teach-
ers very persistently about it, both
in and out of class.
-Gottfried Paasche, Grad


A Vote for Evil

lanos in today's Student Government
Council election.
He is a junior in sanitary engineering
who was induced to run by a large group
of rabid supporters who feel that his
political philosophy has yet to be repre-
sented on this campus.
Manlaginig Editor Editori Director
ANN OWIRTZMAN ............... Personnel Director
BILb BULLARD ....................... Sports Editor
MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor
JOH3N KENNY........... Assistant Managing Editor
DEBORAH BEATTIE......Associate EditorialDirector
LOUISE LIND ........Assistant Editorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise
credited to the newspaper. All rights of re-publication
of ail other matters here are also reserved.
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning.
Subscription rates: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by
mail); $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail).

Galanos likens the University to an
exotic vacation spa. He feels that the
most critical campus issue is the outrage-
ous lack of water sports facilities. He
urges the creation of a large artificial
lake, to be formed by damming the Huron
River and. to be heated year round-all
at horrendous expense.
A SELF-PROCLAIMED egomaniac, Ga-
lanos claims divine right. He is un-
principled, unclean and arrogant, and
refuses to take prisoners. He is a con-
firmed alcoholic, nasty and a heavy smok-
er. He is selfish, ignorant and prejudiced
against most minority groups.
Galanos hates the football team and
thinks we are buying our victories. A liar
and cheat, he is working his way through
college by diverting social security funds
from his dying grandmother.
Galanos is offering the student body
a meaningful choice in the SGC election.
Write in his name on your ballot and help
ring the death knell of truth, justice and
the American way.

A Gap Between Artist and Audience


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ACENTURY AGO in his preface
to "Les Fleurs du Mal" Charles
Baudelaire confessed a by-now
notorious predicament of modern
art, "the appalling uselessness of
explaining anything at all to any-
one at all." The problem is not
new or local, but must "Genera-
tion" appear to rest so at ease
with it? True, omr campus arts
quarterly aims at "excellence and
diversity," and the current issue
exhibits some of both qualities.
But it also declares its ambition
"to bridge the gap between artist
and audience." Why, then, is
"Generation" so reticent in pro-
viding even the minimal informa-
tion that might assist its audience
in building a bridge from its own
side of the stream of communica-
The reader will find that con-
tributors to this issue are not
identified (though a oamparison of
the table of contents with the

THE ANSWER is not self-
evident. Certainly the current is-
sue gives signs of energy and ad-
venture as well as of a degree of
artisanship that is generally im-
pressive. The art works are most
immediately appealing, in parti-
cular the poetic screening of
planes of vision in Robert Golden's
eight atmospheric studies. Re-
grettably the delicate and indeli-
cate wry fantasy of Sam Scott's
cover is subdued by the drab-
toned paper.
The fiction is varied and expert-
ly delivered: Jeff Mitchell's sur-
realist fable of a winged tree,
essentially a prose-poem; Eliza-
beth Meese's "Smoky," a Green-
wich Village vigette with an un-
dercurrent of imperfectly realized
pathos and excitement; Paul
Bernstein's disarmingly straight-
forward improvisation on the
theme of a campus romance; and
- n, i'a I-jra r,it- c n nia j'ain ii'

to portend, at least locally, a no-
ticeable forsaking of what may be
called the contemporary tradition
of English, American, and French
"academic modernism."
It is true that the rather "clas-
sical" imagistic free verse of
George White, Patricia Hooper
Everhardus, and Lynn Knight
owes much to William Carlos Wil-
liams. But the translations from
Guillen, by Garcia and Rosen-
berg, the phantasmagorical evoca-
tion by Gatsos (freely rendered, it
would seem, by Konstantinos
Lardas), and Badanes' "Passage"
display more radical, romantic,
more "Mediterranean" intensities
of rhetoric, imagery, and theme.
Such rhetoric is apt to be forced
too hard, becoming shrill and
spasmodic, especially in some of
Badanes' lines. Yet the poetry in
this issue witnesses to the vigorous
condition of "Generation" as it
starts its sixteenth year.

ACS. MAV M0M'l .-Y,

DIED., K195' iel3 Uw.7
rn~civ21 'LA1F M . I





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