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October 14, 1964 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-14

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PAGE TW .3. .. ~V3..3 i U.Na ~ P EUt±l KF £L A UJ



Private Firms Enter Fray
South University Street's 18- housing difficulties associated with sity housing, thus raising main-
story apartment building has been increasing enrollments. tenance charges.
subject to a good deal of discus- Ohio State University, for ex- But contractors and realtors
slon in Ann Arbor ever since it ample, has started 10 university- find the buildings attractive be-
became publicly known that the financed dormitories since 1961. cause they are profitable The
building was actually being con- Combined, these units will house builder at OSU reportedly has
structed. some 3500 students-yet even this planned to invest $30 million in
Yet the building is far from be- increase will not allow OSU to I such housing by 1966, with plans
ing that new a concept; such keep pace with increasing enroll- to increase this figure after an
buildings,.under various names mens. initial level of investment is reach-
a nA n .ri n +rii~a~tii n~a ct, ,r.

Government Student Quartet Performs


Jobs Open Music School Compositions
lo S it de ii d omComposition forums h e ld symposium in Cincinnati. Accord-
'thoughout the year provides the ing to Edel, the level of perform-
Scholarship Quartet an opportun- ance and composition was excel-
By JOSEPH GAUGHAN ity to perform music oomposed by lent.
studen s for students. Members of the quartet this
Each year hundreds of students The quartet is under the co- year are Darwin Apple, '66M,'
are hired by government depart-diection of Professors Ross Fin- violinist; Joseph D'Onofrio, '66M,
ments to aid in executive and leg- violinist; Marcia Roeber, '67M,
islative work through the Wash ' *a violisu and Caroline Tolson. '65M,
ington Summer Interns Program cellist. They are paid $250 dollars
Jobs range from typist-clerical po- .Tannually and receive coaching
sitions to actually assisting legis- . from members of the music school
lators. staff.

ana organzac onat sysems, are
becoming very prevalent on college
campuses across the nation.
The rapid increase in the pop-
ularity of such large-scale stu-
dent housing units is accounted

Outside Aid
Private developers at the col-
lege, therefore, are now in the
process of constructing a student
union, three dormitories and fac-

Some firms have plans to ex-
pand in another, even larger, di-
rection-leasing campus structures
such as classrooms, administra-
tive offices and laboratories to a
A New York company is re-
ported planning to invest over $150'
million in such schemes within
the next two years.
Estimates vary, but conserva-;

Students who participated in the
program last summer agreed that
the most valuable part of their
experience lay in meeting the
men who make up our govern-




tive figures show that some com-
panies are making as much as
8.5 per cent profit on their invest-
ments in university residences.
Some companies profit not only
directly but indirectly as well,
through tax breaks on their in-
They neither sell the structures
to the university nor simply build
them under contract.
Depreciation Feedback
Instead, they lease the dormi-
tories to the college, the college's
payments actually being a form
of time payment by which the col-
lege eventually buys the dormi-
By this means, the realtor can
employ depreciation deductions on
the buildings in figuring his fed-
eral income taxes.


ment. ' _- :: v rrv i E
At special seminars for Michi-Fro< 'U' Diag
gan students, which the students < >:om V Drag
themselves arranged in Washing-.
ton, they were able to hear men -'. By JOHN JULIAN
such as Congressman-at-large Neil
Staebler, Sen. Philip Hart and There is an old man with a
Gardner Ackley of the President's '::.-A white beard on the campus. He
Council of Economic Advisers :::usually carries a cane or um-
voice their views openly. breila. His name is Andrew Mc-
Iver, and he has become the Diag
White House seminars provided philosopher for the University.
an opportunity to hear President Mcver first came to Ann Arbor
Lyndon B. Johnson as well as,
Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy, PROF. OLIVER EDEL 40 years ago, and except for short
Peace Corps director Sargent Shri- 3periods, has stayed here ever since.
vea and other cabinet officials ney and Oliver Edel of the music He says he has seen the campus
veandcotercanseak.Tfcisschool. changing through these years-
and congressmen speak. These According to Edel, the quartet new buildings -replacing the old,
occasions provided better insight satisfies the need of student mu- new students replacing those whoI
than a public press conference Into sicians to hear their works com- have graduated. And he has seen
these men's opiions and motiva- municated to a live audience. much to form his philosophy.
tions. The program is organized so He doesn't worry about the past
There will be a meeting tomor- that, through the cooperation of or the future. He concerns him-
row for students interested in the the composition and applied music self only with now. "Now is when
program at 4 p.m. in the Multi- departments of the music school, things happen," he says. "Every-
purpose Rm. of the UGLi. Ques- students can compose the music thing is changing. As water runs
tions will be answered about the and hear it. under a bridge, the water under
jobs available and the exams nec- During the first year of its exis- the bridge one second is not the
essary to compete for them. tance the quartet compered in a same water that goes under the
-- - next second. And so it is with
people-they must concern them-
selves with changing times, they
must concern themselves with
lead Workshop Panels Hebelieves man should accom-
plish something with his life.
"Every person is part of the uni-
monic; Wladyslaw Kedra, pianist; of the Ann Arbor chapter of the verse; there is no isolation. Man
Star.islaw Wislocki, conductor, National Association for the Ad- E is like a wave on the sea-without
will perform in Hill Aud. vancement of Colored People and the sea the wave cannot exist.
THURSDAY, OCT. 15 William F. Dannemiller, Demo- Man cannot live alone," he says.

, _

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Mi: higarr. for which 'The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPIEWRFI'TN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on Request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.-
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
Flu Shots: There will be a "flu shot"
clinic at the Health Service Wed., Oct.
14 from 8-11 :30 aan. and 1-4:30 p.m.
The charge is $1.00 for students and
spouse and $1.50 for faculty, staff and
This is the last flu shot clinic yin-
til Nov. 11.;
Lecture: The Museum of Paleontol-
ogy- and the Dept. of Geology announce
*he Ermine Cowles Case Memorial Lec-
ture to be presented by Dr. John A,
Wilson, professor of vertebrate paleon-
tology. He will speak on "Geology and
Newer Mathematics, Some Analogies,"
Wed., Oct. 14, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphi-

Workshop: The Center for Program-
med Learning for Business will spon-
sor the Workshop for Programmers,
8-5 p.m Oct. 11-16, Michigan Union,
Special Seminar: Prof. Dr. G. Fritz, di-
rector of the Institute of Inorganic and
Analytical Chemistry ( Univ. of Giessen,
West Germany), will speak on "Inves-
tigations in the Field of Carbosilanes,
Silicon-Phosphorus and Silicon-Alumi-
num Compounds," on Wed., Oct. 14,
at 4 p.m. in Room 1300 of the Chem-
istry Bldg.
Analytical-Inorganic Seminar: Dr. H.
Noth will speak on "The B-N Bonding
and itsImportance in the Synthesis of
Boron Compounds," on Wed., Oct. 14,
at 5 p.m. in Room 1200 Chemistry Bldg.
Teaching Seminar: By Dr. Frank Koen
(Center for Research on Learning and
Teaching), will be given on Wed., Oct.
14 at 8:30 p.m. in Room 1200 of the
Chemistry Bldg.
Symposium: The Institute of Science
and Technology will sponsor the Third
Symposium on Remote Sensing of En-
vironment on Oct. 14, 15, and 16 at
Rackham Lecture Hall, 9-5 p.m.
(Continued on Page 8)



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...and their new loves!



APA To l
ma ' Members of the Association of'
-Daily-Jerry Stoetzer Producing Artists will lead a se-
THE APARTMENT BUILDING being constructed on South Uni- ries of four workshop sessions
versity St. (above), though it has caused controversy, is not the on consecutive Monday nights,

only one of its type in the nation. It is only a part of an explosion starting Oct. 19. 10 a.m.-Ashley Montagu, au-
American The first session will feature an thor and anthropologist, will speak
of apartment buildings by private contractors on manyAinformal panel with Rosemary on "On Being Human-the Nature
campuses. As more and more students crowd college housing facil- Harris, Paul Sparer and Sydney
ities, these large apartment houses are proving to be one method HriPu prradSde of Human Relations" for the Mich-
sWalker, discussing "The Actor and igan Education Association's an-
of easing pressures. his Art." nual regional teachers conference
Reservations can be made at thea ia
for by their appeal to the three ulty apartment houses. These pri- TrvtiodB Oce.m:de-Ttushe"h at Hill Aud.
parties involved in campus hous- vate additions mean OSU can ac- e dNESDAOf c. 141Peacme' o-nclud info 5"h
ing: contractors, students and col- commodate some 1500 additional 4:15 pm.-A meeiOC Tdiscuss Pecemaker" conclude in 251
lege admiistrations, the Wall students. restructuring of the University 8 p.m.-Prof. Albert Wheeler
Street Journal reported Advantages to students occur Senate will be held in Aurl. A.
Administrations are favorable primarily as increases in comfort. 7:15 p.m. - Tryouts for "The
to this trend because it eases- For instance, one of the dorms Peacemaker" 'ill continue in 2518
in some cases solves entirely -- now being built at OSU will have .Fieze Bldg.
~ ~~ - an indoor swimming pool, a bil- 730 p.m.-Rev. Peter Chang, a
liard room, a beauty salon and i
'TjJ To ]'ldl e small private shops, ail within tihe Wisconlsin .Synod Lutheran mis- :
C Ksionary, will speak on work being
dormitory unit. done in Hong Kong at the Dar-
4h2oe1e ral isadvantage
A ri t y to studets iseinces lngtn Lutheran Church, 3545
. . C } th tdsis type o iing.eaFigursPackard Rd..
of this type of Iimg. Figures 7:30 p.m.-The honors steering
The University Center for Re- have not been released on the cost mittee will hold an orienta-
search and Economic Development of the University's new high-risc' conmsese winMh rkdey ona
------------------------------~ tion session in Markley Lounge'

cratic candi-date for state sena- A person should form his per-
tor, will speak at a public meet- sonality so that his mere exist-
ing of the Americans to Defeat j ence is felt, though he does no-
Goldwater in the Ann Arbor Pub- thing, McIver adds. "Do you feel
lic Library. the sun penetrating your body?"
8 p.m. - The Ann Arbor Civic he asked. "The sun makes itself
Theatre will present Gore Vi- felt even though it is 93,000,000
dal's "The Best Man" in Trueblood miles away and just radiating its
Aud. personality.
8 p.m.-The PTP presents the "Philosophy is good for the
APA in their production of "Ju- mind, but remember-philosophy
dith" in Lydia Mendelssohn The- is just the experiences of the
atre. - philosopher. Everyone has his own
8:30 p.m. - The University of philosophy, just as I do. Not every-
Michigan Baroque Trio will give a one will agree with my philosophy,
public concert in Rackham Lecture because people are different and
Hall. have their own."
PREMIERE - OCT. 14, 8 P.M.
.by Jean Girandoux




will undertake a three-year re-
search and training program in
the development of African econ-
omies under a $400,000 Ford Foun-
dation grant.
A team of researchers will make
a three year study of the develop-
ment process in African econom-
ies, using Nigeria as a focus, Wolf-,
gang Stolper, director of the cen-
ter, said yesterday.
In addition, the Center will con-
duct a graduate seminar on Afri-
can development problems, design-
ed for persons concerned with the
planning and execution of devel-
opment problems.

addtion, out those now in exist- for honors students. Prof. Adon
ence at OSU cost an average of'Gordussocia dector ofh
6ordus, associatetdirectoruof th
$600 per year more than the uni- honors council, will speak on the
versity-owned buildings. role of the honors student in the
Nationwide, however, the Jour- University. Program chairmen of
nal reported, this excess of pri- the steering committee will out-
vate over university housing costs line their activities in an attempt
is usually in the range of $200 to acquaint new students with the
per year or less. committee.
Still Popular !8 p.m.-The PTP presents the
Judging from the popularity of APA in Jean Giraudoux's "Judith"
these buildings, this mark - up in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
seems to have little effect on stu- 8:30 p.m.-The Warsaw Philhar- CONDUCTOR WISLOCKI
dents' desires to move into them. ,_-..__ . -- __--__-._-__.-_.-__.
Another disadvantage is that
some of the private units are not
constructed as sturdily as univer- } the EiUI npayers nreseuu


THE FOUIRPOSTER by jan de hartog

Now organized
Under the Leadership of ARNOLD S. KENDALL
will hold its next meeting
SUNDAY, OCT, 18 at 1 P.M.


october 14-18
quirk auditorium
curtain 8:00

tickets $1 .25
box office open
12:45-4:30 doily

Swreet ly tr byOti 1TCKELR SAE " Adptetii by MAJJRtCE RAPF and TED SEARS " FrK the stury by STERUMKG NsoTi
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Fun Aplenty! $ t.:11
lemdb uaVa '"t a ,..809Wa ee~ fNIOU



phone IIU 2-3433 for reservations

by the great French author of "Madwoman
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Settings and Lighting designed by Kim Swados
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the miracle worker
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six great films

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If interested, phone Hillel 663-4129

remain on sale
for only
until IOctober 18

'li IL (


Friday, Oct. 1


8:30 p.m.

Hill Auditorium



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