Seventy-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSIT Bof MICHIGAN UNDER AUTH-ORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS SMALL APPROPRIATIONS... The Literal Business of Education' here Opinions Art Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWs PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual ojiinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: EDWARD HERSTEIN The Student Ation League: There's a Lot for It To Do THE CAMPUS needs the Student Action League. Regardless of their intent, the administration, the faculty, local merch- ants and students themselves cause mul- tiple problems which cry for concerted, organized, student-led direct action. The problems justify the existence of the SAL; manifest possibilities for their alleviation give it plenty to do. that rate changes during the contract are prohibited. period of There problem; self felt are several major University areas where SAL could make it- through pressure-group, direct action tactics: ONE: BOOK STORES. The SAL could: -Greatly enhance the chances that the co-op book store will be a permanent success by having all SAL members join it and give it their support. -Throw eight-man picket lines around each of the major book stores during fall orientation and the first two weeks of the semester. Pickets could distribute litera- ture comparing the prices of the major book stores with those of the co-op book store and the paperback shop on South University. -Organize centralized mass purchas- ing of books and supplies by making ar- rangements for large purchases from pub- lishers, wholesalers, or mail-order houses. TWO: ,STATE APPROPRIATIONS. One very successful pressure group - the John Birch Society-has an interesting method of putting pressure on legislators who don't do as it wishes. It has often showered "borderline" congressmen - those who have middle-of-the-road vot- ing records-with hundreds of letters only days after those congressmen have leaned too far left in important votes. The SAL could organize a letter writing drive by students and their parents which would be directed at borderline state legislators during appropriations time. The SAL it- self could picket and distribute literature around the capitol during the crucial days of legislative action. THREE: APARTMENT rental rates. Here, SAL could obtain prices from all major Ann Arbor landlords, print and distribute to the student body comparative price lists for apartments. If necessary, it could arrange selective boycotts of the most un- fairly-priced apartments; such boycotts would have to be narrowly aimed (at one landlord or a few houses) since the apart- ment occupancy rate in Ann Arbor is high. FOUR: RESIDENCE HALLS. The dormi- tories are crowded now, and it appears they will stay that way in the near future. The University will admit about500 more freshmen this fall; administrators now concede that no new housing will be open until at least January. The SAL should apply pressure to de- mands that, contrary to this year's poli- cies, the University take the following actions: --Allow students above the freshman level to break their contracts without pay- ifig a prohibitive penalty. --Limit contracts for men above the freshman level and women above the jun- or level to one semester. -Change residence hall contracts so H. NEIL BERKSON, Editor KENN4ETH WINTER EDWARD HERSTEIN Managing Editor Editorial Director ANN GWIRTZMAN ................Personnel Director BILL BULLARD ........................ Sports Editor MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor JOHN KENNY.............Assistant Managing Editor DEBORAH BEATTIE ...... Associate Editorial Director LOUISE LIND ........ Assistant Editorial Director in Charge of the Maga~ine TOM ROWLAND............Associate Sports Editor GARY WYNER...............Associate Sports Editor STEVEN HALLER ..............Contributing Editor MARY LOU BUTCHER .........Contributing Editor CHARLES TOWLE .,......Contributing Sports Editor NIGHT EDTORS: David Block, John Bryant, Jeffrey Goodman. Robert Hippier, Laurence Kirshbaum. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Gail Blumberg, Rob- ert Johnston, John Meredith, Leonard Pratt, Bar- bara Seyfried, Karen Weinhouse. Business Staff JONATHON R. WHITE, Business Manager JAY GAMPEL .......... Associate Business Manager SDNEY PAUKER.............Advertising Manager JUDITH GOLDSTEIN...... ....... Finance Manager BARBARA JOHNSTON.............Personnel Manager RUTH SCHEMNITZ ................ Systems Manager JUNIOR MANAGERS: Bonnie Cowan, Susan Craw- ford, Joyce Feinber, Judith Fields, Judith Grohne, Judith Popovits, Patricia Termini, Cy Weilman. afTmrf Amt1' i'NT ANAU'Pa. irr,,. v loh. Sm Chafetz -Reduce rates for converted rooms by more than the minimal $10-15 adjust- ments now in effect. At present, a stu- dent in a converted double (a single with two occupants) must pay $25 more than a student in a "small double," even though the latter room is larger. -Make a commitment to convert resi- dence hall rooms back to normal capacity within three years. The University could possibly accomplish this by shifting its priorities within the residence halls: jun- ior women could be given apartment per- mission; residence halls advisory staffs could be pared down to reasonable size- partially through the elimination of housemothers; landscaping work (such as new flagpoles and fancy walks in front of South Quadrangle) could. be held to a minimum. -Require each student in the residence halls to pay only for the the meals he eats. This would not adversely effect the budget of the residence halls; the total number of students eating each meal would be as predictable as it is now. Per- haps students would eat fewer total meals, but the University could adjust for this by charging them less. FIVE: UNIVERSITY students desperate- ly need organized student course eval- uations. The SAL could follow the exam- ple of "SLATE," a student group at the University of California, in publishing a handbook containing the consensus on each course of a number of students who have taken it. If the Board in Control of Student Publications refused to allow SAL to publish or distribute the evalua- tion booklets (it has that power), SAL could use clandestine methods (one might be to print evaluations during the sum- mer and distribute them through the book stores). SIX: THE UNIVERSITY libraries have several inconvenient and self-defeat- ing policies. SAL should work to: -Reduce library fines. At present, they are so exorbitant that many students are encouraged to steal books rather than chance keeping them a day-or even an hour-late. -Eliminate the searching policy at the doors of the Undergraduate Library. Vir- tually anybody can sneak a book out now if he wants to; only a frisking policy could physically eliminate the vast majority of book thefts. The library could purchase 500 more books a year if it didn't have to pay the checker; implementing the above policies should prevent those books from being replacements. SEVEN: MANY STUDENTS desire changes in various Regents' bylaws and academic and administrative policies. SAL should sound out student feeling-and take action if the feeling is high enough- on the following issues: grading systems, departmental divisions, rules governing Diag demonstrations, initiation of new classes. Individual students and recog- nized student organizations are now work- ing for change in all these areas. But SAL, as direct action pressure-group, could be much more effective. SAL WILL HAVE the best chance for success if it does not seek-indeed, shuns-University recognition as an "of- ficial" student organization. Recognized student organizations eventually develop a vested interest in their own recogni- tion. They begin to depend on their Uni- versity-supplied offices; they begin to de- pend on University approval of their speakers; they begin to have sufficient purpose for existence in their mere con- tinued recognition by the University. SAL must avoid these pitfalls by operating outside the power structure of the Uni- versity; it must work for reform through external pressure. If SAL dies, as many fear it will, with- out achieving any of its major aims, its existence will have proved worthwhile. For it will have proved that the spirit of student activism, dormant on this cam- pus in recent years, is still there if you look for it. And it will have helped de- fine what limits there are on the effec- tiveness of direct action pressure groups on this campus. iF, ON THE OTHER HAND, it does By CHARLES F. LEHMANN THE THESIS which I advance here is that the University pre- occupies itself increasingly with business procedures. As a con- sequence, a subtle tribute is ex- acted from each student and each faculty member. Having stated what must for many seem a truism, let me put the disclaimer; I seek no malevo- lent spirit, I find no grand con- spiracy. Rather, my witness is to a set of conditions which deliver to fiscal operatives effective con- trol of educational institutions. Some seven years and three legislatures ago, the University underwent a fundamental change of life, from relative plenty, to relative impecuniocity. The so- called cash crisis in the state of Michigan presented the University withma curtailed income in the face of mounting enrollments. I sup- pose most of us thought it was a temporary dip, and although piqued, confronted the Legislature generally with acquiescent mien. The increased numbers of stu- dents were accommodated partly at their own expense in the form of higher tuition, and partly at their own expense in the form of larger classes. The University con- spicuously protected the virtue of its faculty during the crisis by moderate salary increases, but the faculty also had to bear the real costs of larger classes, inadequate space and insufficient secretarial support. THE LEGISLATURE attempted to rationalize its niggardly posture in the name of improved instruc- tional efficiency. Now certainly. there is nothing new about legis- lative suspicion. concerning the operation of institutions of higher education, but in the last decade or so these suspicions have been nurtured by large tax-conscious business organizations, large fund- granting foundations, and federal agencies. Somehow, those outside looking in would like to puncture the mythology, broach the precious academic enclave, and arrange it all more efficiently and more cheaply-a bigger baccalaureate for a buck, as it were. Perhaps, as some suggest, the cost of educa- tion has exceeded a sort of tax- able pain threshold and the pres- ent anguish of large taxpayers would have been heard inevitably. One can argue with equal cogency, however, that large tax payers were quick to recognize a vulner- able area which ould be exploited to their profit. The University generously lent its good offices to the noxious legislative invasion and half- swallowed the efficiency rational- ization. Among a host of other things, we began by listing class enrollments, including those es- pecially which had fewer than 15; then we reported space utilization; and now we tally the extent of faculty effort expended monthly in research projects. Such ac- tivities, taken alone, seem in- nocuous enough but collectively suggest a changed climate at the University; a defensive, petti- fogging climate of mistrust and suspicion. . Presumably, legislatures have a right to inquire, and presumably, universities have an obligation to explain, but any politeness in the presumption disappears in the face of budget control. Most cherish an illusion of university communi- ties as social oases which hang together by mutual trust and in- dividually responsible action. Ap- parently, such an illusion can be sustained only in time of plenty- when legislatures are responsive to university needs as universities describe them. When the budget shrinks, and internal competition for insufficient funds commences, the whole illusion is replaced by a management and control system designed to reassure suspicious legislators that they are getting their money's worth, so that next time around the appropriation may be more generous. * * HOW DOES ONE establish a control system to respond to such a set of conditions? I can only speculate, but I am certain no one did in fact contrive a system; it just grew. And it grew first from control of the funds, tiny as it was, which in the past gave free- dom to various schools and col- leges to decide within modest lim- its what their courses of action might be-whether to adventure down this path, whether to close off this one and push that one. Second, the accountancy net- work was broadened. More fac- ulty and researchers were incor- porated into it and asked to re- port on themselves and their col- leagues. Forms, agencies and pro- cedures'multiplied and thanks in part of federal insistence, we have been reviewed, overseen, audited, second guessed, monitored and site-visited. Third, I suspect that the ac- might be-when a dean, by pru- dent management, could carry over small but crucial surpluses from one year to the next either as a hedge against past invest- ments or as a kitty for future ones. These were years when faculty morale was self-sustaining, when more of a holistic view was possible and rewarding, when educational concerns preoccupied faculty time, when indeed there was time for reflective examination. Unless the legislative climate changes radically, these amenities are not likely to return-the drought has been too long with us, and counter forces have been too long established to be banish- ed lightly. The real cost to the whole system has been the pro- gressive .and requisite preoccupa- tion with new and spiralling schemes for acountancy, and a corresponding lessening of con- cern for the educational goals of a university. What kind of animal survives in such a climate? Surely, it can- not be an altruistic one who takes a large, selfless view of the uni- verse, for in an economic power- play, his wisdom is not negotiable. No, the surviving species is the acquisitive, self-protective, cynical entrepreneur who has the skill to permit him to withdraw from the contest. The assumption is that the environment has made him that way--that he wasn't born al- together selfish.. the administration is a subver- sion of their true role and in- terest; particularly so when the committees are used to ratify pre- determined decisions. Still, one ought to give proper credit to those who presume to manage the sprawling mechanism, and who attempt to maintain a kind of institutional sanity by ascribing pieces of rationality to various acts and decisions. That they are the targets of much op- probrium is no particular cause for sorrow. A proper empathy, rather, should concern itself with the inability of anyone to com- prehend the system wholly-to have the kind of prescience which could foretell the effects of the introduction of one change upon all the related parts of the system. One can sympathize with their seeming obligation to be infallible; to make sense out of nonsense, to preserve equitability among un- equals. YET IT IS PRECISELY the preoccupation of the University with its own mythological image which gets in the way of creative responses to the disjointing strains of new and unfamiliar pressures and problems. Why indeed, should titular leaders behave in the same ways they did several decades ago? Why must the University as it grows more corporate, grow proportionately thinner skinned- overly responsive to criticism in- ternally and externally? Part of the reason, surely, is that the very size of the institution has made the communication problem among the members more difficult and less personal. These negative effects are exagggerated because they must stand along side marvels of new communica- tive devices which have not been applied to the university setting. Another part of the reason is that the control and management sys- tem itself is outmoded and un- suited to current tasks. We creak along with antediluvian forms and processes and vulcanize new pro- cedures and safeguards into the old carcasses. Because we know the inadequacy of the structure, we convince ourselves paranoically that everyone is cheating, and spend a disporportionate amount of time looking for crooks. We create a fog of regulations de- signed to forestall every question, and a paper snow storm of reports to monitor every activity. In short, the University behaves as though it were a business which had a product and was expected to show a profit. The long arm of security for state and federal funds, fortified by the business- industrial community, has pushed us over the edge. WHAT CAN BE DONE about it -if anything should be done about it? The first requirement seems to me to be a frank recog- nition that the nature of a twen- tieth century university is vastly different from what we knew as students or even what we think we now know as teachers. It is an exciting and challenging new social form and the reasons which impel people to come to it or work in it scarcely resemble what we once knew. Moreover, the ef- fects which the university in turn produces on related interacting social and governmental institu- tions are profound, and for the large part, unexamined. Some or- ganized public discussion of these and other aspects of the evolving university could inject trust into the system, a quality of confidence which is badlyneeded if the uni- versity mechanism is to adapt con- structively to new realities. Second, we must somehow dis- cover ways of decentralizing bud- getary control so that the instruc- tional units can accept a larger measure of risk for the course of their affairs. It seems to me that real educational invention will be the product of faculty or college endeavor and properly so, since they will need to make the new inventions work. Consequently, a greater degree of choice and free- dom in budget matters seems a necessary and corollary pre- requisite. Finally, it goes without saying that the role of university admin- istration across the board is one of encouragement, stimulation and facilitation for faculty and stu- dents. It is also a role of inter- cession for the University com- munity with governmental bodies, not a role as an agent of govern- ment or business. But their task is much larger; we expect resist- ance to the cult of efficiency; we need leadership in the definition of a modern university; we expect the initiative for definition to occur from within rather than from without; and we expect to help. No one suggests that it is easy; the leadership of equals never is. NEXT WEEK: MARVIN FELHEIM , , ;, ... CHANGE THE EMPHASIS 4 I CHARLES F. LEHMANN, associate dean of the education school, joined the Univer- sity faculty in 1955. The same year he re- ceived the academic honor of Burke Aaron Hinsdale Scholar in the education school. Lehmann is especially known for his criti- cal interest in our growing and sometimes impersonal University. "The only way a student can get noticed around here," he said recently, "is by bending his IBM card." 4 countant's view - of life is power- fully attractive to University executive officers who are buffeted constantly by misinformed and hostile publics. It is somehow so oomfortabiy tidy to list, count and line up figures in balanced columns. At any rate, the disease of ef- ficiency or accountancy is by now pervasive and has even acquired an aura of normalcy. Several thick layers of fiscal operatives have sprouted whose mission seems clear-disburse selectively, audit wholesale to make certain the control mechanisms are working, and conceal some of the rules of the game so that the advantage will continue to remain with the house. Finall; , as the system be- comes institutionalized, no one ever fundamentally questions it. The past acts of the leaders are viewed as right, and the more re- moved intime they are, the righter they become. Therefore, one chal- lenges the gospel knowingly and at his peril THE HAZARDS to the faculty and students lie not wholly in the visible management system, which after all, can be described if not understood, but also in the invis- ible, internecine contests which wax and wane between the vice- presidential baronies. It is a sport- ing task to solve a problem which touches the prerogatives, or the budgets, of mnor. than one. There was a time in an expand- ing Universitr economy when a faculty could plan with some con- fidence what its future course PART OF the difficulty is that the University is not the mytho- logical institution we pretend it is, nor ever was. The faculty is not and probably can no. longer be the controlling voice in a large corporate educational mechanism. University administrators would likely agree that their major pro- duct seems increasingly to be order; finding some way to relate students, faculty, government, ideas and markets. They would also note an increase in the pro- portion of personnel who are de- voted to messages and control, Further, since the space-time ra- tio is decreasing, it is possible tc use a single network of control and order to cover more space, and with an increase in size, they would report a large increase in the use of nonhuman methods and energy. They would probably alsc note that such instrumentalities which spreadover many people are efficient, but that the con- sequent interstitial relations are not so efficient. Confronted with such a complex it would seem presumptuous to even the most knowledgeable fac- ulty member to tender advice of any sort, much less to seek an effective part in the governance of the institution. A busy, in- terested member of a teaching faculty can, after all, have but a limited view of the institutional universe, or else lose his credential in the faculty and become part of the message and control hier- archy. One can argue, in fact, that the creation ofrcommittees of faculty for the purpose of advising t t r ,, 1 J 1 5 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Rebutting the Argument Against Student Unions 24x. , '1 4 , 47" t.. f , . ' .4 .1j L " t 'f c ,r4 Q. 1 } "J t -l/7 4i To the Editor: MUST OBJECT to Deborah Beattie's ill-considered and in- consistent attack on the University of Michigan Student Employe's YUnion which appeared in Wednes- day's Daily. Several obvious fal- lacies deserve comment: 1) Miss Beattie claims that stu- * dents are inferior employes be- cause "they seldom hold jobs long enough to be well trained or in- * tegrated into the business pro- ceedings." What sort of jobs are these-clerical, executive, coordin- ating? No. Students work as bus- boys, delivery boys, waitresses, dishwashers-roles so lowly and menial that, as Miss Beattie ob- serves herself, they "do not often require much talent or intelli- gence." Menial laborers, student or otherwise, are interchangeable; a high employe turnover rate in menial jobs does not hinder busi- ness proceedings in the least. 2) She claims that "if they were forced to pay students higher wages, business would probably seek the stability of a permanent labor force that would be hired on the same salary basis." This con- tention is absurd. The UMSEU has set its wage demands at $1.25 per hour. A full-time worker at that wage would have a yearly income of $2400.. President Johnson set the margin of poverty at $3000, and most labor economists think $4000 much more realistic. With these figures in mind, it is impossible to see students excluded from the labor market by a wage increase to $1.25 per hour. 3) She predicts that since the residence halls are run on a "tight wagebudget," a "nonessential new expense" in the form of a student wage increase would only drive up dorm fees. But how close are the dorms to providing only the bare essentials? It is generally acknowledged that people under financial pressure do not provide themselves with maid service, dup- licate libraries and commercial linen service. But the residence halls do. TO THE STUDENT forced to dilute his education with 10-20 hours of work every week, it might also seem more essential to be paid higher wages than to nay the that the gains resulting from wage increases won by a strike simply would not compensate for wages lost during the strike, and there- fore that the organization is point- less. By this statement' she mis- represents and maligns the mem- bership of the UMSEU. It, like the Student Action League, was formed not only to relieve current student grievances, but also to build a better University for future students. If its members must sacrifice a few dollars in wages to achieve better student condi- tions, then they will do so will- ingly. They will not share the lazy. negativism of Miss Beattie and many other students; they are committed to action for a better future. . -Wiliam Clark, '67 A Place To Study To the Editor: IT HAS BECOME increasingly ap- parent of late that there is an acute shortage of study space in the library system. In the past, one solution for the undergrads has been to use the carrels at the G eneral Library. Unfortunately, because some immature students seriously abused the privilege, the University has found it necessary to close the carrels to undergrad- uate use. In his Qditorial of October 11 entitled "A Christmas Carrel (of Sorts)," Roger Rapoport disre- gards these abuses which brought about the decision to close the carrels. We wonder if Mr. Rapoport has tried to talk to any library officials involved. Such facts as the notes for a doctoral thesis be- ing lost, theft of personal proper- ty and rudeness to the grad stu- dents assigned to the carrels are not to be overlooked. Student use of carrels was based not on the need for library source material, but on the need for a quiet place to study. This same quiet study atmosphere could be achieved by the use of"Angell Hall auditoriums as study rooms in the evenings. Such rooms would, of course, be subject to the same nnm n- r71a- f n "+n n ..i 1 -9