WHY THE SAL IS A GOOD THING See Editorial Page Y Sir itlan Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom ANN ARBOR; MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1964 a tor Offers Parki Voice To Got t Before f JJc In for Apartment 1ot Potests ' I By RICHARD WOLFE Murray Jackson, who recently took charge of the University's Opportunity Awards Scholarship program, expresses optimism in its future at the University. SGC ICan eels Rally PostponesAssembly. By DAVID BLOCK Student Government Cbuncil at a specially called meeting Sun- day morning cancelled their plans to hold a student grievance rally today. Council also voted to postpone the Constituent Assembly, orig- inally scheduled for tonight, until Thursday night. The rally, which was approved unanimously at last Wednesday night's Council meeting. was scancelled by a nine-four vote. It had been planned to stimulate interest in the area of student -- - - --- - grievances and to draw attention to the Constituent Assembly, which is, an opaen forum for stu- dents to discuss issues and recom- mend 'solutions to SGC., 'C 'tBy ROBERT HIPPLER Voice, the local chapter of Stu- dents for a Democratic Society, * may face penalties ranging from a or1oration 'small fine to withdrawal, of Stu- dent Government Council recogni- f tion as a, result of its student pro- test rally Tuesday. At the request of Director of Student.Activities and,.0rganizal Ctions John Bingley, Joint Judiciary t O w ns Council will hear a case involving possible violation of University reg- Expect To Utilize City ulations at the rally. Bingley said yesterday that though JJC's Lot for 10 Per Cent 'rhursday agenda is not yet final, Plus$10,500 Yearly it will probably hear the case then. He added that the probable charge against Voice will be ,both distrib- By LEONARD PRATT ~ir tar+: n 'nrl n+H ' Criticizes Housing i f By LAUREN BAHR "Assembly House Council main- tains that the present residence halls conditions are physically psychologically and educationally inadequate," AHC President Max- ine Loomis, '65, said last night. At the AHC meeting the crowd- -ing committee presentedl an "ob- jective study" of the situation and unanimously passed a resolution praising all concerned with "mak- ing the best of a bad situation." According to Jane Feinberg, '66 chairman of the. crowding com- mittee, the study narrowed down to two main areas: permanent facilities and the feelings of the "third girl" in converted triples "The study was made When things had settled down somewhat and we were able to objectively study the situation," Miss Feinberg ex- plained. Strain and Pressure The committee found that mov- ing girls in when they were not expected caused" the most strain and pressure. When the girls Whose rooms were being converted were contace d individually and told when to expect the new girl, as was done in Couzens, the tran- sition was not as difficult. Another complaint was the fact that the changes 'should have been made at the beginning of the semester. "In some instances, by the time the new girl moved in, the old roommates were the best of firiends and the third girl had no common interests," Miss Fein berg said. "Another problem arose in terms of class standing. Freshmen were moved in on juniors which created a rather uncomfortable situation in some cases," Miss Feinberg added. Clear Carl J. Cohen, '66, 'favored the rally because "I thought that we could make our purposes clear to !both students and administrators through public explanation andj behavior at the rally itself. Un- fortunately neither The Daily nor SGC itself could ever get' clear in its mind the fact that 'rally' does ' not necessarily iniply 'protest'," he said. "Inaccurate front page headlines in the campus' only sourse of co- fmunication made our task a com- plicated but not an impossible one," Cohen commented. "Neither, of the rally's most articulate op- ponents, Executive Vice-President Douglas Brook, '65, Interfraternity Council President Lawrence Loss- ing, '65, nor Sheldon N. Kessler, '65, were present Wednesday night when Council originally discussed and approved the rally," he said. Inaccurate "Their opinions were heavily tainted by The Daily's inaccurate headlines and the emotional resi- due from the Student Action. League's earlier protest rallies," he added. SGC President Thomas Smith- son, '65, opposed the rally because "it wouldn't serve the function of stimulating student interest. It would draw people who- enjoy emo- tional excitement and not those who are seriously interested in dis- ,cussing the issues." Smithson said that although the Constituent Assembly was not like- ly to attfact as many people as a rally would, "at least those who attend the assembly would be stu- dents who are dedicated to the idea of discussing grievances in a raitional manner and who are pre- pared to sit down and work out a sound set of proposals to offer the University through SGC." Forum Sunday night the candidates in the current SGC election cam- paign spoke at a forum held in the UGLI Multipurpose Rm. Dur- ing the course of the program Sharon Manning, '65, announced that she was entering the SGC race as a write-in candidate. Miss Manning had filed a peti- tion to enter the campaign as an official candidate two weeks ago, but she was disqualified by the Credential and Rules Committee for illegal circulation of her peti- tion. Roger Leib, '65A&D, announc- last night that he was a write-in I candidate for SGC. According to Leib he has entered the campaign because the six candidates run- ning foi six positions on Council. offer no choice to the student, body, and that the candidates have been digging up unimportant is- sues just to pretend that there is a campaign. 1 7 t i l 1 J i 7 ;: i i t 'l , 'a 7 .] j h utrng terature and hoing the " ByICIN Towne Realty Inc., co-owners of Diag rally without his permission. the 18 story apartment building Authority "The labor force is continuing now under construction on South JJC has the authority in deal- labor demand," Prof. Charles Kill University, presented a proposal ing with student organizations to versity said last night. to Ann Arbor City Council last levy fines or recommend to SOC Addressing the Economic So night for the construction of a 400 that it withdraw official recogni- though there are adaptive mecha' WILLIAM BOTT car parking structure to serve the tion from the organization, demand, machinery, techniques an building. The University does not allow isms have been too slow to offset s The plan, if accepted, would non-recognized student organiza- He opposed the emphasis upc s R e Y prvideadete paing forethe tions t use University facilities, Economic Advisors. The council.at the major objections to its con- and does not approve campus ap- primarily through tax cuts. He struction. pearances of speakers they spon- said that the "aggregate demand sor. If unapproved speakers ap- theory" fails in two ways. First, TQT Three Provisions pear on campus, all students in- the solution is not aimed at the plan, made to council i a volved in their appearance face " .+letter from S. D. Tiherg, a Uiestdscpne"culture of poverty" which pres- Universty discipline. ently contains the bulk of our un- a te H kTowne Realty vice-president, con Voice Chairman Richard Hore- employed. A realistic solution, he asso- vitz, '67, will represent Voice ate said, would be to retrain or edu- cBatedIprovisions: the hearing. Those before Joint i cate unemployed workers enmesh- y-Towne Realty will pay the Judic have a choice between clos- ed in the "culture of. poverty." A letter from University housing city of Ann Arbor $10,500 per year i ed and public hearings, and Hore- Under Four Per Cent horning to lease the land now occupied by vitz indicated last night he will' He pointed out the "over full director Eugene Haun explaining Hepitd u h "vrfl last summer's room and board a city parking lot on Forest request an open hearing. employment" figures of less than rate increase was distributed as n btwen Willard Street Led Rally four per cent. in 1957 and 1962. part of an Inter- Quadrangle and South University; newsletter this morning. Q-On this lot Towne Realty will Horevitz and SGC member Bar- He noted that blue collar unem- build a four-ramp parking struc- ry Bluestone, '67, led the Voice ployment still remained high dur- Haun replied that "the presi-, ture, two of the ramps to be set rally Tuesday. The group, num- ing these periods and pointed out dent of IQC was indeed informed aside for metered parking and two bering about 200, went to Univer- the shortage of white collar work- of developments as they occurred for parking by permit; . sity President Harlan Hatcher's ers as a justification for retrain- insofar as possible" and that the -Towne 'Realty will stand the house and were invited to a tea inm and education-as opposed to president "passed on the informa- entire cost of construction of the the next day. simply cutting taxes. The policy of raising aggregate tion to council as it came to him. parking structure. The main complaint at the rally eand also overlooks the strut It would appear that, as the in-;: The letter stated that Towne was articulated by Bluestone: "The turaln aspects of unemployment, formation passed down to the Realty is anticipating a long-term ,administration has placed the stu- he said. "Even in peaks of pros- men, they unfortunately did not lease in order to, recover its initial dent too low on its. priority list." p e ill ve excesiv rn- realize the full import of it." investment in the project! . At the tea Wednesday, leaders employment in the lower educa- Jahn Lossingh, '67, said in a Explanation oof the group and President Hatch- tional brackets," he explained. statement that the council was Further . explanation of the rgrd dcs aegdre- Headththelb dm d planwas prvidd b Wilia B.er' agreed to discuss alleged griev- He said that the labor demand informed only' of fright of the Bott, executivedirect the ances and scheduled a meeting for has been altered through enor- University business office to in- this Thursday at 4 p rm. mous expenditures ip research crease rates at any time, as Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce. t Th t and development and throughs- printed on the contracts. Under the plan, Bott explained, At the time of the tea, several a len n th o h the city would =operate the park- University officials criticized the ing "affluence ini the nation which "The use of this as an excuse ing structure and collect the rev- rally leaders for alleged violations has altered consumer spending. for not giving more substantial enue from it. The city would re- of University regulations in hold- The result, he pointed out, is to notice of the increase is unaccept- ta $10,500 per year in return ing the Tuesday roily. lessen the demand for unskilled able," Lossing said. fo thlo of reurm the y . labor and raise the demand for for the loss of revenue from the sk;e ao Il answering other parts & the 108 parking spaces in the present Farming IQC request, Haun attributed the lot. This present revenue averages R epea lrt . The automation applied to pointed out that the rate hike In addition, the city would re- faing has had s nt was not made until the summer ceive 10 per cent of structure rev- f r bearing upon unemployment, Kill- because action on residence hall enues over and above the $10,500Ojo thisarediempo fees could be taken only after the base fee. jobs in this area has disemployed state legislature decided on Uni- At council's request, the offer BELOIT, Wis. WP)-The national large numbers of those who have versity appropriations, will be broughtrup for discussion charter of a Beloit College fra- the least education," he observed. Haun further promised to sub- at the city council working com- ternity which recently pledged two Kllingsworth stipulatedem- mit charts detailing the use of mittee Oct. 26. Negro students has been revoked, phatically that the tax cut should housing funds to IQC for publi- Ann Arbor will be saved the Dean of Students John Gwin said be implemented, but he said, "It to fail. to adapt to, the change in part ingsworth of Michigan State Vni- whe higl wiety, Killingswjrth saidl that al- are nism to counteract shifts in labor.T d consumer tastes, these mechan- cibie tructural unemployment. rece on fiscal policy of the Council of frov dvocates raising aggregate demand I cation in a newsletter as soon as cost of building the structure the charts can be prepared. is guaranteed revenue. and r a No Study In the area of facilities, the major complaint was the lack of study facilities. Many girls feel that even if the atmosphere were conducive to study, there is not enough room. It is the opinion of the com- mittee that definite steps must be taken to alleviate some of the uncomfortable conditions. T h e committee appended two recom- mendations to their report, which were passed unanimously: -"That the Office of Residence Halls work to provide permanent facilities such as desk, dressers and. lighting for girls iA tempo- rary housing;" and -"That each house take it upon themselves to work with those girls in temporary housing to in- tegrate them into the activities of the house." Unanimously Along, with the report, Miss Loomis presented a recommenda- tion to the council which was passed unanimously. It presented several resolutions and motions regarding the situation: -"The only advantage to the present over-crowded conditions is that of permitting additional students to attend the Univer- sity;" -"The students living in these doubled-up conditions have ad- justed commendably to this ques- tionable aspect of University life." Recommendations Miss-Loomis put into the form of motions the two recommenda- tions made by the committee. Berkeley Students Organize New PoltelBan' Protest By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN Protesting Berkeley students announced yesterday that they will conduct a "car caravan" this Thursday to a meeting in Davis of the regents of the University of California. The move would be directed against the ban on direct political action on the Berkeley campus. Leaders of the protest movement estimate that "several thousand students" will participate in the caravan. Although student participants will "refrain from civil disobed- ience" Thursday, the leaders 'of the demonstration said that this will be the "last time protest will be run through legal channels." Claims INTER-ARTS': Saturday. Gwin said officers of the Beta Iota Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity had been informed of the charter revocation but were given no official reason. The col- lege has sent a telegram to the national office of the fraternity requesting an explanation, the dean said. Frank Mudrak, president of Be- ta Iota Chapter,.said that the Beloit unit, organized in 1917, wo Beloit unit,' organized. in 1917, would continue to operate despite action by the national council. The group will be renamed as a local fraternity during Beloit homecoming weekend, starting Oc- tober 22. Ii t _ , The demonstrators claim that the Berkeley administration has been acting in bad faith on the terms of the agreement regarding campus political activity. Generation Offers Poetry, A Fiction ;x ' f y, 4' , t . An Ediorial TONIGHT the University community faces a test of its intelligence and maturity, Not within memory has a speaker come to campus who evokes such violent feelings as does George Lincoln Rockwell. We urge those who feel out- raged at this man's appearance to consider their actions care- fully. Those who protest ration- ally-by wearing armbands, boy- This agreement was reached By DAVID GARELICK during the Berkeley student riots. Last Monday the protesting stu- The current issue of Generation .magazine is far more diverse dents ratified the concord reach- than issues produced in the past. While previous issues have been ed between the administration and restrictive in their forms of writing and have emphasized certain student representatives with the forms of writing over others, the current issue has come much closer actin hgood faith." to the stated "Inter-Arts" policy of Generation by offering works of Protest leaders allege now that i fiction, poetry, art and photography. the appointment of the committee Rhetoric Out of Quarrels I which will review the cases of eight Berkeley students who wereB The magazine is prefaced by an appropriate quote by William suspended for political soliciting Butler Yeats: "Men make rhetoric out of quarrelshe with others; by the administration is an indi- poetry out of quarrels with themselves." cation of the administration's bad If there is one theme underlying the whole magazine, it is this faith. internal struggle. From the eccentric turmoil of a young man's These students claim that the t thoughts in Paul Bernstein's story, "The Affair," to the outright faculty and student, members of'' the committee should be elected quarrel of man against hate in Jerome Badanes' "Passage," this rather than appointed by the ad- issue of Generation stresses the internal dissension between all ministration.d h things, men and nature. 1 f F t I