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October 11, 1964 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-11

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SGC Elections Committee present
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Rachel Amada, LSA '67; partic-
ipation in community govern-
ment, Skokie, Illinois; member
of Junior Panhellenic Associa-
tion; Delta Delta Delta social
sorority; Pledge Class President.
In a n y student government
which is based upon the concept
of representation, it is the stu-
dent body at large which must
supply the creative and influenc-
ing elements of operation. Yet, it
is difficult and even unfair to re-
quest such active participation
from a student body that is unin-
formed and consistently left in
the dark as concerns problems,
proposals, and programs. The
blame for this lack of communi-
cation must rest on SGC itself, as
ithas failed to utilize two obvious
channels :
1) Both the local radio stations
a n d WCBN. Alternating
council members would be'
responsible for a short week-
ly broadcast. The speaker
would (a) briefly state what
issues had been discussed at
the last meeting, (b) express
his personal views on these'
issues, and (c) state a place'
and time when he can be
reached to answer questions
and discuss sugeestions.
2) Letters to the Editor in the
Daily. The same format
would be followed as in the'
radio broacast.
The basic idea here is "personal
representation." Students without
personal contacts on SGC should
have an outlet of expression.
In the area of academic reform,
I would, if elected, propose SGC
initiated committees w o r k i n g
within each department of each
school. These committees would
be composed solely of interested
undergrads (i.e., majors or minors,
in the field) and would analyze
the curriculum offered and the
teaching methods utilized in order,
to determine areas where revision
is desirable or necessary. After re-j
ports had been made to SGC,i
pressure would be applied to ap-
propriate administrative person-
Because SCC functions as a
pressure group, it is important
that council members take it up-
on themselves to be cognizant of
the problems of the students, and
willing to act with confidence, un-
derstanding, and immediacy.

Robert Bodkin '67 Engin; SGC
Public Relations Board; Editor
SGC Report; Editor SGC Sum-
mer Newsletter; Union Staff;
Phi Gamma Delta social frater-
SGC has two basic needs - ac-
tive Council members and an ac-
tive student body. By active Coun-
cil members I mean an SGC that
attempts to solve student prob-
lems with the maximum amount
of knowledge readily available
and with a constructive attitude
toward SGC's role on campus.
Either SGC through its own com-
mittee structure or through some
other body related to SGC must
be constantly prepared to present
or obtain relevant facts, e.g.,
apartment construction costs and
student opinions on guidance and
counseling. The burden of respon-
sibility for action, armed with
knowledge, rests upon Council.
An active Council will, as it is be-
ginning to do now, find eager stu-
dents to work on projects, even if
only indirectly related to SGC,
that appeal particularly to them.
SGC's major role on this cam-
pus should aim toward improving
student welfare and increasing
student responsibility. In resolv-
ing student problems SGC must
be careful to let the students 'or
organizations directly concerned
attempt solutions f i r s t. SGC
might offer suggestions, but it
should always support well-direct-
ed student drives.
Immediately facing SGC are
two major areas - joint faculty-
student participation in academic
affairs and student housing. For
both areas my goals are defined:
1) Sponsor one active coordin-
ating committee with joint
student-faculty membership
to stimulate and unify the
various standing committees
and college councils into
seeking improved guidance
and counseling, and increas-
ed effectiveness of student
opinion in academic policy
2) Support IQC and Assembly
efforts to revise Residence
Hall contracts.
3) Shorten lease agreements
from 12 months to 8 or 4
4) Gain cooperation of the Ann
Arbor Property O w n e r s
Group to support changes in
zoning regulations in order
to p r e v e nnt skyscraping
apartment buildings with in-
adequate parking facilities.
5) Determine profits from pri-
vately owned apartments
and, if seemingly excessive,
find ways through Univer-
sity mediation or funds, or
both, to lower costs and
Above all, SGC must communi-
cate with the campus. Better use
and cooperation with WCBN and
the Daily must be sought by
Council so that every student will
have the opportunity to be in-

James Boughey, '66 LSA; Mich-
igan Union Exec. Council, Social
Committee Chairman; General
Chairman Homecoming '63; IFC
Fraternity Services Committee;
Sphinx Honorary; member of
Delta Upsilon social fraternity.
Many people feel there is no
need for a student government. I
do not agree with this. On this
campus there are many organi-
zations working in specific areas
of student concerns, but by their
very 'nature they will never be,
able to protect the interests of all
the students. This then is the
function of SGC, to protect the
interests of the student, with spe-
cial concern given to those areas
where there are no existing stu-
dent interest groups or where ex-
isting organizations are not doing
a sufficient job.
The duties of government are
twofold. One is to legislate, the
second is to administrate. SGC
has legislated much, but I feel
that there has been almost a
standstill in the administrative
workings of Council. The com-
mittee structure has been little
used to either research pending
legislation or as a source of stu-
dent opinion. SGC's power to leg-
islate rests on the premis that
Council represents a codified
statement of student opinion. But
when its members fail to use the
existing committee structure, the
possibility of not having the facts
in hand or of misrepresenting
student opinion is great, and un-
fortunately has often been the
If elected to Council, I will have
a special interest in pursuing the
following areas:
(a) Reestablishment of the Stu-
dent Book Exchange.
(b) That SGC strive to take an'
active voice in University
(c) That Council take an ac-
long-range planning.
tive voice on the part of
student opinon in matters of
student concerns, i.e., the
upward spiralling prices of
athletic events, residence
hall fee hikes, etc.
(d) That the SGC Insurance
Co-ordinator investigate the
possibility of student Auto
Liability at a reduced rate
(along the line of the pres-
Health Insurance).
(e) Stimulation of the off-
make the students aware of
the services of the Office
of Student Affairs and then
work with the University,
the city, and Ann Arbor
realtors to equitably revise
the University lease to gen-
erally improve living con-
ditions, especially consider-
ing effects of tri-term.
If elected, my past experience
and knowledge of the University
would enable me to be effective in
getting SGC to move more mean-
ingfully for the protection and
betterment of student interests.

Six candidates are running for six Student Government
Council seats. Three are incumbents. The candidates are Rachel
Amado, Robert Bodkin, James Boughey, Doug Brook, Gary Cun-
ningham, Thomas Smithson.
Incubents are Brook, Cunningham and Smithson. Current-
ly, Smithson is President of the Council, Brook is Executive
Vice-president of Council and Cunningham is Treasurer.
All six of the newly-elected Council members will serve full
year terms.
The candidates will be selected under the limited vote sys-
tem of voting. All students enrolled in the University may vote
on presentation of ID and Fall 1964 insert card. Each voter has
1/2 (the number of seats open) plus 1 votes. The voter votes for
a candidate simply by X-ing the box next to the candidate's
name. Pen or pencil will be acceptable but only if clearly legible.
The cross of the (X) must fall within the box to validate the
vote. Each vote has equal weight. A voter may use less than
the number of votes alloted but not more. The winners are
tabulated by adding the vote totals for each candidate and de-
claring those with the highest totals elected.
Write-in candidates are permitted and are subject to all
elections rules as enumerated in the Code of Election's Rules.
All required materials for write-ins must be submitted to the
Election's Director no later than 8 p.m. on Election Day.
(from SGC Code of Election's Rules)
adopted April 22, 1964
Section 7 (b) No person serving at a poll while it is open shall
give any advice or instructions to a voter as to
the candidates or questions to be selectetd or re-
solved respectively.
(d) No person shall in any way or form cast or
cause or encourage to be cast more than one
ballot for each office or question for each voter,
or cast or cause or encourage to be cast any bal-
lot not printed under the authority of the Com-
mittee. Nor shall any person interfere in any
way with the orderly and lawful campaigning
and voting of students.
Section 9 "Violators of this code or any rules established
in pursuance thereof shall be subject to one or
more of the following-imposed by Joint Judic-
iary Council:
(a) disqualification from holding any office
on the Council or any related agency
(b) the right of initiative and referendum;
(c) a fine not to exceed $100.00.
Eleven places have been selected for polls. They are:
The South, East and West Quads; Mary Markley Hall;
Engineering Arch; Undergraduate Library Terrace; Diag; Fish-
bowl; Michigan Union stairs; Palmer Field; corner of South
State and Liberty. Campaigning within fifty (50) feet of any
polling place when said place is open on election day is forbidden.
The polls will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:10 p.m. The elec-
tion will be held Wednesday, October 14. In case of inclement
weather all stations, with the exception of the Diag, Palmer's
Field station and the Libert St. station, will remain open but will
move indoors. The stations on the Diag and at Palmer's Field
and Liberty Street will close.
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Doug Brook, '65 LSA; current
Executive Vice President, SGC;
incumbent SGC member; form-
er Treasurer of SGC; former
Chairman U of M Young Re-
publicans; former State Sescre-
tary, Y o u n g Republicans;
Y o u n g Republican National
Committeman, State of 'Michi-
SGC, working under thet same
basic plan for over ten.years, has
esetablished itself as one. of the
most stable forms of student gov-
ernment in the nation. Its con-
tinued, success or failure depends
not upon vast structural changes,
but rather, upon 1) the election of
capable and enthusiastic council
members, and 2) the thoughtful
proposal. and enactment of mean-
ingful legislation. The following
is a necessarily brief enumeration
of areas in which . I pledge to
1. Student organizations should
not have to dilute their programs
for financial reasons. SGC should'
investigate the possibilities of ac-
quiring an increased financial al-
location from the Regents to be
dispersed impartially to student
organizations on the basis of need.
2. SGC must work to establish
a fair and equitable system for the
calendaring and approval of stu-
dent sponsored activities. Student
groups should have priority in the
allocation of limited theatre, con-
cert, and lecture facilities.
3. SGC must re-establish a
working relationship with mem-
bers of the Faculty Senate in or-
der to promote a concerted and
effective effort toward the allevi-
ation of problems of counseling,
distribution requirements, sched-
uling, and crowded classrooms.
4. The U.S. National Student
Association has never really been
tested to see if it can, in fact, be
helpful on this campus. SGC
should , attempt to utilize NSA's
Student Government Information
Service. At the same time SGC
should maintain close contact
with the new Associated Student
Governments of the U.S.A. in or-
der to influence it during forma-
tion of basic organization and
5. SGC must work directly with.
Ann Arbor realtors in order to
make them more responsive to the
housing needs of students. SGC
should also strongly urge the Uni-
versity to use its powers or per-
suasion to attain specific rent re-
form, a nine month lease, and ful-
fillment of managers' promises of
maintenance and improvement.

Gary M. Cunningham, '66 LSA
Economics; incumbent, 1 yr.;
present SGC Treasurer; Phi
Gamma Delta social fraternity.
During the past ten years in
which Student Government Coun-
cil has existed in its present form,
its basic approach to problems
and student concerns has remain-
ed constant. Its approach has
been one entirely of student par-
ticipation, students working in be-
half of student interests. I sub-
mit it's time for a new approach,
or at least an added step to the
old approach. Political scientists
have long talked of the power of
public opinion, yet Student Gov-
ernment Council has never really
attempted to mobilize it in its own
behalf. I'm not talking now about
student public opinion, but out-
side opinion - parents, alumni,
friends. The University is rather
insensitive at times to student de-
mands and suggestions, but I'm
sure a good many problems SGC
has ineffectively attempted to
deal with-parking, residence rate
hikes, overcrowded study an d
classroomconditions, inadequate
off-campus housing facilities, and
so on, would have solutions a good
deal faster were they brought up
through these o t h e r sources.
Money comes from the outside,
and this is one instance in which
money may be able to talk for us.
I began last semester attempting
to develop a closer relationship
between SGC and the Alumni Of-
fice. Unfortunately, these were
only preliminary talks and first
steps. Parents and friends we
must reach through you. Our
problem now obviously becomes
reaching you.
As treasurer of SGC, I've work-
ed closely withour Public Rela-
tions Board to get our story out
to you. New Financial controls
should insure a better use of your
money. My motion on the Scho-
lar in Residence, passed by Coun-
cil last year and given applause
by several department heads and
administrators, is in committee
and I promise you will have some
definite results in the way of a
well directed program this semes-
ter. Its committee and program
system needs rejuvenation. Ex-
change programs are in the pro-
cess; the National Students As-
sociation, I've found, offers a
good deal more to its member
schools than we've taken advant-
age of in the past. We need to
continue working in the 'public
opinion' areas and the programs
such as the Scholar in Residence.
In final analysis the responsibility
for these programs falls back on
you. The new approach, I think,
can be a key to the future. But
you must turn the key.


Thomas L. Smithson, '65 LSA
current president of Student
Government Council; former
Executive Vice-President of Stu-
dent Government Council; for-
mer Administrative Vice-Presi
dent of Student Government
Council; formerPresident of
East Quadrangle; former mem-
ber of IQC; attended 16th Na-
tional Student Congress; at-
tended 14th Student Body Pres-
idents' Conference; Quadrants,
Sphinx, Michigamua honoraries.
In my previous bid for reelec-
tion t o ' Student Government
Council in-October, 1963 I was se-
verely chastised by several of my
friends on.the Daily staff for fail-
ing to inject new and vital issues
into the campaign. I will now
plead guilty to thet same charge.
As theincumbent President of
Student Government Council, I
have thus far directed my cam-
paign at the problem of justifying
SGC to the electorate. I have
urged students to make some com-
mitment to some aspect of the
University which transcends their
personal day-to-day problems.,
Issues are abundant. Personnel
is our problem. It is unfortunate
that Barry Bluestone must bear
the burden of presenting most is-
sues to Council.: It is unfortunate
that most Council members have
not chosen to take immediate, re-
sponsible initiative in the solution
of problems which Barry identi-
fies. It is unfortunate that I must
divide my time to exercise a legis-
lative role in bringing motions
a n d background speakers .; to
Council because other members
have abrogated thteir responsibil-
ities to the point of treating at-
tendance lightly.
Off-campus housing and Uni-
versity over-crowding and aca-
demic reform are significant prob-
lems. What we need is more new
faces with a fresh commitment
who will join Barry and a hand-
ful of others to do serious work.
Perhaps we can involve compe-
tent people by combing academic
departments for students with ac-
knowledged ability in their spe-
I pledge my best efforts again
this fall. I offer the experience of
three semesters as an officer of
S t u d e n t Government Council
And I bring with me a broader
overview of student government
in its educational context gained
through attendance at the Stu-
dent Body Presidents' Conference
in Minneapolis this summer.
Whether I am again an officer
of S0C, or an elected member,.I
would appreciate serving with
people with a greater sense of ob-
ligation to SGC and the Univer-
sity. I respectfully request your
support for my candidacy and for
those candidates who share my
concern for vitality of our student

All Write-in
Candidates Wishing
Further Information
Contact the
3-5 p.m., Ext. 1039

........ ....

Sunday, Oct. 11, 1964
Multi-purpose Room
of the UGLI
7:30 p.m.
Question & Answer Period


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