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Occasional light shfjw(rs
clearing by nightfall
Rally Committee
Spurns Smithson
Cartwright Says Desired Objective
To Reaffirm Council's Authority
StuentGovernment Council's Rally Committee rebuffed SQC
Sd President Thomas Smithson, '65, last night when, over his objections,
it voted to hold a Diag student rally next Tuesday.
i Smithson originally announced, in a 7 p.m. speech at an SGC
candidate's forum, that SGC's Rally Committee and other interested
students would meet with University President Harlan Hatcher next
Tuesday at 4 p.m., the same time origipally scheduled, for the" SOC
196 5-'66
p.m. last night, Smithson presented this plan to the rally
and was met with' almost unanious-disapproval. Except
for Smithson and Douglas Brook
'65, the entire committee voted ti
hold the rally Tuesday. The time
wa§ changed from 4 p.m . to noon
This will enable the rally com
mittee to attend both the rally
and the meeting.
Smithson's reply to his rebuttal
last night was that he would
further clarify his position some-
time today.
Kent Cartwright, '65, chairmar
of the rally committee, said lasi
night the purpose of the rally was
to reaffirm the role of SOC. "If
SGC cannot represent students'
feelings meaningfully, then it has
no excuse for attempting to rep-
resent student welfare interests.
The purpose of the rally is not to
specifically oppose the adminis-
tration, but rather to channel stu-
dent grievances into a more con-
structive vein."
Cartwright detailed what he felt
the rally would include. "First,
we want to ,review the grievence
issues before SGC, and review
what SGC has, can and will do
about them. And second, we want
to invite students to an open Con-
stituent Assembly to be held that
"I do not feel that this is stu-
dent irresponsibilty," he continu-
ed. "It is a channelling of stu-
dent opinion to increase interest
in and power of SGC. What we
are trying to do is to give SGC
the power to constituent support,"
he concluded.
U.Se ToAsk
UN To Block
Soviet Vote
United States gave notice yester-
day it will demand that voting
rights be taken away from the So-
viet Union the day the UN Gen-
eral Assembly opens-Nov. 10-
unless the Russians pay up for
peacekeeping operations.
The step was taken amid hints
from the Soviet Union that it will
quit the UN if it is deprived of its
Assembly vote.
Ambassador Adlal E. Stevenson
spelled out' in detail the U.S. po-
sition on the tVN financial crisis
in a long memorandum to Sec-
retary-General U Thant for cir-
culation as an official document.
The committee resolved that:
1) The IiC Membership Com-
mittee submit to Trigon in writ-
ing, a statement concerning the
alleged membership selection vio-
2) The two bodies reach a fac-
tual agreement as to the personal
violations and the relevant de-
tails concerning them.
3) Once these two steps are ac-
scomplished, the executive vice-
president will establish a date for
a formal hearing.
4) When such a hearing comes
about the membership committee
"shall submit to the executive
council and the affected group a
N written report containing the fin-
al facts, the committee's conclu-
sion drawn from them and the
comlmittee recommendations."
The IFC executive committee
will act as a judicial body at the
hearing. It has the authority, if
Trigon is found guilty, to deprive
the fraternity of all privileges in-
herent in IFC membership, in-
cluding participation in IFC rush
and intramural programs.
The indictment, submitted to
the executive committee Tuesday
night, is the first action taken by
the membership committee since
its creation last fall.
The body's function is to inves-.
tigate possible violations of an
IFC bylaw forbidding discrimina-
tion in membership selection on a
basis of "race, color, creed, reli-
gion, national origin or ancentry.
Haun Submits
Explanation of
Rate Increase
University Housing Director Eu-
gene Haun has submitted a letter
to Inter-Quadrangle Council de-
tailing the reasons for the recent,
room and board rate hike.
In acknowledging Haun's let-
ter at a council meeting last night,
IQC President John Eadie, '65,
said that the letter will be pub-
lished in the IQC Newsletter next
"The administration also plans
to release charts illustrating Uni-
versity spending of residence hall
funds," he, added. "These, too,
will be published in a newsletter."
"granted that the, letter does
not give us all that we want, it
is significant in that the admin-.
istration has not previously co-
operated with such a request,"
Eadie said.
In other action at last night's
meeting, IQC defeated a motion
by John Lossing, '67, stating in
part "that the IQC demand-not
merely suggest this time--that the;
housing office be reformed on
lines which take into account the
importance of the student as an
individual and not as an IBMr
commented that "such irrespon-1
sible proposals could help destroyt
the effectiveness of IQC as a
representative of the men in the
residence halls."
CelcEbratedAjUeo'nau'ial Birth
Stevenson expressed willingness
of the United States to accept
any reasonable solution for break-
ing the deadlock over finances -
provided it includes payment of
tmoney to the UN by the Soviet
SUnion and other debtor nations.
Stevenson took the step here
as Secretary of State Dean Rusk
said in Washington that Soviet
reluctance to pay anything on its
$55 million debt deeply affected
the' constitutional structure of the
world organization.
The memorandum said all UN
members must be prepared to be
flexible on how the . back pay-
ments should be made.
"The only vitally essential in-
gredient in any solution is' that
the funds be made available to
the United Nations," it added.
The United States contends that
under Article 19' of the UN char-
ter any member two years in
arrears on its financial contribu-
tions shall be deprived of its As-
sembly vote,
The memorandum pointed to
the Nov. 10 opening date and said
that day "presents the inevitable
and inescapable issue" of adher-
ing to that provision of the char-
The first business of the As-
sembly is to elect a new president,
and thus the matter of the right
to vote becomes an immediate is-
The Soviet Union and nine oth-
er countries are more than two
years in arrears on UN peacekeep-
ing assessments. By the time the
Assembly meets the list may be
down to six-the Soviet Union, the
Ukraine, Byelorussia, Czechoslo-
vakia, Poland and Romania.
Union To Host
Shriver Today
National director of the Peace
Corps, R. Sargent Shriver, is
scheduled to speak today at 3:30
p.m. on the Michigan Union steps.
Speaking during the week of the
fourth anniversary of the public
conception of the Peace Corps,
the brother-in-law .of the late
President John F. Kennedy will
discuss the activities of the or-
Shriver will speak here follow-
ing a speech made in Detroit.
The 50th anniversary of
aeronautical engineering is be-
ing celebrated at the Univer-
sity today and tomorrow. It
was here in 1914 that the first
American course in aeronautical
engineering was given. I
Herbert Sadler, an English
balloonist and founder of the
University Aero Club, and a few
fearless .students built an air-
plane patterned after the
Wright Brothers' biplane and
a small wind tunnel, which was
constructed in a loft of the
West Engineering Bldg.
The transition from fantasy
to academics was accomplished
in 1914 when Felix Pawlowski
began teaching the first course
in aeronautical engineering.
Increase Staff
In 1921, Pawlowski was given
a colleague, Edward Stalker.
With their combined efforts,
the curriculum was expanded
and in 1930 the aeronautical
engineering department was
established as a separated en-
tity from the naval architecture
and marine engineering depart-
The Second World War es-
pecially emphasized the neces-
sity for research and develop-
ment in aeronautics. Pawlowski
continued to teach, and the de-
partment #expanded. But after
the war he retired-along with
the age of the Wright brothers
Aviators wanted to go faster
and farther. Piston engines
were replaced with turbo jets
and rockets. This new era de-
manded much more research
capabilities," Prof. R i c h a r d
Morrison of the aeronautical
an d. astronautical engineering
since so little was known about'
high speeds and the stresses
placed upon a plane traveling
at 600 miles per hour.
"New Tunnel
In 1956, research needs led
to the construction of a low
turbulence wind tunnel on
North Campus, and a few years
later a supersonic tunnel was
added. It simulated speeds of
8 times the speed of sound.
T h e 1o w turbulencetunnel
was designed to measure gust
effects on aircraft and stresses
on subsonic airplanes. "Speeds
below that of sound are' very
crucial in aircraft- design re-
gardless of their supersonic
department said recently.
Last year the University ac-
quired a rocket launching site
on the Keweenaw Peninsula in
Michigan. This was the result
of work in upper atmosphere re-
Student Union Meets with ' UOfficial
search carried on since 1946. In
these and -similar tests atten-
tion was focused on the struc-
ture of the upper atmosphere
with respect to meteorlogical
Similar experiments'had been
done previously with V-2 rock-
ets captured during the war
and assembled in 1946. The
University has since participat-
ed in these, launchings along
with several .other universities
and the military.
The University has lounched
several rockets from Keweenaw
and has conducted a long series
of tests from Wallops Islands,
Va. Most of these are designed
to measure pressure,; tempera-
ture and air density at high al-
titudes. Information is recorded
in a well-equipped bus. In the
ease of balloon launchings to
test satellite instruments, the
bus can follow the path of the
balloon and obtain much more
data than is usually available.
- Problems
Research is now being con-
ducted 'on, North Campus in
upper atmosphere phenomena,
high altitude engineering, space
physics, satellite relays, guid-
ance, communication, analysis,
infrared observation, solar x-
rays, propulsion, and related
Especially essential are, the
guidance systems necessary to
coordinate the instruments
within a satellite, the courses
the satellite must travel -e and
the communication with earth-
bound stations. All of these3
operations are carried out by,
micro electronic computers
within the satellite. Before the
satellite is launched this comi-
puter is programed by a larger
one at the ground station.
To Exceed Current
Costs by One-Fourth
Funds Needed To Support 1200
More Students Enterig Fall Term
The University is requesting $55.7 million in state funds to
educate its anticipated 30,300 students, pay its 2100 teachers
and maintain its $250 million plant in 1965-66.
The request, largest in University history, is more than
$11 million above its current state appropriation for general
Executive Vice-President Marvin Niehuss announced the
request yesterday several hours after dispatching it to Lans-
ing. There, it will be weighed by the governor's budget officers
to determine the final level he will recommend to the Legisla-
The newly formed Student Em-
ployes Union met with a sharp
rebuff yesterday. Charles M. All-
mand, personnel officer, made it
clear after a meeting with lead-
ers of the union that the Univer-
sity is willing to meet with the
group, but does not consider wage
policies open to "bargaining."
Allmand added that the Uni-
versity recognizes the alleged
"union" simply as any organiza-
tion which contains students, and
will consider their demands strict-
ly as suggestions.
The union is not recognized as'
a bargaining agent for all stu-
dent employes. Allmand explained
that in all union-'U' relations the
administration does not negotiate'
or bargain, but discusses worth-
while proposals to the University
with an unbiased, neutral attitude.
Allmand emphasized that he;
hoped the members of the union
did not feel as though they were
negotiating with the administra-
tion. The 'U' will support thez
principles of representation and
will deal with the union as witht
any employe group.
The major recommendation
made by the union representativesl
was the $1.25.minimum wage rate.
The University has been and will
continue to investigate the pos-
sibility of a wage increase, All-
mand said. If the results prove it
to be worthwhile, the University
will see if it is financially able to
adopt the higher wage scale.
The problem of priorities is the
biggest hindrance to raising all
wages, Allmand said. However, he
emphasized that any action of the
University will not be a result of
union pressure or demands. Wages
for all employes are under con-
sideration every year to see if
adjustments are necessary.
Residence Halls
Along with the request for the
$1.25 minimum wage, the union
asked for a $.25 increase in wages
for all employes of residence halls
and the libraries. A $.05 increment
after 50, 100 and 200 hours, and
a $.05 raise for every semester
worked above 200 hours was also
As a condition for these recom-
mendations, the union asked that
no jobs be eliminated and no fees
be raised to counteract any wage
increase. Allmand assured the
group that these suggestions would
be looked into.
The union requests came shortly
after the Residence Halls Board of
Governors, a student-administra-
tion group, asked for $1.25 mini-
mum wage for students working in
the residence halls.
'Campus Heads
Bolt Berkeley
Faculty Unit
Two student representatives on
a faculty committee on student
conduct walked out of a meeting
late Wednesday night at the Uni-'
versity of California's Berkeley
In a statement issued after the,
walkout the students declared they
"could not recognize the legitima-
cy" of the committee, formed to
review the suspensions of eight
students who violated Berkeley's
ban on direct political action last
The ban on student political
action sparked three days of stu-
dent demonstrations until student
leaders and University of Califor-
nia administrators reached a'ten-
tative agreement a week ago.
Besides the stalled negotiations
on the eight suspended students,r
the discussion of whether to deed
over the disputed area in front of
the university's administration
building-the scene oflast week's
protests-to a Berkeley student,
group Is "tied up in administra-
tive red tape," a Daily Californ-
ian spokesman said last night by
Representatives of the student
body complained the composition
and method of selecting the com-'
mittee were breaches of the spir-
it of the tentative agreement. I
Berkeley administrators ap-7
ture in January. The legislate
and the recommendation be-
fore appropriating the funds
next spring.
Last spring, the Universi-
ty's request of $47 million for
the current academic year was
trimmed in Lansing to $44
Increase Essential
Niehuss called the'requested $11
million increase essential to meet
the University's teaching and en-
rollment needs which have been
intensified by tri-term.
He said the request is based
on a projected enrollment for next
fall of 33,300. This would be 1200'
above the present enrollment. In
addition, officials forsee the win-
ter and spring-summer enroll-
ments - normally substantially
lower - rising to unprecedented
Tuition Up
The student increase wfl raise
tuition revenues more thai $1
million, Niehuss predicted. If the
University received its entire re-,
quest, the overall operations buds-
et-state plus student-would be
$71 million for the 1965-6 aca-
demic year. That's - $12 million
higher than the budget for this
Stressing the importance of the
request, Niehuss said it seeks to
provide merit salary increases
from seven-WO per cent, to keep
pace with rising educator salaries
nationally. y
University salaries for the en-
tire teaching faculty rose from an
average $9800 to $10,500 this year.
"We made some progress but
there's a great deal of lost ground
to make up," he observed, point-
ing to national salary statistics.
These show the University lag-
ging from its once eminent posi-
tion in the top five nationwide.
That rating was made before
the "austerity budget years" of
the late fifi ties which stunted
growth here. Until that point, the'
University had received appropri-
ations almost equal to their re-
Starting in 1957, the lean per-
iod began. That year, the Univer-
sity sought $34 million and re-
ceived. $30..2 million. The follow-
ing year it suffered a budget cut
to $30 million-seven million dol-
lars below its request.
Through the early 'sixties the
University's state allocation grew
slowly to the $38 million level it
attained in 1963-64. 'Last spring,
the Legislature ended the dry spell
by passing a record $44 million
rs will then review the request
What Hike
Will Buyr
What can the University do
with $11 million dollars?
University officials yesterday
sketched in the thinking behind
the budget request which was sent
to Lansing. Their comments came
in the wake of the University's
announcement it was seeking'$55.7
million in state funds for opera-
tions-a precise $11,645,600 above
the current level.
Officials pinpointed the follow-;
ing major increments:
Salary Increases: $4.5 million.
Executive Vice - President Marvin
Niehuss repprted $4.5 million of
the increases would go to provide
merit faculty pay-hikes. r
VWith the national educator. av-
erage rising nearly seven per cent
annually, he said the request was
a minimum if the University is to
keep pace. Each $500,000 increase
provides about a one per cent
increase generally although the
raises vary individually according
to the teacher level.
The past few years, faculty
membersahave had to settle for
less than five per cent dropping
the teachers out of their ranking
as one of the top five best-paid
The University pays more than
$50 million annually in salaries
and wages.
Additional Staff and Supplies:
$6.6 million. Vice-President 'for
Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns
said the University needs more
than 85 new teachers, mostly
above the teaching fellow level to
establish the University at a ratio
of one teacher per 14 students.
The ratio is currently 1:14.6,
t Heyns estimated.
To secure the staff, he said more
than $2 million additional dollars
will be rleeded, particularly with
tri-term requiring a year-round
full-time staff.
"We made substantial gains in
acquiring teachers last year," he
noted, emphasizing the hiring of
assistant professors.
But the University "will con-
tinue to shoot for the 1:14 ratio-
and it just hasn't gotten there
The other $4 million in increases
would be used to purchase sup-
plies necessary for educating stu-
dents and\ aiding faculty adminis-
trate their courses.
Library Services: $658,000. Uni-
yersity Library Director Frederick
Wagman placed new staff and
new books as the major priorities
Herberg Discusses Implications of xistentialsm
The most important thing to be said about existentialism is its
unique way of thinking about human existence, said Prof. Will
Herberg of Drew University, yesterday.
Speaking in Rackham Auditorium, Herberg went on to define
existentialism and its two principle interpretations-religious and
Herberg quoted Kierkegaard's definition of the existentialist
way of thinking as the "thinking of the existing subject about his
existence as he exists his existence."
Prof. Will Herberg of Drew University participated in a discussion
last night in the West Main Lounge of South Quadrangle.
Herberg stressed the continuance of the "trend toward communal
religious association." Referring to his book, "Protestant-Catholic-
Jew," he ranked the strength of the faith of the membership of the
three groups as Catholic, Protestant and Jew, in that order.
He emphasized that all three faiths are as strong now as they
were at any point in American history.
for the next academic year.
"But this was only the first The library system received this
time in several years that we did year an increase of nearly $600,000
not lag behind," Niehuss declared to raise its budget to $2.75 million.
"We still haven't done enough to' But, this is still not enough,
replace obsolete equipment and Wagman said. He pointed also to
maintain our plant." These prob- library needs for raising salary
lems are faced in the fund re- levels of existing personnel and
quest submitted yesterday, he add- replacing library equipment.
ed. ~Serv ices, for New Building:
ed. $600,000. John MeKevitt of the
The University will not be alone 'Office of Business and Finance
in making unprecedented request said the maintenance of new
for funds. The largest state-sup- buildings-plus the increased fa-
ported school, Michigan State cility b unse puthrouhincteamedf-
University, set the pattern a few qirs use through tri-term-re-
weeks ago when it requested $48 quires substantial increases.
million in operating expenses-an 'n North Campus, a new Institute
increase of $9 million above its for Social Research Bldg.,on Cen-
.A Mw MEMmmmE,