RED CHINA'S BOMB See Editorial Page . Y lfetres itan Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom 7471 att CLOUDY High-CO Low-38 Partly cloudy and cooler toward evening VOL. LXXV, No. 34 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1964 SEVEN CENTS SiX _ _ UNALIGNED NATIONS MEETING: Propose Congo Peace Force, CAIRO (WP)-President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana proposed yes- terday that an African peace force be sent to pacify' the Congo, whose premier has been barred from the conference of nonaligned nations here and is now under house ar- rest in a Cairo suburb. In presenting his proposal to, the conference, Nkrumah said all- foreign soldiers and mercenaries should be forced to leave the Con- go immediately. He asked the conference to order foreign powers to keep hands off the Congo and to demand with- drawal of white mercenaries brought in by Premier Moise Tshombe to fight leftist rebels in the eastern and northern Congo., The United States has sent planes and crews t6 ferry Congo troops to the fighting fronts., Nkrumah did not mention' Tshombe by name. He also failed to mention that Tshombe had asked several African countries to help him put down the Congo re- bellion. These requests were re- fused. Nkrumah said the force should be sent by the Organization of African Unity and stay there until elections could bring about "a democratic government." Tshombe has been banned by the conference and is a hostage of President Gamal Abdel Nasser's government.- An aide to Tshombe replied that Tshombe might decline a plane, out even if the Egyptians permit- ted him to leave. General Library To Restrict Carrel Space to Graduates By JEREMY RAVEN Undergraduates studying in the General Library stacks this fall! have found that all 260 study carrels there are being fitted with locked doors. Frederick H. Wagman, director of the University Library, said the action was being taken because of "generally too much misbehavior on the part of some undergraduates.," Each carrel is now assigned to two or three graduate students, The Tshombe situation has to date drawn more attention than -the conference, which opened Monday. A resolution banninig Tshombe's attendance at the conference was pushed through Tuesday by lead- ers of other African states who accuse Tshombe of being a stooge for Western powers. Ker's Faith Questioned. At Berkley President of the Associated Students of Berkeley Charles Powell conferred with University of California President Clark Kerr last night to see whether thej Berkeley administration was "act- ing in good faith" on. agreements reached last week regarding stu- dent political activity. Although t h e administration had promised to submit suspen- sion rulings against eight Berke- ley students to a standing faculty committee, student leaders be- came quite dubious of the good faith of the agreement when they found that no standing faculty committee for reviewing student suspensions exists.. Powell decided to find out whether this apparent inconsis- toncy was deliberate or the result of a misunderstanding. Results of Powell's conference with Kerr were not yet known at press time. Last week the Berkeley admin- istration had promised to ease its restrictions on participation in direct political action on the Berkp'ey campus. The restrictions touched off three days of student rioting. The eight students were arrest- ed and suspended when they so- licited funds for political organi- zations after dormant adminis- tration curbs on political activity had been renewed. Discusses Future of Merger By LAUREN BAHR League Council heard recently a report on general areas of con- cern regarding the Union-League merger. The concerns had been enumerated in a private conversa- tion prior to the council meeting by Vice-President for Student Af- fairs James A. Lewis. Telling the council of her dis- cussions with Lewis, council Co- ordinating Vice-President Gail Howes, '66, detailed general top- ics and questions. . ,Lewis was first concerned with who is to have jurisdiction over the budget, of the merged orga- nization and who is to be its au- ditor. He asked for clarification of the role of the merged organization in regard to Student Government Council. Up until now, neither the Union nor the League have been consid- ered student organizations. Thus, they were not under the jurisdic- tion of SGC. He suggested that the new or- ganization sever all ties with the existing Boards of Governors for both the Union and the League and organize a completely ,new board. "This suggestion was met with opposition," Miss Howes said. The way the structure is presently set up, the Board of Governors df both groups will remain as they are Without creating a third board for the merged organization. According to Miss Howes, Lewis was suggesting that the new board be University-financed and as such come under the jurisdiction of the Office of Student Affairs- thus becoming an SGC appendage. "At present this idea is com- pletely unfeasible, since the Re- gents will not agree to the crea-; tion of a new organization but only to the merging of the stu- dent activities now sponsored sep- arately by the Union and the League," Miss Howes commented. Students Take Demarn To Hatcher Open Hou 'U' Offici Cite Viol Of .3 Ru: President Pro To Discuss Al Problems at 1M U ' .,l , 1 l i s. { ; 1 who require a certain amount of Ask U.S.-NATO Atom Policy WASHINGTON (A')-The West German government is reportedly pressing the United States to nail down a NATO nuclear fleet agree- ment by the end of this year. Germany is evidently prepared to act without participation of other allies. A statement' by West German Chancellor Ludwig Erhard was generally interpreted to mean that if other nations refuse to partici- pate, Germany and the United States might still go ahead. The nuclear fleet has always been envisioned as a surface force armed with U.S. Polaris missiles and manned by crews from many NATO nations. A two-nation force would mean a radical switch in U.S. policy. Top officials declined, however, to rule out the possibility of such; a switch, though they insisted that no firm decision has been made. Some informants said the U.S. might have to go along with a U.S.-German force plan but would be reluctant to do so. Erhard expects increasing in- ternational debate over the fleet project, which has stirred dis- ruptive controversy within the At- lantic alliance for four years. An expected discussion in the UN General Assembly could lead to some general condemnation of the nuclear force. space in which to spread out and store the materials necessary for writing of their theses. In the past, undergraduates were free to use the carrels when- ever the graduates assigned to them were not present. But, Wag- man explained, many graduate' students have been complaining about the destruction or theft of their books, doctoral notes and other materials. He added that some undergrad- uates using the carrels have been noisy and that some have respond- ed rudely when asked to let grad- uate students use the carrels. For these reasons, Wagman ex- plained, the library.hgs been com- pelled to place the carrels off, limits to undergraduates. He indicated that 60 or 70 carrels have already been equip- ped with doors. Doors for the re- maining carrels, plus locks for all of them, will be provided grad- ually, as rapidly as necessary funds can be obtained. Wagman did not think the ac- tion would greatly increase crowd- ing at the Undergraduate Library. He said most of the undergradu- ates who have complained to him about closing the carrels study in them only because they prefer to, not because they can't find room in other libraries on the campus. indergraduates will still be permitted to use the stacks and to study in other- parts of the, General Library, Wagman added. He added that the carrels, open- ed to undergraduates in 1958, were "never intended as' study space for anyone except those to whom they are assigned." It is common practice in li- braries at other universities to extend carrel privileges only to people working on their doctoral; dissertations, he said. While it has revoked study privileges for under- graduates, the University Library remains one of the few in the country to /allow undergraduates even to enter its stacks, Wagman noted. At a meeting last night of the. Student Action League -- newly- formed to present alleged student grievances to the administration- one speaker claimed that more books were being lost from Gen- eral Library carrels than from the rest of the libraryr- The University Library includes all libraries on campus except the Law and Business Administration libraries and the Michigan His- torical Collections.. Johnson, Goldwater Call for General Improvements WASHINGTON (P)-President Lyndon B. Johnson barnstormed through the Midwest yesterday, calling for improvements in the social security law, cautioning against those who would bankrupt farmers and speaking out on the issues of peace, prosperity and responsibility in government. At the same time, Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz), his opponent for the Presidency, hammered away for morality in government and tlaw and order in America's streets By DAVID BLOCK 'the student body or as pertaining .to individual students. Student Government Counciltoi iial tets. last night unanimously approved Initial Material a motion to hold a rally on the Tuesday's rally and Constituent Diag next Tuesday to discuss stu- Assembly will provide the initial dent grievances. grievances material for the board. The motion also called for a In other action, Council passed Constituent Assembly meeting on a motion,, proposed by Bluestone, the night of the rally to hear and which recommends that the Uni- further discuss student complaints versity administration "negotiate against the University. in good faith" with the University According to Michigan League of Michigan Student, Employes' President Nancy Frietag, '85, and Union. It also recommends that :Barry Bluestone, '66, theco',and the University consider the union Bary Bueson, '6, heco-spon- as the official bargaining agent sors of the motion, it was design- astenoficilbyai. e ed to direct the current campus for student employes. agitation for alleviating urgent Speaking against the grievance student grievances through SGC. board, SGC President Thomas "Council will be able to pre- Smithson, '65, emphasized that if "sunt ld eads mo re ef- Council continued to create groups sent student demands more ef to handle basic SGC functions, fectively to the administration eventually there would be no more than will the student action group edfrSCt xs. which has held rallies this week," need for SGC to exist. Miss Frietag said. He said one of the prime reasons Not Opposition for Council's declining prestige and However, she stressed that the influence on campus was the fact action by SGC was not intended that its members are shirking to oppose or challenge in any way their responsibilities in important the actions of the student action areas of student concern,- group."In fact, Council's action Speaking in favor of theboard, will'support and carry on the steps Bluestone said the entire area of taken this week to have student, student grievances, in addition to grievances immediately considered other SOC functions, would heav- by the administration," she added. ily overburden the student gov- Council also established an SGC erning body. Student Welfare Grievances Board Also favoring the board, Howard which will investigate all student Schecter, '66, said SGC has been grievances, whether in behalf of ineffective in the past 10 years in Students T o Demand Action On Housing Grievance List By ROBERT BENDELOW Vatican :Welds Orthodox Ties VATICAN CITY UP) - T h e Ecumenical C o u n c i l reversed Church policy and recommended yesterday that in some cases Catholic and Orthodox worship- pers should receive sacraments in each others' services. The council voted overwhelm- ingly in favor of the .move toward an end to the thousand-year sepa- ration from the Eastern Orthodox Church. The reversal of Roman Catholic policy on inter-communion point- ed up how much closer the Roman Church is to the Orthodox Church than to the Protestant churches of the West. Although the council has ap- proved a program of common prayer with Catholics and Protes- tants, it has made clear it is not ready to accept common official worship with Protestants because of basic differences over the sacraments. -Daily-Jerry Stoetzer UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT HARLAN HATCHER, right, yesterday discussed student grievances with Richard Horevitz, '67, left, and others seeking alleviation of the administratiop's alleged lack of con- cern for student life here. The conversation took place at the president's open house, where about 200 students came after rallies on the Diag yesterday and Tuesday. President tHatcher expressed his will- ingness to meet with the students on their grievances. SGC To Hold Protest aly in a campaign swing through New Jersey. Johnson told a crowd at Peoria, Ill., he is going to ask for social security improvements "maybe sooner than. you think." Asked later if this meant after, Jan. 3, when the new Congress convenes, he said, "I didn't say'that." Earlier, in Des Moines, he claim- ed there are some Americans whose policies would wreck and bankrupt the social security sys- tem and one farmer out of five. Goldwater rapped what he call- ed the growing concentration of power in Washington and called for curbs on crime and disorders. "We have heard of and seen many wars in the time of the present administration," he said In Newark. "But have we yet heard of the only needed war-the war against crime? "This I can pledge to you-that I will launch the attack." If elected, he said, he would see that state and local law enforce- ment officers get the power they need. the area of alleviating studentt grievances, and that it was about time it took new action to see that these complaints are heard and acted upon. This board will consist of eightl non-SGC student members plus the president and administrativec vice-president of SGC, who willi sit on the board but will not have votes. The board will report all sig-1 nificant student grievances to SGCt for further action and will serve on Council's liaison with the ad- ministration and the Ann Arbor- community. Bluestone indicated that thel UMSEU would begin negotiations! with the administration this morn. ing to secure wage raises for stu- dents employed in the residence! halls and library. He said that the union is seeking a base pay of $1.25 per hour for all student: employes.1 SAL Organizes; CompIles .List+ Of Grievances. By MERLE JACOB Some 100 students gave birth to the Student Action League last night and then debated just what the organization should do. Barry Bluestone, '66, and Rich- ard Horevitz, '67, leaders of the group, emphasized that the organ- ization must present reasonable' demands with rational alternatives to the administration if the league is to build an effective organiza-, tion to act on student grievances. The meeting and formation of the league were an outgrowth of a rally held Tuesday noon on the; Diag. The rally, sponsored bya Voice, was to arouse mass support for student grievances. In an open-floor discussion, the gathering enumerated the specific areas in which they felt the SALa must work: "--Student wages;, "general lack of concern for student"wdfare on the part of the administration; "-Elimination of student jobs;.' "--Too much emphasis on re- search; "-Overcrowded housing and study facilities; c-High liring costs: "-Lack of voice in planning for the 'University'; "-Curriculum and credit hours; "-Use of enrollment deposits and other fees; "-Limitation of political ac- tivity; "-Academic pressure'; "-Need for a co-operative book store. Bluestone stressed that the SAL must not be catagorized as an oraynniatin f"kookv kds:" I By LAURENCE KIRSHBA1 Nearly 200 students prot various administrative policie, tied their objections to' ani house held' by.University I dent Harlan Hatcher yest afternoon. The president greeted group's leaders warmly, but rimanded them for pre ing their grievances-conder wage scales and housing c tions among other objectior a social. function. He agreed to discuss the ed grievances at a future me to be set up today. More Dissatisfied Other officials expressed st er dissatisfaction with the g actions, contending the a violated University rules on soring events and occupying erty., They include failure to re yesterday's rally with St Government Council, the vio of property restrictions go ing the Diag and the dstri of literature without permissi These alleged infractions red at rallies held on the SOC voted early this morni conduct an investigation o activities there. Sponsor Rally -At thesae-timeIt unani ly voted to sponsor another test rally next Tuesday. C will seek the special pern necessary to hold a rally o Diag. A spokesman for the I Republicans said last nigh group will charge the -prot with rule violations -beforts Judiciary Council, the stude dicial authority. Second Day The group began its seconc secutive day of protests 'w brief rally on the Diag at 4 After hearing short reiter of the alleged grievances . ally enumerated there Tu the group walked to the dent's house:. Thney mingled with several dred other student guests several spokesmen talked x to President Hatcher in the Wing. He assured them that you have in mind are issue whichi we are all concerned." The group's leaders, incl Barry Bluestone, '68, aban an earlier plan to ask the dent to meet with the gre another wing. Fears Unfounded Although administrators student leaders on campus : open hostilities at the no easy atmosphere of the houses, no incidents occurred The entire tenor of the i yesterday seemed to sugges the protestors were striving sure critics of their respons and moderation. Bluestone urged the Dia to demonstrate Its ratonal pose "to confront the Uni and the state with a set programs to make this a institution." Reiterates Anwal He riterated thean"'" moderation at' an _orpan 7l meeting of the Student Leae,; the formal groun - will sek action onthe de 'voiced ' in the bast two days." In addition to the was housing objections. the grou tic~zes the "emhasis" on i", ~lack" of student stody ind ing facilities and "high" r Vice-President for Ac adi fairs Roeer W. Hevrns. w* tended yesterday's rally anc house. termed the rouIn'5 i turn "inanoronriate" for dl ina comnvex issues. He stressed his wi1linoni hear student comnlsints The plans to newly-formed Student Action League is going present a list of grievances to Eugene Haun, ahead with director of ,; MERGING OF METROPOLITAN AREAS: Larson Looks By SUE NICHOLLS There is good reason for thinking that a universal city-a me ing of big metropolitan areas to cover the earth's surface-is not far off in the future, Prof. C. Theodore Larson of the architecture a design college said recently. "World population, now approximately three billion, is expec to reach six billion by the year 2000. If present growth rates contin it will take less than 35 years for the population to double once agai Larson said. .- ha t;c ronrirtn +he earfh wi-nrnhahLY h,.ve o Toward Uniers wide city. Present cities are radial pattern from a central point.. With population growth, how( too linear cities, with freeways conn ind "< " vliving places, Larson said.- Traffic I ted "If traffic conditions in the ue, today, just think what they will b n," A times as many people in the world z:that the vast majority will have1 Im e ... :;. - - a , housing. A committee for the group, headed by Richard Horevitz, '67, will meet with Haun tomorrow afternoon. The grievances are divided into two categories: those demand- ing immediate action and those demanding implementation by the start of the fall term in 1965. The first category asks that Haun: "-Allow fraternity pledges to break their housing contracts so {they may move into fraternity houses; "-Allow sophomore men and above permission to break their i dormitory contracts if they can find other housing; ii Ci n jy 'Allow Junior'.,women' and above similar permission to break their contracts;, : they branch out in a concentric "--Allow women to fill the va- cancies in the oxford Co-ops; ever, it will be necessary to have Long range proposals include: iecting a continuous network of "-One-semester contracts of- fered to all men and all women Problems above the freshman level; urban centers are considered bad "-Sophomore women receive e like when there are six or seven apartment permission; -to say nothing of the probability "-The University providing their own personalized vehicles in long-term, low-cost financing to private developers who are willing