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October 07, 1964 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-07

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With Michigan rated just barely
over Michigan State in the na-
tionwide-polls, the 57th battle be-
tween the intra-state rivals prom-
ises to be a contest of two evenly
matched team.
Tradition calls for a no-holds
barred struggle which forsakes all
rankings, rating, and predictions.'
This year should be no exception.
Duffy Daugherty's crew, regarded
as also-rans after a 21-15 beat-
ing in its opener against North
Carolina, came back to post a big
17-7 upset against second-ranked
Southern California last week.
"It was no accident," says head
Coach Bump Elliott. "Southern
Cal wasn't overrated. State has a
tough team."

The Spartans, plagued by losses
at graduation last year which took
Roger Lopes and Sherman Lewis
out of their backfield, unveiled
their new offense at Chapel Hill
against the Tar Heels. In the new
formation the Spartans use a split
end, a flanker back, and an un-
balanced line. Coming out of the
huddle they have anunorthodox
eight-man, line. There are only
three men in the backfield-a
quarterback and two halfbacks-
who will, often, go into an "I"
formation. The fullback is re-
placed by a pass-receiving flanker
"They are a Iowerful team,"
says Elliott. This year's Spartan
eleven . has replaced some of its
lost speed with a passing game.

Gene Washington, an extremely
fast 209 pound end, plays the
split-end position. In his varsity
debut against North Carolina he
averaged 11.7 yards per reception
for his four catches. Senior Tom
Krzemienski, regarded as "one of
the best ends in the business,"
plays the tight end spot. He snared
one pass for 14 yards against the
Tar Heels.
Tackle Eligible
Other receivers include halfback
Harry Ammon, a senior who is the
top ground gainer of the return-
ing backs, and Dick Flynn, a
tackle. Yes, a tackle.,
It seems Daugherty set up a
"tackle eligible play" against North
Carolina, placing both ends on
one side of the line, thus giving

Burleson, O'Hara To Challenge
Snell in, Olympic Glamtuor Race

. owen
him a new receiver in the tackle.
Flynn gained seven yarls on two
aerials. Finally, there is flanker
back, Dave McCormick, who
doubles as a quarterback.'
"They certainly don't pass as
much as Air Force or Navy," com-
ments Elliott. "But we have to be
ready for any eventuality." Spar-
tan quarterback Steve Juday is
considered a good passer.
State's outstanding r u n n e r
seems to be sophomore right half-
back, Clinton Jones. He is a 6' 1",
196 pound speedster who gained
fame as a hurdler in high school.
In his debut he gained 83 yards
in 8 carries and scored on a 42
yard run. Others counted on are
left half Dick Gordon, who saw
limited action last year, Don Jap-'
inga, also a halfback, and Ammon.
Bobich Back
Lou Bobich returns to East
Lansing after a year, in which he
led the Big Ten in punting with
a 41.1 yard average. Bobich is
also a defensive backfield regular.
New to the squad this year is
Dick Kenney, a barefoot booter
from Hawaii who broke a Michi-
gan State record last week against
USC when he kicked a 49-yard
field goal to put the game out of
The Spartan defense presents
alignments which the Wolverines
have not seen often. "They're as
tough as they were last year,"
states Elliott. In 1963 State led
the Big Ten in total defense and
was fourth in the nation. Three
quarters of the secondary returns
-Bobich, Japinga, and Captain
Charlie Migyanka-with 6-4 Her-
man Johnson, who missed the 1963
campaign because of illness, fill-
ing the remaining spot.
Proebstle Hurt
The line has lost the likes of
Earl Lattimer and Dave Herman
and replacements do not equal last
year's performers.
Depth at quarterback, consider-
ed a strength at the beginning of
the season, is seriously cut with
Dick Proebstle still out with a
head injury.
In Ann Arbor, Elliott hopes to
have the Wolverines improve their
play execution. He called the of-
fense against Navy "sloppy," re-

fer'ing to the two fumbles and
three intercepted passes which the
Middies recovered.
Because of c6mmitments to the
World Series broadcast, there are
no present plans for the game to
be broadcast on television Satur-
Sadeeki Faces
Ford in Opener
ST. LOUIS W) - Injured Tony
Kubek was lost to the New York
Yankees for the entire World
Series yesterday, but the Yankees
remained 9-5 favorites over the
St. Louis Cardinals.
Whitey Ford, the Yanks' cagey
left-hander, will oppose another
lefty, 23-year-old Ray Sadecki in
today's opener at Busch Stadium.
Kubek is out of action for two!
weeks because of a jammed right
This will be the 22nd Series

By The Associated Press
The Michigan Wolverines ad-
vanced one notch in this week's
Associated Press ratings as they
gained seventh place by wallop-
ing Navy, 21-0.
Upstate rivals, the Spartans of
Michigan State after upsetting
Southern California 17-7 gained a
tie for ninth place. The two vic-
tories gave the Top Ten a thor-
ough shake-up because USC and
Navy had been ranked second and
sixth, respectively.
The Texas Longhorns retained.
their No. 1 spot in this week's vot-
ing by the Associated Press panel

of sports
with a

writers and broadcasters downed Detroit 13-6 and Missis-
come-from-behind 17-6 sippi 27-21.
over Army. Notre Dame whipped Purdue


Illinois took over the No. 7 spot
with a 17-6 triumph over North-
western. Alabama moved up to
No. 3 by blanking Vanderbilt 24-0
and Ohio State jumped a notch to
No. 4 by slamming Indiana 17-9.
Kentucky, perhaps the surprise
team of the season to date, jump-
ed from nowhere to the No. 5 spot
with .an 20-0 upset over Auburn,
a defeat that pushed the Tigers
out of the Top Ten. It was the
thii'd straight for Kentucky's un-
beaten 'Wildcats. They previously

34-15 and advanced from ninth
to No. 6. Nebraska came into the
picture as No. 8 by trimming Iowa
State 14-7 for their third in a row.

Listed below are
this week's poll.

the results of

For all of you who can't get a date for the Beat State mixer,
don't take it too hard. You can beat State in your own room! Simply
get a Grid Picks Contest form and spend Friday night selecting 20
to-be-beaten teams, including MSU. Instead of dancing and making

W L T Pts.
1. Texas 32 3 0 0 430
2. Illinois 6 2 0 0 390
3. Alabama 3 3 0 0 366
4. Ohio State 2 0 0 263
5. Kentucky 5 3 0 0 255
6. Notre Dame 2 0 0 244
7. MICHIGAN 1 2 0 0 243
8. Nebraska 3 0 0 68
9. Mich. State 1 1 0 36
9. Arkansas 3 0 0 36
Others receiving votes, listed alpha-
betically: Arizona, Army, Auburn, Flor-
ida, Florida State, Georgia Tech, Iowa,
LSU, Mississippi, North Carolina, North
Carolina State, Oron, Rice, Syracuse,
Southern Californi , UCLA, Washing-
ton, Wyoming.
"Headquarters for Collegians"
near Michigan Theatre


APPoll Raises 3M' One Rung

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the see
ond of three preview articles on
the Tokyo Olympics which begin
this Saturday.
Since Roger Bannister collapsed
over the finish line ten years ago
after running the first sub-four
minute mile, the mile run has be-
come the glamor race in all track
Meticulous planning, careful po-
sitioning, and a healthy bit of
gamesmanship all add to the color
and excitement. But just plain
speed and endurance make Peter
Snell of New Zealand the heavy
favorite in the metric mile at the
Olympics. Snell holds the world.
record in the mile at 3:54.4. Ex-
pert observers believe he is cap-
able of under 3:50 if he is in top
shape and goes all out.
The New Zealander has never
run the 1500 meters in competi-
tion, but projecting his times from
the mile he seems to have a shot
at Herb Elliott's world record set
in Rome of 3:35.6.
Americans Challenge
The United States has the two
most important challengers in.
Dyrol Burleson and Tom O'Hara.
Burleson does not seem to have
the great speed of a Snell or El-
liott, but he is as canny as they
come. If oneupmanship wins gold
medals, Burleson will take one. He
runs to beat his opponent, not to
set records.
His victim so often in America
has been O'Hara, the spindly little
red head who travels the pave-
ments of Chicago to train. He
holds the American record at
3:38.1, but has been off form since
the indoor season.
The best European in the 1500
is Michel Jazy. However, he is
running the 5000 which precludes

him- from entering. Witold Baran
of Poland has a 3:39.1 which
makes his a contender.
Watch Ryun
One other runner to watch is
Jim Ryun of the U.S. A high
school boy from Wichita, Kan.,,
he ran 3:39 to beat Jim Grelle to
make the Olympic team. Most peo-
ple rule him out as a ,medal win-
ner, but he could easily finish in
the top five.
In the 3000 meter steeplechase
there is one dominant figure, Gas-
ton Roelants of Belgium. His world
record of 8:31.8 is four seconds
better than anyone else has ever
done., The Russians do have a
couple men who could challenge
in Ivan Belyayev and Lazar Naro-
ditsky. Trevor Vincent of Austra-
lia is a good hurdler with speed.
Jeff Fishback and George Young
give the U.S. a shot at a medal.
Schul in 5000
The 5000 meter run could be
one of the highlights of the games
for the U.S. if Bob Schul becomes
the first American ever to win the
event. His time of 13:38.0 is the
best in the world this year, how-
ever, two men from down under
promise to push Schul to his limit.
Ron Clarke, a seemingly tireless
distance runner from Australia,
has done 13:39.0 this season. Bill
Baillie of New Zealand who has a
13:40 to his credit is a definite
threat as is his running mate,
defending champ Murray Halberg.
Schul has the most powerful
finishing kick ever seen in the
long tiring event. If he stays close
during the race he should take
first at the finish.
When Schul was asked what was,
the difference between running
the mile and running the distance
events he replied, "The only dif-

ference is that the pain lasts'
Could Lindgren Win?
The pain lasts for almost a half
hour in the 10,000 meter run, a
real test of fortitude and guts.
Clarke, Baillie, and Halberg are
entered in this event as is de-
fending champion Pyotr Bolotni-
kov of Russia. Bolotnikov is 34,
but his times this year still make
him the favorite.
Sixteen years his junior, wiry,
frail looking Gerry Lindgren will
challenge the Russian and the
other veteran distance men. No-
body knows what Lindgren can do
against the best in the world. He
has run the 10,000 just twice be-
fore in competition, beating Bolot-
nikov in the U.S. vs. Russia meet.
He cut half a minute off his time
in the second race. Lindgren will
have to run another half, minute
faster to win in the Olympics, Few
experts think he can do it, but
the spunky Spokane product has
confounded everybody so far. On
paper an 18 year old just cannot
run distance events as well as
Lindgren. But Lindgren runs on
cinders, and everybody knows the
unpredictability of teen-agers.
The classic marathon is always
up for grabs. In 1960 a barefoot
Ethiopian, Abebe Bikili hotfooted
home to a gold medal. He is en-
tered again, but an American
from North Dakota who trains in
England named Buddy Edelen is
given a good chance of taking first.
Edelen smokes cigarettes and
guzzles ale, but he was the best
marathon runner in the world be-
fore he was injured in June. The
big question now is how well has
he recovered. American Pete
(Milk) McCardle also has an out-
side chance.

start for1Ford, a35-year-old vet- friends, just settle down with a Daily and a carton of yogurt and
eran whose Series record dates meditate.
back to 1950. Each contestant may submit one entry. Forms are available at
The pitcher-coach managed a The Daily, 420 Maynard St. Deadline is midnight Friday.
17-6 won-lost record for the Yanks The weekly winner receives two tickets to the Michigan Theatre
on their way to a fifth straight now showing "Marnie" and becomes eligible for the grand prize at
Ameiican League pennant. ' the end of the season.
He has been in more Series
than any other pitcher, 11, pitched THIS WEEK'S GAMES
in more games and won more, 10.. 1. MICHIGAN at MSU (score) 11. Texas A&M at Southern Cal.
Sadecki, on the other hand, is 2. Notre Dame at Air Force 12. West Virginia at Pittsbu.rgh
a youngster in his. first Series. In 3. Penn State at Army 13. Brown at Yale
fact, only shortstop Dick Groat, 4. Ohio State at Illinois 14. Kansas at Iowa State
outfielder Bob Skinner and relief 5. Iowa at Indiana 15. Missouri at Tansas State
pitcher Roger Craig have Series 6. Northwestern at Minnesota 16. Utah at Wyoming
experience. 7. Wisconsin at Purdue 17. Mississipni at Florida

The Young Lovers


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