Cl4r, iiota 43a'tt VOL. LXXV, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1964 SECTION 2 GROWING PAINS Education an Research By H. NEIL BERKSON Editor IF YOU WERE to sit down and list every departnint you could think of from air science to zoo- logy, you would have indexed merely one of the University's 17 schools and colleges. The literary college (which, besides air science and zoology, has 30 other depart- ments and numerous special pro- grams) is the biggest. But many of the University's nearly 30,000 stu- dents never get near it. They may not even be in Ann Arbor, for the University offers degree programs in both Flint and Dearborn. They may spend all their time on North Campus doing advanced research in one of the University's engineering complexes or studying music in the brand- new music school building. They may study law or medicine, edu- cation or business administration, architecture and design or public health. If these are unsatisfactory, the University also has schools of dent- istry, natural resources, pharmacy, nursing and social work. Not enough? Try the Horace H. Rack- ham School of Graduate Studies. When University of Cali- fornia President Clark Kerr spoke of the "multiversity" he wasn't just playing with language. The University, which once could be symbolized by a picture of Angell Hall, is spreading in every direc- tion, and nothing underscores this growth as much as the 17 schools and colleges with their divergent educational pursuits. Population statistics leave no doubt that the University will continue to grow. Preliminary pre- dictions have 36,000 students here by 1968, 47,000 students by 1975. The numbers game is compounded by the fact that the so-called boundaries of knowledge are ex- panding at a phenomenal rate. As a result, the University is coping with a difficult period: it must learn to teach many more things, to many more people, AMID THIS challenge, the Uni- versity faces a prime academic question:,can the "new education" be framed within the values of the traditional liberal education? Ac- cording to these values, the edu- cated man is first of all one with breadth, with knowledge of many fields. Through this broad perspec- tive he can serve society. "Religion, morality and knowl- edge being necessary to good gov- ernment and the happiness of man- kind, schools and the means of education sha!l be forever encour- aged," says the University's motto. But the demands of specialization are often such that the motto has little application to the realities of a university education. If he is not careful the student in one field will discover he cannot communi- cate with his fellow scholar in an-. other area. C. P. Snow has called this di- lemma "the two cultures." It has three manifestations at the Univer- sity: -There is an increasing gap be- tween the science-engineering fields and the humanities-social science fields. Modern scientists must put- so much time into their own fields that it is relatively simple for them to ignore philosophy, history or government. On the other hand, modern sciences are so complex that it is increasingly difficult ,for the non-specialist to comprehend them. -Research is being emphasized at the expense of teaching. The material rewards of research-pro- motion, publication and reputa- tion-are greater, and some pro- fessors even find the academic re- wards of research greater than those of teaching. Of course, em- phasis on research means a corre- sponding eraphasis on specializa- tion as opposed to general educa- tion. -Graduate education is being emphasized at the expense of un- dergraduate education. This is a natural result of specialization. In practical terms it means that a student's first two years here may be especially disappointing. An anomalous situation exists whereby the freshman - sophomore . curricu- lum has not kept pace with either the upperclass curriculum or the growing sophistication of the high schools. T H E S E PROBLEMS are not unique to this university, nor do they make it a bad place to live. The situations are themselves mani- festations of a creative institution, an institution which is groping for a solution. The residential college, for instance, could go a long way toward eliminating some of the specialization barriers. The University is in an exciting period of flux. It'seeks new means of expansion; new methods of in- struction, new ways to impart its basic values. The entering student must realire he is both the object of and a full partner in this process. s