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October 06, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-06

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Says Living Units
Will Offset Bigness
President Tells Graduate Schools
To Review Their Curricula
, 'University President Harlan Hatcher last night reassured
the faculty that the University will seek to extract the bene-
fits of bigness while avoiding the hazards of overpopulation.
His speech, delivered before the University Senate, ap-
peared to ask their help in making trimester the controlling
element of growth.
Trimester is a valid solution to the problems of cramped
facilities, he said. "The wisdom of this move will become in-
creasingly apparent as the years unfold."
However, the President went to great ler.gths to assure
the faculty that they will not' be harmed by the new calendar.
He noted that the trimester
U ' r plan would give professors "in-
f rese nl S creased flexibility to plan their
professional careers and to do
Professors their research."
Furthermore, Hatcher pointed
r out that a faculty member who
w I w arr wished-although not expected-to
teach all three semesters would
"receive extra compensation."
The University honored 11 'of its Some faculty members have re-
faculty members yesterday for portedly expressed dissatisfaction
their achievement and service to with the current pay schedule.
the University. President Hatcher also pointed
Distinguished Faculty Achieve- i to other measures the University
ment Awards of $1,000 each went is taking to alleviate overcrowd-
to, five faculty members. They ing.
were Professors Kenneth Boulding He noted that the University's
of the economics department and branch colleges have been success-
director of the Center for Re- ful, and that they can also be used
search on Conflict Resolution; for expansion purposes.
Ferrel Heady of 'the' political FlnCoegxpcst!xed
science department and director Flint College expects to extend
of the Institute of Public Adminis- its operations to the freshman and
tration; Donald L. Katz of the sophomore levels next fall.
engineering college's chemical en- Good Approach
gineering department; Reed M. He saw in this move as "another
Nesbit of the Medical Scho l's imaginative and effective ap-
surgery department; and Theodore proach to the solution of the prob-
M. Newcomb of the sociology and lem of extending opportunities for
psychology departments. higher education to an increasing
Awads number of gifted young people."
Swards ' As another step to offset over-
Distinguished Service Awards of crowding, the President said that
$500 each went to six: Professors University offices are being clear-
Caesar R. Blake of the English ed from the central campus area
department; L. A. Peter Gosling to make room for literary college
of the geography department; expansion.
Nora Norman Thomas of the poli- He reported the' announcement
tical science department; Paul A. made yesterday by Vice-President
Rondell of the physiology depart-:'for Business and Finance Wilbur
ment; Martin Sichel of the en- K. Pierpont that three floors in
gineering college's aeronautical en- the administration building are
gineering department; and Ross J. being moved to two new struc-
Wilhem of the business economics tures.
department of the business admin- The 65,000 square feet, will be
istration school. turned over to the literary college
The Distinguished Faculty for faculty offices, classrooms and
Achievement Awvards were ,pre-" research in the humanities.
entedm for the ninth time. They President Hatcher noted, how-
were sponsored by the Alumni ever, that these expansion moves
Fund of the University Develop- must not be done in such a way as
ment Council. The University Club to give the individual student a
of Chicago provided funds for the sense of alienation.
Distinguished Service Awards, Rather he stipulated that the
which were being presented for University would attempt to coun-
the fifth time. ter the overpowering psychological
S t effect of bigness by experimenting
At Address with projects such as the residence
The awards were made at Uni- colleges.
versity President Harlan Hatcher's Self-Contained
"State of the University" address The self-contained college will
to faculty and staff members. give students an opportunity to
The awards totalled $8000. identify with a group of students
They were presented for -neri- and faculty members hence off-
torious service in teaching, re- setting the adverse effects of a
search and administration. big school.
Its establishment demonstrates
the University's deep interest in
HT undergraduate education, he said.
H aber, a s "Nothing in the experience of
the United States in higher edu-
cation nor in the experience of
the leading nations of Europe" can
} show "that we would be better
As Accurate off without lour traditional intake
of undergraduates in this Univer-
sity," the President said.



Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

LSA To Three
Of Admij-.nistration

I .


Would Use


Hall Board Inspections

To ,Discuss
When the PRPlYei . HallB R~d

Goldwater announced last night
that if elected President he will
ask former President Dwight D.
Eisenhower to head a group of
experts to visit South Viet Nam
and report back on the situation
in Southeast Asia.
Goldwater's statement, released

vv maun nswen n an nara
ofby the Republican National Com-
discuss a plan allowing this fall's mittee headquarters, topped off
upperclass pledges to move into a day spent by most of the ma-i
their fraternity,. houses without jor candidates in taking stock and
delay, Vice-President for Student checking political ammunition.
Affairs James A. Lewis said re- Only Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey,'
cently. the Democratic vice-presidential
nominee. was outsi-de Washington

The propc'-al would be aimed at
3lleviating the current residence
hall crowding. It was forwarded
to housing .officials . three weeks
ago by Interfraternity Council
President Lawrence Lossing, '65.
Lossing's proposal would let
pledges above the freshman level
out of their residence hall con-
tracts. They could then move into
theirhfraternity houses as soon
as the board gave them permis-
sion. Such pledges usually have
to honor their year-long contracts
and thus cannot move into their
houses until the next fall. Ac-
cording to the Regents' bylaws,
the board has the power to release
them from the contracts.
Housing officials have speculat-]
ed that the vacancies left by these
pledges would help relieve the dor-
mitory squeeze. At present, the
dormitories are holding about 200
more residents than their normal

111!l11GG w~bVU4JrUGvv a1111,w

actively foraging for votes.
Goldwater said he is convinced*
that only "through a careful study
by the best qualified experts this
country has to offer can we meet
the situation in South Viet Nam."
The Republican candidate said
that he would hope that Eisen-
hower would be aided on such a
fact-finding mission by such men
as former Rep. Walter Judd of
Minnesota, a key foreign policy
man for the GOP; by Adn. Ar-
leigh Burke, former chief of naval
Ceura.tions and by Gen. Mark

WORK CONTINUES ON THE RENOVATION of the area behind the administration building. The
Jefferson apartments were torn down here this summer to make way for a new administration build-
ing on Thompson St. It will free 65,000 square feet in the current administration building for the
use of the literary college.

At least one other plan could
come up for discussion at the
board meeting, officials have indi-
cated. It would require freshmen
with homes in Ann Arbor to live
in their homes. Such freshmen
currently have a choice between
home and the residence halls. This
plan would probably not go into
effect until next year if approved
by the board. The University used
a plan similar to this during the
crowding following World War II.
The board has also invited rep-,
resentatives of both Inter-Quad-
rangle Council and Assembly
House Council to its meeting. The
representatives plan to offer the
board a joint recommendation on


lark, ne uofthe top military McCOMB, Miss. () -- Federal at the Hinds County Jail pending
aders of World War Ii. Bureau of Investigation agents transfer to the Pike County Jail
The Goldwater announcement arrested six men and uncovered at nearby Magnolia.
The Goldwtet annoueentra secret arsenal yesterday in a Five More
as reminiscent of an Eisenhower concentrated federal-state drive to Moore identified the five ar-
xedge, as Republican candidatestpbmigththvrckd Moednifd'heiea-
stop bombings that have rocked rested along with Lee as Hilton
or President in 1952, to go to Ko- Negro areas of McComb necetDnwy 6 onPu et
ea to seek a solution of the Nerra fM~m nrcn Dunaway, 36; John Paul West-
onflict then raging in that con- weeks. brook, 20; Charles Avery Wom-
nc e g ih u The agents struck as Circuit ack, 26; Gerald Lawrence, 21, and
Goldwater said it is "an un- Judge W. H. Watkins, Jr. order- Sterling L. Gilles, 35, all of Mc-
ortunate fact that we are at war ed a Pike County grand jury to Comb.
n South Viet Nam." make a sweeping inquiry into the Evidence against all 10 men
Quiet Day 16 bombings since June. The blasts will be turned over to the Pike
Quie Dayhave led Negroes to appeal to County grand jury.
Although it was a quiet dayvPresident Lyndon B. Johnson for The FBI said Lee formerly work-
enerally, some political sharp- protection. ed at the Army's Aberdeen Prov-
hooting ensued over the issue of The arrest of the six brought ing Ground in Maryland.
ho should control nuclear weap- to 10 the number taken into cus- Moore said Dunaway, Lawrence
ins. tody on federal and state charges and two men arrested last Friday
A Republican task force named since last Friday. -Paul Wilson and Billy Earl Wil-
y Goldwater issued a report criti- All were charged with illegal son-all were charged with throw-
zing President Lyndon B. John- use of explosives under a Missis- ing a bomb into the front yard
on for "overextending" his con- sippi law that fixes the maximum of Charles A. Bryant last July 26.
'ol of nuclear weapons and as- punishment for violation at death.
ertedly impairing the confidence One More
e NATO allies in U.S. willing- At least one more arrest is ex- T ur ey pen
ess to defend Europe. pected.
Former President Eisenhower, A former army demolitions ex-
owever, neither accepted nor re- pert, Emery Allen Lee, 35, was
eted the report and said he was one of those picked up in the urns O ver
orry the issue of nuclear weapons early morning raids.
ontrol had been injected into the Roy K. Moore, special agent in
ampaign. charge of the Jackson FBI office, ANKARA 641) - Turkey has
A Goldwater aide said later that said Lee was charged, with ille- Kyrenia road on Cyprus to civill
isenhower had not been apprised gal possession of explosives, con- Turkish contingent on the island
f the statement. But in the past, spiracy and with furnishing and said yesterday.
he aide said, Goldwater had dis- arming explosives used in recent These sources said the decisic
ussed with Eisenhower what the blasts. a meeting of the National Securit
eneral could do in the matter Lee and the other five were Ismet Inol
f developing GOP foreign policy, whisked from McComb; to Jack- The Cyprus government of
articularly concerning South Viet son, the state capital. Moore saida theCrusaon eTuofi
am and NATO. ; they would be held without bond allow the rotation of the Turkish

whole Area
On the the' hsmd Prefi- id

'Clc . ' 'IXTlli i 'T +ahc+r f ti'F


ijean winiam ai aeror e - wome rnan, , resioent
literary college and Associate Hatcher remarked, "I believe that the housing situation, with the s
Dean William Hays yesterday de- the whole area of graduate work main provision requesting an al- c
fended the accuracy of the tri- and training is now due in the teration in residence hall con- c
term survey they released last country' as a whole and in this tracts. At present, the contracts
Monday. University for a new and search- have a provision stating that rates E
Haber and Hays had been asked ing look." .are subject to change during the o
to respond to claims by various . The Graduate Schooi "has not contract period. Both IQC and t
faculty members that the survey been subjected to the careful an- AHC have passed motions request- c
was taken in a haphazard way alytical reappraisal which has ing that this be removed.-g
and was not very representative been given to other egments of This summer's $34 dormitory of
of students' plans. the educational str cture," he rate increase came after most stu- pa
The survey consisted of a ques- said. dents had signed their contracts. N
tionnaire given to 6,542 literary
college students, of whom roughly SE S E D OR R FO M
25 per cent indicated they intend- SEES NEED FREFORM:
ed to enroll for one or both half
sessions of the newly-instituted .'
third term this sum m er. Q lVLW t ,3 s u e t n t e c l
With studesin the col- rkslen Calls for L
lege, the response was about two-
Hays said that while the college
had intended to reach as many' Senator Everett Dirksen (R-Ill) called for a constitutional con-
students as could be sampled in vention to amend the United Nations Charter in an interview with
the two days the survey was con-
ducted, difficulties or distribution the Daily yesterday.
had accounted for the less-than- Dirksen, at the University for a speech 'sponsored by the!
full response. Michigan League, criticized the refusal of France, the Soviet Union,!
Nevertheless, he said, the sur- and Eastern Europe to pay their share of the UN's bills. Recallingf
iderasbly better than.w"It we us- that he had aided the late President Kennedy to p5ass a bond
ually have to work with in pro- issue proividing needed funds for the international organization, the
jecting enrollments." minority leader noted that the UN was nearly broke again and
Haber agreed with Hays, term- something must be done."
Facultsmbey "repr ad eitized. Dirk.sen did not propose any solutions. but he did list several
the amount of time wasted in the items which should be on the agenda at such a conference. The
administration of the survey. One Illinois Republican suggested that the one-nation one-vote principle
professor said that "the class be reconsidered, commenting, "I dislike the application of Earl War-

IN Constitutional Convention

tion in the domestic affairs of sovereign nations, and the nature
of the veto power in the Security Council.
Dirksen also discussed his party, remarking, "The Republican
Party is still basically a conservative party, though I might modify
that by saying that it is a moderately conservative party in the
sense that we take account of changes."
The Illinois Senator observed that "if a voter does not like
centralization of power, if he is frugal with respect to public funds,
and if he believes in following a firm line with respect to various
ideologies such as Communism, then he ought to be a Republican."
He then added that he felt Barry Goldwater stood for all these
Hails Switch'
Dirksen hailed the switch of allegiance of Strom Thurmond to
the GOP, calling the South Carolina Senator "a redoubtable Ameri-
can, a fellow of great ability." Asked whether Thurmond's image
as. a segregationist would hurt his party, the Illinois Senator replied,


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