'.u"." i t .L'a Im. ~in. V ~. . N4m U EL UAL .,,5;
TOTAL $470,000:
Regents Receive Gifts, Grants for U
:4Continued from Page 2)
study of the feasibility of acquisi.
tion by the United States Fores:
Service of the so-called "Sylvaniai
Tract" of land in the Upper Penin.-
Other gifts included: ,
$5,000 from the Accountant,
Fund, Inc., New York, 'to establis
the Lybrand, Ross Bros & Mont-
gomery Fellowship for a doctora
candidate who is preparing tc
teach accounting;
$5,250 from the Alvin M. Bent-
ley Foundation, Owosso, for the
foundation's scholarship;
Clement Memrial Foundation
Detrot, for the Forney Clemeni
M eorial Fund;
$5,000 from the Camille and
Henry Drefus Foundation, Inc
New York, to etsablish a found.
tion fund for research by Prof
Giuseppe Parravano of the chemi-
cal engineering department;
GE Gift
$5,000 from the General Electric
Foundation, Ossining, N.Y., for the
foundation's fund for Researcb
and Study in Mathemat cs and
Statistics for the program in com-
munication sciences, and $5,000
for the General Electric Research
and Study-Legal Studies and Po-
ltical Science fund;
$5,500from the ,Glidden Corn-
'pany, Baltimore, for the Glidden
Research Grant;
$5,000 from the Bessie White
Kenyon estate to establish the
Clinton F. Stevens fund;
$5,000 from the Owens-Illinois
Technical Center, Toledo, for the
Owens-Illinois Fellowship In nu-
clear engineering;
$7,000 from the Rockefeller
Foundation, New York, for the
foundation's service appreciation
Lab Fund
$6,000 from Smith, Kline &
French Laboratories, Philadelphia,
to establish the Smith, Kline &
French Laboratories Fund;
$7,500 from Swanson Associates,
Inc., Bloomfield Hills, to establish
a fund provisionally named the
Swanson Professional Scholarship
fund for study in the broader as-
pects of the architectural profes-
sion; .
$6,000 from the United Cerebral
Palsy Association of Michigan,
Flint, for the Cerebral Palsy Clin.
$5,200 from the American Can-
cer Society, Inc., N.Y., to estab-
lish a fund for research by Dr.
Raymond E. Councell.:
$7,000 from the American Chem-
Use of This Column for Announce.-
rnents is available to officially 'ecog-
nized and registered organizations only.
Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB.
Alpha Phi Omega, Executive Board
meeting, Oct. 4, 2 p.m., 3510 SAB.
* * *
Gamma Delta, Supper, 6 p.m. Speak-
er: Iraj Mahdav from Iron: Moslem
Relition, 8:45 p.m., Oct. 4, 1511 Wash-
Graduate Outing Club, Hike, Oct. 4,
2 p.m., Rackham, Huron St. entrance.
* * *
' uild Hdue, Sunday SeinarChris-
tan Though through the Centuries,"
Rev. J. Edgar Edwards, M-8 p.m.; Mon-
day noon discussion, 'This Was the
Week hat Was,"Oct. 5, 12-1 p.m.
guild".Huse. ,802 Monroe.
* . * *
* La Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia,
Lunes, d 3 a 5, 3050 Frieze Bldg' Cafe
* * * .
Unitarian Student Group, "Report on
Summer in Mississippi with COFO,"
Eugene Ericksen and Martha Prescod
rsnpalriti*x r m.: lt . d ? aI Jm. I *.i sa
ical Society Petroleum Research
Fund, Washington, D.C., for the
society's fund.
$5,203 from miscellaneous do-
nors for the Regent William K.
McInally Memorial fund.
$7,000 from Parke, Davis &
Company, Detroit, for the com-
pany's burn infection research
fund; $3,500 for the company's
Fellowship in pharmaceutical
chemistry; and $6,000 for the
company's surgical research fund. her husband, Paul W. Myers, '23,
$6,000 from the United States to be used at the University's dis-
Steel Foundation, Inc., N.Y., for cretion.
the foundation's Fellowship. The will of Christine R. Suther-
BEQUESTS land, the widow of Otho M. Su-
Two bequests to The University therland, '09E, stipulates that the
of Michigan were accepted by the remainder of her estate be held in
Regents at their regular monthly trust by. the University, the ;n-
meeting Friday. come to be used for the care and
The will of Marie Dawson Myers, treatment of invalid, ill, crippled,
offered for probate in Cayuga maimed or- afflicted children of
County, N.Y., provides a bequest limited or no means. The value of
of $10,887.44 as a memorial for the estate is estimated at $75,000.
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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRiTTEN form to Room
3564 Administration Building before
2 p.m. of the day preceding publica-
tion, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Satur-
day and Sunday.
Day' Calendar,
Professional Theatre Program -- APA
Repertory Company in Brendan Be-
1han's, "The Hostage": Mendelssohn
Theatre, 3 and 8 p.m.
Cinema Guild--Akir Kurosawa's "Iki-
ri (To Live)": Architecture Aud., 7 and
9 p.m.
School of Music Dedication Series Re-
cital-Eugene Bossart and Charles Fish-
er, duo piano recital with Chamber
Orchestra, Gilbert Ross, conductor:
Rackham Lecture Hall, 8:30 p.m.
General Notices
Open House: Student tea at the home
of, President and Mrs. Hatcher from
4 to 6 p.m., Wed., Oct. 7. All stu-
dents cordially invited.
Flu Shots: There will be a "flu clinic".
at the Health Service Wed., Oct. 7
from 8-11:30 a.m. and 1-4:30 p.m. The
charge is $1 for students and spouses
and $1.50 for faculty, staff and spouses.
French and German Screening Exams:.
The screening exams in French and Ger-
man for Doctoral candidates will be ad-
ministered on Mon., Oct. 5 from 7-9
p.m. in Aud. B, Angell Hall. Doctoral
candidates must pass the screening
examination before taking the written
test in French or German, unless they
have received B or better in French 111
or Germanl 111.: Those who fail the
examination may take it again when
the test is administered in December.
Candidates are asked to bring their*
own No. 2 pencils.
Nursing 100 will meet Oct. 5 in Room
M5330 at 3:30 p.m.
Lecture: Drf. Hans Bethe physicist,
winner of the Atomic Energy Commis-
sion's Enrico Fermi Award, will speak
on "Disarmament and Strategic Stabil-
ity" at the fourth annual Dewey F.
Fagerburg Memorial Lecture, sponsor-
ed by the Michigan Memorial-Phoenix
Project, Wed.; Oct. 21. 8 p.m. in Rack-
ham-Lecture Hall.
This Week: Wed, through Sat., 8 p.m.,
i relod Aud. (Frieze "Bldg.), the
University Players, Dept. of Speech, pre-
sent Paddy Chayefsky's exciting Bibli-
cal drama "Gideon." Box office 'open
12:30-5 p.m. daily next week, 12:30-8
p.m. performance nights. Tickets: $1.504
and $1.00.
Tickets also acailable at that time,
for all individual performances of the
University Players. Next production is
Moliere's t'The Imaginary Invalid."
Lecture: George Lincoln Rockwell will
speak at 8 p.m., Oct. 13, at Hill Aud.
Law School Admission Test: Applica-
tion blanks for the Law School Admis-
sion Test are available in 122 Rackham'
Bldg. The next administration of the
test for 1964 will be on Sat., Nov.+ 14.
Applications! must be received in Prince-
ton, N.J., by Oct. 31, 1964.
Admission Test for Graduate Study
in Business: Application blanks for the
Admission Test for Graduate Study in
Business are now available in 122 Rack-
ham Bldg. The first administration of
the test for 1964-65 will be on Sat.,
Nov. 7, and applications must be re-
ceived in Princeton, N.J. by Oct. 24,.
for the meeting will be Josef Wischeidt, For further information, please call
executive director of IAESTE-U.S. 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB.
Linguistics Dept. Doctoral Preliminary
Examinations: The dates for the doc- ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER-
toral preliminary examinations for the VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
Linguistics Dept. are Fri. and Sat., Nov sign interview schedules posted at 128-H
6 and 7. Any student who wishes to! West Engrg. for appointments with the
take a prelim this semester must no- 'following:
tify the departmental office of his in-, WED., OCT. 7-
tentign to do so and which exam he1 Abitibi Corp., Alpena, Mich.-BS:
wishes to take before Oct. 1. EE & ME. Des. & Prod..,
Candidates are asked to bring their: Anheuser-Busch, Inc., St. Louis, Mo.-
own No. '2 pencils. Ahue-ucIcS.Lus o-
____ . nsBS: ChE, EE & ME. MS: IE. R. & D.,
Woodrow Wilson Fellowships: Nomi- Des. & Prod.
nations for Woodrow Wilson Fellow- WED. & THURS., OCT. 7-8-
ships for first year graduate work Applied Physics Lab., Johns Hopkins
leading to a career in college teaching University, Greater Wash., D.C. - All
are due October 31. Only faculty mem- Degrees: EE. BS: .E Math. E Physics,
bers may nominate candidates. Eligible Sci. Engrg. R. & D., Des., Missile
for' nomination are men and women Evaluation.
of outstanding ability who are seniors, WED., OCT. 7-
or graduates not now enrolled in a Chrysler Corp., Detroit area-All De-
graduate school, or graduates now in grees: ChE, CE, EE, ME & Met. BS: E
the armed forcesswhowill be free to Physics & IE. R. & D., Des.
enter a graduate school in 1965-66. Sen- Kelsey-Hayes Co., Automotive Div. in
iors who next semester will be double Detroit- area & other locations-BS-
enrolled in the Literary College and in MS: AE & Astro., CE, EE, EM, IE,
the Graduate School are eligible. To give Mat'Is., ME, Met. BS: Sci. Engrg. 1R.
nominees sufficient time to prepare & D.. Des., Prod. & Sales.,
and submit the required credentials: Reliance Electric & Engrg. Co., Gen-
faculty members are urged to send eral office & all mfg. dlv.-BS-MS:
in their nominations as early as pos- EE EM,IE&ME.BS:EPhysics&Sci.
sible, although letters postmarked Oc- Engrg. Des., Des., Prod. & Sales.
tober 31 will be accepted. Rockwell-Standard Corp., Detroit,
Letters of nomination should in- Chelsea, Allegan, Mich., Ind., Ohio-
clude the student's field of concentra- BS: IE, ME & Met. Can consider non-
tion, his local address and telephone, citizens: If becoming a U.S. citizen.
and should be sent to Dean Richard Dev., Des., Prod. & Sales.
Armitage. Graduate School, the Ohic The Seeburg Corp., Chicago & East
State University, 164 West 19th Ave. Coast-BS-MB: ME. BS: EE. R. &
Columbus, Ohio. D., Des.
Senors interested In advanced study Whitehead & Kales Co., River Rouge
and a teaching career whose academic & Ecorse, Mich.-BS-MS: CE & ME.
performance merits -nomination for MS: Construction. Can consider non-
Woodrow Wilson fellowships may con- citizens: If becoming a U.S. citizen.
sult the cempus representative, Prof. Dev., Design.
Morris Greenhut, 2634 Haven, concern- U.S. Weather Bureau, All 50 states,
ing qualifications and procedures. Pacific Territories, Arctica & Antarctica
-BS-MS: CE, EE & ME. All Degrees:
Plcement Meteor. & Ocean. MS: Construction,
Communication Bci., Instrumentation.
PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS, Bureau of BS: E Physics & E Math. Can con-
Appointments--Seniors & grad students, sider non-citizens: Only PhD's for
please call 764-7460 for appointments temu. practical trng. R. & D., & Des.
with the following:
TUES., OCT. 6--- Co.eCis notday
Procter & Gamble Co., Cincinnati, O.onday
-Men. Seeking: degree in any major G/
field of study: Positions:" Sales Man- Symposium on the Mathematical
agement Trng.-field territory. Theory of Optimal Control-Registra-
TUES. & WED., OCT. 6-7-- tion, Rackham Lobby, 8 a.m.
International Business Machines,
N.Y., N.Y.-Seeking: Bachelor & Ad- Bureau of Industrial Relations Per-
vanced degrees in Math, Science, Lib. sonnel Techniques Seminar-George S.
Arts, Bus. Ad., & Engrg. Positions: Odiorne, director of industrial rela-
Elec. Computing, Production, Data tions and professor of industrial re-
Processing, Sales,. Systems Engineers. lations, "Management by Objectives-
Locations: throughout the U.S. Results-Oriented Appraisal Systems":
SU.S. Information Agency SA Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m.
Wash., D.C-Group interviews at 4 p.m.
both days. Information about career Dept. of Engineering Mechanics Sem-
opportunities in U.S.I.A., and Foreign .nar-James W. Daily, professor of en-
Service Exam given on Dec. 5, 1964 & gineering mechanics, "Rigid Particle
May, 1965. Overseas assignments avail, Suspensions in Turbulent Shear Flow:
Seeking Liberal Arts majors-esp. Poll. Some Size and Concentration Effects":
Bci., Foreign Lang~, Journa, Sociol. 311 W. Engrg., 4 p.m.
Brochures and examination applica--
tions available at Bureau of Appoint- University Faculty and Staff Meeting:
ments. President Hatcher will give his an-
nual addressto the faculty and staff
POSITION OPENINGS:, on Mon. evening, Oct. 5, at 8 p.m.,
Michigan State Employes Assoc., Lans- in the Rackham Lecture Hall. All staff
ing, Mich. -' Administrative Assistant members and their wives are invited,
Trainee. Grad degree in Public Admin. The five Distinguished Faculty Achieve-
or Poll. Sci. pref. Exper. or bkgd. in ment Awards and the six Distinguished
admin. or public relations. Male. Service Awards for Instructors and As-
sistant Professors will be presented at
ANNOUNCEMENT: this meeting. A reception will be held
University of California, Berkeley, in the Michigan League Ballroom im-
Calif.-Donner Laboratory of Biophysics mediately after the conclusion of the
and Medical Physics announces avail, meeting.
fellowships. Research work including
Radiobiology, Cellular biophysics, Mo- Science Research Club Meeting: Tues.,
lecular' biophysics, '& studies of com- Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphithea-
plex living systems. tre.
The University weather station, located on top of the East
Engineering Building, is a climatological station which sends maxi-
mum and minimum temperatures and rainfall recordings to the Ann
Arbor and U.S. weather bureaus each day. The meteorological labors-
tories, also on the roof, design and build new weather instruments. In
the near future the station will acquire new equipment making it pos-
sible to receive weather pictures directly from orbiting satellites.
A good place to relax and get a good
view of the campus is the terrace atop
the Rackham Building. It is open, along
with the building, from 8 a.nm to 10:30
p.m., but will close with the cold weath-
er and re-open in the spring.
This gadget is designed to raise and lower a platform so workers
can wash the windows of the Physics-Astronomy Bldg. So far, how-
ever, insurance inspectors have not approved its use. In the two years
since Physics-Astronomy has been built, the crane has not been used
and the windows have not been washed. Even if it were to be approved
it probably couldn't be used; it has been left uncovered and is rusty.
When operable, the crane can be remotely controlled from inside the
Photography by
Text by
Just Released!
L.P. Record
spealkers, Sun., Oct. 4, 7 p.m., 1917-
Washtenaw. Bus at Michigan Union, Students in Engineering and the Sdi.
Markley, 6:45 p.m. ences: A meeting will be held Tues., Oct.
* * * 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the International
Canterbury House, Lecture, discus- Center for students interested in form-
sion, "From a Liberal Point of View," ing a campus chapter of the Interns-
Sun., Oct. 4, 7:45 p.m., Canterbury tional Assoc. for the Exchange of Stu-
House, 218 N. Division. dents for Technical Experience (IAE-
* + * STE). The IAESTE program enables
Joint Judiciary Council will sponsor students to train for 8-12 weeks dur-
a judiciary workshop in Rm. 3D of ing the summer with a corporation in
the Michigan Union at 7:30 p.m., Tues- their academic field in a foreign coun-
day. 'Small group discussions will an- try. Subject areas covered by the
swer specific questions on such topics IAESTE exchange program include Ar-
as rule changes, enforcement, ration- chitecture Biology, Chemistry, all areas
ale, relationship of Joint Judic to of Engineering, Forestry, Geology, Math-
apartment living and due process. ematics, Metallurgy, Pharmacy, Physics
Everyone is welcome. Wood Technology and Zoology. Speaker
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Student Organizations:
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3 3
The CINEMA GUILD Announces
, r
A Limited Number of
r r
r r
For Fall, 1964
Pick tin notitions startino todov
The Church Street parking lot is part of the Central Campus Plan for physical improvement of the University. One
main objective of the plan is to discourage driving and parking in the central campus area. Automobile traffic will be
routed around the campus and nine. parking structures will be built in a ring circling the campus. By placing the
structures within walking distance of the Diag area, the University hopes to ease congestion and eliminate the need
for pedestrian overpasses now being considered for some intersections. When completed, the structures will hold a total
of 3069 cars, 586 of them in the Church Street lot. The Central Campus plan is a long range plan with no date set for
its ultimate completion.
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