THE MICHIGAN DAILY JAILY CLASSIF J~i ADVERTISEM I' MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .70 -.91 3.45 3 .85 2.40 4.20 4 1.00 2.85 4.95 Figure 5 overage words to a line. Classified deadline, 2:30 daily. Phone NO 2-4786 BUSINESS SERVICES ANY MOTH HOLES, tears, or burns in your clothes? ,We'll reweave them like: new. WEAVE-BAC SHOP, 224 Arcade. FOR THE BEST in entertainirtent call Colt Weatherston - The Roadrun- ners, Lnvictas, plus 80 top bands across the U.S. 761-0606. J12 LIKE GOOD MUSIC? Call the Esquires, established band, new to this area. 665-4691. J9 665-8184 YOUR NUMBER FOR QUICK, ACCU- RATE AND EXPERIENCED manu- script and thesis typing, transcrip- tion - medical, legal and technical conferen es; mimeographing; offset; ditto; lithography; varityping and composition. AA PROFESS.ONAL SERVICE ASSOCIATES, INC. 334 Catherine Street TYPING-Offset and wake-up service. HU 2-0191. J5 WILL DO TYPING at home. Call Mar- ilyn . McGuire, 663-5328. J8 GRADUATE RESIDENT FELLOWSHIPS The pilot project has available P~r 1964-65 one quarter-time resident fel- lowship (male). 1. Stipend $1100 (including board & room) 2; In-state tuition Qualified graduate & professional students are invited to submit appli- cations. All those interested sho.ld contact Mrs. Cody at 764-7405. #J13 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD AT Professional Fraternity. Quiet atmosphere. Call 662-8312. E13 M BABY-SITTER - Room & Board in ex- change for babysitting afternoons and some evenings. If live lout, will pay salary. Call 665-8271- E-2 LOTS OF ROOM in the Daily Classifieds for your ad. E WANTED TO BUY WANTED. Honda 150 cc. 1963 or 1964. 662-4431, ext. 338. Ki NEW CARS IS YOUR OLD CAR finally falling apart? Find a new one through the Michigan Daily Classifieds. V MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS A-1 New and Used Instrumept s BANJOS, Git'ARS, AND BONOUS lental Purchase Plan PAU FL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington BE SURE TO WATCH Football, the World Series, and the Election Campaign 'on a NEJAC TV set. RENT a 19 in. GE Portable for only $10.00 a month. Call NEJAC TV Rentals. 662-5671. X-1 GUITARS, ETC. Make Repair, Buy and Sell Private and Group Instruction Hoots Daily Herb David Guitar Studio 209 S. STATE NO 5-8001 USED CARS 1951 MG-TD, fiber glass haratop 2 sets of side curtains, good shape. Call Whitmore Lake, 449-2629. N34 MG-TS, 1954, good cond. Call 662-5320. OLDS 98, 1955, 4-door, engine good, body excel. No rust. $240. 668-8180 eves. N24 '56 BUICK, 4-dr., V-8, radio, auto-trans., heater. Call 868-8955 after 5. X36 ALFA ROMEO, 1960. Veloce-Spydek.; Excel. cond. 668-7758 after 6 p.m. N32 1963 CHEVY II Super Sport white con- vertible. 449-8451 evenings. 118 1958 FORD Convertible. Power equip- ment. Good transp., reasonable. 663- 2937. N26 RED & WHITE 1957 Hillman Husky Wagon, R & H, 4-speed, excel. trans- portation. $295. 663-7323. N19 CUSTOM '60 Triumph Bonneville. '62 frame, fast. Call 665=9352 after 6:30. M-G Midget. '62 Mint Cond. All extras. 761-0933, $1,250. N25 '64 VALIANT, 2000 mi., $1700. R. & H., Auto. Call. after 10. 665-9363. N28 '63 CORVETTE Sting Ray, 2 tops, 300 h.p., positraction, 4-speed, silver. Call 11 p.m.-9 a.m. 663-8787.. 127 1954 MG. Very good cond. Removable hardtop and other accessories. HI 9- 2415. N29 '64 CORVETTE. Must sell. 2 tops, 300 h.p., positraction, 4-speed. Excell. cond. Never raced, Call Nan, 663-0577. ALTERATIONS ALTERATIONS Call 663-5737 Pi MISCELLANEOUS DO YOU FIND it difficult getting up and staying up on Sunday morning? I have the perfect answer:take a walk in the fresh air to RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard and look at all the tempting dishes he has for breakfast and lunch; how could you want to go back to sleep? Open every nighttil 12 M UNPAINTED FURNITURE Be your own decorator! Chests, book- cases, desks, bars, and many other items ready for your, brush. Bargain prices!! Michigan Woodcraft Co. 113 S. Fourth. NO 2-2773. Mi BARGAIN CORNER STUDENT SPECIAL 9112 assorted colors Jute rugs $14.95 9x12 assorted colors Heavy Cotton rugs, $29.95 9x12 assorted colors Nylon rugs, $39.95 SMITH'S FLOOR COVERING 207 E. Washington 663-9353 W2 SAM'S STORE Has Genuine L EVI's Galore! LEVI'S SLIM-FITS--$4.49' "White," and 5 Colors For "Guys and Gals" LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Neved Needs Ironing Asst'd. Colors-$6.98 LEVI'S DRESS PANTS Asst'd. Colors-Styles-$4.98 up S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI's For Gals and Guys "White" and Colors-$6.98 LEVI'S JACKETS Blue Denim-$5.49 "White"-$5.98 LEVI's Dungarees-$4.49 LEVI's Superslim's--$4.98 Gal's LEVI'S "Cut-Offs" $3.98 and $4.29 Open Mon. & Fri. Nites SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington LOST AND FOUND PERSONAL REWARD: Lost at Ann Arbor train station-hardcover book, Walt Whit- man's poetry; two hardcover maga- zines, American Heritage and Hori- zon; and a dark red blanket. Call Robert Johnston-NO 2-4738. A30 LOST-U of M class ring, 1963 BBA, Initials RJD. Call Bob, 764-9031. Reward. A25 FOUND-Man'e watch after the game. St. St. near Field' House. 764-4863. A18 LOST: Small, white angora cat wear- ing brown collar, with bell. Call NO 5-4278. A23 FOR RENT MALE :ROOMMATE wanted-apt. at 220 Buena Vista. $50/mo. & utilities. 761- 2550 after 6:30. C12 MODERN FURN. Home - Jan., Feb., March and April-$130, plus utilities. No children, reference needed. Box 5, Michigan Daily. C7 FURN. EFFICIENCY - Kingsley near State. $70. Phone 665-0925. If no answer, 662-7992. C3 FULLY FURNISHED split-level 3-man apt. Avail. now. Call 3-8866. C8 FOR RENT: space in the Daily Classi- fied section - Fall sublet - 9 month lease -- cheap! C ROOMMATE NEEDED to share mod. apt. with 3 other girls. 917 Packard. $52.50/mo. 665-0912. C6 ROOMMATE. WANTED (female) for remainder of 1st semester. Tiffany II, 731 Packard. Call 663-8866 or 665-8075 eves. Ci 2 GIRLS NEEDED to share 3-girl attrac- tive apt., 1 mile from campus. Call after 6 p.m., 668-6828 or 662-8337. C4 7 ROOM HOUSE for rent, completely furnished, Interested in graduate male students. House is located on Traver Rd., 5 min. drive to campus. Double room also in another house on campus for rent. Call after 6-ask for Mr. Smith, HN 3-1789. Leave your number if I am not in, and I will contact you. C5 WHAT DO YOU want to rent? Advertise in the Daily Classifieds. C THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN YOUNG DEMOCRATIC CLUB announces: Congressman John Bingell 15th District, Michigan "Why we won and why we will win" A review of his primary election and of the year in Congress. This is the man U-M YD's helped in his victorious primary campaign. (see TIME magazine) 8:00 Monday, October 5, Michigan Union. Public invied. F19 MEAL JOB AVAILABLE 662-4576 F18 DO YOU WANT Cazzie Russell, Bill Yearby, or OliverDarden to wash your car? Sphinx Junior Men's Honorary is sponsoring a car wash at Theta Delta Chi, 700 S. State, 2:00 Sunday, Oct. 4. F14 ATTEND the annual cowburning (as in "MSU"). IQC-Assembly HATE STATE Mixer, Fri., Oct. 9, 9-12, Markley Hall. Music by The Amblers. F16 IS THERE an escape from our walled castles of loneliness? Escape to the University Reformed Church this Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and find out how. F20 DEAR LUCY, You win. You can have your pan- cakes and eat them too. I'll take you to the Tri-Delt Pancake Supper. Do me a favor. Keep quiet and eat. You are costing me a dollar. Charlie Brown (co-sponsored by Pan-Hel) ANNOUNCING VULCANS SCHOLAR- SHIP. $200 awarded to an undergrad engineer once a year on basis of scholarship, activities, character and need. Apply in 268 West Engin. Dead- line: Oct. 16, 1964. P12 League BRIDGE and DANCE Lessons Bridge Adv. Bridge, Oct. 7, Mich. Rm. 7 p.m. Beg. Bridge Oct. 6 Mich. Rm. 7 pan. Dance Ballroom Dancing --8 wks. Oct. 6 Bailrm, 7 p.m. T.G. Type Dancing-4 wks. Oct. 7 Ballrm, 7 p.m. F24 BNIrITH1ILLE I U B'NAI B'RITH HILLEL FOUNDATION TODAY SUPPER CLUB R - '1, Delicatessen Dinner 1429 Hill Street 5:30 PM. Read The NewYork Times 'ricedF-em 9.00 to 12.00 HALLERS JEWELRY 717N. University '4' . :1i._ <'.9 >4,: :44,8..V :>x:: :8.47*-.V'"".';? >.?{\.. aa. .a-.~ :.4r4,.:.x4, ._ < , . ,.. .8t.,'.. 3 .:..4t: ..... .: . . *, '-.....*n§..* .. g . f:9 r'i$ tit < ! 1 f F. * Fill out application below. Bring it to our store and receive your discount card absolutely free, entitling you to 10% DIS- COUNT for the rest of the year. FREE 10% DISCOUNT CARD ----_-----APPLICATION BLANK -------------- I jI NAME I I I ADDRESS CITY PHONE 10% SAVINGS THROUGHOUT 1964 on PRESCRIPTIONS- COSMETICS - TOILETRIES' BABY NEEDS - FIRST AID & SICK ROOM SUPPLIES - PER- SONAL NEEDS - CANDY - FILM - SUNDRIES - ETC. (Not applicable to purchases of Beer, Wine, Liquor, Tobaccos, Fair Trade Toilet Goods and Advertised Specials. Expires Dec. 31, 1964) MARSHAL L'S CUT RATE RSH L DRUG STORE 235 S. State St. Ann Arbor 662-1313 and count yourself among the best-informed people on, totI NO Q CLIP; COUPON ;w p VCLIP COUPONVV%7 D175 Soquette $ $100 Jergens Lotion 4 Solution with dispenser for contact lenses ~1 29 68c Limit one with coupon Limit one with coupon Coupon valid thru Oct. 1 +MCoupon valid thru Oct. 1 1 I I I I