Michigan St..,. 17 Illinois . ..... 17 Ohio State .17 Notre Dame Southern Cal. . 7 Northwestern . 6 Indiana ..... 9 Purdue .... ..34 ... s15 ozva, .......... 2S Minnesota .... 26 Texas .... ..... Army .. ... * Washington ...18 | California . .. . 20[ 17 Slippery Rock 39 6 Sheffield State 28 EDUCATING THE MASSES HARMS RESIDENCE PLAN See Editorial Page Y t Eitgau Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom. Dait WINDY High-65 Low--46 Fair and cooler toward evening VOL LXXV, No. 31 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1964 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES NELSON, STAEBLER, VIVIAN: Democrats Address Dinner Discusses Branch Policies 88th Con CaignR1R r ress Adjourns: Takes Priority By MAR. KILLINGSWORTH Senato Gaylord Nelson (D- WsCongressman-at-Large Neil Staebler and Congressional can- didate Weston Vivian ripped into their opponents last night at they second congressional district din- ner at the Michigan Union., Nelson cited the dangers of au- tomation .at home and mass mis- ery abroad and said, "We must do better-we haven't been prepared, intellectually or psychologically, as the times have changed." He added that while the cost of progress would be high, the cost, if deferred, "will be impossible to pay. It's up to the Democrats, and the Republicans if we can talk them into it, to do something more and do something now.", Staebler earlier attacked his op- . ponent, George Romney, for what' he termed failure to cope with problems in housing, dropouts, property taxes, labor, laws and welfare. Staebler said, "It's time for solutions, not showmanship." Citing education, he said that "although Romney has had more to spend on education than any recent governor, his recommenda- tions were $30 million lower than his own Blue Ribbon Committee recommended." Staebler pledged to hold the line on property taxes, broaden' coverage of Michigan's unemploy- ment and workmens' compensa- tion laws and embark on new and more extensive aid to educa- tion. "We will have a Democratic governor and a Democratic legis- lature working with a Democratic A !I SEN. GAYLORD NELSON team in Washington," he said. Also at the dinner were Robert Derengoski, Staebler's running mate as candidate for Lieutenant Governor, and Mildred Jeffrey, Michigan's Democratic National Committeewoman. Vivian then attacked Rep. George Meader (R-Ann Arbor) as "vote-no George" for opposing civil rights, the establishment of a disarmament agency, the Peace Corps and expanded programs to cope with unemployment. "The voters wanted a choice, but they got an echo-Meader's 'no, no, no'," Vivian declared. With frequent doses of humor, Nelson, in a reference to Senator Senator Praises ecent Session on Capital Hill The record of the 88th Congress, Senator Gaylord Nelson (D- Wis) said yesterday, "is one of the most significant of any Congress in the last 25 years." He mentioned the tax cut, the poverty bill, the civil rights bill and a number of conservation and education bills as a few of the more outstanding items in this record. Asked to compare President John Kennedy to President Lyndon - r- -Johnson, Nelson said, "It's unfair CANDIDATE STAEBLER Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz), said, "It is no contribution to simplify the issues and appeal on a basis of pure prejudice and emotion." He said not a single -individual at five gatherings of businessman he had recently spoken to could think of anything Goldwater fa- vored. Saying that he could,'Nel- son pointed out that while Gold- water would sell TVA, he sponsor- ed a $1.3 billion program for water reclamation in Arizona. Claiming Goldwater said the two programs were "different," Nelson continued, "Sure, one's in the Tennessee Valley, and the other's in central Arizona." Continuing, Nelson noted Gold- water's opposition to the Rural Electrification Administration: "I guess they musthave a few thousand" gasoline lamps left in inventory in Goldwater's depart- ment store they want to get rid of." However, he said he did agree with Goldwater's position on dele- gating nuclear weapon control to certain field commanders. "If he's elected, I'd rather have field com- manders responsible for dropping the bombs than him," the Senator said. Program to Put Fellows In White WASHINGTON (AP) - President Lyndon B. Johnson established yesterday a program for White House Fellows-15 young men or women who will be given "first- hand, high-level experience" with workings of the government. A 12-member commission will select the fellows, who will serve 15 months, beginning about June 1, 1965. They will be chosen from busi- ness, law, journalism, universities, architecture or other occupations. Each fellow will be on leave from his present occupation and will receive a base salary of $7500 to $12,000. The program is sup- ported by a Carnegie Foundation grant. Four of the 15 fellows will be assigned to the White House staff and one to the office of the vice' president. One each will be at- tached to the 10 cabinet members. By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM1 3.. University Executive Vice-Presi- dent Marvin Niehuss yesterday met informally with a five-manF H group of educators studying . M Kes whether Michigan universities.S should be encouraged to form"s branch institutions. A rrests inl The study was authorized by t h e state - supported se h oo 1s " " through their voluntary associa-I 1Sl 1 tion, the Co-ordinating Council rr for Public Higher Education. The exact nature of yesterday's MERIDIAN, Miss. (P) - The ^} $,' "'*;* discussions was not disclosed, but Federal Bureau of Investigation, 'us k.' r - j" Niehuss was reliably reported to armed with civil rights warrants, have outlined the University's pub- arrested five Neshoba County men lic position on branches as out- yesterday, including Sheriff Law- lined in past Regental statements. rence Rainey and his deputy Cecil Policy Price, on charges of violating the W That. policy says that the Uni- rights of Negroes. ate versity will only seek to establish The arrests were made on two fere branches provided that: indictments handed down by a prop -There is an existing estab- federal grand jury at Biloxi, Miss., bills lished educational need in the for violation of the new civil rights and area proposed for the branch; law. Former Sheriff Ethel Glen -W -The local community express- Barnett and two Philadelphia city reco es interest in a University branch policemen, Richard Andrew Willis orat and promises co-operation in anti Neal Otha Burkes, were also T seeking financial support to con- seized. the struct faciilties; They were accused of subject- -Daily-Robert Sheffield lent --Other state institutions voice ing a Negro, Sam H. Germany, that no objections to the University's to "deprivation of rights by arrest- tion plans to establish a branch, and ing, .incarcerating and detaining" THE BROTHERS FOUR, presented in concert last night, enter- Lras -The state Legislature provides and forcing Germany to' make tamed a Hill Aud audience. Proceeds from the concert, sponsored Ly y reassurances that the University self-incriminating admissions and by the Panhellenic Association, will be used for scholarships. T will get financial support to oper- confessions. Pictured above are three of the Brothers Four. en ate the branch. The grand jury has been in- low These conditions were met be- vestigating the deaths of the three edi fore policy-makers here announced civil rights workers whose bodies D r ' r i ed u in April their intention to expand were found near Philadelphia A the University's two-year Flint Aug. 4. A second indictment ning college into a four-year institu- charged Price and Rainey with fHire DI st uss ThmE r PlansPres tion next fall. subjecting Kirk Kulberson, a .Z-EE'YP han eN 0 telex There has been speculation from Philadelphia Negro, to "deprva- tng University officials that the study tion of rights secured by the Con- By ROBERT SHEFFIELD viva group was attempting to thwart stitution and laws of the United with these Flint ambitions. However, States." The Brothers Four filled Hill Auditorium to "standing room --tvw the chairman, Iowa University The federal grand jury held two only" capacity last night and their performance apparently satisfied ects Provost Emeritus Harvey Davis weeks of secret sessions in Biloxi, an audience eager for entertainment. (T indicated last night that the hearing about 125 witnesses before Today the Brothers Four are performing in a fund raising bene-1 Whi study will center more on branch- issuing the warrants. fit at the request of President Lyndon B. Johnson. And they recently exe es' as a general "vehicle for ex- The jury was not dismissed. dafvyerecdigonatwhhwllmkteashy step, panding facilities. Judge Sidney Mize ordered it re- signed a five year recording contract which will make them, as they However, he made it clear that convened in Jackson, Miss., Oct. hope to be, "financially secure." Jo the scope of the study report, 21 and swore all members to strict In person, however, they give hom which will not be issued before secrecy. the impression that they still are U.S.ftoLaunch he late October, has not been de- Material was submitted to the not quite as monetarily safe as ternned. jury by Justice Department law- they would like to be. * tion Discouraged yers from Washington after one After the performance, auto- d ew a eliJ te Ti The University sought to create of the most intensive investiga- graph seekers and administra- trul a branch college at Delta in 1962, tions in FBI history. President tors alike were received with the VANDENBURG /AIR F 0 R C E hist but was discouraged from the Lyndon Johnson took a personal smile and manner of a fraternity BASE ()- - A new way of pin- Bi effort by unfavorable state-wide interest in the Philadelphia case. rush open house. pointing vehicles in space-first pass sentiment. In Meridian, a crowd of several Smiling John, one of the four, step in knocking weapons out of o It has a two-year college at hundred persons, mainly teen- explained what started their ca- orbit with non-nuclear warheads of 1 Dearborn which would- be the I agers, gathered outside the court- reer. "It was 'Greenfields,' our - will be tested by a satellite tion next target for expansion. Uni- house to clap and cheer the pris- 'Greenfields,' our favorite song scheduled for launching Wednes- cial versity President Harlan Hatcher oners brought in by the FBI. that put us on the road only six day. taur assured Dearborn residents in an -- months before graduation," Bob It will provide a target for tiny, Pre address last year that there are ,added. intense beams of LASER light Sou no immediate plans for expansion. oice P l s "And it was funny because . which scientists hope can be re an But officials here have specu- had everything against it. It was flected back to telescopes on earth Non lated that a decision by the Davis pea er all slow and long and in a minor equipped to measure distance more committee advocating branches ke . precisely than is now possible with might rekindle University interest; Y key. But it sold well in places radar. at in the Delta and Dearborn areas. Voice political party intends tol. If the LASER tracking system an Another s tu d y group, Gov.! sponsor a Hyde Park type speak- At this point several people works, it will provide the United clew George Romney's "blue ribbon" i er's rally "to express syipathy tripped over the Brothers' Beatle States with missiles which can the citizens committee investigating and solidarity with students at boots which were in he middle of intercept and destroy armed ast hiaher education. is also expnloring I the University of California a the floor, and several girls climb- satellites on the first pass with nuc Leceeves alute fromh 'esident Extra Session Urged For Appalachia, Medicare Proposals By The Associated Press VASHINGTON-Both the Sen- and the House passed con- nce committee versions of ap- priations and veterans' pension s yesterday, then shut up shop hustled off to the hustings here the lengthy legislative rd will loom large in campaign tory. 'he 88th Congress lived through national trauma of a presi- tial assassination, enacted laws t will loom large in the na- 's history books and, in con- t, wound up its business quiet- esterday. he adjournment came in the ate at 12:41 p.m and in the se at 2:16 p.m4. Both adjourn- antil Jan. 4. s the windup came, Sen. Jen- gs Randolph (W-W Va) sent sident Lyndon B. Johnson a gram urging post-election sit- to deal with a massive re- A program for Appalachia and h health care for the aged wo major administration proj- left stranded by adjournment. here was no hint from the ite House whether the chief cutive is considering such a ohnson, for now, saluted the neward bound Congress saying knows of no Congress before at Chas done more for the na- 'he President said few bills "can y be called milestones in the ory of public policy." ut he said the 88th Congress sed three such measures. ne was the civil rights bill 1964. For the first time a na- al law dealt directly with ra- discrimination in voting, res- rants and hotels, and in jobs. dictably opposed bitterly by tLherners but passed at last by overwhelming coalition of thern 'Republicans and Demo- s. mother was the test-ban treaty, agreement of the major nu- r .powers not to test bombs in, atmosphere. Opposed by some weakening the United States lear stance vis-a-vis Russia, treaty was hailed by many as storic first step in controlling danger of nuclear holocaust. he tax bill, a third major meas- was a reduction of. personal corporate income taxes of 6 billion, plus some minor re- is in the tax structure. De Gaulle AsKs Argentina Ties BUENOS AIRES (MP-Thousando of supporters of exiled dictator' Juan D. Peron capped a day of noisy demonstrations last night by massing in front of the Argentine Parliament Building while Presi-k dent Charles de Gaulle addressed a joint session of congress. They waved banners and chant- ed "Peron, Peron" to the rhythm of drumbeats while de Gaulle in- side offered 'Argentina French technical, scientific and cultural assistance. "It is clear," de Gaulle told the Argentine lawmakers, "that Ar- gentina and France must strength- en their working relations. "Obviously, there would be po- litical implications," he continued. "An example would have been set, and Latin America, through your country, and Europe through mine, would be in closer contact." to suggest that Kennedy would not have passed most of all the bills that were passed under John- son. "Kennedy' was, and Johnson is, very good at getting things through." He cited the civil rights and tax cut proposals as ones which were certain of passage at the time' of Kennedy's death. "Perhaps the poverty bill might have failed, but Kennedy was us- ually very successful at getting legislation he wanted." Nelson said the idea that the "white backlash" was not a sig- nificant factor in voting in Wis- consin is unfounded. He claimed that "Republican crossovers' and opposition to Wisconsin Governor John Reynblds' tax program re- sulted in most of the vote' for Alabama Governor Wallace, in the Wisconsin Presidential Primary this spring." Nelson, the first Democratic gov- ernor of Wisconsin to be sre-elected in over fifty years, defeated 24- year veteran Alexanider Wiley and, entered the United States Senate in 1962. the branch issue. A spokesman for the committee said it will wait until the Davis report is issued to formulate its recommendations. If the feasibility of branches is denied, the Davis committee could recommend other ways to create facilities for swelling enrollments. Berkeley and to discuss student grievances here," Richard Horo- witz, '66, member of Voice's execu- tive committee said yesterday. Horowitz and Barry Bluestone, '66, will speak at the rally, sched- uled for noon Tuesday on the Diag, pending official approval. ing in a side window waved pro- grams to be signed. And the Brothers a folk group? "Even though we sing folk songs, we don't actually consider our- selves folk singers. Our presenta- tion is smoother and more popular.; But it got us where we are now."' conventional explosives. the# A U.S. space agency spokesman a hi admitted one problem .in the the Beacon satellite test will be in, Th fixing its position well enough ure, with wide-scattering radar waves and so ground scientists can hit it $11. with the pencil-thin Laser beams. form M' Submerges Navy, Staubach, 21-0 By GARY WYNER Associate Sports Editor Michigan's pass defense contained the air blitz of All-America quarterback Roger Staubach, avenged last year's loss, and handed Navy its first shutout in two years yesterday, 21-0. The victory gave the Wolverines a perfect 2-0 season record to take to East Lansing next week against Michigan State. Michigan has not beaten the Spartans since 1955. Halfback Carl Ward and fullback Dave (Cannonball) Fisher, accounted for the Wolverines' scores, while halfback, Jim Detwiler led the ground attack with 77 yards in 11 carries. All three are sophomores. Sparkling Defense The defensive alertness of Tom Cecchini, Bill Yearby and John Yanz among others prompted Michigan mentor Bump Elliott to remark after the game, "I think the key to the victory today was the defensive effort." Ward scampered for a touchdown in the second and third quarters while Fisher tallied in the opening minutes of the final period. Billed as a return engagement of last year when Navy downed Michigan 26-13 behind the elusiveness of Staubach, yesterday's . :. .... ,....: r .m.:"::