Seventy-FiftbYear Eorr- AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSrrY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORiTY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATMNS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Opposes Imposition of Political Loyalty Ple( 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 ,rials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This aust be noted in all reprints. CTOBER 2,1964 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN BRYANT ep1ng Alive the Studen Unio e Aton Calls for lInnediate Action SAVE US from Student Govern- t Council's usual incompetence in tter of the new Student Employes' rted out grandly. In one week the was broached, inexpensively pub- and organized. Now from all ,in- as it will take the next three to thing underway. rally, says the group's president C member, Barry Bluestone, SGC ve to grant it recognition-a sweet rocess which involves writing a ition, getting a sponsor, planning icial statement, and waiting two And naturally after that the 55- r organiaztion will have to break subcommittees to study ways of pressure on University and non- dty employers. then there will be a couple of gs to pass the final drafts of some .s sounding but really, harmless .ons, and maybe if the campus LLY lucky there might be a one- :ket line or something. And then? en the organization will quietly into the University's organization- ed background. ?ATTERN is more unfortunate this than in preceding instances, however, because it involves students, precious students who are not usually involved in student organizational activi- ties. They see something concrete and beneficial to do and want to get it done. They will stick around a while, of course, waiting for some action, but if nothing happens they will go home and SGC and, Barry Bluestone will be holding another squawking turkey in their lap, and their lap is getting darn full of them. There is a solution. Dispense with the formalities and do something now. Get down briefly the basic purpose; discuss briefly basic methods of achieving it (there are not so many that the discus- sion cannot be brief: strikes, boycotts, picket lines), and then DO something. Do it -now and purposefully at the be- ginning of the semester to assert the or-' ganizati6n's power, to prepare the way for continuing future power. LITHE, QUICK ACTION not only might make the wage scale go up in Ann Ar- bor, but a potentially powerful student group will have come into being, one per- haps more capable of coping with student problems than SGC because it will work outside of and, to a certain extent, in opposition to the administrative machine. -KAREN KENAH Strict Law' and Bluestone To the Editor: STEVEN FREEDMAN, in his letter discussing my position on the loyalty oath, has engaged in a bit of guilt by association, care- fully linking my attitude on the oath with past positions of the Americans for Democratic Action. He suggests that I am Incon- sistent in my opposition to loyalty oaths because the ADA and most other liberal groups and individ- uals supported the loyalty pledge demanded of the Alabama and Mississippi delegations to the re- cent Democratic National Con- vention, contradicting the ADA stand on loyalty oath in other circumstances. My original letter contained no mention of the ADA or of the convention, so I do not know where Freedman draws in- formation to link me to them. In fact I completely oppose the imposition of a loyalty pledge at a political convention. I can see no reason why any delegate or state contingent should be bound to support any man or any plank if that man or plank is repugnant to the delegate(s): I believe openly and absolutely in the right of dis- sent and opposition, and I do not believe that the dissenter should be expelled from the system in which he operates. * * * IN THE UNITED STATES, a man is "in" one political party or another simply because he says so and the principles of the party are not independent of the people in it. In fact, party platforms and principles change drastically over time, even in periods short enough so that the party itself is populat- ed with many of the same people before and after the change. Wit- ness the Republican party empha- sis and candidate- today, brought about not so much by the en- trance into the party of new people, but by concentrated efforts newly applied by long-standing Republicans. At the Republican convention, two New Jersey delegates, Case and Blau, refused to swing to Goldwater in the last tides of "unanimity." Both men, and many other delegates to the convention and other Republicans, continue to refuse to support "their" candidate and are openly unhappy with many parts of the platform. Are these men disloyal to the party because they have relatively strong consciences? The fact that a Mississippi Dem- ocrat dissents from the party plat- CHALK GARDEN: Old Standbs At the State Theatre DON'T LOOK NOW, but Deb- orah Kerr has returned to her most famous role, the English governess, in "The Chalk Gar- den." "The Chalk Garden," a movie with more than one such old standby, is two hours of old acquaintances and circumstances. The picture concerns an English household run by the tyranical grandmother (Dame Edith Evans) and her granddaughter Laurel (Haley Mills). A governess is need- ed, and Laurel, helped by her friend the butler, played enjoy- ably by John Mills, has been caring off prospective governesses. * * * HOWEVER, to keep the movie from seeming too old-fashioned, or just another mystery-romance, a very "in" technique of making the mystery more psychological than actual has been used. This makes action a little difficult and leaves the plot too contrived and coincidental. It is the deft and polished per- formance of a cast of veterans' that makes this an enjoyable movie rather than a fiasco. Deb- orah Kerr is, of course, precision itself as the controlled, compe- tent governess. Dame Evans plays her role almost into a caricature Haley Mills is growing up and is losing none of her charm in the process. -Martha Eldridge form, and withholds support from the party candidate, simply in- dicates that he is in a minority, not at all that he is not a Demo- crat. I believe that his right to dissent should be respected, and that the Democratic Party has the responsibility to tolerate its minorities and to deal with them in open debate. This is entirely consistent with my position on the loyalty oath at the University. Dissent must al- ways be allowed, and the only con- dition governing employment or recognition must be the individ- ual's own competence to carry out his proposed role. WITHIN THIS framework, how- ever, I claim that the Mississippi, Alabama, and other Southern delegations to the Democratic Convention should not have been recognized and seated, because I do not believe that the delegates were competent to perform their tasks as delegates. They were at the convention to represent all Democrats from their home states. To be termed a legi- timate representative (i.e. one who is competent and capable of rep- resenting all Democrats in his dis- trict), it must be true that thp delegate had been elected by all Democrats (i.e. all who consider themselves Democrats) in his dis- trict, except for those who volun- tarily pass up the opportunity to vote. The fact that Negroes by the hundreds of thousands would vote Democratic iff they had a chance in the South, and the fact that they are not allowed to do so, makes a mockery of the represen- tative role of the delegates from those states where thousands of Negroes, Democrats by their own desires, are not allowed tof vote or express their views within the party. I SUBMIT that the Mississippi delegation was pressed to take the loyalty pledge because those lib- erals who forced the issue knew that thte delegation would refuse and walk out, thereby neatly avoiding a direct confrontation with the issues raised by the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, also challenging the right of the regular delegation to sit as representatives, but for the dif- ferent and stronger reasons which i have outlined above. I agree with Mr. Freedman that the ADA was inconsistent in its demand that the Mississippi delegation submit to the loyalty oath, but I suggest that the ADA preferred the inconsistency to the respon- sibility of insisting that the Demo- cratic Party be open to all who wish to join it, and that delegates to party conventions at all levels be recognized only by virtue of their role as true representatives. These, it seems to me, are the issues raised by the fight over the Mississippi delegation, and I 'de- plore the use of the loyalty oath by the liberals as a decoy to divert attention from the central ques- tion of party responsibility to an open and representative party as a step towards true representative government. -Michael Zweig, Grad "Stand By For A Special Report" -40 t 9 -.0 - *~* s.-. * ~ "" , my } -. F r& x' 'f ws~s~tc~d ' ''DS7'" THE PRESSURE of unions and civil service employes to take over many students jobs is known. The student employer has been able to point to the unique character of his relationship to the students and reject the demands of these potential job stealers. If the students press for a stu- dent employe's union, they will be requesting equal status with the external work force. The unique} character of the employer-employe undertaken by the officers with- out any clear mandate or any ratification from the rank and file members. While the proper function of the University community in reference to Mr. Rockwell is indeed a moot point, one thing is certain. It is hardly the place of religious pres- sure groups to attempt to limit' those ideas which are allowed to come before the University as a whole. While they may desire to IF, AS IT appears is likely, the cide to lend the support of the officers of Newman Club do de- club's name to any protest ad- dressed to the Union, they do so without consultation with the vast majority of members of the club. The Newman Club has, as part of its administrative structure, an effective publicity machine. IT MAY COME as a surprise to many University students that they have been breaking the law repeatedly. More- specifically, they have wilfully violated City Ordinance 110-1902, which states that it is against the law to walk "on any street, alley, in parks, theatres or public buildings frequented by the public, or on the floor of any street car or vehicle used for public travel" on Sunday. Whether such a law should be re- tained on the books is highly question- able. It surely serves no useful purpose. And yet it is The Law, and everybody knows that "laws can never be meaning- ful unless they are strictly followed in every case." Barry Bluestone knows this, anyway; for it is the reasoning he used when voting in favor of disqualifying Sharon Manning from running in the upcom- ing SGC election. It seems that Miss Man- H. NEIL BERJKSON, Editor KENNETH WINTER EDWARD HERSTEIN Managing Editor Editorial Director ANN GWIRTZMAN ................ Personnel Director BILL BULLARD) ...,,:......... 'Sports Editor MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Ass.ciate Managing Editor JOHN KENNY ........... Assistant Managing Editor DEBORAH BEATTIE ..... Associate Editorial Director LOUISE LIND ........ Assistant Editorial Director in Charge of 'the Magazine TOM ROWLAND ...........Associate Sports Editor GARY WYNER .............. Associate Sports Editor STEVEN HALER ................Contributing Editor MARY LOU' BUTCHER ........ .Contributing Editor CHARLES TOWLE ........ Contributing Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: David'Block, John Bryant, Jeffrey Goodman, Robert Rippler, Laurence Kirshbaum. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Gail Blumberg, Rob- ert Johnston, John Meredith, Leonard Pratt, Bar- bara Seyfried. Business Staff JONATHON R. WHITE, Business Manager JAY GAMPEL .......... Associate Business Manager JUDITH GOLDSTEIN .............Finance Manager BARBARA JOHNSTON ............ Personnel Manager RUTH SCHEMNITZ ............... Systems Manager Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning. Subsoription rates: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail); $8 yearly by carrier ($& by mall). ning had allegedly had some of the signa- tures on her petition obtained by her associates, a clear violation of an SGC election-rules clause requiring a candi- date to circulate the petition in person. WHN THE MATTERS came up before SGC Wednesday night, other persons spoke up for Miss Manning, pointing out that she was standing by when her friends circulated a part of the petition and was identified to the signers. Union President Kent Cartwright summed up the feelings of Miss Manning's supporters by emphasizing that if SGC went ahead and disqualified her,. they would be do- ing so only by resorting to a "ridiculously slight technicality." Apparently Bluestone didn't think so. Nor did he agree with Eugene Won's sug- gestion that SGC's present election rules had not been adopted just so candidates could be eliminated by a strict interpre- tation of the rules. Instead, Bluestone stuck to his belief that laws must always be strictly adhered to, and Miss Man- ning's name was struck from the official SGC ballot. SUCHTENACIOUS BELIEF in obeying lasis admirable; but it would be even more admirable if it were tempered with a modicum of common sense,, to say nothing of compassion. Although it is not necessarily true that "laws were made to be broken," as someone once said, nevertheless they should never be con- sidered the be-all and end-all. I submit that this is as true of a strict interpreta- tion of the SGC bylaws such as Mr. Blue- stone adopted in Miss Manning's case as it is of such ridiculous regulations as Ann Arbor City Ordinance 110-190.2 True, both laws are poor ones; but both are Laws; and according to Blue- stone's way of looking at things, both are to be "strictly followed in every case," however picayune that might be. -STEVEN HALLER relationship will gradually be ra- tionalized. In the future not only will many student jobs succumb to the organizational plea for normal hours but also the job slots will be filled increasingly by personnel trained for slots and capable of working full time. I think such a development will amount to one more step in the destruction of that which makes a university meaningful-the co- operative quest of student and faculty, in work, study and play,' toward self-realization. Mainte- nance of the status quo has its rewards, both spiritual and fi- influence the attitude of their members toward Mr. Rockwell, or while. they might reasonably sup- port a boycott of the Rockwell address, they can hardly expect to have a voice in deciding whom the community is allowed to hear.' * * * THE SUPPORT given to this attempt to block the Rockwell speech by the Newman Club is not given out of any serious, principled objection to Mr. Rock- well's speaking on this campus. Rather, the new Catholic spirit of "ecumenism" behooves Newman Club to stand behind its fellow religious organizations. Newman Club did not initiate this.action. It is only responding' to a Hillel request. The response to the request is probably motivated by the prag- matic recognition by Newman Club. that it will benefit during the year from a healthy relation- Through campus posters, an- nouncements, and a network of dormitory representatives, New- man Club can inform its members of a picnic or a fire-side chat within a matter of days. Why was not this publicity machine used to call a maiss meeting of interested club members to debate the propo- sition of pressuring the Union to retract the Rockwell invitation? If the club's name is used in support of one side or another of an issue with such emotional undertones, it should only be used if it is the sense of the membership that the name should be used thusly. Otherwise, the officers should act in good conscience as indi- viduals-aiding the Hillel attempt if they believe it is proper-but they should not implicate the rest of the members in this decision b- using the club's, name in an of- ficial capacity. -Charles A. Adamek, '66 To the Editor: I WONDER IF the studez ing for a studentE union to combat low w not liable to cut their owr Student employes h command of a sizable po in the past by virtue unique status in the coi These students have trie bine studies with income: independent motive that admired and catered t University. As the stud not work for this income mal hours, various odd- take-home part-time jc been created. The creation of these in many instances create venience to the employer, the occasional inconveni cause of the "Gemeinsch ture of the relation bett ployer and employed, the has protected the stud external competition. nancial. Is it not true that stu- dents who stay on a job a reason- Union able length of time experience considerable pay hikes, even to heights competitive with the ex- nts press- ternal market's going rate for employe's part-time jobs. As a junior one e e of my friends receives $1.50 an nages are hour in the library. Another friend a throats. in graduate school receives well ave had over $2 for statistical busy work. ol of jobs These wages are not peanuts. mfn thei William K. Cummings, '65 d to com- a rugged Prank has been o by the ents can To the Editor: e at nor- YOU ALL seem to feel that a hour and great tragedy has been perpe- obs have trated against Gov. Romney, the Michigan Daily, and the demo- jobs has cratic way of life. The student who ed espite placed the controversial d in the .ence, be- paper has been condemned as not haft" na- only sick, perverted, malicious, "een em- but ihas been said to be one of employer those people who strike fear in employer t ent from men's hearts-an extremist. What has happened to every- one's sense of humor? People don't seem to realize that one of the greater "college pranks" has been put over right on our campus. I think that the student who called in the ad should be com- mended for a creative and clever idea. I'll admit it was sophomoric but these are the things that put excitement in college life. I do happen to think Romney has done an- adequate job as governor and I certainly have never thought of myself as a political extremist, my mother wouldn't like it. The jokes on you boys-live with it. EUROPEAN COMMENTARY: Mtilitary Is. Successful With CiiRihsEfr I FEIFFER RCA DNOT! LIKE AN OPEN% 100.) RAV .I IAV6 SWL.ISHlNOT! WRITEN NJ, OVER YOCOR THE i'IM1CAN ARC YOU? Y Mot 5 Mf~ MG At.GNOT THINK' OF!! t 'A:- JVfW INNX6^NCI ALXO-O ISE PITY!14-W14~~ rc,;' IPw MfiP$ 5r By ERIC KELLER Daily Correspondent "NO CIVIL RIGHTS ACT can make anybody love somebody else." Radical and moderate civil rights opponents alike try to hide behind this statement. It has be- come the expression of a negative, and deadly attitude towards any i'ealistic try at normalizing racial tensions. However, the United States mili- tary have proven that authoritar- ian enforcement of civil rights will at least make a fair modus, vivendi possible. INSIDE the armed forces, dis- crimination has fallen to. a re- markably low level. Open discrim- ination is, unlawful and is strictly censured in almost all military' establishments. Change has come about quietly and naturally since civil rights jurisdiction was ex- tended to the armed forces. A Negro can count on absolute fair- ness in promotion because the strong hand of the law is pro- tecting him. A Negro serviceman at the USAF Camp New Amsterdam in , the Netherlands noted-that while in service, he has never encountered servicemen, never before felt so free. * * * BUT DESPITE a tolerant front put up by Europeans, there is some marked discrimination near U.S. military establishments. In Germany, France and to a lesser degree, it seems, in England, "whites only" bars and restaurants have decided to, as they put it, "reserve the right to refuse serv- ice.", Enforced desegregation does not extend to bars' and restaurants frequented by G.I.'s outside the bases. But one Negro sergean, in West Germany has an idea as to how it could be done: "I would put such places off limits, and I wouldn't let soldiers go into them again until they were integrated. That would change things in a hurry." Segregation in Europe, where it does exist, is often underhanded, rather than institutionalized. Some people leave the train compart- ments when Negroes enter, others avoid taking seats next to them in buses. * * * NEVERTHELESS, Negro mili- tary personnel generally live nor- mal, peaceful lives in Europe. For one thing, they have felt that authoritatively enforced integra- tion has done something more -Jerry V Levin, '65E Protest To the Editor: FOR ONE would like to protest the actions of the Newman YOO tr-Iro 174N ~I)'PRA N1Cf r r VD P - IA OA5 Iit4p WHYt You G td~j ICWL.P MK .sQNr . , - IXNc "'wmrro 55 YOU PA INI 1 f i I