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October 02, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-02

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ws Arms Deal

By Cyprus, USSR
Turkish Cypriots Claim Agreement
Will Send 5000 Russians to Island
NICOSIA (A)-A government delegation returned from Moscow,
yesterday with a secrecy-shrouded agreement for Soviet aid that Greek
Cypriot newspapers speculated will include antiaircraft guns and
ground-to-air missiles.
Turkish Cypriot leaders declared in a news bulletin the agreement
stipulated that 5000 Russian technicians will be sent to Cyprus and
that the two British military bases on the island will be turned.

Foreign, Aid
Group Drops
SSenate Rider
WASHINGTON (OP) -- Congress
moved closer to final action on a
$3.25 billion foreign aid program
-' last night when Senate and House
'onferees killed a legislative re-
apportionment rider over which,
wthe Senate battled for several
The conferees approved a com-
promise athorization measure -
stripped of all reference to the
hot controversy over Supreme
Court-ordered reapportionment of
state legislatures. -,
Several hours earlier the Sen-
ate passed the $3.25 billion for-
eign aid money bill for which the
authorization provides legislative
House conferees refused to ac-
cept the mild "sense of Congress"
Senate rider which would not be
binding on the courts. It was de-
signed to allow district courts, in
their discretion, to: permit leg-
islatures up to six months in
which to reapportion and permit,
} the next elections of members of
state legislatures to be conducted
on the basis of state laws in ef-
fect Sept. 20.
Some House, conferees particu-
larly had protested that the rider
had the effect of congressional
endorsement of the Supreme
Court's one man, one vote guide-
line for apportioning both house
of state legislatures.
The rider was a compromise
between those who wanted to try
and nullify the Supreme Court rul-
ing and those who said such a
move by Congress would be un-
While the compromise bill au-
thorizes foreign aid ceilings of a
total of $3.5 billion this fiscal
year, the appropriations measure
passed by the Senate earlier in
the day sets the actual spending
limitation at $3.25 billion plus
$163.8 million of reapportions from
prior years.
TI ~ 'f3 3 'TYI -TF3.
tae b r
Call NO 8-8878
Evenings by Appointment

4over to Soviet control. There was
no confirmation.
A crowd of several thousand
Greek Cypriots, believed to be
mostly members of the Cyprus
Communist party, Akel, welcom-
ed home the four-man mission
headed by Foreign Minister Spyros
Kyprianou, shouting' "Long live
Soviet aid."
But exactly what form that aid
may take remained undisclosed:
Kyprianou told newsmen the
agreement is "completely without
strings or any conditions," 'but
refused to say what weapons he
expected or when they would be
A joint communique issued in
Nicosia and Moscow was similar-
ly unenlightening, the key sen-
tence stating:
"Agreement was reached on
practical measures of assistance
which the Soviet Union will render
to the Republic of Cyprus for safe-
guarding its freedom and territor-
ial integrity."
The communique also said Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev ex-
Pressed support for Cyprus in the
struggle "against aggressive ac-
tions and intrigues of certain NA-
TO countries aimed at imposing
ipon Cyprus political solutions un-
acceptable to the people, includ-
,ng the setting up of foreign mili-
tary bases." Britain, Turkey and
Greece all have military bases on

STRIKING LONGSHOREMEN HERE PICKET THE Italian Lines pier in New York's Hudson River
yesterday after 60,000 union members struck docks from Maine to Texas. This is the sixth time in
twelve years that the International Longshoremen's Association has conducted such a strike, mak-
ing this the most frequently struck of the nation's major industries.
Ask Cooling-Off Period in Dock Strike

LBJ Clash
By The Associated Press
Presidential candidates President
Lyndon B. Johnson and Sen. Bar-
ry Goldwater (R-Ariz) continued
their campaigns in the Midwest
and East yesterday, with Gold-
water attacking the administra-
tion's national security policies and
Johnson pledging to use "power
for peace."
In Indianapolis, asserting that
his opponent takes credit for de-
fense measures begun under for-
mer President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, Goldwater said Johnsor
pursues a "policy of weakness"
which could invite Communist ex-
Goldwater said he wasn't wor-
ried about who has his finger on
the bitton that could start war
in this country because "we don't
start wars."
What he is worried about, he
said, "is that itchy-fingered fel-
low in the Kremlin."
Meanwhile in Baltimore, John-
son pledged the nation's power a.
a tool for peace, and said the day
of "government by ultimatum" is
gone forever.
He told a Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity audience the nuclear age
demands restraint and under-
standing among mankind but al-
so a willingness "to stand up and
be counted when there is a choice
between freedom and slavery."
The President cited examples of
what he regarded as restrained use
of power - in Cuba and in the
"prompt and adequate" response
when American boats were fired
upon in the Gulf of Tonkin off
North Viet Nam.
He said his nation has the "pow-
er to destroy 300 times as many
lives as were lost in all the years
of World War II."
"We must use this power tc
make man's extinction improbabk
and man's fulfillment inevitable."

WASHINGTON R)A - President
Lyndon B. Johnson directed the
Justice Department last night to
seek a court injunction that would
halt the Atlantic-Gulf ports mari-
time strike during an 80 day
"cooling off period."
Johnson acted after receiving
a report from a three-man board
of inquiry that examined issues in
dispute between asteamship com-
panies and 60,000 employes on
strike from Maine to Texas.
The President said in his opin-
ion, the unresolved dispute - it
involves largely job security and
wages-will "imperil the national
health- and safety" if allowed to
Consequently he sent a letter
to acting Attorney General Nich-
olas Katzenbach ordering him to

seek an injunction under the
Taft-Hartley law.
The highly technical report by
the board had this comment:
"The parties to this dispute
have a history of failing to reach
agreements in negotiations prior
to the expiration of their con-
Past Record
"In 1948, 1953, 1956, 1959 and,
1962, the national emergency pro-
visions of the Labor-Management
Relations Act were invoked in the
face of threatened or actual work
stoppages. In each of these situ-
ations it was necessary to invoke
the injunction provisions of the
"This is the sixth occasion
therefore, that it had been nec-
essary to invoke the national
emergency provision with these

same parties, a greater frequency
than in any other industry."
The walkout, involving several
hundred ships along the East ane
Gulf coasts, began officially at
12:01 a.m. yesterday, although
some men had left the docks Wed-
Job security- in the face of au-
tomation was' the major issue
Wages also are at issue'.
The basic wage for longshore-
men is $3.26 an hour in New York
and a few cents lower in most
other ports. Contracts reached in
New York usually set the pattern
along the;coasts.
The shipping association, head-
ed by Alexander P.. Chopin, ac-
cepted and the union rejected r
settlement proposal submitted yes-
terday by a presidential mediation



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blouse. 17.98



C. Empire skimmer of basket weave
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