STUDENT UNION AND SGC See Editorial Page Y £p Y4W Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom ii . VOL. LXXV, No.29 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 194 SEVN CENTS .._,. . .. .. CONTROVERSY IN STOCKWELL: Sign-Outs Raise Debate By LAUREN BAR The problem of mandatory vers- us voluntary- sign-outs has raised a controversy in Stockwell Hall. The protest centers around the, fact' that a new system of manda- tory sign-outs is being imposed on girls in the hall without their, consent. The girls are also pro- testing the fact that they, were denied a vote on a valid petition. Monday night a meeting was held to present 'the new system ro the residents of the dormitory. The new system consists of sign- outs by hours rather than by cor- ridors as previously. Expected Arrival A girl will sign out for the hour she expects to be in, and if she does not call or otherwise no- tify the residence hall that she will be late, the dormitory will begin looking, for her if she is not in by one-half hour after the time she specified. Those girls who do not know when they will be in can sign out for closing. Another feature of the system is that girls will not pull their own slips. One-half hour before clos- ing someone will be on duty to pull slips. The system will un- dergo a trial period of four weeks before any kind of vote will be taken. Spring Vote Last spring when the ruling was made that the sign-out policy would be left up to the individual residence halls, Stockwell House Council voted to maintain manda- tory sign-outs with changes that were to be investigated by a com-' mittee, and appointed by Stock- well President Christine Wellner '66. Last week, before the commit- tee had ,presented itsreport, a petition was circulated in the dor- mitory and presented to the House, Council asking for voluntary sign- outs. The Stockwell constitution state in section 5 that "in the instance Attorney General To Decide '~ r College Autonomy Question By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM The state attorney general's office will issue a long-awaited decision on the autonomy of state-supported universities early next week, Deputy Attorney General Leon S. Cohan said last night. The ruling is being sought by the University and other state- supported schools. They claim that the state's capital outlay bill, which allocates building funds through the state comptroller, is an infringement of their consti- tutional autonomy. The capital outlay bill, passed by the Legislature last spring, pro- vides $31 million in building funds for the state schools, and more than $5 million going here. Protest But educators protested, start- ing last spring, that the measure was giving State Controller Glenn Allen unprecedented powers to withhold the money. He holds one option to approve contracts on buildings, a function which has heretofore rested with the gov- erning bodies of institutions. Although Allen said he did not intend to invoke this power, he recently withheld approval on minor projects at noneducational institutions. They are also cover- ed by the bill. Cohan said that his office was "taking great pains to resolve a DIRECTOR HAUN complicated issue." He would not speculate on the office's decision, but indicated a wide range of Ha fnMTin fWI1Tl possibilities. that the House objects to a meas- ure or law passed by the House Council, the House may overrule this measure by submitting a pe- tition signed by at least 25 per cent of the members of the House. Upon receiving said petition, the Council shall hold a House vote on the matter." No Vote According to Kathryn Otto, 168 Miss Wellner refused to let the girls vote despite the fact that a petition had been submitted. Miss Otto along with other members of the house feel that the four week trial period is too long and should be shortened to two weeks, but they were refused a vote on this point also. Fifty per cent of Stockwell res- idents are freshmen this year and many of these girls feel that since they were not here last year, they have had no say in the sign-out procedure. Miss Wellner justified the ac- tion taken by the House Council by saying that the petition has not been ignored but voting on it has been deferred until the new system is given a try. "The com- mittee worked hard and I don' want to throw their work out the window," Miss Wellner said. "The girls will be allowed to vote on what system they wish at the end of the trial period," she explained. Try Out System "We spoke to John Bingley, di- rector of student activities and or- ganizations, and he agreed to let us try the new system. He sug- gested a trial period of two months and we have cut that down to one month so that we cannot cut it any further without his permis- sion," Miss Wellner added. However, Bingley told the Daily that he has no right to interfere in the Interior operation of any student organization. "I can in- terpret constitutions and give my advice, but that is all," he empha- sized. "I spoke with Miss Wellner and advised her to try to convince the girls to try the new system, but this was only advice," Bingley said. "I did not authorize her to force anything on the girls, be- cause I do not have the right to do this." " Mandatory Lynne Nickle, '67, who is in favor of mandatory sign-outs, ex plained her side of the story. "I am in favor of mandatory sign- outs because it makes allowance for a lot of girls who sign out with good intent and are the ones to get penalized for being late." "The new system is designed tc protect the girls and not the dor- mitory," Miss Nickle continued. "It does not do any good to sign out if no one checks on you until closing." According to Jill Slingerland '66E, the new system prevents girls from pulling other girls' slips. "If someone's slip is pulled the dor- mitory will never know whether she is in or not and whether or not something has happened to her." IF C Says 470u Pledge in Fall Interfraternity Council has re- ceived 470 signed pledge cards this fall, IFC rush chairman Kelley Rea, '66, announced yesterday. ' "This constitutes a very suc- cessful rush period for fraterni- ties," Rea said. "The figure 47(' represents an increase of 100 over last fall's pledge total." He pointed out that only about 50 more men registered for rush this fall, so that the percentage of rushees who pledged increased almost 8 per cent. Congress, F ghtKills Aid Hopes By JUDITH WARREN The controversy surrounding Health Care for the Aged appears to have doomed students' prospects here for receiving financial aid under social security legislation. Under the proposed extension to the social security program, stu- dents at the University between the ages of 18 and 22 whose fathers are deceased or disabled, would receive $80 a month. The Social Security bill was passed by the House and the Sen- ate in different forms. The major difference was the inclusion of the Health Care for the Aged program in the Senate version of the bill. The House version does not in- clude this provision. Conference A House-Senate conference com- mittee has been unable to come up with an adequate compromise between the two versions, the of- fice of Sen. Phillip Hart (D-Mich) reported yesterday. The bill would have provided $175 million to students between the ages of 18 and 22. It was ex- pected that 275,000 students would have been affected by the bill. This would have provided approxi- mately "$60 to each student each month. Of this total number of students affected, between 800 and. 1200 students of the University would have received monthly benefits of $80. The increase in benefits to University students is based on the higher incomes of their fathers before death or disablization. Extension The extension of Social Secur- ity benefits to students between the ages of 18 and 22 is based on the government's realization that a full-time ,student in a univer- sity or college is not self-support- ing. These students are dependent on aid. The original Social Security pro- gram provided $100 a month for a widow and $90 a month for each child below the age of 18. This amount however. must not exceed $254 each month. Under the new extension, the money would be sent directly to the student throughout the year, including vacations. Consideration Students in all public and ac- credited private, vocational and academic institutions will be con- sidered for the benefits. The ques- tion of what is considered "full time" will be decided by the De- partment of Health, Education and Welfare. The spokesman for Sen. Hart emphasized that the bill will be brought up again in the next ses- sion of Congress. House Passes NDEA Raise' The extension to the National Defense Education Act, wnich will raise the ceiling available for stu- dent loans from $135 million to $163 million, was passed yesterday by the House of Representatives, the office of Sen. Philip Hart (D- Mich) reported. The increase in the money that is available will result in an in- crease of loans available to-gradu- ate schools. They may now apply for a maximum of $2500 annually. The undergraduate maximum re- mains at $100 annually. The bill continues to give finan- cial a i d to institutions f o r strengthening s c i e n c e, mathe- matics and foreign languages. The NDEA will now be voted upon by the Senate. from completely mixing apart-' ments and cooperatives for upper- classmen with underclass dormi- tory rooms to some mixing and some separation. The argument for mixing facili- ties' was based, on the benefits whichwupperclassmenhandespe-. cially underclassmen would derive from living with students haviig§ different amouns of experence. While this arrangement might make it more expensive to hire a. residential adviser for the under- classmen in each living unit, since there would be relatively fewer of them, the benefits of peer coun selling might compensate for this, some students felt. Preferential Regulations All kinds of facilities might exist in each unit, though only older students would be allowed to occupy the apartments or co- operatives. Those favoring greater separa- tion contended that upperclass- men-if they are to be kept in the residential college and not lost to outside housing-would want to be somewhat isolated from under- classmen. Moreover, it would be toa hard to administer different regulations - such as these on hours-if underclassmen and up- pereiassmen were mixed. Nevertheless, this group did not want complete separation. The proposal they accepted -already approved by the faculty committee working on the residential college -includes two types of living units : -About 20 underclass units of 40 students each, with dormitory- style facilities for 32 underclass- men and 8 upperclassmen per unit; -About 20 upperclass units ofj 20 students each, offering apart- ments and cooperatives as well as dormitory facilities. Intermingled Buildings Discussing how the residence, classroom, dining and library fa- cilities should be arranged on the college's campus, the committee decided there should be as much intermingling as feasible. The residential college area is an 11-acre plot near North Cam- pus, bounded on the north by Fuller Rd., on the west by the Huron River and on the south by railroad tracks. Associate Dean B u r t on D. Thuma of the literary college, residential college director, and. Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the psychology and sociology depart- ments noted that the area is so small that precise arrangements will be relatively unimportant as far as walking distance Is con- cerned. To further enhance the freedom of those at the residential college, most committee members felt it would be best to allow students to pay only for those meals they actually ate. At the same time, however, it was felt that some students should be able to buy an advance ticket for all meals if they want. Political Restricti ;Spark Berkeley Ii Discuss Housing, Layout, Meals for Residence Unit By JEFFREY GOODMAN The students planning the residential college would like a partial segregation of upperclass and underclass living facilities, residences fairly close to classrooms and no one required to pay for meals in advance. The living arrangements question, the most controversial at the student committee's meeting last night, produced suggestions ranging .U.EAIUIL -ii 1 - v 7 V vx, Statement, New Fi greS By ROBERT HIPPLER Housing officials will soon pre- sent both statistics and a written statement to student groups which have requested an explanation of last year's $34 dorm fee hike. Residence Halls Director Eugene Haun said yesterday he plans to release a statement concerning the hike "within about a week." He has indicated the statement will go into "as much detail as pos- sible." Haun also said yesterday he will release within a about a week a general analysis of dormitory, expenses. The release, probably in the form of a pie-shaped chart, will detail last year's expenses and this year's anticipated costs. Such a chart is released every fall, lased -on statistics compiled under the direction of Residence Halls Business Manager Leonard Schaadt. IQC-AHC Both Inter-Quadrangle Council and Assembly House Council have requested in recent weeks that Haun's office explain the hike. IQC asked "a breakdown showing "where every penny" of the total room and boards payments go. AHC passed a motion objecting to methods involved in setting the increase. Their main complaint was that the hike was not approved by the Residence Hall Board of 'Gover- nors, which according to the Re- gents' bylaws must approve such increases. The board has invited repre- srntatnves of both IQC and AHC to its meeting Tuesday. The rep- resentatives plan to offer the Variety He observed that the decision could uphold the bill, invalidate it in total or invalidate one por- tion. Other sources in Lansing noted that a total invalidation would cripple the capital outlay program and force a special reconvening of the state Legislature., But this is viewed as an un- likely prospect. Formal Request A formal request for a decision was submitted last month by the Michigan Council of State College Presidents, a voluntary body of top administrative and governing officers from the state schools. Their contention cites the "cor- porate body" status accorded all tax-supported institutions under the new Michigan constitution. Previously, only the University, Michigan State University and Wayne State University had been granted this status-which per- mitted the institutions unrestrict- ed control of their own finances. The ruling has been promised before budget and other executive officers in Lansing convene for their monthly "administrative board" meeting Tuesday. NiXon Ras mer Vice-President Richard Mt Nixon last night delivered a vig- orous' attack on the administra-'n tion of President Lyndon B. John- .J. EDGAR HOOVER tb son and said the greatest obstacle b to a Republican victory In Novem- --fa ber is a massive defection by GOP A votrs. m Te Nixon told more than 200 peo- Tor L at a $1000-a-plate fund rais- ing dinner here that Republicarn~ presidential nominee Barry Gold-e water is being challened on sev- es eral points dent Diehard MLi He added, however, that John- H son's record is even more vulner- MCOMB, Miss. (P)-State and th able than Goldwater's. federal officers charged three ca eGreat Danger? white men yesterday with two ra- t e are those who wou cial bombings in this jittery south- m have you believe that the country wst Mississippi area - the first would be in great danger under ,break In a broad investigation ot Barry Goldwater," Nixon said. summer violence. "Let me tell you this: the for- Sheriff R. R. Warren reported r Neign policy of Lyndon Bainer officers arrested Paul Dewey Wil- Johnson presents a far greater son of McComb after spotting threat of war than a new, Repub- weapons In his car Wednesday Ct lican foreign policy under Barry ight. Also arrested were Ernest Goldwater." Zeeck, 25, and James Wilson, 8, a Nixon told his audience they also of McCompb. sli needn't feel defensive about Gold- "He finally broke down," War- water because, even though he ren said. "and told us a little bit changes his stand occasionally, of what had happened. He im- a "when he changes, it is not be- plicated the other two. We arrest- is cause of political expediency, but ed them yesterday" 1r because of principle and because Wilson was jailed at Magnolia l the times have forced a change and the other two were moved to dE in the way he thinks.". Jackson far questioning. P Acceptance Speech District RAttorney Joe Piggott "In his acceptance speech at said all were held without bond del Atlantic City, Lyndon B. Johnson fMr the Pike County Grand Jury 1 called Barry Goldwater a ranting convening Monday., raving, demamogue," Nixon ald First announcements of the "He must have been looking in arrests came from Gov. Paul the mirror. Barry has his faults, Johnson in Jackson andFBI 'Di-a but he is not reckless. He is a rector J. Edgar Hoover. ,ar re calm, reasonable, honest, decent, Warren said he hped he m responsible man." aarrests would ease racial tensijnsri Nixon said that too much time thati have built up as Y6 Negro t and effort chs been spent by churches and homes were borbed magazine writers, news column..te uring civil rights activities ngtl:sa and commentators on collateral is- summer sues while little if any comment All thre were eharged under as has been given to the choice Gold- state law against explosives, which water presents. ' can carry the death penalty. c Taig aloru,"Navn alD epis:-',a rtncmenofthe-- t e SAIGON Pa)-U.S. Ambassador Maxwell D.Taylor said yesterday 'c South Viet Nam's governmental crisis is a serious factor in the war, de but the Communist Viet Cong has never been so f from a military d victory. p "Despite their desperate efforts, despite long years of war and n violence and heavy support given to them by governments i Peking and Hanoi, today they are mnilitarily farther from success a han ever arid their men must st know it," Taylor told a 'news con- bE ference.".s Taylor discounted the fact that iss Child atak ihsnl ltoso talions in some engagements. A y snt* may work the night shift' and Red -battalion usually numnbers bE 300 to 400 men., member that the under-achievers The Ambassador said the tempo cs bu their lives and to try to under- has remained about the samte y ve tutor will be a symbol to the since he took up his $iuties July 7 asiuccssortoH.ry"abo Loge re to be. bvalen abouthearningsupandthisvnadito,by' Navy sureyteams Pkin acld aloi mtogay n hbe has returned from the scene of the d. T hdytalatest. Gulf of Tonkin incident ented which makes the tutorial with a conclusion that two high- bE speed craft threatened patrolling yt ortant factor in whether the child U.S. destroyers, it was learned fa rents feel it is a new dawn fpr yesterday. .a TUTORIAL PROJECT: Morris Asks Understanding of Lower Cl( By JULIE FITZGERALD "To effectively help the lower class child, the prospective tutor must understand the possible material and psychological deprivations he may have experienced," Prof. William Morris of the education school said last night. In an address before the Tutorial and Cultural Relations Project, he stated that some of the children are lacking the wherewithal of life. Some come to school in Ann Arbor hungry and without proper clothing. "Also, some of these children lack a model to emulate, especially the hnvs Their fathers ma.v not be home much. and if they are, the children have with adults. One par the child will rarely see him. He told the student tutors to re may have problems in other areaso stand them, because the prospectiv child of what he could possibly aspir Often the lower class child is a progress is very uneven, Morris sal oriented rather than concept-ori process difficult. "The child's parents are an imp succeeds in the program. Some pa