PAG THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1984 a PA1~R TU~?,T THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. AUGUST 15. 1964 , Residence Hall Representatives Legislate, Lobby S v IQC Represents Men in' Quads, Inter-Quadrangle Council is a democratically-elected representa- tive body for the more than 3000 men in University residence halls. Its traditional role is the over- seeing of student government problems within East, South and West Quadrangles and acting as a liaison between students and members of the quad advisory Last year, South Quadrangle be- came co-educational as a partial result of strong support for this move by IQC. IQC also made itself heard in last year's Student Government Council elections. In these elec- tions IQC supported a slate of liberal candidates for election, one of whom came in first in the vot- ing. IQC was in addition torn by feuding last spring whien East Quadrangle members boycotted it in an argument over distribution of campaign literature within the quads. The altercation was fin- ally resolved, but it took two months. The chief aim of IQC has. been to have the best possible com- munications between quadrangle residents so that IQC programs will be effective in improving Each of the three councils, forb quadrangle life. instance, help to furnish and op- c erate a quadrangle library, from IMC sitrat thetoructurhe pyra- which residents may borrow books midal shaped resident hall gov- and records.q ermalsapedurese hlEach quadrangle also sponsorsr enent structure. its own Christmas dance, and at-i At the bottom are the house tempts to provide weekly firstp councils, usually composed of class movies at the rate of 25 house officers and a represetative cents a head.o from each corridor. Finally, the quad council holds House governments' main tasks exclusive authority for the deter-s are to provide social and athletic mination of dress regulations forv programs for the members. House meals. teams in a wide variety of sports, As well as coordinating all theseo from touch football and basket- activities, IQC carries on servicen ball to table tennis and chess, projects of its own.I compete with squads from other It co-sponsors the annual IQC-a houses. Assembly Association Sing, a con-r The social chairman arranges cert and provides summer storagee social events with the women's for returning students. An Inter-r dormitories. These include mixers, national chairman attempts tor exchange dinners and picnics. Academic Chairman An academic chairman possesses C - S r files of former final examinations for the residents to peruse. " The housemother, resident di- emcrat1 rector and hall counselors us- ually work closely with the house0 government in its programs. By THOMAS COPI At the next level is the quad-s rangle council, composed of each Co-ops are more than just a lot house president, a representative of people trying to live together especially elected by each house economically. to serve on the quad council, and This point is stressed by Luther quad officers. Buchele, executive secretary of The quad council carries on the Inter-Cooperative Council. functions similar to those of the Although the co-op gives the house level, but on a broader student a chance to have money, also presents him with oppor- tunities of living and getting along7 with others and learning house-l hold management.=I The co-op system was estab- lished at the University during the 1930's and was the first in the; nation. The Rochdale Principles, under which the Inter-Coopera- tive Council operates, include: 1) Open membership: E a c h house is interracial, interfaith and neutral in all external political, matters. 2) Democracy: Each member shall have one vote in the deci- sions the organization makes. All decisions are made at open meet- ings by majority vote. 3) Cooperation: Equal duties and responsibilities as well as equal sharing of the benefits. ,.LUSIVELY Incorporated in 1944 The Inter-Cooperative Council STREET AT at the University was incorporated' in 1944 as a non-profit coopera- *$tive corporation. The ICC is the 7 A coordinating organization that. .owns the co-op houses, and over- sees the actions of the houses. The ICC Board of Directors is its on the Campus chief coordinating body. It meets every two weeks to consider rec- { ~ommendations made to, it by the help foreign students and Ameri- cans become better acquainted. Composition IQC itself is composed of the quad presidents, and another rep- resentative from each quad, and its officers: a president, vice- president and secretary-treasurer. Judiciary functions are handled on all three levels of the council. Judic works closely with staffinen,i serving as a disciplinary body within their own jurisdictions. The chairman of IQC Judic, onet of the few campus judiciaries to make provisions for public hear- ings at the request of the defend- ant, sits on IQC. The most com- mon infractions are violations of1 quiet hours and the UniversityI rule banning liquor within the1 residence halls.{ le coniomy, rroup Liing various ICC committees. Board members directly represent theirI houses, each house electing one board member for, each ten resi- dents. Advisory Board In addition to the Board .of Directors, a five-man Advisory Board, made up of interested fac- ulty and townspeople, serves to provide an additional bridge, be- tween the co-ops, the University and the community. Since 1944, the ICC has added an additional house every two or three years. There are presently nine co-ops-three for men, five for women, and one for married couples. The ICC will continue to buy houses as the need for them dictates. Any student at the University who is not a freshman, or is 21 is eligible to live in a co-op. Ap- plications for a room are taken on a first-come-first-served basis, with no discrimination whatso- ever. Often applications are filed months in advance, as the limited number of spaces available are greatly in demand. Allow Boarders Many people who do not wish to live in a co-op do want to board there, and this is allowed for some. Men may board at either men's or women's co-ops, but women cannot board at a co-op without living there. The women in co-ops have the same hours as women in other University-sponsored housing, and each co-op has a house director who. represents the University. The women are allowed to elect their supervisor. dorm Women Join Assembly By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM Like women drivers, an orga- nization comprised of all dormi- tory women seems to be headed in two directions at once. Assembly ' Association, as it's officially called, likes to work from the bottom up. But it also serves a function working from the top down. Actually, the duality of direc- tions come from a duality of roles. As a student organization, Assembly digs into the grass roots of the dormitory system, coordi- nating house governments. At the same time,. it moves up the ad- ministrative scale to represent dor- mitory residents 'on the Residence Halls Board of Governors. Overseers That board is in charge of plan- ning, building, furnishing and operating the dormitory systems- male and female. Assembly thus has to learn what the girls' house governments want-and then de- liver these sentiments to the resi- dence-halls administration. The conveyor belt of this oper- ation is Assembly's legislative body,' called Assembly House Council. Composed of representatives from each independent women's house, AHC sets policy or makes recoi-- imenda ions concerning inter- house relations and problems. Assembly's channels from stu- dents to administrators have giv- en it important functions in deci- sions on co-educational housing, women's hours (see box on right) and dress regulations. The Other Half In line with its two-direction policy, Assembly is run by two branches, the legislative AHC and the executive committee. The ex- ecutive committee is composed of the top, officers of Assembly plus the chairmen of various boards which it establishes. The Assembly president is the official representative on Student Government Council. She also takes part in national residence hall conferences involving wom- fen and, 'sometimes, the National Student Association congress in the late summer. Her power-along with the en- tire structure ,of Assembly-has been explicitly defined in a Defi- nition of Authority which the Of- fice of Student Affairs approved last year. It was written by a five-woman committee. Delegation The definition delegates au- thority down the administrative scale from the OSA to Assembly to the houses to individual house women. Juniors and seniors liv- ing in apartments may become as- sociate members of Assembly and share its benefits. Under the document, the vice- president for student affairs has the right to veto any legislation or} decision of Assembly within two weeks. He doesn't like to. For adminis- trators recognize that you have to give women-drivers or assem- bly members-the right of way. Women's Hours To bring interminably dull or excessively exciting dates to a respectable close, the Office of Student Affairs has thought- fully set up these curfews for women in dorms, co-ops and sororities: -On week nights (Sunday through Thursday), all women without senior privileges must be in their residences by mid- night. (Senior women have un- limited curfews, but may not leave their housing units after closing.) -On weekends, freshmen and sophomores must be in by 1 a.m. on Friday and 1:30 a.m. on Saturday. Junior and senior women have no curfews and are given keys. -For occasions when a good date is more probable (Home- coming, Spring Weekend, etc.), the OSA is more flexible in its curfew system. Special "late pers" are granted on such nights. They are also given to individuals or groups who pre- sent valid reasons prior to the event. 'A ;, ?4 F, WILDS When" yi 4k 'Outid' Phone Users Now Dial, All Seven Numerals 4l A SOLD EXC ON STATE tate Street I U' ,_ Now you must dial the complete telephone number (seven numerals) to call from "outside" phones into the University's new Centrex tele- phone system. All the Ceptrex telephones have HEADQUARTERS for new numbers that start with four numerals. 764, followed by Calls dialed to those "764" numbers will go directly to the people wanted, by-passing the University switchboard. So please remember, when you are phoning- FROM-Fraternities and sororities -Homes and apartments -Housing for married students -Any other telephone not part of the University Centrex TO-Faculty, staff, Medical Center, and administrative offices -All residence hall student rooms except those in Martha Cook Hall please dial the complete telephone number or the call won't go through. MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY I "I 4 SAM'S STORE HAS LEVI'S GALORE! For Gals and Guys Levi's SLIM FITS (all olors) at $4.49 I I