1 ROMNEY: LOSER IN 1964 See Editorial Page Y Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom 411att VOIT.'I.XV.VN~n.2 -- -.8. - ,~~ aa ~ZJE~~EiIL YVu. i44 ifro INUi !wO ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THUTRSDAA'UOC ITER 196 RRUVW Vvlu rc -. a iNw.+ ++aava'wU I'' 'a aA' 'Ul V "VDDWY if ' O IVI(ThtP . .VIII: Soviets Aid Cyprus, Sukarno Robbins Sees Idealism Underlying NS2 Y By The Associated Press MOSCOW - The Soviet Union agreed to give aid to Cyprus and offered further military assistance to Indonesia here yesterday in a pair of diplomatic meetings with leaders of the two countries. Foreign Minister Soyros Kypri- anou of Cyprus said in a press conference he had signed an agreement wilth the Soviets for military assistance w i t h "no strings attached." He refused to comment on the weapons or financial arrange- ments involved, or on whether the agreement would bring Soviet personnel to the Mediterranean island torn by communal strife. Completely Satisfied Kyprianou said only that he was "completely satisfied with the outcome of our talks here and with the agreement which, we have reached." , Earlier, Costas Ashiotis, director general of the Cypriot foreign ministry, said the agreement also A LABOR DISPUTE HAS CAUSED NEW YORK City's principal fleet of school buses to suspend service completely. Mayor Robert F. Wagner (left) reacted immediately to the situation, assigning the city's chief labor mediator to straighten the matter out. The City's school Superintendent, Calvin Gross (right), urged parents to make the best possible arrangements for sending their children to school during the crisis. Chief New York us Fleet Suspends Student Service NEW YORK OP) - The city's principal fleet of school buses, crippled by four days of immobilized or slowed vehicles, yesterday suspended service completely. The shutdown raised the prospect that 87,000 pupils would be left without their usual means of getting to school today. Notice of the action was received by the board of education from the Children's Bus Service, Inc., whose 600 buses carry an overwhelm- ing proportion of city school children who ride buses daily. The move came in the midst of a complicated dispute, which on four successive school days,, has left thousands of children stranded on street corners, and caused un- counted others to be late to covered economic aid. But Kypri- anou said: "We did not discuss economic matters." He replied, "yes," when asked if the Soviet officials expressed complete support for the policies of the Greek Cypriot government of Archbishop Makarios. . ,here had been speculation that the Soviet Union might offer the Cypriots aid in the form of air- craft to fend off Turkish air attacks. But Greek Cypriot offi- cials would not comment on the rumor. Cyprus first requested aid from the Soviet Union last month. At first, the Soviets declined, but after talks agreed to consider giv- ing assistance. Turkey has at- tacked Greeks Cypriot villages in Cyprus several times from the air in retaliation to a Greek Cypriot campaign to starve out Turkish Cypriot villages. 'Very Fruitful, After a final meeting later in the day, President Ahmed 6u- karno of Indonesia commented to reporters that his brief visit to Moscow "has been very fruitful." Authoritative Indonesian sources said they expected it to lead to Indonesia's purchase of more arms from the Soviet' Union. The sources, answering news- men's question at a Kremlin re- ception for Sukarno, declined. to specify what types of weapons. The Soviet Union has provided more than $1 billion worth of arms to Indonesia since 1960 on 1 v-cost, low-credit terms. Indo- nesia has been seeking even more for its campaign against neighbor- ing Malaysia., Sukarno toasted Indonesian- Soviet.. friendship with Soviet President Anastas I. Mikoyan at the reception. He and his defense minister, Gen. Abdul Haris Nasution, had two meetings with Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev between Sukarno's arrival in Moscow Tuesday and Khrushchev's departure on vaca- tion yesterday. Sukarno is scheduled to fly to Geneva today en route to a con- ference on nonaligned nations opening in Cairo Monday. Vatican Body Set To Allow WedDeacons VATICAN CITY OP)- Votes in the Vatican Ecumenical Council yesterday gave final approval to two historic measures in the key chapter of its Schema De Ecclesia, "on the nature of the church." The first was the recognition of shared authority between the Pope and Roman Catholic bishops. The second was creation of a per- manent body of deacons, whose membership may iclude mature married men. At the same time the 2500 pre- lates in St. Peter's Basilica began debate on revelation, using a newly worded schema that by-passes a long disagreement of the relative merits of scripture and tradition. The council fathers accepted- 1,624 to 42, with 572 ballots fav- rable but with reservations-13l articles dealing with bishops' powers and including the principle of collegiality, or shared authority with the Pope. PRESIDENT SUKARNO A pp roved By Congress By BRUCE WAS SERSTEIN Congress yesterday approved a bill expanding the Reserve Officer Training Corps program at both the college and high school level. The exact effect of the bill upon the University's ROTC program will not be known until after the President signs the bill into law. At that time the Department of Defense will announce the Uni- versity's financial share. Satisfied However, officials in the de- partment of military science here expressed satisfaction with the bill last night. It calls for these steps: --Increasing of the monthly re- tainer pay for all upper class ROTC students from $27 a month to at least $40 a month; -Setting up of a scholarship program in colleges ranging up to $850 a year for tuition and books and $500 a year in retainer pay; -Introducing of a two year ROTC program in those colleges that request it and -Expanding the junior ROTC from 254 high schools to a maxi- mrum of 1200 schools. The passage of the bill was a defeat for Secretary bf Defense Robert S. McNamara who oppos- ed the expansion of the high school ROTC program because "there is no present military re- quiement to step up the program which now costs about $5 million annually.' The unanimous voice approval of the bill a victory for Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga), chair- man of the Senate Armed Services Committee, who had supported the bill. Bill's Effect Uncertain Lt. Colonel McNair, chairman of the military science depart- ment, said he was gratified by the passage of the bill. He said that increase in the number of high school students taking ROTC be- cause of the bill will result in more enthusiasm for college ROTC and "better-prepared" men en- tering the program. Military science officials here will have to confer with University administrators about the feasi- bility of introducing the two year ROTC program here. Lt. Colonel McNair replaced Lt. Colonel Harris as chairman of the military science department this summer. By KAREN KENAH "People are most idealistic and most concerned during their stu- dent years," United States Na- tiona! Student Association Presi- dent Steve Robbins said last iiigh. Robbins who is at the Univer- sits as part of a four day tour of six midwestern campuses said that one of the resasons NSA gets in- voived "so broadly" is to utilize the time, when students are most able to work idealistically. "Once they get out into the world they no longer have time." He described three basic areas of concern: civil rights, aendemic reform, and integantional services. "NSA has worked a long time in civil rights. As a result we have lost every major southern school." Currently the organization is try- ing to establish ties with the South, Robbins said. "Two NSA representatives and 28 ministers from the Council of Churches are currently in Ma- comb, Miss., to establish presence to prevent bombing in that city," he explained. NSA is seriously thinking' about holding conferences entitled "Stu- dent in the City" in the major cities in the United S'tates. They will be geared to education of stu- dents as to conditions within the urban ghetto. No Idea "Ninety per cent of students have no concept about what is going on within the ghetto. For example -'there are instances of 12 people living in one room and each paying $30 a mont'l in Har- lem." he added. Robbins said he hoped the stu- dent governments of the schools' who attend the conferences will then establish similar educational+ projects on their own campuses. "I.SA believes that students should reflect on the educational1 process and ought to improve it wherever possible," Robbins said, speaking about NSA's work on academic reform. The major emphasis currently is on getting the student engagedl in the academic decision-making process. NSA does not yet have suffi- cient information to formulate definite policy in the field. Academic Reform "The area of academic reform is new in the sense of doing any- thing definite about it. Before 1955, NSA did some work on course evaluation, but nothing in the present vein," he commented. Robbins said that the main emphasis in international affairs dur ng the coming year will be to explain and inform natiornal stu- S GCDisallows Candi Refuses Appeal; Move Leaves Six Elig By DAVID BLOCK Student Government Council last night upheld its Credentials' and Rules Committee's ruling to remove the name of Sharon Man- ning, '65Ed, from the ballot in the upcoming SGC election. Miss Manning was accused of violating Council's election rules by not personally circulating her' petition for candidacy. This. now leaves six candidates running for 'six positions. SGC also heard John Stegmal of Charter Realty, as a spokesman for landlords and realtors of stu: dent off-campus housing; express his desire for closer communica- tion between students and realtors candidate must in order to alleviate many of the tion "personally grievances tendered by each side. The committ Miss Manning's candidacy was port to Counc discussed earlier in the day at a considerable c meeting of the credentials com- 'body decided t mittee. Her petition was invali- mittee's ruling. dated unanimously by that body accepting the on the' grounds that some of the to have Council signatures on it were solicited by committee's rer her associates. a motion to re Although Miss Manning was ning's name a close by the area where her friends candidates on t circulated a part of the petition, Speaking for and was apparently identified tc igan Union Pre all who signed the document, the wright, '65, em committee ruled that she violat- was disqualifyir ed that clause of the SGC elec- didate on a tion rules which specifies that a technicality. Eugene Wor against accepti ruling. He sai present electior ed it was not t cil to eliminat& strict interprets e5 s He said tha } presence in th K illegal petitioni dent unions about the new char- ter of the International Student Coagress, a newly re-organized international students group. NFA will sponsor an increasing number of bi-lateral exchanges of delegations from nation unions or other student organizations. Dele- gations from Tunesia, Romania, Yugoslavia, Nigeria and Venezuela are coming to the United States, Robbins said. Tour S They will tour the United States visiting various parts of the coun- try to get an overall exposure. Other NSA international affairs activities include the organiza- tion rof press seminars anl assist- ance to regional groups in setting up seminars. Humor INew Cuban Action Cuban exile sources reported two unconfirmed developments it their homeland yesterday: an an ti-Castro landing and the con struction of a series of military emplacements surrounding th U.S. naval base near Guantanamo Officials in Washington denie the reports. L The sources based their report of a landing on a Cuban military broadcast. The version given by the exile sources quoted a Cuban militia unit as reporting over an intra- militia radio network "at the fun damental point, action is develop. ing . . . but communications with chiefs of (militia) units have been lost because of very bad weath- er..." In Washington, official sources expressed doubts there was any fighting between forces of the Fi- del Castro government and anti- Castro Cubans. 'From what we shave been told of the content of the broadcasts originating in Cuba, it Appears they relate to a military exercise. It will be recalled that such ex- ercises were announced some time ago." One source in Washington said: "In other words, we get the im-, pression they are maneuvers, rather than the real thing." The Cuban broadcast was vague. At the same time, other sources said Soviet technicians and mili-' tary men are supervising con- struction of a series of' military emplacements surrounding the United States naval base near Guantanamo. The reports were published yes- terday by the Citizens Committee for a Free Cuba, an organization of U.S. citizens opposing the Fidel Castro Communist regime in Cuba. The committee said it was told "the Soviet fortifications include a vast underground network carved into the hills and moun- tains, and that they are manned classes. Mayor Robert F. Wagner, in- formed of the suspension, prompt- ly assigned the city's chief labor mediator, Morris Tarshis, to look into the situation to try to d straighten it out. n School Superintendent Calvin E. - Gross urged parents of the pupils - to try to "make the best arrange- y ments they can to get their chil- e dren to and from school safely." . He said classes would go on as d usual. Under City Contract Children's Bus Service operates' y under contract with the city, ' hauling 87,000 of the 92,000 chil- dren receiving bus service, 75 per e cent of them in public schools. a The rest are in private or paro- - chial schools. They make up about 10 per - cent of the city's total school population. The board of education accused - union drivers of a deliberate slow- down and "power play" aimed at scuttling board contracts with other bus companies using non- union drivers. Adding to the argument, a civil rights group contended there was something suspicious about the timing of the transportation snarl, and that it was "sabotaging New York's school integration pro- gram." This program, sponsored by the board of education, is busing stu- dents from segregated neighbor- hoods to bi-racial schools. A mas- sive two-day school boycott, pro- testing the program was launched by white citizens groups when the public schools opened three weeks ago. Laos Recalls Hanoi Envoy VIETNAME (P)-Laos will with- draw its ambassador from North Viet Nam, Premier Souvanna Phouma told the National Assem- bly yesterday. After the assembly meeting,, Phouma told reporters the recall of the ambassador does not mean he is cutting off diplomatic rela- tions with North Viet Nam. Laos Student Government Council voted last night to uphold the decision of the Credentials 'and Rules Committee and disqualify Sharon Manning as a candidate in the forthcoming SGC election. From left to right are Executive Vice-President Douglas Brook, '65, President Tom Smi'hson, '65, Treasur- er Gary Cunningham, '65, Barry Bluestone, '66, Sherry Miller, '65, International Student Association President Yee Chen, '65, and Michigan Union President Kent Cartwright, '65. CHINESE CHARGE 'FABRICATION' Foreign Capitals eact oRusk Cl'taim By The Associated Press TOKYO-A statement by Secre- tary of State Dean Rusk announc- ing that Red China will soon explode a nuclear device drew con-' flicting comments from two for- eign capitals yesterday. In Ottawa, Canada's For'eign Secretary Paul Martin went a step further than Rusk, bluntly predicting that the Chinese nu- clear test will be atmospheric and probably followed by a series of other tests. WEINBERG LECTURE: Decreasing Isolation of Germany Cited By ROBERTA POLLACK The emergence of Germany in post-war Europe has been charac- terized by a policy of decreasing isolationism, Prof. Gerhard Weinberg of the history department said last night. His speech was delivered as part of the series "Are You Aware?" sponsored by the International Students' Association. He cited three conditions within the country making the decreasing isolationism possible. The first is the integration of foreigners within Germany society. By bolstering the labor force, these immigrants have -contributed "significantly" to West Germany's economic revival, he said. A second factor is West Germany's "shopping for inhabitants," he said. In contrasg to previous policy, Germans are trying to find workers from other countries-such as Czechoslovakia-"to fill up the empty spaces." The third change is West Germany's controlled production of coal. "It is much like the United States' situation with wheat. People are being paid not to produce," he said. If this deisolation continues, the "structural role of West Ger- many will be so different it will be almost unrecognizable from the Germany of 1932 or 1948." He, pointed specifically to West Germany's increasing economic integration with the rest of Europe through the Common Market. "Even in the area of defense, there have been admirable a,, n'a m' flai -ne Ia *7,i d--.1 n a. nrnwamlny in.. 4. prm, , a*nrn Communist Chinese sources in Peking, however, termed Rusk's pronouncement a fabrication. The Canadian statement was based on sources of information which are not dependent on those of the United States. The nuclear test will spread con- tamination far and wide, Martin said, at a time when a test ban treaty supported by Canada and more than '100 other countries- including the Soviet Union and the United States-has reduced radioactive fallout hazards to health. Martin would not say how he knew it would be an atmospheric test but added that the Canadian government learned of the im- minent Chinese detonation with "regret and concern." In' Tokyo, a correspondent for the Japanese Kydo news service, who arrived in Peking this week under a new exchange of Japan- ese and Chinese newsmen, quoted the sources as saying Rusk's statement was "without root or leaves." The -sources said "No one-not even Chairman Mao Tze-Tung or President Liu Shao-Chi-knows when Communist China will ex- plode a nuclear device." "It is a tragedy that the United States seems to believe its fab- rications are believed by the world," the sources said. Rusk predicted yesterday that Communist China would set off its first nuclear explosion "in the near future." He pointed out, however, that "the detonation of a first device a- I