Seventy-Fifth Year" t' ASMAmIAGPd ETSTumwn Sor TmZ UNTExrrY 01'Mxmmwai trhD AVTM* = Tof BOA3 nor COWMOL OF'STMIENT P-UC23210M Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin D, Making the Most of Year-Round Operations by H. Neil Berkson Vmr. ptOW iosAre ?t3o,420 M.&rNWA" ST., Axx AxeMxci. Truth Will PrevanZ NEws Pnowum 744-M52 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR ROBERT HIPPLER Student Government: What Is There To Do? THERE ARE TWO questions on which the group now evaluating the Univer- sity's student government might base its study. It might ask, "What could Student Government Council do?" Or it could ask, "What is there to do?" They may sound almost identical, but there is a world of difference between them. The first question is the one SGC has been asking all along. It starts with a "given": the existence of SGC, or at least of some sort of elected, University- recognized student "governing" body. Giv- en this "given," one must find something for it to do;, the problem becomes one of "making work." The second question is the one that should be asked. It starts with no prema- ture assumptions. It starts instead with an examination of the situation at the University and of students' needs in par- ticular. It then creates a vehicle which will best fulfill these needs-whether or not the answer turns out to be anything resembling a "student government." WHAT, THEN, IS the situation? Perhaps the most important observation is that the University's students are trans- ients and see themselves as such. Their participation in and attitude toward the institution is that of a customer rather than a citizen: they're here to get what they can out of the University and to give as little as possible in return. The second key point is that these customers are bargaining in what is largely a seller's market. The University has something which young people need, and is in a position to dispense it on the University's terms. Its terms are that the student must agree to a "package deal": he must accept all the regulations, poli- cies, procedures and standards of evalua- tion the University chooses to impose or get nothing at all. The individual has es- sentially no power to change the bargain item by item. Finally, it's important to note that the University is an extremely benevolent monopoly. Most of the policies which af- feet students are at least intended to be for the students' own good. Compared to the number of injustices the University has the power to perpetrate on its stu- dents, the number it actually perpretrates is quite small. ADD THESE UP and you have an almost- answer to "What is there to do?" The almost-answer is "Nothing." And hence, there is almost no need for any kind of device to unite and represent students. Almost. But in an institution such as the University, the number of decisions made-and the number which affect stu- dents-is tremendous. So even if almost all the decisions are wise and benevolent, that leaves a large number of unjust ac- tions. They may result from malevolence, laziness, incompetence or mere oversight by decision-makers; they range from very specific and trivial incidents, such as one instructor's biased grading of one stu- dent's paper, through broader actions, such as the unethical enactment of tho residence halls fee increase, to the most basic and intangible issues, such as whether or not University students are (.pr Ifidrijnau &dli Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. Owner-Board in Control of Student Publications, 420 ' Maynard St., Ann Arbor. Bond or stockholders-none. Average press run-7,100. H. NEIL BERKSON, Editor KENNETH WINTER EDWARD HERSTEIN Managing Editor Editorial Director ANN GWIRTZMAN ................ Personnel Director BILL BULLJARD................ Sports Editor MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor JOHN KENNY ...........Assistant Managing Editor DEBORAH BEATTIE ...... Associate Editorial Director LOUISE LIND ........ Assistant Editorial Director in Charge of the Magazine TOM ROWLAND ............ Associate Sports Editor GARY WYNER ............. Associate Sports Editor STEVEN HALLER ................Contributing Editor MARY LOU BUTCHER .........Contributing Editor CHARLES TOWLE ........ Contributing Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: David Block, John Bryant, Jeffrey Goodman, Robert Hippler, Laurence Kirshbaum. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Gail Blumberg, Rob- ert Johnston, John Meredith, Leonard Pratt, Bar- bara Seyfried. Business Staff JONATHON R. WHITE, Business Manager JAY GAMPEL .......... Associate Business Manager C JUDITH GOLDSTEIN ............. Finance Manager BARBARA JOHNSTON ............ Personnel Manager S RUTH SCHEMNITZ ............... Systems Manager f getting the right sort of education here. To the student affected by any of them, the thought that injustices "almost nev- er" occur isn't immensely comforting. WHAT, THEN, is there to do? Set up some sort of way in which students, powerless as individuals, can organize to protest these injustices and, if necessary, to force the University to rectify them. Next question: what form should this organizing effort take? The major choice here is between a student government- some sort of representative structure within the University-and student ac- tion-protests organized outside of any recognized representative framework. Student government has some obvious advantages: its leaders have access to the administration, its "legitimate" status gives its pronouncements some added weight, and it may even get some honest- to-goodness power of its own-as SGC almost has, for example, in its semi-au- thority over student organizations. BUT WHILE STUDENT government has access to the University, the Univer- sity also has access to it. And the result -as SGC's record and, particularly, its present condition illustrate-is that the student government soon becomes thor- oughly seduced. This doesn't mean that the govern- ment's leaders become "tools of the ad- ministration," doing whatever the vice- president for student affairs tells them. It doesn't even presuppose an adminis- trative conspiracy to keep the student government in line. As soon as you insti- tutionalize a student government, the se- duction takes place all by itself. For just be existing, a student government pro- vides its members with all the personal satisfactions most of them need and enough pointless duties to keep them busy. Take the government's president, for example. There's a great deal of satis- faction in merely holding a titular posi- tion as head of the student body. There are innumerable varieties of gravy: you get in the big honoraries, your name goes on some lovely stationery, you get to play with the gavel, you can hobnob with Uni- versity administrators, and there are doz- ens of ceremonial gatherings at which you are told how important you and your student government are. There are plenty of administrative tasks involved merely in keeping a formalized organization go- ing; with these you can keep busy and convince yourself that you really are do- ing something important. And your con- stituents, most of them, don't give a damn about what you're doing. For the other members, things are just as nice; all they need do is sit pompously at a polish- ed table once a week. NOT ONLY DOES the seduction princi- ple affect those already part of a stu- dent government, it helps select those who run for it in the first place. Oppor- tunists know the easy prestige described above lies here; those really concerned with the University know that as stu- dent-government members they would be burdened down by the opportunists. The seduction theory of student gov- ernment may initially sound implausible. But consider the realities. What is SGC doing about the dorm fee hike or the state of education here? What was it achieving even a few years ago, when the articulate,j ideological "radicals" dominated it? What1 has it done in 10 years? THE ALTERNATIVE, student action or- ganized outside the University, could take numerous forms. It might be a con- tinuing "protest party," or an irregular series of ad hoc groups organized by discontented students seeking to protest a specific issue. Student;protest, in this naked form, is a relatively untested idea. There is some evidence in its favor: while SGC played arliament, for example, an independent group of students started the Office of Student Affairs reform a few years back. And this summer's parking protest shows how potent mass action can be on this campus. Most importantly, the leaders of a protest have no comforting fringe bene- fits to fall back on: if their protest fails. AS PRESIDENT HATCHER so often points out, only once during the academic year is the pressure for space in dormitories and classrooms greater than the University's capacity. In January enrollment will drop well below the 29,000 figure. By May, of course, the University will be only 50 per cent full. Year-round operation is aimed at"accommodating expanded enrollment--which is expected to reach 36,000 by 1968 and 47,500 by 1975-without taxing the Univer- sity's facilities. If the increased numbers of students can be distributed relatively equally across three semesters instead of two, there will be enough beds, enough class- rooms, enough laboratories and enough professors to go around. THE QUESTION in everyone's mind is how soon the third semester will have an enrollment similar to the other two. This is not only a matter of numbers. Summer has traditionally been a time for graduate and post-graduate study. Last summer, which was still not a full third term, saw an enrollment of 14,000. This number may or may not be relevant to coming summers because our session starts in May when other schools, some of whose students come here in the summer, are just preparing for finals. Moreover, no high school is out by early May, so the University will not be able to accommodate many fresh- men then. A literary college survey released Monday does not add much to speculation. As many professors will testify, it was taken in the most haphazard manner. Some classes didn't have enough to go around, while others didn't receive any at all. ONE THING that would help push summer enroll- ment along is deferred admissions. No administrator has publically admitted this possibility, but it appears more and more likely. This move makes good sense. The University cur- rently expects 1200-1400 more students next fall. Since it hasn't facilities to accommodate 29,000, it is hard to see how it can accommodate more than 30,000 a year from now. If, however, the added freshmen could be deferred until the winter and summer terms, the pres- sure would be off. ANOTHER ELEMENT the University should add to trimester planning is more publicity. I've been told that when the University of Pittsburgh went on to the three- semester calendar, it bombarded its students with in- formation in order to make them both aware and interested in attending the summer session. I would guess that many students here are unaware of the fact that the University will be running a full semester this summer, and that most students see little connection between that semester and their own planning. Sometime last year an official estimated that the third term would not carry its share of enrollment until 1975. That may be a little late for it to solve the, problem for which it was created. * * * * LAST WEEK the Association of Producing Artists opened its third season here. Little can be said about APA that hasn't been said already. Similarly, just about everything has been said about the accomplishment of bringing first-rate theatre away from Broadway to places like Ann Arbor and Minneapolis' Guthrie Theatre. Nevertheless, there's something about seeing a gifted cast produce a United States' premiere in the Middle West that reinforces the concept of APA. This group is a tremendous credit to the University and the com- munity, and, hopefully, it will be here for a long time. POLITICS, PERCENTAGES AND THE PRESIDENCY: Questions To Be Answered by the 1964 Election By HAROLD WOLMAN and CAL SKINNER, JR. O HELP understand the im- portance of this year's election, one may look at thetype ofsques- tions which the results will answer. What will this election decide? First, it will determine the bed- rock strength of Goldwater con- servatism in the United States. Senator Goldwater has suggested that there is a great reservoir of conservative voters who have not been going to the polls be- cause they have felt neither party offers them a "choice." Supposed- ly, Goldwater's candidacy, by of- fering such a choice, will bring publican leaders is, to a large de- gree, dependent upon the results of state elections in November. The fate of progressive Republi- canism may depend upon the elec- toral successes of Chuck Percy in Illinois, George Romney in Michi- gan, Robert Taft, Jr., in Ohio, Kenneth Keating (strongly backed by Nelson Rockefeller) in New York, and Hugh Scott (a close associate of William Scranton) in Pennsylvania. Assuming a significant number of these GOP moderates lose (every race is likely to be close) or are unable to band together after victory, will Goldwater re- main ascendent by default? Or will some other national figure progressive Republican Party? Or' will a significant number of these ideologues desert the "me-too" image of this non-Goldwater GOP in favor of a more ideologically pure third party? * * * NOW ASSUME that Senator Goldwater loses by only a small margin, perhaps gathering in more than 45 per cent of the vote. Many Goldwater followers would con- sider such a result as a moral victory; Goldwater himself said that he would be doing all right if he compiled 45 per cent or more of the vote. Would this mean, as many an- alysts now predict, that Gold- water and his brand of Republi- canism would continue to dom- inate the Republican Party, and that the Arizona senator would once again be the GOP presiden- tial candidate in 1968? * * * OF COURSE, there is still a result, which, although seemingly a remote possibility, must be con- sidered. Suppose Goldwater is elected President. Would he really be able to effect the changes he has advocated? To do so on the domestic level, Goldwater would have to overcome the resistance to such change by the professional civil servants in the bureaucracy, and this would be difficult to ac- complish except over an extended period of time. These government employes have been imbued with the programs and approaches of the post-war period, and these are the very approaches which Gold- water supporters feel, as Senator Thurmond put it last week, are leading the country down the road to socialism. In addition to this problem, Goldwater would have to deal with a Congress in which his party would certainly be a minority, and thus would hardly be in position to either dismantle already exist- ing programs or pass new ones. However, a different question is posed in the foreign policy field where the President is indisput- ably the architect. In what direc- tion would our foreign policy be likely to veer under Goldwater's ministrations? THE POSSIBLE RESULTS of the elections also pose interesting questions for the Democrats. If Johnson is able to win by land- slide proportions, does this mean that he will be able to pull a large number of Democratic con- gressmen into office with him? And if this does occur, does it mean that this country will em- bark on a new "era of good feel- ings" in which President Johnson will be able to do just about any- thing he wishes to do in Congress? In any case, what sort of pro- gram will the basically pragniatic and unideological President wish to advocate? Will he attempt to use the size of his victory as a mandate to implement the as yet programatically vague "Great So- ciety" 'which he proposed at the University last spring? Or will his approach reflect the increased support from the more conservative business elements of our society, as, indeed, his elec- tion campaign seems to be doing? If so. the Democratic Party may veer more towards the right. Who in the new governing coalition will "have Johnson's ear?" SUPPOSE, on the other hand, that President Johnson wins by only a narrow margin. It is the possible consequences of this out- come that many observors fear most of all. Could this mean that the Goldwater-controlled Republi- can Party with its highly con- servative outlook would be recog- nized as the legitimate opposition party, the alternative administra- tion? If this should happen the Demo- crats would be forced to move with extreme caution in order to pre- vent what many of them feel is a dangerously reckless opposition from emerging triumphant at the next election. IN THIS CASE Goldwater and the right wing may have accom- plished their major purpose,- for the whole political spectrum of the country will have shifted to the right. Instead of one party which is basically an innovator and one party which acts to solidify these innovations, the United States would be faced with one party which is unable to do anything for fear of losing 'an election and one party which has as the major tenet of its ideology that the best way to solve a problem is by do- ing nothing. The question to be asked in this situation may well be: what will be the fate of this country? LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Relates Acts Directed Against Romney Group Alignment in 1968? forth this silent vote. However, many political scien- tists have- disputed Goldwater's interpretation, citing results of voter research which show that non-voters tend to be people who have little interest in politics at all, rather than people who stay home because they feel their view- point is not being presented. * * * OF MUCH MORE importance, howeverthe election is likely to determine the conditions under which our political system will operate for years to come. Assume President Johnson wins by the majority of over 60 per cent which the polls are now giving him. In the face of such an overwhelm- ing defeat, will Goldwater be able to retain control of the GOP and will his ideological orientation re- main dominant in it? As of now, the Republican Party organization at the national level and to a great extent on the state level is solidly in the hands of the Goldwater people. The national chairman, Dean Burch, a former junior Goldwater advisor, was hand-picked for the top organiza- tion post by the Arizona senator right after the convention. At the same time state after state chose Goldwater men as national com- mitteemen. Without evidence of electoral support will these organi- zation leaders be able to retain ef- fective leadership of the Repub- lican Party? * * * IF THE Goldwaterites are able to retain control in the face of overwhelming defeat, what will those Republicans who have ei- ther deserted him at the polls or who have a hearty dislike for his brand of conservatism do? Will they desert permanently to the opposition, thereby swelling the ranks of the Democratic Party to an even greater majority? Or will a significant number of them stay with the GOP with the goal of regaininig control at some later date? such as Richard M.'Nixon assume the role of party spokesman? * * * IN ANY CASE, if Goldwater is not able to retain control what will become of his fervent follow- ers? It is significant to note that Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina switched not to the Re- publican Party, but to the "Gold- water Republican Party." What will become of the more fanatic of. these right wingers? Will they simply become a permanent, though vocal minority in a new ZIZI JEANMAIRE: Superb Dancers Link Classic, Modern Styles ZIZI JEANMAIRE is a superb dancer-but more than that, she has the ability to infuse the simplest of movements with charm and a certain "joie de vivre." Equally skillful is the choreography of Roland Petit and Georges Simenon as executed by Jeanmaire and the Ballets de Paris in their program at Hill Auditorium. The style of dance in evidence last night was of a rather special nature; music and choreography in the modern jazz idiom were imposed upon the techniques of classical ballet. The result is striking- it is vital and contemporary without sacrificing the beauty of form found in traditional ballet. In addition, such a dance form works best in the dramatic mode, capable of producing such numbers as "La Chambre" and "La Chaloupee." * *' * * THE FIRST, danced by Jeanmaire and Felix Blaszka, was a short dramatic ballet by Georges Simenon expressing the heights of love and hate. The movements are almost sensuous--indeed reminiscent of the work done by Roland Petit in his renowned adaptation of "Carmen"-with the body used fluidly or in quick precision to heighten and contrast the emotional extremes. "La Chaloupee," on the other hand, is the lively and colorful story of a wedding party danced by Therese Thoreaux and Jacques Dombrowski with just the right light touch, yet displaying a thorough classical dance background. * * * * ALL OF THE CHOREOGRAPHY demands fine dancers, fully trained in the classical ballet-and they were provided. The greater part of the company were able to display this training as well as To the Editor: ON SUNDAY EVENING a large oilcloth poster was placed on the Diag advertising the coming of Governor Romney to the cam- pus on Tuesday; by Monday morn- ing at 8 a.m. it had been inten- tionally and maliciously ripped down. The frame on which it was displayed had been unfastened from the tree which supported it by cutting several large wires. But this was not an isolated or single act of vandalism. Those of the "Students For Romney" who worked so diligently and so hard at Saturday's foot- ball game, peacefully handing out literature and asking people if they wanted bumper stickers, were, along with the governor, subjects of malicious, lewd and lascivious remarks. To top off these incidents, a false ad was.put in the Daily on Tuesday saying the governor would not appear at the University that day as scheduled but would come the next day. What kind of perverted mind did that? Again the fine work of the "Students For Romney" prevented this from having the desired effect. * * * - IT IS A SAD commentary on the students of the University that these acts occur. The Warren Report tells us that one of the prime motivating factors in Lee Oswald's dastardly deed was the tremendous hate and malice, fed by the left wing in this country, he held for the forces which op- posed his views. Although to a lesser extent so far, it seems the same kind of hate and malice have motivated these acts against the governor. If this were Mississippi and the governor was down there to talk about his great advances in civil rights at the state level I might expect some sort of malicious ac- tion. But this is Michigan and the governor has done much for the state as those who attended his speech will attest. I WONDER which party in Michigan has the real extremists now? have accomplished his goal: to trap Barry Goldwater into con- demning strong industry - wide unions; to arouse anti-Goldwater sentiment among workers; to hurt Goldwater politically; to help elect Lyndon Johnson. Before the contract is signed, Goldwater will attack powerful unions. After hearing of the strike, Goldwater will think: "Ah-ah. An auto strike. It will last a long time. Americans will be angry. They will think labor unions are too strong. I've always thought labor unions are too strong. I will now admit it. America will like me. They will vote for me. I will win in November." And so he will say, "The free- dom of Americans is denied when the lives of many are controlled by the power of the few. Irrespon- sible union leaders harm America. Union power should be curbed." IF THE STRIKE is prolonged, Goldwater's strategy will prove sound since a long strike will in- deed seriously hurt the economy and many voters will turn to Gold- water in an attempt to get the country moving again. Reuther knows this and thus he will end the strike quickly, for the walkout is concerned not with production but with politics and the strike's primary goal, helping Lyndon Johnson, will have been accomplished. Then Reuther will hit the cam- paign trail saying "Coldwater is anti-union ... He wants to destroy unions . ..He wants to hurt you ..Vote for LBJ." Reuther will particularly at- tempt to destroy the white back- lash, trying to make the fear of Negro competition seem miniscule in relation to the dread of Gold- water. Reuther will be successful. The white backlash will dissipate. GEORGE MEANY, David Mc- Donald and Reuther have long debunked Goldwater, but their cries have had a hollow ring since Goldwater hasn't been shouting an anti-union line recently. But, after Barry's remarks, the cham- pions of labor will preach with I 4