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September 30, 1964 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-30

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i f 1.i irirr rr i ..i n F.wr .

A statement
It is directed at whatever sick person phoned the Daily
Monday afternoon and, purporting to represent Students for
Romney, advertised that Governor Romney would be coming
to campus today instead of yesterday.
Congratulations. Because our business staff took the ad at
face value, you managed to keep some people from seeing the gov-
ernor yesterday. On the -other hand, you have given him a new
campaign issue and a great deal of publicity which he would'not
have received otherwise.
If your opinion of Romney is so low, -why were you afraid
to let other people see him and make up their own minds as to his
merits? They-might agree with you.
Or perhaps you thought it was a joke. Pretty furnny to use
this newspaper-a monopoly instrument-,to create a false impres-
sion which there was no way to correct until after the fact.
LITTLE DAMAGE was done to Governor Romney. If any-.
thing, he'll be helped by the publicity.,
Some damage was done to The Daily. We made a mistake not
checking this ad, and I've already had letters and phone calls
from people who were misled by it. It won't happen again, how-
But I wonder, frankly, what damage has been done to you?

i u
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom




Offi'cials Planning
Flint Curriculu
The key' planners of the University's four-year. Flint College met
here yesterday to begin hammering out the institution's final shape.
Flint, the University's 16th college and first outside Ann Arbor,
is scheduled to grow out of its current form as -a two-year senior
college next fall.
A group of University and Flint officials worked out a tentative
plan of expansioni last year which the Regents ratified in April.
t The same Flint-University group convened here yesterday to
review the progress since last spring, reliable sources said after the
meeting. Specifically, they discussed working papers which reportedly
envision these features for the four-year institution:
1) The full-time teaching staff'
Iwhich currently numbers about 20
would be doubled gradually to
handle the 200-student freshman
iclasses anticipated in the next two
'~e 1im23 P years.



Chinese M


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Onl Adv,
Chinese May
To Impress T
Nations of A

Honors Housing Ac

Superior students here who are
grouped- voluntarily in dormitory
houses enjoy the quadrangle life'
more than the average resident,
As a result, the honors student
tends to want to return while the
* average resident is apt to move
These conclusions are contained
n a student-faculty study, re-
leased yesterday, w h i h was
launched by the $onors Council.
Using questionnaires, an evaluat-
ing committee examined the at-
Stitudes of residents living last
year in the University's first two
"honors hbuses"-Frost and Blag-
don. The houses are in - Mary
Markley, representing both sexes
ryVoce Idf
i e S 6110 . s
Residential college faculty plan-
ners last night discussed tenta-
tive specifications for two aspects
of the college's housing units -
the arangement of dining halls
and mechanized teaching tech-
The planners -working in com-
mittee with .Assyciate 'Dean Bur-
ton Thuma of the literary college
-are gradually communicating to
residential college architects just
how they and a student commit-
t tee would like to equip and de-
sign the housing units.
Their feeliji that the units will
probably be serviced by two or
three dining- hlls connected to a
cntral, .kitchen ragrees substan-
tally with that of the students.
Within this basic. idea there are
two alternaties:
-Two dning halls seating 600
each, with. movable partitions
x which could create smaller rooms;
-Two halls seating 400 each
and a third hall of the same size
which could be partioned into
even smaller halls than in the
first alternative..
Both faculty and students have
agreed that to have separate kitch-
ens in each housing unit - where
about 30 students would be living
-would be too expensive. Provid-
Sing" partitions in the larger, °cen-"
tralized halls now planned, on the
other hand, would be less expen-
sive an. still add a more Inti-
mate atmosphere than a single
large area.
- The faculty group also discuss-
ed how to arrange the language
laboratory and other electronic
teaching devices the residentia'
college will probably provide.
Many of the committee favored
a central 1 iguage laboratory fa-
cility wired to each room in the
residences. Through a dialing sys-
tem, students could reserve, in
their rooms, the instructional tape
hey desired. ,Existing { language.
laboratories require the student
to go to a central room, where
tapes are dialed from small booths.
Recently, smaller facilities, us-
ing the dialing operation, 'have
been opened in some of the exi -
ing dormitories; the residenti a
college arrangement would simpliy
be an extension of this idea.

and containing substantial num-
bers of non-honor students.
The evaluation committee was
theaded by, Professors Stephen and
Rachel Kaplan of the psychology
d department and Susan L.
Mann, '65.
The' study states that honors
students found their fellows more
stimulating and more adademica-
ly-minded than the average stu-
dent. As a result, they expressed;
"enthusiasm" for the concept of
honors housing, the report states.
Although only 54 per cent of
the Frost men and 39 per cent of
the Blagdon women responded,
the sampling is still considered
"representative" by the evaluators.
The major findings are these:
1) Honors students supported
their housing over "other campus'
housing." Both sexes found the
atmosphere more academic, more
conducive to studying and " less
pressured socially.
The men stressed the academic
atmosphere more than the women
did while the women preferred
the ease of social pressure.
2) Honors students found fellow
students more studious and stim-
ulating although less .social than
average students on campus. Both
sexes found the honors student
slightly more competitive and only
slightly less non-conformist..
3) In characterizing their atti-
tudes on honors housing, the res-
idents were highly "enthusiastic,
pleased and stimulated" about the
experience. The men recorded a
high preference for living with
honors students while women were
favorable but mixed.
But in reviewing the residence
applications for this year, the sur-
vey notes that of the 103 honors
women, 42 per cent desired to
return. In the other three houses
of yarkley, only about 20 per
cent wanted to return.
For the Frost house men, 44
per cent wanted to return while
only 36 per cent of the average
dormitory resident elsewhere ex-
pressed this preference. '
However, the report states that
non-honors students involved liv-
ing in the experimental houses
were not as satisfied. Only 10 per
cent of the women desired to re-
turn. 38 per cent of the non-hon-
ors men wanted to return.
-The report will now be made
available to interested groups, in-
cluding the Honors Council and
the residential college planning
committee, Kaplan said yesterday.
The residential college, a self-
contained living, eating and learn-
ing unit, has been viewed as a
place for housing experimentation.
With some dissatisfaction express-
ed in a "pilot" living project at
East Quadrangle last year, the
positive results in the honors
study could be significant, Kaplan
said. "We must still examine what

- precisely makes ?the honors hous-
ing experience worthwhile," he.
The pilot project linked stu-
dents according to academic pur-
suits. Some participants-partic-
ularly the women-indicated their
dissatisfaction moving out of the
dormitory system at a rate higher
than- is standard.
However, Kaplan emphasized
that this project was not volun-
/tary. When the "honors housing"
project was conceived in 1963, it
was decided to make the housing
At that time Prof. Otto Graf of
the German department, chair-
man of the Honors Council, ap-
pointed a student-faculty group
to explore the honors housing pos-
sibilities. This group decided to
make the project experimental,
and set up the evaluation com-
mittee which created yesterday's
To Initiate
Youth uHelp,
A youth work training program
for high school drop-outs between
the ages of 16-21 will start soon,
Robert Simpson, Ann Arbor direc-
tor of Michigan Employment Se-
curity Commission, said recently.
A bill enacted recently by theI
State of Michigan would allow the1
state to share expenses on a 50- i
50 basis with any city which in-
stituted a program designed toi
train drop-outs in vocational arts.
Ann Arbor is the first city to take
action, he said. The trainees work
20 hours per week and receive, $10
from Ann Arbor and $10 from thex
state in wages.
A survey of training positions int
Ann Arbor, resulted in four city
departments which can handle 461
youths, he said. The city hopes
to solve the drop-out problems and
at the same time provide skilled
labor to alleviate the shortagest
created by Ann Arbor's growth.,
To qualify, youths must be be-'
tween 16-21 and have been out of3
school at least six months. Thet
MESC then checks its files and
selects youths to be pre-tested, he
said. Those who show some specificr
skill are then given specific, ap-'
titude tests distributed by thel
United States Department of1
Labor, he added.1
A pilot program, will run for;
six months using 46 youths. If it
is successful, it can be extended
for an additional six months. Thent
the city will enter -into full scalec
"The exact starting time andI
full capacity are still being de-
termined," Simpson said. MESC9
was apropriated $150,000 for thisv
fiscal year's operations (1964-65).c

The junior and senior classes
put current enrollment around 600.
2) The new staff men will be
used primarily to bolster the lib-
eral arts curriculum, although
existing programs in business ad-
ministration, elementary educa-
tion, and science and mathematics
'will also be enlarged.
In the liberalarts, the current
social sciences program will be
expanded to allow concentration
in political science, economics,
sociology and psychology. These
fields are now lumped together in
one "social science" program.
3) The foreign language pro-
gram, which now offers French
and German, will be increased to
encompass Spanish, although this
idea is highly tentative.
4) An admissions office in Flint,
under the University's auspices,
will admit and reject students
from the institution as is current-
ly the case.
The Flint Junior Community
College, providing freshman and
sophomore education, has been the
previous training ground for most
of the University's Flint College
students. Its. adjacent location
and sharing of facilities have
created co-operative ties which of-
ficials said they hope can be
5) As part of the co-operation,
the University students will take
some classes at the community
college including music, anthro-
pology and geology.
Since the University announced
its decision to enlarge Flint, com-
munity college officials and fac-
ulty have launched statewide pro-
The faculty in Flint passed a
resolution condemning the Univer-
sity last November for its alleg-
ed intentions of establishing a
four-year college.
In April, the Regents officially
resolved to "enrich and expand"'
its program to include the first
two years. They also emphasized
intentions to cooperate with the
Flint Board of Education,, which
administers the community col-
The gist of their resolution was
to endorse a proposal submitted to
them a few weeks before by the
Flint board. It called for a four-
year liberal arts institution, au-
tonomously-run, yet under the Re-
The group that formulated the
report included Executive Vice-
President Marvin Niehuss, Vice-
President for Academic Affairs
Roger Heyns, Dean for Statewide'
Education Harold Dorr, and Flint
Dean David :French, plus several
Flint officials.
After the Regental acceptance,
these men sett-up a coordinating
committee' of Flint faculty mem-
bers from both the junior and
University colleges..
The recommendations of that
group formed one of the major'
working papers aired here yester-

-Associated Press
Cambodian government yesterday in Saigon. The demonstrators were pro-government and favored
a tougher policy against Cambodia's Prince Norodom Sihanouk, who reportedly has allowed Com-
munist troops to use his country as a sanctuary. Observers say a tribal revolt in Viet Nam has
strained U.S.-Vietnamese relations to the tightest point since just before the coup against the Nhus
last year.

Tribal Rebellion Strains



Viet Nam Relations

SAIGON (P)-The suppressed revolt of U.S.-trained mountain
tribesmen seemed last night to have put the greatest strain on Ameri-
can-Vietnamese relations since the final weeks of the Ngo Dinh Diem
regime last fall.
American ties with both the government and the tribesmen-
beneficiaries of U.S. military training and aid totaling about $600

League Backs
Rockwell Visit
Women's League Council last
night unanimously passed a mo-
tion giving the Union strong sup-
port in its invitation' to George
Lincoln Rockwell, head of the Naz
Party in America, to speak at the
. Council also approved finan-
cial and space arrangements for
the Union-League merger. All co-
ordinate activities, which will bE
housed in the League, will be han-
dled through the auditor for stu-
dent organizations.
Committee activities, housed ir
the Union with the senior offices,
will rely on a student activities
account in the Union. The League,
which formerly received 50 ceutr
per woman, will transfer this fee
to the account, and the Union
will guarantee an equal allotment
for student activities.
Council recommended discussion
with the merger committee con-
cerning the class status of the ad-
ministrative and coordinating vice-
presidents, and committee mem-
Council will ask that outstand-
ing second semester sophomores'
be allowed.to petition for the ex-
ecutive offices, where juniors are
only allowed to petition now. They
will also recommend that no class
distinction be necessary for com-
mittee members.
Current plans call for eligibility
to be determined by class.

imillion a year for the war against
the Communist Viet Cong-evi-
dently were jeopardized.
High V i e t n a m e s e officials
charged privately that Americans
incited the uprising and then in-
terfered in Vietnamese operations
to suppress it. This was denied by
an official U.S. spokesman.
Meantime nearly 1000 marchers
of several religious sects and po-
litical organizations paraded Sai-
gon streets in a peaceful demon-'
stration that appeared to be more
or less in support of the govern-
ment. One of the organizers was
Pham Bac Cam, leader of the
militant Hao Hao sect
Troops and police, advised that
there might be demonstrations
against 'the government by groups
f r o m the Communist - harassed
Meking Delta area, ran security
, checks on travelers from the Delta
to the capital,;

Grou pOK's.
Aid Measure
WASHINGTON (P)-Acting with,
unprecedented speed, the Senate
Appropriations Committee yester-
day approved, a $3.3-billion for-
eign aid money bill.
The committee acted unexpect-
edly at a closed session without
waiting for final congressional ac-
tion on the foreinn aid authoriza-
tion measure which sets the ceil-
ings for which' the appropriations
bill provides the actual money.
The bill, as it , emerged from
the committee, is only $16.6 mil-
lion below a $3.31 billion total
passed by the House.
It will be brought up in the
Senate for action immediately
after both houses pass the author-
ization bill. The House.voted $3.E
billion in new authorizations, the.
Senate $3.3 billion, the- exact
amount of its appropriation bill.
Senate and House conferees met
informally yesterday morning anc
afternoon on the authorization bill
But they could take no official
actions since the House has yet
to act formally to send the meas-
ure to conference. That, action

Republic of China may ex
first nuclear test bomb in I
future, Secretary of Stat
Rusk said yesterday.
"If it does occur we sha
about it and will make
formation public," Rusk
in a statement.
While cautiously word
statement was one of the si
made recently on the po
that China may be on the'
becoming the fifth power
"nuclear club." The United
Britain, Russia and Fran(
conducted a number of
explosions, France being ti
est developer of atomic we
"For some time it ha
known," Rusk said, "tl
Chinese Communists we
proaching the point whe
might 'be able to detonate
nuclear device. Such an ey
might occur in the near fi
His emphasis on the nea:
and the issuance of the sti
yesterday suggested the po
that the U.S. government
have new intelligence infoi
through diplomatic or othe
nels that the Chinese Com
would hold a test atomic e:
in the next few days,
It was understood howev
the element of timing was
speculative so far as Was
is concerned and is related
other impending - events.
the Chinese anniversary
tion Oct. 1. The other is a r
in Cairo Oct. 5 of about 5
aligned countries.
Speculation in official q
here is that the Chinese
wish to announce a su
atomic explosion in con
with the anniversary or
means of impressing - the
conference with Chinese p
in nuclear science.
Diplomatic officials sai
even if the Chinese carry
first test 'successfully it w
be many years before th
develop the stockpile of 3
and the delivery systems,
airplanes and rockets, ne
to affect the world's nuclea:
The first impact, these a
ties said,' would'be diplom
cause many of the Asian
would undoubtedly be im;
with China's' power -potent
some might feel impelled
assess their diplomatic pos
What if any 'impact a C
test explosion would have
U.S. Presidential campai
mained speculative. But ti
ject of U.S. nuclear weapon
and various aspects of
relations have figured lar
the campaigns of both Pr
Lyndon B. ' Johnson ant
Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz).
State Department officia
they did not think a Chines
munist nuclear explosion
have any drastic effect
nuclear test ban treaty whi
negotiated by the United
Russia and Britain in the s
of 1963 and signed by tt
Aug. 5, 1963. Since then mo
100 other countries hav
scribed to the pact. China

may be taken today.


I I T" -.

'U' Declines Stand on
Charges, Against Hubble
Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis recently
declined comment on the University's position in the alleged dis-
crininatory charges against C. Frank Hubble, manager of the
Parkhurst-Arbordale Apartments.
The University holds the mortgage on the buildings but unless
payments are late or not made, it has no authority to interfere with
the building management's policies.
University students have allegedly been denied apartments there
because - of race or their connection with the Congress of Racial
':'Equality. Lewis said he felt the
Ann Arbor Hurhan Relations Com-
mission was doing an efficient job
of handling the discriminatory

I .


Romney Views Term as Two Years of Progress'

charges. He also said he was not
in a position to comment on the

SGC To Hear
Robbins Talk
United States National Student
Association President S t e p h e r
Robbins will speak to Student Gov-
ernment Council tonight in his


In a campaign address here yesterday, Gov. George Romney
pointed to "the greatest two-year record of progress of any state
in the union" as the reason the voters should return him to Lansing.,
Romney singled out several facets of the surge he said "has put
Michigan at the top of the nation" in progress during his administra-
-"We eliminated the state's $85 million debt and replaced with
a surplus of $50 million."
-State appropriations for higher education went up 20 per
cent, "the greatest increase in the state's history."
-"There are 150,000 more people with jobs in Michigan right
now than at the time I entered office."
Romney also lashed at "political maneuvers of my Democratic
opponents." He aimed special criticism at an advertisement which
anpeared in The Daily yesterday saying his appearance had been

YPSILANTI-Gov. George Rom-
ney continued his campaign for
reelection yesterday defending. his
administration's record of ac-
complishment in education at a
convocation .at Eastern Michigan
"Education first got me involved
in public affairs," Romney said,
"and it has been one of the major
achievements of my administra-
tion that we have' moved the
state's educational system oft of
its troubles of the late 50's and
set it on the road to being the
best in the country.

Special To The Daily


The HRC heard the test case of do
the Fair Housing Ordinance last
spring when Bunyon Bryant, Grad, "
claimed that Hubble would not ti
rent him an apartment because p
of his race. W
The commission referred the in
charge to Municipal Court. Hubble, o
however, said the ordinance was nu
invalid with the creation of the
State Civil Rights Commission te
under the new constitution. This fo
case had to be tried before the na
original discrimination charge fr
could be heard. be
Municipal Court Judge Francis sI
O'Brien declared the ordinance
unconstitutional. City Attorney ti
Jacob Fahrner is now appealing nu
his decision in Circuit Court. The U

Rusk said in his stf
the, United States h
cipated the possibi
ing's entry into
eapons field and r
nto full account in
ur military posture

iuclear weapons pro
"We would deplore
esting in the face c
rts made by alm
ations to protect ti
om further contami
kin to put limita
piraling arms race,"
State Department
hey did not believe t
iuclear explosion wo
nited States to ma


: :;; .


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