Seventy-Fifth Year 0 EDrrED AND MANAGED B STUDENTS OF THE UNIVETSrTY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS w'sh IP"AI °71 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Truth Wm lprevail Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FAR AWAY GOALS ... Callior Higher Educa tion Discussion TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID BLOCK The Warren Report: Where Are the Doubts? YOU ARE EARL WARREN. At first you rejected the offer to head the now-famous investigation into the assassination of John F. Kennedy. But, here, only a week after that tragic event, the new President was delivering an un- refusable ultimatum. "The position of the United States is severely shaken," he was saying. "Abroad, nations are watching with eagerness the breakdown of law and order here. At home, extremist sentiment is getting un- precedented airing as the conspiracy theories gain greater validity." "We must have a report, formulated by men of spotless reputation, which un- equivocably states that Oswald killed Kennedy, and rejects just as strongly the possibility of his having an accomplice." And with those words as a spur, you leave the White House to begin the per- petration of history's greatest hoax. IMPOSSIBLE? The above is only hypo- thetical. It has no basis in documented fact. But it is an outside possibility which, along with a lot of other outside possi- bilities, calls for skepticism toward the Warren Commission and its report. For the great tragedy of the Warren re- port is that in its painstaking brilliance-- the testimony, the scientific study, the on-the-spot reenactments - an official and unchallengable history has emerged. There will be questions from crackpot groups who see holes in the evidence. And there will be bodies formed by the Presi- dent, the press, the federal agencies to enact the commission's recommendations. BUT WILL ANYONE look beyond the questions of who killed Kennedy and what should be done to better safeguard the President? Will anyone ask: what would the commission have done if it found the evidence inconclusive; and, as a corollary to that question, why was the commission really formed? The commission is, by its own admis- sion, not a court. And yet it has pronounc- ed a man guilty and a conspiracy non- existent with the same finality as a de- cision emerging from the bench. From the beginning the report has been heralded as the definitive source of the assassination. In announcing the es- tablishment of a commission, Johnson made it clear that this group was to supersede a Texas court of inquiry, fed- eral agencies, even Congress itself-all bodies which were suggested as investiga- tors. BUT IN AN ERA of history where the CIA. can allegedly launch an invasion of Cuba without the President's orders, when a Bobby Baker could be serving any senator, or when the secret service can neglect to examine the buildings lin- ing the route of a presidential motorcade, public skepticism toward anything offi- cial is warranted. It is ironic that the very report which scathes FBI and secret service, Dallas police and military intelligence branches should itself be greeted so sacrosanctly. THERE IS NO WAY to prove that the Warren Commission was rigged, or that its findings were presupposed in the brief chat of the President and chief justice at the White House last November. Nor is there any reason to doubt the com- mission's findings as they are chronicled. The operations of the commission have admittedly been above reproach. Sound procedures were observed to insure that no rights of persons living or dead were violated. The investigation and even the writing were done by officials and scien- tists who have demonstrated before their meticulous concern with detail. NICHOLAS D. KAZARINOFF I BELIEVE THAT each graduate of an accredited Michigan high school should be guaranteed op- portunity to obtain higher educa- tion at a Michigan institution at nominal cost. I also believe that each Michigan public high school that is not now accredited should, by improvement or consolidation, become a comprehensive, ac- credited high school. These goals seem far from reach today, but they will be even farther off in the future unless the people of Michigan demand that their state and local govern- ments act to attain them. I also believe that a step to- ward attainment of the first goal is a state board of higher educas tion that sets the policy for high- er education in the state, how many institutions there should be, what should be the role of each, what appropriationsthey should receive and what fees they should charge. I am writing this article to dis- cuss these beliefs and to contrib- ute to discussion of t h e m throughout the state. * * * THE NORTHWEST Ordinance is revered because it gave rise to the policy of at least a grade company. Our Ohio neighbors have just embarked on a course of centralizing planning and con- trol for higher education: to pro- vide faculty and facilities for rap- idly increasing numbers of under- graduates and expansion and im- provement of graduate educatior judged necessary to keep Ohio in a state of economic prosperity.' The Ohio State Board of Regents, created in 1963, is responsible for coordinating both academic andf financial activities of all state- supported institutions of higher education. California has long hY d such a state board, and Cali- fornia is the only populous state of the Union that has a system of state colleges and universities equipped to educate today's youth and prepared in an orderly way to educate tomorrow's. Here the state chapters of the American Association of Univer- sity Professors Committee on Higher Education in Michigan has recently issued a report recom- mending that such a board be created in Michigan. In passing, I note that this is a committee of professors, not of regents or presidents. . * * * IT IS TIME for professors and high officials to propose and to clamor for action to meet the NICHOLAS D. KAZARINOFF, associate professor of mathematics, is currently on leave at the Courant Institute at New York University, where he is doing research. He came to the University in 1956 from Purdue University. During the 1960-61 academic year he was an exchange professor in Mos- cow, sponsored by the State Department and the National Science Foundation. THIS IS NOT ENOUGH. The report itself, dramatic yet biased, fluent yet carefully footnoted, demonstrate the weakness of the system which would have been used for Jack Ruby's fatal bullet. un- may trial save in various areas of the state and for larger state appropriations. We are not facing questions as: should there be more than one school of forestry in the state, should a university offer a special curriculum for future hotel man- agers. * * * THE FUTURE residential col- lege was approved by the literary college and the Regents with lit- tle idea of its cost, or of the cost of possible alternative. Does not the decision to establish a new, residential college on our cam- pus (several more are shown on maps exhibited by University planners) properly belong to a state board advised by qualified experts? Perhaps the next step in ex- panding higher education facili- ties in Ann Arbor should be to es- tablish a community college. Many community and juniorcol- leges must necessarily be created in the next few years. But I do not believe they should sprout here and there as municipalities vote funds. They should be sup- ported by the state and located where they can best serve the peo- ple of the state. Local school dis- tricts are just too hard pressed to be forced to carry the com- munity and junior college burden The existing state board of edu- cation, also, has more than enough to do in improving sec- ondary and primary education. I would like to suggest what might be done to establish a strong state board of higher edu- cation in Michigan. University and college presidents and trus- tees should act together in per- suading the governor and legisla- ture to create such a board. Lo- cal school boards might exert a powerful influence. Professors and students should present their views. The voices of labor, busi- ness and other community lead- ers also ought to be heard. The facts should be presented not only to the legislature but to the pub- lic. For this the cooperation of the state's newspapers is neces- sary. I urge Gov. Romney, Staeb- ler and the candidates for the legislature to discuss in their campaigns the problems of high- er education in Michigan and proposals for solutions. * * * LASTLY, I WOULD like to dis- cuss briefly the delicate problem of the relationship between a new state board of higher educa- tion and the existing boards of regents and trustees. I do not think that the University's reg- ents, in particular, should object to a state board of higher edu- cation taking over some of their responsibility for planning and policy. It seems to me that the regents, president and vice-presi- dents of the University are at presesnt too far removed from students and professors. Much of their time that is now spent on problems of statewide concern could well be used to deal with local problems, and there are many of them. Some are small: two summers ago a new sidewalk was construct- ed in front of the south wing of Angell Hall together with a wide apron by the street. But last sum- mer the apron was unnecessarily torn up and replaced. Last sum- mer administrative action gave rise to the North Campus park- ing issue. And some of the problems are large: should senior scientists working on givernment sponsored research projects in University laboratories be given Academic tenure; should the president and vice-presidents of the University have executive committees of pro- fessors to assist them in making policy, just as the literary college dean and department chairman do? There are many more impor- tant University problems which merit the attention of able men. * * * WE IN MICHIGAN are in the midst of a higher education crisis, but we are also part of a rich and relatively free society that is ... ROLE FOR STATE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: The Rockwell Speech: Hand-to-Hand Combat But the document has stamped a sin- gular clear-cut impression on the minds of the public. Oswald did it. No one helped him. The public accepts this. The guilt is passed to the Secret Service and the press who will now thoroughly inves- tigate their procedures as the report sug- gests. BUT WHERE ARE the doubts? In a courtroom proceeding, the doubts would be built-in. Federal officials would testify against each other. Doctors would say Kennedy was shot from the front. Mrs. Oswald's testimony would have been probed, not by the head of the CIA, but by an eager defense attorney anxious to whisk all the dirt out from under the rug. A conspiracy theory would have been supported by more than the difficulty of "proving negatives to a certainty." ALL THE FACTS uncovered by the com- mission may be true. They may not. The public, however, should not hasten to swallow without reservation a document which is based largely on the wonders of science and the testimony of federal offi- cials. In particular, it should maintain a skepticism toward any commission which has, from its inception, been geared to tying all the loose knots. Otherwise, the next logical step would be to advocate shooting Jack Ruby to- morrow so that a fair and logical inves- tigation of his case can be made. -LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM school education for each Amer- ican child. This policy was grad- ually extended. By the 1940's it was recognized (except in the South, which even today tolerates illiteracy) that each of our citi- zens should be a high school graduate, and in the 1960's it has become apparent that society re- quires still more education for the entire population, from future farmer and factory worker to fu- ture physicist a n d physician. Moreover, much of our adult pop- ulation requires additional edu- cation to modify old skills for to- day's tasks or to obtain new skills. Education can save the ghetto-bound, the unemployed and the delinquent. Even to vote intelligently in 1964 requires knowledge and per- spective that but a short time ago was held by only a very few, for our elected officials propose and enact legislation dealing with ex- ceedingly complex human en- deavors. To understand charge,- of missile gaps, loss of capacity to deliver nuclear weapons, and ir- responsible fingers on "nuclear triggers", a citizen needs much education -education that will enable him to contribute his best to society, not only through good citizenship but by honest labor as well. In 1964, that each Michigan citizen should receive some sort of higher education need only be proclaimed; it is too obvious to require debate. THE CREATION OF a power- ful state board of higher educa- tion is a much more subtle issue and requires discussion and jus- tification-more than I am either qualified or able to provide. Yet I am reassured to have joined good fighting to survive in an awaken- ing world which is jealous of our way of life and is not fitted to adopt our institutions. At the same time, with over five million Americans unemployed, America faces rotting from within. Educa- tion may well be the key to our very survival. The people of Michigan cannot afford not to meet and solve their education problems. NEXT WEEK: Abraham Kaplan state crisis in higher education on a statewide basis. Each of us should stand and be heard every day until Michigan has overcome the crisis. Perhaps I am wrong but I suspect that might involve a change in perspective for many. In Ann Arbor, professors have been frankly told by administra- tors that the University must ex- pand and expand lest state ap- propriations, therefore professors' salaries, not expand. This is not the position from which we at the University should act to meet the future. Many of our large problems are the state's problems. Their solution should be guided by what is best for the young men and women of Michigan not by the principle of "more students, more money" held by ny~v rioum state legishtors. Michigan's state colleges and uni- versities must provide the lead- ership to replace that short-sight- ed and mistaken principle. What may be lost in the short run is perhaps a necessary sacrifice to win a great cause. Someone may object that we in Michigan are taking orderly and intelligent steps to resolve thc higher education crisis. I perceive evidence to the contrary. The number of high school graduateF is increasing rapidly each year. On the other hand, this fall large numbers of students, admitted to the University in the summer. were forced to sleep in crowded temporary quarters. And from year to year the number of class- rooms on our central campus de- creases. This University is simul- taneously adopting a three semes- ter system and asking the legis- lature for money for a new kind of college. We and our sister in- stitutions complete for. branches To the Editor: CORRESPONDENTS on both sides of the Rockwell question seem to share a taste for authority ethics. The recurrent technique is to produce a definition of the University from which one's posi- tion on Rockwell seems to follow with axiomatic force. We are ask- ed to affirm or deny the right- ness of the invitation on grounds that it does or does not conform to the "function" of the Univer- sity. Education must expose us to our time, therefore invite him; it should be the partisan of value; therefore take the invitation back. But isn't this too easy? Doesn't it leave the real issues untouched? At least it doesn't seem to change anyone's mind. Nor should it. These "definitions" seem to be mercenaries. We confront an ethi- cal ventriloquism in which our de- bater sets the institutional dummy on his knee, using its mouth for his own otherwise less imposing opinions. People bred to such dis- course of moderation may expect me to strangle on my impudence, but I say a stronger reason for closing the door than any so far given- is that Rockwell's speaking here may break Paul Ilie's heart. Such a reason has content and it moves me. * * * BUT I STILL VOTE for Rock- well's appearance. One reason is that the priority issue now ap- pears to be, not the rightness of' the Union's invitation, but the Union's freedom to invite. If the Union now recants, you will never convince me that institutional had nothing to do with it. (Re- call the Rockwell story at Ohio State?) Only in a severely dis- rupted society can established liberalism even consider the use of pre-emptive political techni- ques. Otherwise, anything short of total ideological toleration is il- liberal folly. Surely all of us are free to make our claims about the Union's (perhaps) bizarre ideas; but we are not free to ease our grievance at the expense of the Union's freedom to browse at the fringe. And I would want Rockwell to come in any case. Not for what that might prove the University to be, nor for what he can teach me about Nazism. He cannot af- fect the University, and I already know about Nazism. The point is in fact that he is not a teacher; further, that he is not a "political" figure at all. Rockwell is essen- tially alone. In effect, he is the Nazi. This means the encounter which his visit portends is not a dramatization of a greater social encounter. When one of us rises to damn his brutal nonsense, it will not be a.s if a hero of democracy is rising against a hero of tyranny. The victory and defeat of it will be instantaneous and personal be- tween me and Rockwell, Paul Ilie and Ro)ckwell, Rudy Schmerl and Rockwell, this Jew and that Ne- gro and Rockwell. DON'T WE really know this? His 'appearance is not political. That's just what makes it so pierc- ing. My side won and his side lost, and what happens in the ballroom won't change that. But will he make me look like a fool? Will he have a dozen well-tuned tricks for each move I make? If the whole thing really had to be argu- ed through all over again, and if it were I on whom humanity de- pended, could I come through? Paul Ilie's romantic liberalism, his sense of the remote and rare, his learning: would these be equip- ment enough? And Rudy Schmerl, as I recall a warm man and a bad chess player: can he whet his power on that nightmare, that lesser Hitler? Or will we all just stand there gawking and beguiled? This is a hand-to-hand matter. I expected a little pride, .some high blood, a little majesty for a small crisis. Yes, gayety, even that! I was surprised to find such learned keening. For it is not Rockwell who is being offered us. It is we who are being offered Rockwell. And the only invitation that we even might retract now is the one which the Union, in its maybe accidental wisdom, has of- fered us. want to hear Rockwell and to see him. As a student of Nazi history (German variety), I feel I have a right to observe Rockwell in per- son. I have spent countless hours browsing through every sort of Nazi publication available, and can vouch that nothing in these publications can match the under- standing gained from even a film of a Nurnberg Parteitag, let alone viewing a Nazi in person. Thus the statement by Rudolf B. Schmerl (Letters to the Editor, 24 September), "University stu- dents can learn more about Nazism, German and American, by going to the library than by listening to the leader of the American Nazi party" is not a sufficient statement of what edu- cation involves. * *,* BUT IT WOULD be far more significant and dangerous for the University to develop an attitude which Mr. Schmerl advocates. He states: "It strikes me as peculiar that Mr. Warren and his com- mittee have the power to decide that it's more important for this years undergraduates to have the opportunity to hear the Nazi than for the University, which will be here for some time to come, to assign a level of dignity to its platforms beneath which it will not descend." Clearly, this means that the University has some sort of obli- gation to ignore anything that it considers beneath its dignity. The very dignity of the University demands that it open its eyes and mind to-all aspects of. life regard- less of what it's academic judge- ments of these may be. The Uni- versity cannot afford to delude itself and others into thinking that by ignoring something it will go away (it is important to re- member that the Universities of pre-Hitler Germany were quite aloof from life.) Thus the University has an obligation to all students to expose them to as many aspects of today's society as possible, whether the students and University believe or approve these or not. And since one of these aspects happens to be Rockwell and his beliefs, stu- dents deserve to hear him too. -Margaret K. Evatt, Grad To the Rescue To the Editor: QOME STUDENTS and faculty members dedicate late even- ing hours to intellectual growth or academic chores. They study from ten o'clock until midnight, staying awake either by sheer force of character or else by courtesy of station WQRS-FM (105.1 mega- cycles), whose Angela McBride brightens their lives with The World of Music. I believe that many scholars would retire earlier (mens sana in corpore sano!), were it not for music by Pergolesi, Frescobaldi, Couperin, or Rameau. Awake, come to life, and take vigorous steps! Your favorite sta- tion is in danger of being sold to out-of-state commercial interests that would undoubtedly replace Palestrina with Chaikovsky. The station's technical staff has form- ed the Art Center Broadca.sting Foundation (P.O. Box A-816, De- troit, Michigan, 48232). The foun- dation hopes to prevent the pro- posed transaction, to buy the sta- tion, and to continue its operation with the voluntary support of listeners. If your snobbish tastes reflect intrinsic qualities of your personality, write the foundation a letter of praise/ that can be shown to the Federal Communica- tions Commission. Also, send a check or a few dollar bills to help in the purchase. In case your letter is trite, your money will speak for you with such a com- manding voice that you may hear it throughout the coming years. --George Piranian Professor of Mathematics AFECIGGE Again To the Editor: W* YT71TTrnT.T T TV..t.0 rh ffp',.a I The One-Third Housemother THE SOLUTION to the housing prob- lem has come to mind - eight-hour housemothers. The housemother is a lady whose func- tions are rather vaguely defined, but she has one characteristic which must be em- phasized. She has two rooms and a bath. Is she your friend and confidante. Your counselor? Your mother away from home? The counselor-mother-friend ideal is gen- erally laughable, but the lack of this function is critical to the argument. IT IS ENTIRELY POSSIBLE that as a freshman woman you can get through an entire semester-even two-without H. NEIL BERKSON, Editor KENNETH WINTER EDWARD HERSTETN Managing Editor Editorial Director ANN GWIRTZMAN ... ............ Personnel Director BILL BULLARD.................... Sports Editor MICHAEL SATTINGER ... Associate Managing Editor JOHN KENNY.......... Assistant Managing Editor DEBORAH BEATTIE......Associate Editorial Director LOUISE LIND ....Assistant Editorial Director in Charge of the Magazine TOM ROWLAND........Associate Sports Editor GARY WYNER ............Associate Sports Editor STEVEN HALLER...Contributing Editor MARY LOU BUTCHER.r..r.. Contributing Editor CHARLES TOWLE....Contributing Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: David Block, John Bryant, Jeffrey Goodman, Robert Hippler, Laurence Kirshbaum. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Gail Blumberg, Rob- ever seeing your housemother except to sign out for vacations and weekends. If you took the initiative you could encoun- ter her-cordially distributing late min- utes, semesterly offering tomato juice and Ritz crackers, popping up at your table for dinner. But you can get along with- out her all right. On the other hand, someone has to sign you in and out, someone must be in the dorm as a representative of law and order, and someone ought to be around to talk to your parents. These functions, however, can be considered daily ones, as opposed to nightly, and do not merit two rooms and a bath-a small office, maybe. REDUCE THE HOUSEMOTHER to one- third her former size-an 8 to 5 desk job and a corresponding salary cut-with resident advisors working nights, and the mathematical reverberations are heart- warming. To date, there are 51 housemothers in suites in the dorms and quads. Four stu- dents could be moved into each suite ... for a grand reorganization of 204 displac- ed persons-half the number that over- crowded the residence halls this fall. With the two-thirds salary cut, over a period of years a new residence hall ,t - , ~ . a 4} u; '. r y p_ ' 1 t jt r . t { Y,'' ; a.'r 3 ,, .. . , . s 3 ,ty, 4 " _, ,',." 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