Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Increasing cloudiness
and warmer
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Diceait m strations
GM May ..Quarter of LSA Studer
Take Case
-Troops and police Troops were reported planning
v demonstrptions in to stop anyone trying to ente
n the wake of riots the city on the main road leading
that led to three north from the delta. It was along
this same road that rebel troop;
sous sects and stu- entered Saigon Sept. 13 in ar
d to take to the abortive coup attempt.
Police had orders to turn bac
tentially dangerous persons carrying clubs or other
Eoa Hoa, a quasi- weapons.
ry sett with super- It was expected that anothei
3uddhism. A group armed sect, the Cao Dai, might
planned'.a protest also try to make trouble in the
capital from the city. These two sects and certain
elta. youth groups supposedly are angry
g at the composition of the 17-mem-
r ber High National Council creat-
g ed last week to set up the ma-
g chinery for a new civilian govern-
s ment.
To Court
Plan Summer Attendan
n Mandate to Get Tough DETROIT ()-General Motors
This time it appeared, however. hit by a strike of some 260,000
that government security agencies United Auto Workers union mem-
Shave; a wide mandate toy get tough bers, threatened yesterday to take
Meanwhile in Ban Me Thuot, Ercourt action against the union for
tienamese army task force 'ls picketing."
y iaesteray asfrc bs- what the company branded "illegal
ed in yesterday and quietly took As contract negotiations were
over the main camp of the United resumed yesrday o
States-trained mountain tribesmen warned the UAW to stop pickets
who rebelled Sept. 19. at eight locations from "illegally
Hundreds of infantrymen, para- preventing employes not involved
troopers and rangers made the in the strike from entering the
drive on Buon Sar Pa, 25 miles plants."
west of this heavily garrisoned Louis Seaton, GM vice-president
city in Viet Nam's central high- for personnel, said company and
lands. They ran up South Viet union negotiators had a "healthy"
Nam's red-striped yellow flag ai discussion about the problem.
its heart. Give Chance
Rebel leader Y Bham and hi, "We are willing to give the un-
top lieutenants were missing, along ion a chance to correct the situa-
with a 150-man company, but no tion," Seaton told newsmen. "But
resistance was reported from an3 if they are unsuccessful, it leaves
Vandals Tear Down Poster
of aboi
duty at
Viet Na
South V
Far' Ea
search 21
South V
we wan
upon us
tion," B
say inI
Asian s
areas th
A hig
areas in
areas c
Tie s
war agi
South N
within s
can poli
Vandals tore down this poster early yesterday morning. It was
put up by the Students for ,Romney to announce the governor's
campaign speech today. Romneyite Alan Sager, '65L, convinced
that the act was intentional vandalism, declared, "I wonder now
which side has the real extremists."
Activity Survey Indicates-
Interests of Freshmen
4.udent organizations for the first time have a means of locating
prospective members among incoming freshmen and transfer
An. activity interest survey which the University gave to 1500
students during the last four weeks of summer orientation provides
the information.
gut 300 tribesmen found o7
the camp..
S. Warns
e, U
Xi*e t Nami
YO (')-The United StateE
today that increasee
nist pressure, including
-up infiltration from North
am, could 4force it into an
on of the war outside
iet Nam.
American position wa,
out by William P. Bundy
zt secretary of state for
astern affairs, in a major
address before the Re-
Institute of Japan.
ansion of the war outside
iet Nam, while not a course
t or seek, could be forced
by the increased external
es of the Communists, in-
a rising scale of infiltra-
undy said.
American official did not
his 18-page survey of the
situation how or to what
.e war might be extended.
gh American source said
y, however, that U.S. con-
y plans include possible
g of infiltration staging
North Viet Nam and key
on the infiltration route
ame source also said the
ainst the Communists in'
!iet Nam could be ended
a few months if the in-
ns from the north were
said the aim of Ameri-
cy is to assist South Viet
maintaining its independ-
id its control over the ter-
loted it by the 1954 Ge-
eements which divided the
into two at the 17th par-
do not aim at overthrow-
Communist regime of
iet Nam, but rather at in-
t to call off the war it
nd supports in South Viet
t said.
believe it essential to the
of the free world that
iet Nam not be permitted
nder Communist control,':
oes the rest of Southeast
uld be in danger of fall-,'
nd the "Bamboo Curtain,' i
ime, India, Australia and
would be threatened, he1
legal steps."
Two trouble spots already had
been cleaned up, a GM spokesman
said. Plants involved were lcat-
ed in Indiana, Michigan, Pennsyl-
vania and California.
A company spokesman said that
in most cases, the pickets were
blocking plant gates and refusing
to permit salaried workers to
. hsImpairing Efforts
"This illegal picketing is ser-
iously impairing efforts to resolve
local bargaining issues at these
plants," Seaton said.
"If free ingress and egress to
our plants, offices and property
continues to be' prohibited or in-
terferred with, General Motors
will be forced to resort to such
legal means asit considers neces-
sary and appropriate to correct!
r the situation and protect its in-
terests in those not involved in
the union's strike."
UAW President Walter Reuther,
told newsmen that the, situation1
couldnbe betterhdescribed as''ill
advised rather than illegal picket-t
No New Slowdown
The picketing problem did not
appear to slow down efforts to
obtain a national agreement onf
the non-economic issues which
touched off the strike Friday,
halting the production of GM's#
1965 autos.
Both sides agreed to tacklel
through subcommittees such mat-
ters as production standards, sub-c
contracting and working condi-r
tions. Neither Seaton nor Reuthert
would say whether they were more
optimistic or pessimistic over the
the possibility of On early settle-c
ment of the nationwide walkout.
Even if a national agreement isv
forthcoming, nearly 18,000 locala
at-the-plant demands must be re-e
Local Negotiations to
Reuther said local level nego-v
tiations have been expedited and
occasionally - when a deadlockt
appears--have received the atten-.
tion of the national bargainingh
The GM strike involves abouta
65 per cent of some 350,000 union-F
represented workers.
As part of its selective strikeo
strategy, the UAW has ordered thev
others to continue working ats
plants which turn out parts andn
accessories that are sold to GM's
competitors, Ford, Chrysler and s
American Motors Corp. '
The union already has reachedB
agreement with Ford and Chrys-"
ler, although local problems are n
still pending at some Ford plants.
In addition, wildcat strikes have l
plagued Ford at Cleveland over i
the suspension of a union repre- i
sentative. le
ri I ,us with no choice but to take
Senate Votes
To Fill Post
approved yesterday a constitution
al amendment which providesf
method for filling the office c
vice-president when a vacanc
occurs, as is the situation now.
The proposal now goes to th
House wherc there is no chanc
of any action on it this session.
Sponsors of the amendment saic
however, they hope the Senat
vote would give the plan a boos
for favorable action next year b
both branches. Then, it would sti
require ratification by at leas
three-fourths of the states to be
come effective.
Establish Method
The Senate acted by voice vote
Only nine Senators were presen
and all appeared to say "aye." Sen
Lee Metcalf (D-Mont), presiding
said that in his opinion the neces
sary two-thirds had voted for it.
The amendment provides tha
when the office of vice-presiden
is vacant, "the President shal
nominate a vice-president whC
shall take office upon confirma-
tion by a majority of both house
of Congress."
On the question !of disability
the amendment states that if y
President declares he is unable. t
discharge his duties, they shall b
turned over to the vice-president
If a disabled President refuse
to step aside, the vice-president
could take over by transmitting to
Congress, with the concurrence
of a majority of the heads of
executive departments or such
other body as Congress may desig-
nate, his written declaration that
the President is unable to dis-
charge the powers and duties of
his office.
In either eventuality, the Presi-
dent could resume his office by
notifying Congress that no fur-
ther inability exists.
Could Force Congress
However, the vice - president
could force Coiigress to decide this
issue if he advised the legislators,
with the written concurrence of
a majority of the heads of the
executive departments or such
other body as Congress may by
law provide, that the President
was unable to serve properly.
In this situation, if Congress by
two-thirds vote of both branches
decides the President cannot
handle his office, the vice-presi-
dent would continue to serve as
acting President. Otherwise, the
President would resume his office.
The proposed amendment is the
outgrowth of a lengthy study
which began soon after the assas-
sination of President John F. Ken-
nedy last year.
Sen. Birch Bayh (D-Ind), chief
sponsor of the measure, pointed
out that the problems involved
have been studied for many years.
But he said Kennedy's death
"made dramatically evident" the
need to find a solution.
Bayh said the experience of the
ast year has convinced him "there
s a tremendous grass roots feel-
ng of urgency to solve this prob-
Would enroll in IIlA or IIIB or both (III)
Would not enroll during third term
Other Unit
Would enroll in IIA or IIIB or both (III)
Would not enroll during third term
Literary College Students
Would enroll in IIIA or IIIB or both (III)
Would not enroll during third term
IIIA only
IIIB only
Third Term Survey Results
Of Stu
Total Response (literary college and
other units)
'Mans field Ci tesBills
rec esdets
.o Prt' r"sd
WASHINGTON ()--Sen. Mike Mansfield (D-Mont), the Senate Questionnaires for the
Democratic leader, said yesterday it is "perhaps too late" for Congress were circulated Sept. 10 an(
to act before adjourning on. the Warren Commission's recommenda- The sample consisted c
tions for guarding presidents. literary college students; C
' But such legislation should be made "one of the first orders of 937-14.2 per cent-said tl-
business" when the flew Congress convenes in January, he said. interested in attending b
The commission, among other things, recommended enactment IIA and IIIB half-terms,
of a bill making it a federal crime to assassinate a President or vice !summer term. AnotherE
president. Such a crime, unless committed on a. federal reservation thr ent--af-temol0
or other place where the federal government has specific jurisdiction, dred twelve-1.7 per cent
v i now puznishable only under; thev would afttnd the IT
On Tri-Ter
Results Higher Tlh
Expected for Half
Or Full Third Per
More than 25 per cent c
literary college students res
ing to a recent survey pla
attend one or both half-se
of the newly instituted
Associate Dean William
of the literary college said ti
sponse was somewhat higher
had been expected.
The survey was designe
give planners an idea of how
students would want which C
es in the summer term.,
The term's schedule pro
two half-terms-IIIA and I
to run from May 3 to Jun
and June 25 to August 18, re
tively, and a full third term-
--to run May 3 to August 18.
The newly formed Student Em
ployes Union of the Universit
elected temporary officers at it
first meeting Sunday.
The executive board include
Barry Bluestone, '66, president
Dave Salmon, '66, vice-president
and Hugh Grambau, '65, secretary
treasurer. The board will drafti
constitution and a set of by-law
to be approved by the union.
The union also elected six mem
bers for a committee to work wit]
the executive board. Its miajoi
functions will be recruiting mem.
bers and handling publicity to ed
ucate the public of the purpose o
the union.,
Various ideas were presented a
the meeting as guidelines for the
structure and preliminary action
of the union. The group wil
probably not be affiliated with
any state or national union and
will probably not involve the lega
procedures of a big union, Gram.
bau said. ,
He added that the union would
act as a responsible group and
would study the situations of stu-
dent employes at the University
before making any requests of ad-
ministration officials.
However, these ideas are subject
to the approval of the entire group
once the constitution has been
written and are not yet final,
Bluestone said.,
y°a " " jLIC WtLUK ClWe 1
state law. only.
Await Recommendations 2 1,252' Graduates
Talking with reporters, wians-
field said it might be well for
Congress to await the recom-
mendations of a special panel
named by President Lyndon B.
Johnson to weigh the suggestions
of the Warren Commission.
"There is considerable work to'
be done on this in the executive
branch," he added. "But I believe
we can make it one of the first
orders of business for the new
Congress." f
Earlier, Mansfield had said in
an interview that he felt Congress
should stay in session to act
swifty on recommendations for
tightened security in the guard-
ing of presidents.
Discuss Procedure
Sen. Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill),
the Republican leader, said pro-
See related stories, Page 3
trvey also samp
students and 1
literary coll
who are takir
exary college.
Graduate students interest
attending both half-terms
bered 474-23.3 per cent. A:
er 204-27.2 per cent-said
would attend the IIIA half.
only. Seventy-9.2 per cent-
cated an interest in the IIIB
term only.
Among non-literary college
dergraduates, 271-15.0 per
-said they would attend
half-terms. Only 37-2.5 per
--expressed an interest in
alone, while 149-8.2 per cen
said they would attend IIIA o:
Assistant Director of Admi&
Byron Groesbeck said the rela
ly small number of students
terested in the IIIB term w
be supplemented by the "g
students-those who attend
summer classes at the Unive
--who would ordinarily enro
that time. The IIIB term run
the same time as old-summer
Last summer nearly
"guests" were enrolled, Groes
pointed out.
Major Advantage
The survey asked students to describe their' interests in high Nam in
school activities and to list, in order of preference, which activities ence an
would interest them at the Uni- ritory- ar
versity. neva agr
John Feldkamp, assistant to the Prhld rodigy 'country.
director of student activities and: allel.
organizations, recently outlined! EAST LANSING (P)-Mich- "We d
the plan under which the Univer- igan State University will reg. ing the
sity is distributing thei forms. ister Thursday one of the North Vi
It is giving each student's ques- youngest persons ever to enter ducing i
tionnaire first to the organization ' college anywhere, anytime. directs a
he has listed as his first choice. .He is 10-year-old Michael Nam," hi
After the organization listed first _irost of Lansing, and he'll be "We hi
has used and returned the forms, entering as a regular freshman, interests
the University will then redistri- During the past year he at- South V
bute them to the students' second tended MSU in an unofficial to fall u
choices. The process will continue status, and took the equivalent he said.
until the choices on each form of 38 hours of classroom work If it d
have been exhausted. in history, humanities, natural Asia wou
Distribution of the forms to the science and mathematics. He ing behin
students' first choices is now un- accumulated an A-minus aver- and in t
-derway. age. Japan w
"If the reaction from student said.
organizations is favorable, we will'
probably run the survey again I
,next' summer," Feldkamp com- 'YD OUTDOOR RALLY:
mented. "But we won't know that
until organizations have used it
in response to a letter from Dailya
Editor H. Neil Berkson, '65. He
expressed concern over the dele- By JOHN BRYANT
tion of "Campus Closeups" from
the orientation schedule. Democratic gubernatorial candidate Rep
"Campus Closeups" were an ripped into his Republican opponent Gov. G
orientation feature in which lead- on two fronts: cooperation with the federal g
ers of student organizations spoke bility for the state's prosperity and financial
to freshmen about the activities
of their groups.. Staebler spoke at an open-air rally spons
In the letter, Berkson expressed crats on the League Mall. The rally followed
concern about "the effect this will radio debate between Mark Killingsworth, '6
have on activities at a time when for Staebler, and Allen Sager, '65L, chairman
they are really suffering a serious "In voting for a Republican ticket, you
personnel shortage. don't believe in cooperating with the federa
In a letter answering Berksondntbleei oprtn ihtefdr
E. Jack Petoskey, director of solve problems," Staebler asserted. "Romney-
orientation, explained that "Cam- federal government and thus is allowing st
pus Closeups" were eliminated be- solved."
cause reports from orientation While declining to go into these problem
leaders indicated "that the stu- "Romney's intimation that we have' no pro
dents were being subjected to- schools, high-school dropouts, highways, h
icks Romney's No Problems Campaign
cedure likely will be discussed
t when the Senate Judiciary Com-
e mittee, of which he is a member,
S meets today.
Several bills already are pend-
ing before the committee which
d would make it a federal, crime to
1 kill .a President or vice president.
The. committee is expected to
take up legislation sponsored by
I Mansfield and Dirksen to provide
I Secret Service protection for
candidates for President and vice
president in the future.
Extend Protection
Its enactment w'o u 1d extend
such protection to GOP presi-
dential nominee Barry Goldwater
and the two major party vice pres-
idential candidates.'
Dirksen - described the commis-
sion's report as "a thorough-going
job" but said he didn't believe the
staff which drafted it got suffi-
cient credit as one of the ablest
and most competent such groups'
even assembled.
He said he thought the sum-
mary was "entirely too long." And
he said he was not too sure "the
sharp criticisms of the Secret
Service and the FBI were well
Dirksen said that the committee
should hear testimony from FBI
Director J. Edgar Hoover before
recommending legislation in this
Board To Hear
PUlan for Arena
Athletic Director H. 0. (Fritz)
Crisler disclosed yesterday -.the
latest plans for the University
Events Building, primarily design-I
ed as a basketball arena.
But Hays explained that t
jor advantage of the exi
third term will be for thoE
plan to continue at the Univ
He indicated that the
emphasis in IIIA would be
level .distribution courses, sii
half-term would begin too 1
June high school gra.
Enough first-semester coun
be offered, however, to acci
date those January graduat
want to start their schooll
fore the regular fall term.
The number of such fi:
mestor courses offered in III
be larger than that offer
IIIA, since some June gra
will also be enrolled.
Groesbeck noted that II
IIIB or both will be used i
tially alleviating the overcrc
which the University anti
next fall. But he said the
to which the admissions d
ment will encourage high
graduates to enroll before :
in order to complete some s
ing ahead of time-will c
both on how large the f
wishes the third term to b2
on the proportion of lowe
courses offered.
Course Statistics
The largest number of
planning to attend some
term session indicated they
take one or more courses
. Neil Staebler (D-Mich)
reorge Romney last night
government and responsi-
ored by the Young Demo-
i a torchlight parade and
5, chairman of Students
of Students for Romney.
u're voting for men who
l government in order to
is basically afraid of the
tate problems to go un- j
ms in detail, he attacked
blems. In areas such as
igher education, mental
. . s .- ;