13 California .... 20 Ohio State .... 27 1 North Carolina ....14 SMU..... .... 8 Michigan State. 21 l5 NotreDame ... 31 Navy .... . Wisconsin ..... 7 Boston Collea 35 6 i Kentucky ..... 27 Slippe mississi' ni 21 Edinh Qj I ~~ . - ... nbjd~iI'F.I ru &J( A LESSON AT CAMPAIGN SCHOOL See Editorial Page Sr iganA Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom i1 PARTLY CLOUD High-66 Low--46 Diminishing winds with cooling trend XXV, No.n . L1 ANN ARBOR,, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. 1964 -12LItIVIV !IL furro a, vv~i ~a. f a AS1tl L' Y LL, E% N [G T J I' oung Military Gil' Offcer SClash Set ForROTC eek Viet Arm) T Saigon Arms Against New Coup Threat Khanh Leaves Capital To Quell Tribal Revoll In Central Mountains By The Associated Press SAIGON-Young military off cers demanded in an ultimatum yesterday a purge of six oldei generals, and a high governmenl source said a coup is possible a any time. Troops took up guard posts ai strategic areas and set up barbel wire barricades and gun 'position outside Navy and Air Force in stallations. . h The government source said Mai. Gen. Nguyen Khanh receiv- ed the ultimatum before flying to Ban Me Thuot, 160 miles.north- east of Saigon, to try to quella revolt by mountain tribesmen whc 'had been trained and equipped by U.S. military personnel to fight the Communist Viet Cong. The tribesmen want autonom3 for their rgion. Khanh is un- willing to consider it. Fear Civil War South Vietnamese troops were nearby and there were indica- tions they would begin action by tomorrow. Americans feared a wai within a war for this troubled na- tion. A chief concern of U.S. mili- tary officials here was that some Americans still in Montagnard areas are in effect hostages: and could be killed if Khanlh's forces atcording to the government source, Khanh was undecided on what to do about the ultimatum. *It carried a deadline of Oct. 25 two days before Khanh has pledg- ed to restore civilian rule. Coup Possibilities The informant said a cour could come from either the young - . gene'als, who defended Khanh in an unsuccessful coup Sept. 13, or from the older military men. As a precautionary measure, 9 spate of military activity dame. after nightfall yesterday. Twc main roads leading to the Navy base on the waterfront were clos- ed by barbed wire barricades and three 20 mm cannon were mount- ed on trucks guarding each en- trance. The new threat came as the military leadership started work- ing with a civilian national coun- cil toward the goal of restoring civil rule. The 17-member national coun- cil is made up of representatives of political, intellectual and relig- ious groups, including Roman Catholics and Buddhists and members of the Hao Hao and Cao Dai sects. Purg e Johnson May Give OK to Hot Pursuit' Would Allow Planes To Cross into China iscussn WASHINGTON (IP) - A head- on clash between Secretary of De- fense Robert S. McNamara and Congress over plans for training future military officers in the na- tion's colleges and secondary schools is scheduled tomorrow on the Senate floor. All advance signs indicate that the Senate will join the House in overriding McNamara's proposals and thus give the Defense Secre- tary an unusual congressional re- buff. , Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga), chairman of the Senate Armed GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY AND SEN. BARRY GOLDWATER, campaigned through Michigan yesterday. Romney still declined nomination. Goldwater reiterated his calls for decreased fe al -Daily-Riho Republican presidential to personally endorse G spending, tax cuts and a -Daily-Robert Sheffield AHMAD. JAMAL (RIGHT) MUSICALLY straightened his tie last night. However his side-men, Jamil Sulieman, bassist (right), and drummer Chuck Lampkin loosened theirs ever-so-slightly, collared the audience's attention and saved Jamal's neck. The trio will. tie two continents together next week, perhaps better satis- fying English tastes. JamasStyl e of azz Gives Drummer the Show By WILLIAM BNOIT Ahmad Jamal is a pleasant man, existing on the fringes of jazz, playing his piano to make a good living and not really paying atten- tion to all that's been happening recently in the jazz world. He sits quietly at the piano, in contrast to the foot-stomping hugeness of :Oscar Peterson and his sound, and most of the time. his left: hand resides in his lap. Last night he sat quietly in Hill WASHINGTON () -- President Services Committee, said he ex- executive encroachment on Ind Lyndon B. Johnson reportedly has pects approval for: decided, that, if Communist planes --A plan to expand, the Junior t attack 'United States naval forces, esre'ffcrsTaiin ous o unp o ~ ggRom ney Deci operating off Viet Nam, Amenl- now operating in 254 high schools, can fighters can chase them across and preparatory schools to 1200 the Red China frontier if neces- over the next five years; By JOHN BRYANT -Continuation of the present Special To The Daily The decision to provide more four-year Senior ROTC system in DETROIT - Sen. Barry Gold- precise authority for U.S. pilots many colleges Und universities water, Republican nominee for to apply the principal of "hot pur- with an increase in the $27-a- President, was apparently stymied suit" and deny the Communists month pay for participants to $40 in his bid for the public support "privileged sanctuary" reportedly or even $50 in the last two years of Gov. George Romney as he was prompted by the Red Chi- and barnstormed Michigan yesterday. nese movement of Soviet-built jet -A system of four-year paid Although appearing on the plat- warplanes into Communist Viel scholarships for up to 5500 future form with Goldwater and intro- Nam early in August. officers annually in colleges and ducihGinDetroit, Ro-e The aircraft were introduced universities for both army and air declinedto- alter his ambiguous into the area after Americar force. position of accepting the choice planes blasted torpedo boats and McNamara opposes expansion of of the Republican National Con- other installations in North Vie the high school units saying "there vention but refusing to personally Nam following attacks on Ameri- is no present military requirement endorse Goldwater's candidacy. can destroyers in the Tonkin to step up the program which now I Gulf. costs about $5 million annually. Irducing Goldatierintne y He has also asked aadrastic prea:sdhis acve n th or-t Escalation vision in the over-all college offi- and complimented him on his The sequence of events indi- cer-training program with a cut- views on individualism, free en- cates a slow and cautious escala- back to two years under a tuition terprise and limited government. tion of the danger of direct U.S.- and scholarship plan. However, he also cited Goldwater's Chinese clashes in Southeast Asia An official in the military statement on diverse views at This situation is likely to be- science program here had ;. Hershey, Pi.: "I subscribe whole- come mre tense, andkyprobabl comments on the alternatives. He heartedly, to his view that con- much more serious, if deteriorat- also had no prediction of the pos- formity does not create party ing political conditions inside sible effect on the University strength.M'e South Viet Nam temot the Com- ROTC program. IMidland, Romney spoke for munists to exploit the disorder4 iniA, Rony rk fforf ines To Endorse Gol ment. These governments have thus been made subservient to a huge federal bureaucracy with its center in the White House." To counter this, he proposed the abolition of earmarked grants, re- placed gradually by funds which state and local governments could use as they wished. Fine Reception Earlier, in Midland, he received one of the warmest receptions of his campaign. Airport officials described the welcoming crowd as four times larger than the 2000 who greeted Democratic vice-presi- dential nominee Hubert Humphrey Friday. amendment which would powers of apportionment the states, "where it belt He also debunked th that there are no simple to today's problems. "I'm admit that there are .sir swers to problems in this The Democrats always problems are complex, only solution to them lies pering with the structur government. Petersoon lividual responsibility. Hart in T1 I Panel Urges Medical Aids By ROBERT JOHNSTON A panel of Medical School officials and newspaper science waiters concluded yesterday that the public need. for doctors and hospitals in Michigan cannot be met without revising the present #ystem of distributing medical services. But they made it clear that the existing two medical schools, with proper legislative support, can supply the state . adequately with doctors. The two medical schools belong to the University and Wayne State University. The panel, Dean William N. Hubbard and Associate Deal C.7 John Tupper of the Medical School, Alton Blakeslee, Associated Press science writer and Ray Bruner of the Toledo Blade par- ticipated at a morning meeting of the University Press Club oft Michigan. The panel yesterday kept moreR on the issues of rising medical costs, hospital expenses and the effects of rising public needs.- See PROBE, Page 2 c -Auditorium playing unobtrusive runs with his right hand (except during two songs, when he labored heavily to get away from his own :liches) and let his drummer and bassist carry the concert. and political instability. Unpredictable Events SFrom Washington's point o Fview, however, the South Vietna- mese situation is subject to so iany unipred ~ue QVLab ~ ft f Jamal would make no defensesIthatno nerecanay hpet- against critics and m usicians who the r cpo ssiiiie tf i- oontend he is not really a man er the worst possibilities of in of jazz. He wholeheartedly enjoyed creasing danger are likely to be playing his piano and said, "I like realized or not What is said au- all music." thoritatively is that administra- tion leaders, deeply occupied at "I can listen to Ravel in the home with the American politica morning and then turn around campaigns, would like to do what and listen to Big Joe Turner in they can within the limits of U.S the evening," Jamal said, trying to policy to keep the situation as illustrate the fascination that all i kinds of music hold for him. ui Aiist Crisis The focus of attention last night! The last major crisis of a mili- was his drummer, Chuck Lamp- tary kind for U.S. forces begar kin, who recently served his ap- developing Aug. 2 when Commu- prenticeship with Dizzy Gillespie. nist torpedo boats from Nortl, Like Jamal, the bassist was also Vietnamese bases struck at Amer- mild-mannered and unassuming, ican destroyers in the Tonkin but he worked hard on-stage to Gulf.I get the sounds he wanted. The U.S. patrols in the gulf Jamil Sulieman, who has never are designed to protect the sea taken a lesson in bass-playing, flank of the anti-Communist forc- spoke softly but firmly on his es in South Viet Nam. They would. craft and jazz in general in the for example, make it impossible dressing room during intermission.f the Reds to launch a major "It's like learning your ABC's. landing operation against Soutlh Once you've learned them, you Viet Nam. And they are supposed can build words, then you learn to keep watch on the flow of words that are more complicatedjsupplies from the north to Co- and have more meaning-and som unist guerrillas in the south by on. It's an endless process." way of the gulf. Student Union, Meets Today The newly formed Student Em-' ployes Union of the University will hold its first organizational meeting at 3 p.m. today in the Multipurpose Room of the UGLI The purpose of the meeting will be to elect temporary officers and to establish a committee to draft a constitution and a set of by- laws for the union. The union will also enroll mem- bers at this meeting. The rganization has over 100C names on petitions signed by stu- dents and faculty. Membership is open to any student who is em- ployed by the University or by business in Ann Arbor, as well a: to unemployed students. The union will attempt to ne- gotiate with administrative offi- cials and with local business own- ers to obtain "better working con- ditions" for the students. Minimum wages at the Univer- sity of Wisconsin and Michigar- State University are $1.25 an hour and those at the University of Minnesota are $1.37. Minimum student wages at the University are $1. nUsUelUr a f. crowL4 oJ at the county fairgrounds with- out mentioning Goldwater's name. However, Goldwater praised Rom- ney extensively in both Midland and Detroit. His speech in Detroit's Conven- tion Arena attracted approximate- ly 9000 supporters, one-third of whom were of high school age Jr less. The speech was interrupted several times by short demonstra- tions from the youthful support- ers, who also booed Romney when1 he appeared at the platform. Tax Plans In his Detroit speech, the GOP standard bearer called for an an- nual 5 per cent reduction in fed- eral income taxes to eliminate the "wasteful spending" schemes fos- tered by the increase in tax rev- enues from our growing economy." Attacking the Johnson admin- istration's fiscal policies as "a merry-go-round of irresponsib l-- ity" he said that his administra- tion would use the tax cut to re- duce federal expenditures and puti more responsibility in the hands. of the people rather than create an "artificial boom" in the1 economy.t He also rapped at the presentt system of federal granits-in-aid. "These programs, totaling overc $10 billion annually in federalf spending cover every major ac-r tivity of state and local govern-t i i l , h- However, prosperous Midland has long been considered one of the strongholds of Goldwater supporters in the state. Tyrone Gillespie, state chairman of the Citizens for Goldwater movement is a Midland resident. Executive Encroachment The citizens power to control his own government has been taken away from him by uncon- stitutional actions of the execu- tive branch, he charged. "No longer can the American people be told the simple and beautiful story of our government and our freedom. As an example of these "un- constitutional actions" he cited the recent decisions of the Su- preme Court concerning legisla- tive reapportionment. Goldwater added that he hoped, the next session of Congress would produce a constitutional' i- -, I r , Romney, StaeblerK To Campaign Here Gov. George Romney and hiss opponent, Congressman -,at - large Neil Staebler will campaign at the University this week. Staebler will be here tomorrow night. He will speak at the Law Club and then attend a gathering of Young Democrats at 7:45 p.m. in Rm. 3KLMN of the Michigan Union. Afterwards, her will head a torchlight parade from the steps of the Union to Rackham Aud. and address a mass rally there.' Romney, sponsored by the Stu-. dents for Romney Committee of the Young Republicans, will speak at noon Tuesday from the steps of Hill Aud. By, ROBERTA Y4 Mrs. Elly Peterson, nominee for the Uni Senate, sharply criticize ties of her opponent, S Hart (D-Mich) at a school for Young Repub yesterday. s Lashing out at his co al record, she charget introduced no major leg Michigan and has (-nl name on some bills. A do that." At the same time, si the same, unity theme Barry Goldwater was yesterday in his campaig Michigan. "I am weary Ricans who say they're to vote because they Goldwater or because like (Gov. George) Ro said. The national commiti said she is planning to in every county in the claimed that her.oppon been in many of the c the six years he had senator. If elected, she she would return to the a month. A second speaker, Ru of the state Republican vocated Goldwater's re the Civil Rights Act. "He merely wanted t our rights," she said. "I ulous to say that (Presi don B.) Johnson is any civil rights than Goldw cited as evidence the pi property Johnson allege in 1948 with a stipula ring Negroes from owners ofHl3u . rig egosfmow r VGround By BILL BULLARD Sports Editor Bump Elliott's Wolverines used a combined arsenal of rushing and passing yesterday to overpower a spunky Air Force squad which could move only through the air in the season opener for Michigan here yesterday. The score was 24-7. Quarterback Bob Timberlake set the tone for the game as he guided the Wolverines into the end zone the first time they got their hands on the ball. He also engineered two 80-yard drives cuminating in touchdowns during the second and third quarters.' And to top off a very successful afternoon for the senior signal- caller who had been a doubtful starter last week, Timberlake booted a field goal from the Falcon 16-yard line just before the half ended to give the Wolverines a 17-7 halftime margin, Rival Coach Ben Martin whose team had defeated Washington 3-2 last Saturday, praised the Wolverines afterwards for posing a dangerous double-threat. "The Wolverines have a quarterback who can throw the ball," he observed. "But when he couldn't get rid of it, he kept the ball and still gained yardage by running."' At the same time, he lamented the Air Force failure to win by a massive air attack. Game Rolls Over Air Force, 24- By GARY WYNER Associate Sports Editor "We need a lot of work defense, but even with inr ence we were able to sto when we had to. I think c defense showed some imprc in the second half," M coach Bump Elliott com following his team's 24-7 over Air Force yesterday noon. The Falcon quarterback bined for 23 completions pass attempts with chief caller senior Tim Murphy on 14 of 20 for 147 yards first half. The Wolverines ened up in the second limiting the air attack t eight completions in 19 al for 75 yards. The Wolverines' defensi coach BobHownuav %iim -281