THE MICHIGAN DAILY i Ci BASSI iJED AliVE SATURDAY, SEPT 72is the last dayj of sittings for Senior and Graduate' pictures, to~ appear, in the 1965 MICH-' IGANENSIAN. Pictures are takeni ) frzn 9:00 to 1:00 on Saturday in the ! tudent, Publications Building. Strip in~ for your sitting., F36 i STARVING STUDENTS? SUNDAY SNACKS! F48 NOTICE TO residents of Ann Arbor- Dlruids, U of M Honorary, 'will b4 painlting street numibers on curbs during the forthcoming weekend.' Donations collected from this voluni teer work 'will go toward providing a Christmas party for the orphians and other children at Ypsilanti State Hospital. F'35' BARBARA-Start wearing it! Chuck' F12 / TIR~ED OF Starvation Wages.? Come to the U. of M. Student Employees', Union Organizational Meeting Sun., Sept. 27 at 3 in the Multi-Purpose Rm., UGLI, and do something about it. P12 FUNNY BIRD. Mushiy letters! I Problems of being Chimol A bumn!P4 AFECIG3GE TRAIN fare to Canada: $2.03. Bus fare to Canada: $1.95. Special rates for man and wife. F22 STARVING STUDENTS!I MSUNDAY SNACKS °FOOD F'OR THOUGHT CANT ERBURY HOUSE L 7:45 p.m. 9-27-64 x. 1P47 ALL MEMBERS' of Junior Panhel are requested to infor~m the senior women In their houses that senior' pictures will be taken for one extra day, so that the last day for sittings. will Fnow be Saturday, September 26. Shlooting will take place from 9:00 to 1:00. PERSONAL LITA IS 211 today. Joyce and lIejoice, eta.--Upstairs. F4 ONLY FIVE more contemporary, shop- ping days. till Leni Geller's P-Bell. F$0 CONTACT LENS WEARERS, write for free catalog and free introductory sample of Alleragan, Wetting Solution. Limit, one per parson. The' Looking Glass, Inc., MID.., Box 441, Ypsilanti, Mich. F HERE'S SOMEJ variab~le. ratio reinforce- ment, to keep you reading .the Per- sonal Column:: (Or to acare you away; forever#) 'I thank the Big M football team For giving mhe this day For if not for the Wolverines The deer would take you 'Way. F13 I NEED A .ROOMMATE (male) desper- ately!! Tho9 place is a spacious double at 55 South Division, just north of Packard and near' Central Campus. The price--05 per month. Anybody interested call 781-1373, 'or come to the place-apt. no. 5. Best time is any time in morning or all .say Thursday. F24 WAK~E UP SERV&ICE. - Have your phone ring at any designated time - day or night, - LOW RATES. DON'T BE .LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 665-8871 (24 hours) P42 HEY .ITE$, HAPPY BIRTHDAY --(SRiC) squared F5 PLY CALEDONIAN Europe in '65. 761-2348. F19 AUSTIN DIAMOND - "Where marginal prices buy quality diamonds!" 1209 S. University. 663-7151. F. JOHN BINK~LEY is no longer a meaniel But his new penf is nasty. F29 Meet the Right People The purpose ,cf our organization, !using established techniques of personality appraisal and an IBM system, is to Introduce unmlarried persons to others whose background and ideals are congenial with their qwn. Interviews by appninitment. Phone after 9 a.m., NO 2-4867. 'NMICIGANSC'IENTlIFIC INTrRODUCTION SERVICE PERSONAL AND IT SHALL come to pass that out of Zion shall come a prophet. And ye, oh Manyah, shall know him by his hairs. And you shall call him by his true name: The High Exalted Baby. --Sandra' Jane 9/64 F44 REPUBLICANS, help DEFEAT Gold- water. Republicans needed for Re- publican precincts. Call Americans to "Defeat Goldwater NO 2-8630. P18 f ROOM AND BOARD BAnlY-SITTER - Room & Board in ex- chatnge for babysitting afternoons and some evenings. If live out, will pay salary. Call 665-8277. E-2 FOR SALE HAM SPECIAL - Hallicrafter's SX-110 Recvr. Perfect cond., sep. Hallicrafter speaker included. 665-5625. B31 ELECTRIC BASS GUITAR. Used 2 months, Excel. cond. $100. Call 665- 8936. B29 SET OF 4 Slingerland drums, blue, pearl,, $200. 429-7987. B28 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS A"1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS, AND!) N0US IItental Purchase Plan P'ATIL'S MUISICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington BE SURE TO WATCH Football, the World Series, and the Election. Campaign on a NE3AC TV set. RENT 'a 19, in. GE Portable for only. $10.00 a month. Call NEJAC TV Rentals. 662-5671. X-1 GUITARS, ETC. Make Repair, 'Buy and Sell Private and Group Instruction Hoots Daily Herb David Guitar Studio 209 S. STATE NO 5-8001 TRANSPORTATION - RIDE WANTED to Chicago Friday,, Oct. 9th. Will pay half expenses. 764-2662. G9 SENIOR Cacausian driving OVERSIZED COMPLETELY COVERED 4 - wheel- drive Willy's. Jeep to Oakland, Berke- ley, Santa Barbara, L.A., etc. Calif. Oct.' 10 or "12 wants 'asst. driver or couple to share expenses. Half-ton baggage allowance. A.A.A. coverage. Contact Edgar M.' "Prof" Flowers, 2705 Whitmore Lake Rd., Ann Arbor. 663-5201. G8 USED CARS '55 CHEVROLET, 2-dr., yellow, V-$,I R & H, snow tires, vinyl int., good cond. Call 663-9121. N23 427 FORD. 1963I2 fastback, dual quads,r 4-speed, excel. cond., must sell. $2200. 663-7147. N27 1960 SAAB, $600. New engine, belts,' roofrack, AM-FM, bed kit. Staff memn- ber leaving country Oct. 1. Must sell. 764-4273, 8-5 p.m. N16 1963 CHEVY II Super Sport white con- vertible. 449-8451 evenings. N18- '58 KARHMAN GHIA. Excellent cond.,- 1must see. 665-0971. N8t 158 CHEVY Convertible; red, white top, V-8;\ radio, heater, automatic transmission, good cond. Call Paul, 668-6978. N20_ 1962 CORVAIR, 4 speed, silver-blue. $1200..663-7754 after 6. N17y RED & WHITE 1957 Hillman Husky Wagon, U & H, 4-speed, excel. trans- portation. $295. 663-7323. N19 VW - '64, ANTHRACITE, Blaupunkt, radio, WW. ALSO '62 Pont. Sport Coupe,; R, H, WW, stick. Both in excellent' condition. Call 665-9178 after 9 p.m. N15 1960 SIMCA, $230. 40,000 miles. 665-5487.} 1959 RENAULT DAUPHINE only 38,000 miles. Good cond. Reasonably priced. Call 662-1725.N1 CUSTOM '60 Triumph Bonneville. '62 frame, fast. Call 665-9352 after 6:30. '56 MERC. - Hardtp, stick, good cond. $135 or best offer, 665-5968, between 3:30 pm and 7 p.m. N13l 1960 FORD 2 door, excellent cond. in- side and out. $495. iCall 668-8452. N5! '59 MG. TONEAU radio, wire wheels,, low mileage. Call NO 2-0854. NX-5 VW 1963 sedan. Clean, in good cond. R,/H, W/W. $1400 or first good offer. 27777 Joy Rd. Garden City - just ,15 mi. east of AA. Call 427-2082 after Sunday. N-6 i M-G Midget. '62 Mint Cond. All extras. 761-0933, $1,250. N25 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES MOVE ONE WAY IN THE U.S.A.-{ Move Truck Rental System 202 W. Washington St. Call 665-6875 Sl NEW CARS, IS YOUR OLD CAR finally 'falling apart? Find a new one through the Michigan Daily Classifieds. Vf LOST AND FOUND LOST - Man's brown leather wallet Thursday eve. Please return contents. Reward. Call 663-6221. A17 MAN'S BULOVA wristwatch lnst. Very sentimal value. Lost between Sybil and Hoover and Princeton and 7th. Reward. 662-7028. A13 KEYS in brown case' lost Sept. 13. Re- ward., Call 764-8769. A14 LOST: 1964 'U-M ring, initials C.D.T. II. Inside. Call 764-8956. Reward. A12 WANTED TO BUY GRADUJATE student wants to buy old Scoins. Phone 429-7773. K3 WANIZED. Honda 150 c.c. 1963 or 1964.' 662.4431, ext. 338 K1 BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI's GaoIre! LEVI'S SLIM-F I-IS--$4.49 "White," ar,d 5 C kfors Fur "Guys and Gals" LEVI'S STA-PRESE PAN I S Neved Needs Ironing Asst'd. Colurs -$6.98 LEVI' S DRESS PANTS IAsst'd. CulursStyles--$49y8 up t S-T-R-E-T-C-H..LEVI's, Fur Gals and Gurys "While" and Colurs-$6.98 LEVI'S JACKE I . Blue Denirn-x$5.49 "White"--$5.98 IEVI's Dungares-$4.49 LEVI's Sjpeslirn's-$4.98 Gal's LEVI'S "Cut-Offs" Y$3.98 and $4.29 I ~resident ,Jr. Ianllel r3i This Sunday 10:30 a.m.- -GUIILT AND' GRACE Open Mon. & Fri. Ndies ISAM'S STORE 122 E. Wgshingun,, -finest quality laundry- RAI NCOATS $2.OO cleaned and waterproofed A_ & P CLEANRS 312 E. Huron across from City Hall 668-.9500I I CO ME TO ON THE r C H URCHl ENT CHAPEL LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER AND CHAPEL National Lutheran Council :00 $:00. 9:30. 1:00: Hill St. and S. Forest Ave.t ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH and the EPISCOPAL STUDENT FOUNDATION 306 North Division1 Phone 662-4097 SUNDAY 8:00 a~m.-Holy Communion. 9:00 a.m.--Holy Communion and Sermon. Breakfast at Canterbury House.' 1 1:00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and 'Sermon. 7:00 p.m.-Evening Prayer and commentary. TUESDAY 9:15 a.m.--Holy' Communion. WEDNESDAY 7:00 a.m.-Holy Communion, FRIDAY 12:10 p.m.--Holy Communion. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCI ENTIST 1833 Nashtenow Ave. For transportation call 662-4018. 9:30 a.m.--Sunday School for pupils from 2 to 20 years of age. 11 :00 o.m.-Sunday morning church service. 11 :00 a.m.-Sunday School for pupils from 2 to 6 years of age. A free reading room is maintained at 306 E. Liberty, open daily except Sundays' and hofidays from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m:; Monday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST W. Stadium at Edgewodod Across from Ann Arbor High John G. Makin, Minister SUNDAY ST. MARY'S STUDEI 331 Thompson No 3-0557 'SUINAY ass9es at 7: 12:00, 12:30. MONDAY-SATURDAY-Masses at 6:00 a.m., 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 and 12:00. WEDNESDAY-7 :30' p.m.--Mother Perpetual, Help Devotions. Confessions following. SATURDAY-Confessions: 3:30-5 :00; 7:30- 9:00 p.m. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH 1501 W. Liberty St. Ralph B. Piper, David Bracklein, Fred Holtfieter, Pastors Worship Services-8:30 and 11:15 a.m,. Holy Communion -- Second Sunday of each month. Church School & Adult Bible Class-9 :45 a.m. Holy Baptism-First Sunday of month. Nuirsery facilities during worship services and church school. Classic poplin raincoat; 65% "Dacron"" polyester, 35% cotton Pastors: Henry 0. Yoder Norman A. Erikson SUNDAY 9:30 & 1 1:00 a.m. Worship Services 9:30 a.m. Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Supper Honoring International Students . Tuesday 7:15 p.m. Basic Teachings of the Denominations of the Christian Church -Rev. NYoder. Wednesday 7:15 p.m. Vespers Daily at 7:15 a.m. Matins UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL AND STUDENT CENTER 151 1 Washtenaow Avenue (The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor Stephen J. Stein, Vicar Sunday at 9:45 and at 1 1:1 5: Services, with sermon by Vicar Stein, "Let God Be King!" Sunday at 11:15: Bible Class begins study of Epistle to Titus. Sunday at 6:00: Gamma Delta Supper and Program, with Socio-Drama of Religious Topics. Monday at 8:00 Church Membership Class Wednesday at 10:00: Midweek Devotion Friday at 7:00: Choir Rehearsal Natural-shoulder blazer: 70/%,- Orlon"~* acrylic, 30%01 wool DISCIPLES OF CHRIST MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH 730 Toppn--662-4245 Russell M. Fuller-Pastor Sunday Worship-10;45 a.m. CAMPUS CENTER GUILD HOUSE 802 Monroe-662-5 189 .. E. Edwards-Campus Minister 7:00 p.m., Sunday- Seminar onI Christian Thought. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Corner State and William Dr. Fred E. Luchs, Minister Historic 10:00 a.m.-Bible School. 1 1:00 a.m.-Regular Worshaip. 6:00 p.m. -Evening Worship. WEDNESDAY 7:30 'p.m.-Bible Study. Transportation furnished for oil NO 2-2-156. Services 9:30 and 11 :15 a.m., "To Live in These Great Times," Dr. Fred E. Luchs. CHURCH SCHOOL' 9:30 and 11:15 a.m., crib-9th grade. tudent'Guild, 802 Monroe, telephone 2-5189 BAPTIST CAMPUS CENTER .502 East Huron 663-9376 SUNDAY 9:45 a.m. Campus Discussion Class "Who 'Alas Jesus'" 11.:00 a.m. Worship-First Baptist Church 6:45 p.m. American Baptist Student Fellow- ship, "Readings from Contemporary Novel ists" 7-8 p.m. Freshman Forum TUESDAY Paul 1W.ILicrht -. Campus Minister Button-down plaid sport shirt: 657% "Dacron" polyester, 35%7 cotton services-Cal THE TO UNG AN IN THE KNOW: 'WHAT HIE'S WEARING THIS FALL Hepr - re ae sme f the pclotfhes 1hat ratep with rcolege stayin: gre~at sharehroug'h lots of hard wer.And I