THE MICHIGAN DAILY Strike s Gener I Decree: By The Associated Press F ree Jew s DETROIT - The United Auteo(1 .1 Workers union struck General Mo- u tors Corp. yesterday when com- GERMAN HIGHER EDUCATION: Press f r Expanded Fac By RITA DERSI!OWITZ colegiate Pres:s Serv(e ceeds at his own pace, and it is nct unusual for 25-year-old stu- di tc bt r n nlsl nt an ~ i it is too late to chanp sion or course of st - Asieiamed Prcs MADE FOES BY CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS, General Motors personnel vice-presient L o u i s Seaton (left) and United Auto Workers president Walter Reuther (far right) faced each oher es-. terday as UAW workers struck the auto manufacturer. Seaton pointed to a stack of propo he said the company ffered the workers. After last-minute negotiations broke down, t ci Lcr and UW bargaining chief Leonard Woodcock told why they rejected the propqsal. 4 SIAN POLITICS: Sde ts' Assm Activ pany and UAW bargainers fail to reach agreement on a new co tract before a union-imposed dea line. UAW workers walked off t job at GM plants across the n tion at 10 a.m. (EST) whenr word of settlement was received. The nationwide strike ca after a 24-hour last-ditch neg tiation session . It was the non-economic issu that brought about the strike. T company had offered to meet t packages the UAW gained Chrysler and Ford, which UA President Walter Reuther est mated at 54 cents an hour .ov the three year contracts., Grievances, Standards Unresolved issues at the sta of a 24-hour marathon bargai ing session included grievan procedures., union representati in the plants, production stan ards, disciplining of workers a: worki'ng conditions. The strike deadline came le than a day after GM puti 1965 line of cars on displayi dealer showrooms. The average pay for GM wor ers is $3.01 an hour, and the cor pany contends extra benef b igs this up to $3.95 an hou Union spokesmen contend t Chrygler-Ford package willx worth another 54 cents over t next three years. One of the main complain } ?inst the company, Reutl( contended, is its attitude on ove time. While GM workers don't o jec to making extra money to b more things for their famili theve nevertheless is a limit, what they should be expected take, said the UAW chieftain., Dignity of the Worker' Reuther said GM "is willing1 meet legitimate standards of li man decency in terms of workir conditions, production standar fair disciplinary procedures, fa reresentation and many oth things which bear on the digni of the worker." While acknowledging thatY thought the GM economic off wa virtually acceptable, Reuth told newsmen the workers are it terested in more than just mon Reuth'I d srihd GM as ee in the under- point is the absence of n- VATICAN CITY 0)-Regardless 'BONN-West Germany's popu~ graduate curriculum, sure on the student unt d- of political consequences, Augus- ation problem consists of too few No Vocational Guidance end of his university car tin Cardinal Bea told the Vati- students coming into the univer- VDS has charged that the sys- VDS has proposed a rE can Council yesterday, it must sities, an unexpected reversal of tern does not offer any oppor- ing of the system into th he push through a declaration exon-thstanard mm beis e plosion tunity for vocational guidance. two years of a basic 1 na erating Jews of sole blame for the W Erp If a student takes his examina- education followed by an no crucifixion of Christ. "There are, not enough high tion at the age of 25 and fails it, tion to determine the Amid applause, the head of the school students enter ng the uni- capacity for specializ me Vatican's Christian Unity Secl'e- versities, and even if there were, courses of specialized v o- tariat presented a revised versior there would not be enough placey ing to the university of a statement on Roman Cath- for them," a student at the Uni- post-graduate courses. ie: olic relations with Jews and oth- versity of Bonn declared. ,Students are also crit he er non-Catholics. He said it mus' The Verband Deutscher Stu- >"faculty" structure of he be adopted, even at the risk of dentenschaften (VDS), the Wes' O ,fIs J j;s1t e funiversities. Undergx'adu al the church "being accused of pur- German union of students, has es are grouped into W suing political ends." launched a two-pronged attack or i Isuch as the Faculty of ti- This was a reference to re- the university system. VDS isfoPage ulty of Liberal Arts, rer ports that the church has beer urging expansion of facilities fo arrival was preceeded by that of divided along tradition under pressure from some Arab students, particularly housing fa- the Republican "Truth Squad," a standing lines. VDS he nations to lessen emphasis on its cilities, and university reform tc delegation of Republican congress- that the autonomous fa, rt Jewish document. Without direct- strengthen liberal arts studies. men who follow the Democratic too rigid for the new s n- ly alluding to the -reported Arab Housing Shortage candidates on the campaign trail, find a place and for inte ce pressure,' Cardinal Bea said firm- The housing shortage is partic- presenting their own point of nary efforts to flourish. on ularly acute for the German stu- view Psychology in Med d- "This cannot be a questionof dent; 60 per cent of the married. As was true throughout theIPsychology, for exar nd politics. We are not speaking herc students are not even living to- trip, Humphrey was also greeted been variously placed i of Zionism. We are not speaking gether as a result of this situa- by a small group of Goldwater ulty of medicine and t: ss here of the political state of Is- tion. An .organization called the supporters carrying signs and en- of philosophy; sociology israel We are speakgaging in occasional heckling. itself in both the facul1 rael Wearespekingof he ol-Student Welfare Committee, whicie Sopnlae tWyan~aadtefclyo c r lowers of the Law of Moses. This administers cafeterias and student Stopin g later at Wayland, a and the faculty ofieco is an entirely religious question." restaurants and controls most of new university opening k Vatican sources said changes the dormitory buildings, has re - per cent Republican,sHumphrey.'n West Germany willre , k ere ade n th oriinaltextstopped for 30 minutes to intro- !with 12 departments ra re mde n te oigial extfused- to build' apartments for dp addtsfrasuettet~llnlsx''cl by a council coordination pommis- married students so asenot to ceun andidasfa a lclign c the traditional six facult its sion earlier this year. The revi- encourage marriage among stu- scol Bayiity, Huma high Such a program par ur. sions touched off an outcry .in dents. Movig ntosythersystem now ii he Jewish and some Roman Catholic VDS delegates walked out of one hrey delivered his most partisan most universiies in Am be circles because the changes seem- of the committee's meetings lase speech .of the day at a Democratic he ed to water down the original text. year and has boycotted it since, party dinner. Strongly' urging the The student unions on univer, gubernatorial election of Con- rts UJ G iven Grant y reform deal with a situation gressman-at-large Neil Staebler, A vaiIab is almost universal in Eu- the senator ridiculed Gov. George rDe alI Itropean higher education. Student, Ron-iey's refusal to take a posi- iFo lare given a great deal more free- tion either supporting or oppos- b- dom in pursuing their studies than ing Goldwater's candidacy. at uy (rthe average American student. In Humphrey ended his whirlwind es' Continued from Page 1) France the student must take ar tour with a speech at Flint, -ques- to yesterday climaxes a long struggle examination at the end of eacl- tioning Goldwater's new tax pro--!J1 .1L tc by officials here and in Washing- year of study in order to go on posal. He told the audience to be ton to gain federal support for to the next; in Germany the stu- wary .of "new economic and po- medical education, dent takes one examination at litical quackeries which tell its 314 S. State Sr tc In September of 1963, Congress the end of his studies, which may that we are on the verge of Com- Su-passed and the President signed be after four, five or six years munism and that only a stiff shot, ng a $236.4 million medical aid bill Before that time the student pro- of John Birch beer will save us."' - ds which was the first federal edi - air cational legislation in five years.' er It provided funds for construe. ion-'ATl-teSan P t ty and student, loans w/hich a pply to termn papers and class note the medical and public health graphs, news items, theme schools also. More than $5 Million Congress waited until this Sep - By Thu Associated Press ei tember to appropriate ',oney for .n the medical programs although UNITED NATIONS--The United Nations Security Council yes- ey the University had requested more terday extended the life of its peacekeeping' force on Cyprus for than $5 million in dental school another three months. But ' Secretary-Generlal. U Thant promptly t building funds last May. warned that the force would he withdrawn if UN members fail to 1 t EDTOR'S .NOTE: students have at barbed wired barriers with their til the Diem governmen wa ov "- become a political force in the hands and why they have bared thrown in a milita'y ou. Diem Orient. At the moment they are on the mach in South Viet Nam their chests to bayonets to achieve and his brothr secret polic chief countries, they have been silenced - - by the government or enlisted for Concessions from the Military Demonstrat-ns Aga 't n' use in achieving government pur- In Viet Nam, the center of at- Then camne the d, ision last ee lcases, tey must he ention, students have marched month of the country's m ' and fought and have forced con- ruler, Maj. Gen. Nguyen Khanh By EDWIN Q. WHITE cessions from.military rulers. Stu- to make himself preside witl' ASsociated Press Staff Writer dent leaders there have negotiat- virtual dictatorial pove' Thc ed with and threatened generals. V ietnamese situdent. aiin poured TOKYO-Young people-usual- They have warned- that unless into the streets, sto"ed biri- ly high school and college stu- their demands are met, more viol- cades and buildinis and de nd- dents-in South Viet Nam and ence will follow. ed changes in the governme't South Korea have played key roles ,The South Vietnamese student Bu the comp ed ^l sit in the stormy politics of their came of age politically during the 'ation in S h t in- divided homelands. upheavals in the summer of 1963 vole on5reh u su- For the moment at least, they As the revolt of Buddhist monk.dnt oppo oi ton ovtmini in sn- are isolated examples ofsAsia's gained momentum against the re- thority. youth-there is no seething wave gime of the late President Ngo of student political activity sw Dinh Diem, students began to or- dhts a ' ing this part of the world. ganize an underground of their 'includes yoth of b hs. fig own. - o The Vietnamese and Korean Noisy, rock-hurling high -schoo, ures impotaitly n in' um student demonstrations against es- and college stdent demonstra- Old political f m an ol. tablished political institutions are tions marked the final weeks o icians kep in an the result of peculiar circum- the.Diem regime. Police roundec Hangng OVe it a iS th B h stances. up students by the thousandsagainst the V C e wa Perhaps this explains why these Many were herded into re-edu- of theIxodchitnape a or young people have not hesitated to cation centers, virtual prison use violence, why they have torn camps where they were held un- Xtrean Tx li -,. ---~-- -South K1r01 a'~ seec 'I A'i hare, dkhnmani'd productior The $900,000 in researcn funds provide enough money to pay for it. machine" whose values are so dis- is expected to be released soon. * * * torted "that they think their solk The federal grant will speed NASSAU-Cuba has decided to suspend immediately its contro- p rto.Ue in our society is to grind along the University's planned versial flight service to Nassau, the Bahamian.government said yes- ot r ater and greater produc- five-year medical expansion andve - Unnecessary, Unjust Lois (. Seaton, GM vice- dent in charge of personnel, the strike "is completely u essary and unjustified. "The union's reasoning b I ! 1 1! 1 , I . I I k . . 1 0 country where studens and p ii- JAhe lian iture 8 NICKELS ARCADE fo s liml 4*e fs hions colrtop by4 C Ossrd New lo. g'eg pontde with 2 " S2 662-=2918. r1~~~ 'I" 6 " tics recently have mied with ex its last-minute decision to b plosive resu-' has b'en r:ela- off negotiations and resort t tively quiet since sprn' . L: th strike weapon is all the more young people there have e;alsh fcult to understand because ed a traition that could se stantial progress toward re them again into the streets ci tion of our differences had Seoul, Ta'gu, Pusan and c r ci- made at the bargaining ta ties. Scaton continued. Twice in four years, rioting "The union had made demn South Koran studes have fore- . . . which, if granted, would ed their will on the :ovrmnt strict management in its res In April l960 they drove a for- sibility to operate the busines mer hero, President Syngmar ficiently in the interests of Rhee, into exile. The students be- concerned." came known as the "April her- He said a prolonged wal oes." would have serious consequ This spring, Korean students not only for the company's launched demonst0(a1ti0s aime ployes. dealers and suppliers, oiginally at talks designed to re- for the public and the ecor establish normal relations be- at large. tween Japan and Korea. By thc Asked how seriously he fell time the demonstrations we i over strike might affect the nat: the students had widened thei economy, Seaton said it was+ target to include the govenen a matter of time until one o of Presidnt Cimn; Hoe Pnk. 14 ivOkers in the nation coul artda Law involved. Park imposed na-al l:a- and 260.000 Idled closed all cole;s ad ucivri- The UAW estimated its s ties June 3 aide: bloody clshes woul d idle 260,000 of its 35 Some student leado wer iled production workers. It anno and there ve tlneots tha "stu ed its plants which build and dent pol'ti -am" might Pcu da ited parts to Chrysler and Ford w( into the army. _not be struck. In the nl. however, Kin C n' Backing up the .strikers is a Pl, who Payed a i - in million strike benefits fund,' the negot hons a'h a inn of which comes .weekly ben who is so netim cesid rme- ranging from $20 to $30. sponoible for brin~na P-am 'k A UAW spokesman estim power '-. resid as oeinue u o! tihe fund would finance a s the ruling Dymnorratic Pacb'icar for at least eight weeks. A party, le left tar tle Unied matb that, he said, the union is wi to quiet the clamor of the stu- to mortgage its headquarters bi dents. ing, Solidarity House, if necess GOGĀ° SEATS. S. Mat. 5:00-Sun. Mat. 3:00 remodelling program pegged for t more than $40 million in public presi- and private funds.. said 1 The highlights of this program nnec- include a $6 million children's hospital sponsored by the Charles ehin Seward Mott Foundation; a $5 break million renovation plan for the p the medical center; the new Medical - dif- Science Bldg. Unit II, costing $12 Sup~- million and the dental structure. solu- Founded in 1875 as the first been state university dental school the able,, institution has been housed in its own building since 1908. The Kel- ands logg Institute was constructed im 1938. Dental officials have com- Sre- plained in recent years that in- spon-e- adequate teaching 'and researech s ef- acilities were threatenini the, f all "quality and eminence of the dental school." Rkout ences - em- , butl#3, terday. t The. Bahamian government had served notice it would do every- thing it could to prevent Cuba from using the filghts as a new foot- hold in the Western world. WASHINGTON-The Senate yesterday passed a bill increasing Veterans nonservice-connected pensions by about $72 million the first year, but later rescinded its action. The bill was passed without debate in routine fashion, but Demo- cxatic leader Mike Mansfield of Montana asked and obtained unani- mous consent to reconsider the vote. He gave no reasons for the request. . * * * , *, .ROME-The Italian government yesterday announpced it intends * to hold nationwide municipal elections Nov. 22.- About 30' million Italians will vote. . lection of municipal councilors will be fought on local issues, but the balloting is expected to be a major test of the popularity of Pre- mier Aldo Moro's center-left coalition of Christian Democrats, Social- ists, Democratic Socialists and Republicans. ,.. , i.~ nomy t the lonal only gut of Id be trike 4,OOC s unc- d sell would $67 out aefits ated trike After illing r uild Sylvia Homer, L.I.S.T.D. 0/ ... offers CLASSICAL BALLET, C.M. for _'; :a : a c e r PROFESSIONAL-INTE MEDIATE and BEGINNERS MODERN JAZZ CLASS taught by "MAC JOUBRAU" i i i l 'Nc 525 E. Liberty 0 established 1932' * Phone 668-8066-668-7227 -..,. LONG ISLA ru >S ;. a .' : dmi , ' U- ary I (February 12-13, 1 WEEND 65 965 sip S 4 t Y yy{yry .,,. r;1 9 az I a cl MASS -EETING FOR ._. w. ..,........_. .., . .,. ri..w,.,.ap ... .. lightly boned collar top. lnncr band de- sign smooths and fla ttens tummy. Back panel of stretch satin 1*. I WIN '4,DNING A~F2~C~ N P~F~F! by Toistoy-Piscator