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September 26, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-26

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Face Air


in Season's Open

Associate Sports Editor
Michigan cashes in the chips on a football team that hasn't
won a Big Ten championship in 15 years here this afternoon. A
crowd of over 65,000 Band Day spectators is expected to watch the
Wolverines break open the 1964 season against a scrappy band of
Air Force Cadets.
The Ann Arbor weather forecast calls for cloudy skies today
with a chance of scattered thunder showers this afternoon. The
temperature is expected to reach the low 70's'this afternoon. Rainy
conditions could force both teams to rely primarily on a running
Kickoff time is 1:30 at Michigan Stadium, where Michigan's
217-pound offensive line, faster backfield and potential air attack
will test a rugged Air Force defense in the schools' first meeting.
For Wolverine fans, it's a special game-rather than being simply
the fall opener-because it's now that all the questions of pre-
season prognosticators begin to find answers.
Questions like can Michigan really be the third best team in
the nation after a 3-4-2 record in 1963? Can head coach Bump
Elliott find the material to fill the big gaps in the forward line?
Can Michigan at long last find some lost speed?
The Falcons will be an adequate test. They looked tough against
Washington in a 3-2 Air Force victory last weekend-putting up
"the greatest defensive performance ever staged" by the academy.
"They've. got a quick, hard-hitting defensive line, and they
never let up," commented Wolverine assistant coach Don Dufek
after scouting the Washington-Air Force game last week. "Defeating
Washington two years in a row will bring them here with their
morale up."
It's the year of the return to two-platoon football, and both
See 'M', Page 7

DEFENSIVE TACKLE BILL YEARBY (75) leads a wave of tacklers against ,Nerthwestern's Bill
Swingle (36) in the Wolverines' 27-6 win last November. The 6-3, 225-pound junior is being herald-
ed in many circles as a potential All-American for his consistently aggressive style of play.

SPEEDSTER CARL WARD DRIVES through a mass of White tacklers to score a touchde
scrimmage this fall. Playing his first game for the Wolverines today, Ward is being cot
heavily by Coach Bump Elliott and is expected to carry much of the offensive load.

See Editorial Page


Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


afternoon and evening


:. :.


Genat Os Appala
Senate OKs Appalachia Bill

ate passed yesterday the billion
dollar "new hope" for the Ap-
palachian mpountain region, the
last of President LyndQn B. John-
son's major anti-poverty pro-
The vote was 45 to 13. The bill
now goes to the House, where a
close vote is expected. r
The heart of the aid program-
which seeks to upgrade the eco-
nomic lice of the 165,000 square
mile area of 11 states-is a five-
year $840 million highway con-
struction program.
To Host Two
GOP Leaders
The University will host two
prominent Republicans within the
next two weeks.
Gov. George Romney will take
time out from his re-election cam-
y paign to speak on the steps of
Hill Aud. at noon Tuesday. Stu-
dents for Romney . are sponsoring
this informal talk.
Six days later, Oct. 5, Sen.
Everett Dirksen (Ill), Republican
minority leader, will. speak in Hill
Aud. under the auspices of the
Women's League. League President
Nancy Freitag, '65, announced the
signing of a contract with Dirk-
sen yesterday.
Dirksen, who will discuss
"Theories which Motivate United
I States Government," 'will be the
first in a series of four speakers
sponsored by the League this year.
A contract has been signed with
author Arthur Schlesinger, while
negotiations are continuing with
Democratic vice-presidential nom-
inee Hubert Humphrey. The fourth
speaker has yet to be named.
The League intends to charge
50 cents admission in order to
cover some of its expenses in

The' legislation provides for
$220.2 mnillion over two years for
a variety of other services and
These include $41 million to de-
velop hospitals, clinics and relat-
ed facilities and $28 million to
operate them; $5 million for tim-'
ber development; $21.5 million for
restoration of worked-out mining
areas; $5 million for water re-
sources; $16 million for vocation-
al education; $6 million for sew-
age projects; $90 million to sup-
plement existing federal grant-
in-aid programs; $5.5 million foi
researchrand demonstration proj-
ects, and $2.2 million for admin-
istration expenses.
Part of the opposition was soft-
ened two weeks ago when the Sen-
ate knocked out a $17-million;
pasture - improvement program,
Westerners had opposed this vig-
orously as a subsidy for livestock
operations in the area.
Before passage yesterday, the1
Senate adopted--with approval of1
Mann jo ins
Race for SGC
Sharon Manning, '65Ed, yester-j
day turned in a petition bringingE
the total number of Student Gov-
ernment Council candidates to 7.
The other candidates are Rachel
Amado, '67; Robert Bodkin, '67E,1
and James Boughey, '66. Up fort
re-election are SGC president Tom1
Smithson, '65; Administrative ViceI
President, Doug Brook, '65 and
Treasurer Gary Cunningham, '65.
Howard Schecter,' '65; Donald1
Filip,a'65 and Scott Crooks, '65,
whose terms also expire are notr
planning to run again.
The campaign for the Octobert
14 election officially opens at noonr
today. There are -six positions toc
be filled.t

the bill's managers--an amend-
ment by Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-
NY) 'designed to give state offi-
cials a voice but not a veto in
projects planned in their states.
Federal administrators woule
have to receive and consider ree-
ommendations of state officials
before going ahead with any proj-
Hold Negroes
For Bombings
McCOMB, Miss. OP)-Authorities
are holding 20 Negroes in Pike
County jail on charges stemming
from a racial bombing protest.
Authorities are attempting to
show that civil rights workers-
not local whites--were responsible
for the bombings of Negro homes
and churches which have rocked
this tense Southern city since
Sunday night.
Sheriff R. R. Warren said he
believes the four explosions were
staged in an effort to induce the
federal government to declare
martial law in the area.'
The Council of Federated Or-
ganizations, which has a staff of
14 civil rights workers here, term-
ed the charges ridiculous.
The most recent blasts occurred
Wednesday night when the home
of a former McComb Negro po-
liceman was hit and a rural Pike
County church was bombed. There
have been 16 racial-related ex-
plosions in the area since June 2.
About 25 Negroes are charged
with criminal syndicalism in re-
lation to the incidents; five of
them have been released on bonds
ranging from $1000 to $5000.
Maximum punishment u n d e r
the law would be 10 years im-
prisonment and a $1000 fine. The
defendants have been bound over
to a grand jury that meets Oct. 5.j

Press Hears'
Reports on
Associate Dean C. John Tupper
of the Medical School, six Medical
Center doctors and the center's
closed circuit television system
teamed up yesterday to acquaint
members of the University Press
Club of Michigan with the latest
developments in medicine at the
Tupper opened, the two-day press
club gathering with a discussiqn
of the university's faculty exam-
ination program, "instituted for
preventive maintenance of our
thinking equipment-the profes-
Emphasizing the need fo'r reg-
ular medical examinations, Tup-
per said, "In examining 1220
people, we found some new health
problem for three quarters of
'Enviable Opportunity'
This study of "captive" cases
has shown the enviable opportun-
ity medicine has to help mankind,
Tupper added'.
Prof. Thomas Francis of the
Medical and public health schools
discussed a health study carried
out in Techumseh, Michigan. He
said the researchers found "no
evidence of correlation between
cholesterol and coronary heart
disease." Much more closely tied
to this type of heart disease was
a high level of sugar in the blood,
usually associated with diabetes.
Prof. William H. Beierwaltes of
the Medical School described tech-
niques developed at the University
for locating certain types of can-
cer-as well as heart and lung
clots-with radioactive isotupe
Selective Destruction
This area of medical research-
known as nuclear medicine-is
able to trace radioactive sub-
stances that are attracted to can-
See PRESS, Page 2

.. .

'U' Gets $5

Million G



Dental Buik


Miller Would ack' Bircher

MarK i
U-. Outi

By The Associated Press rght hut I would start my tax cut
ALBANY - Contenders for the program at the earliest possible
top two offices in theUnited "The law that we have passed
States yesterday continued their on civil rights will never correct
speeding campaign tours, throwing the inequity between people in
out abrupt statements and hurry- this country. The only way this is
a pao th pnee estop for more ever going to be brought about is
capagns eehe when you and I and all Americans
Rep. William E. Miller, Rep- realize that we recognize our free-
lican vice-presidential candidate, dom as coming from God and
told a San Francisco audience he start to act like we believe it."
would endorse a member of the Touring the Southwest and
John Birch Society for Congress Northern Mexico, President Lyn-
if that individual were backed by don B. Johnson commented on
a Republican organization, sup- the choice the voters have in this
ported the Republican platform, fall'secto
was "a decent American citizen, "lveb's election
and had not been guilty of any Novembers election is a choice
crime. betweenthe responsible main
In Fresno, Miller defended his
running mate Sen. Barry Gold- D e o
water (R-Ariz), saying, "To callLocal
Goldwater a 'raving, ranting dem-
agogue' (as President Lyndon B.
Johnson did) was a lie, and John-UD enoU nce G o
son knows it. Dmon eGo
"His charge that Goldwater
would rather destroy than build By CAROL
is a lie, and he knows it," Miller
added. Two local politicians, a Repu
Goldwater spoke before an Al- denounced Republican presidential
bany audience and called for uni- last night, decrying his campaign b
fication of the New York Repub- Speaking at a meeting of thi
lican party. Later in his. whirl- were Mrs. Carolyn Dana Lewis, u
wind trip through New England, publican nomination for the state
he made these statements about 53rd district, and Weston Vivian, I
prospective tax cuts and civil itd district.
rights: in the 2nd district.
"It is impossible to foresee ex- "To be in a minority requires
actly when conditions would be I important issues of the party pla

stream of American experience
and the reckless and rejected ex-
tremes of American life," he said.
Later, the President pledged
"to go anywhere and talk to any-
one in a search for world peacel
and freedom."
In order to protect America's
gains, "we must guard against
those who would erect, around our
regions or our states, areas of
hate or misunderstanding.
"We are placed in mortal jeop-
ardy by those who set class
against class, creed against creed,
color against color or section
against section," he told Mexican
at Republican
Idwater Stand

Unit Will Be B
For Quad Comr
With Parking,
The University has be
ed slightly more than
in federal funds to help
a new dental school bu
Announcing the grant
ington yesterday, the off
Phillip Hart (D-Mich)
that the University is or
institutions to receive t
aid for health professio
ing, the first grant of i
United States history.
The federal money wi
ed with state legislativ
construct the $11-13 rn
for clinica: work, rese

ublican and a Democrat, strongly
I candidate Sen. Barry Goldwater,
ased on fear and hate. -
t Americans to Defeat Goldwater
nsuccessful candidate for the Re-
House of Representatives in the
Democratic candidate for Congress
courage, but to be against all the
tforni suggests that Goldwater is
?et aR btilira fq TP1C


Humphrey Campaigns Through Michigan Towns

Special To The Daily
FLINT-Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn) wound up his vice-
presidential campaign across the state yesterday. Emphasizing the
responsibility of the Johnson administration and the recklessness and
reaction of Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz), the Democratic candidate,
stumped at cities, towns and hamlets in quest of votes.
Throughout the day, Humphrey hammered away at "Goldwater's
refusal to say yes to the future." He told crowds that the Republican
presidential candidate "views America through a rear view mirror
which shows only what has passed."
Humphrey added, "It's fine to study ancient history-but don't
vote for it."
In a speech last night at Flint, -Humhphrey criticized Goldwater's
proposal to dismantle numerous existing federal programs. Noting
that the GOP candidate had recently said he would procede with
care in the task of "cutting our government down to size," Humphrey
challenged Goldwater to tell the American public how rapidly he
ulndnl1iminate aid to eduoation .oia1 welfare nublie nower. farm

He suggested that Goldwater could help enforcement of the law
by using his moral influence to encourage obedience rather than law-'
Atsthe same press conference, Humphrey also acknowledged'
that his residence in Washington, D.C., had a restrictive covenant-
prohibiting sale of the home to Negroes-written into the deed of
sale. He insisted, however, that at the time he bought the home he
had been assured that such a covenant did not exist. Its presence was
detected last week, Humphrey announced, during a routine audit of
his assets.
Not Enforceable
"At any rate," Humphrey added, "the covenant is not enforce-
able by law and we do not intend to abide by it. It is distasteful,
indeed odious to both my wife and myself."
Later in the day, Humphrey vigorously defended the Americans
for Democratic Action (ADA) in a speech at Kalamazoo's Western
Michigan University. Asked by a student whether he approved of the
ADA's position on the recognition of Red China, Humphrey replied
that the ADA did not hold such a position.

anor a, xepuwicantis .ei
, said..f
'Negative Voting Record'
Vivian cited Goldwater's "nega-
tive voting records." He added
that Goldwater appeals to the
"In American society there are
always people who feel they
haven't. had it right, and they
identify with Goldwater.d
Vivian, running against Rep.
George Meader (R-Ann Arbor),
said Meader is following the party.
line in supporting Goldwater but
is not a fanatic or a militarist.
Mrs. Lewis assailed Goldwater's
vote against the 1964 Civil Rights
Bill and said the Republican can-
didate has . consistently voted
against party platforms on civil
She said his conservative views
could lead to "tyrrany."
GOP Still Powerful
Although the moderate Repub-
licans have lost control of the
party machinery, Mrs. Lewis said,
she feels "the party is a large one,
large enough in fact to have stop-

be located on the. site of
ing dental building at N
j versity and Fletcher _St
be connected on one wi
Kellogg Institute, whit
graduate and post-gradu
ing and -flanked on ano
by a parking structure.
.Construction of the n
ture and demolition of
ing one will be phased
maintain educational con
Dental Quadrang
These building elemE
surround a "dental quadr
bi-level walkways which
hope will make the area
ing physical as well as
Once completed, the nE
ing will enable the
schooil to expand its
class from 97 to 150 ai
crease undergraduate e
from 350 to 600. In add
number of hygenists car
bled to 150.
Dental school officials,
reportedly elated over th
gift, were not available
Construction of the bui
parking complex is slat
gin next spring, financ(
itial state appropriation
million over the past t
a business spokesman rep(
He said that the a
state share of the proje
million, but the actual
appropriated may be
when exact costs are de
More than $900,00
Additional funds- are
pated from federal 1

' H 'U -

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