1 DAILY Cl ASSIFIED ADVERT SEMEN PERSONAL SATURDAY, SEPT. 26 is the last day of sittings for Senior and Graduate pictures to appear in the 1965 MICH- IGANENSIAN. Pictures are taken from 9:00 to 1:00 on Saturday in the Student Publications Building. Stop in for your sitting. F36 BUBBY HOUSE extends friendly salu- tations to the "PACKARD PIT", pipe and tea club. F14 NOTICE TO residents of Ann Arbor- Druids, U of M Honorary, will be painting street numbers on curbs during the forthcoming weekend.' Donations collected from this volun- teer work will go toward providing a' Christmas party for the orphans and other children at Ypsilanti State: Hospital. F35 STARVING STUDENTS 143 PERSONAL TONIGHT AT HILLEL, Reform Sabbath Service, 7 p.m. P33 AFECIGGE TRAIN fare to Canada:, Bus fare to Canada: $1.95. Special rates for man and wife. P22 WHO IS NANNY POO??? F39. ALL MEMBERS of Junior Panhel are requested to inform the. senior women in their houses that senior pictures will be taken for one extra day, so that the 'last day for sittings will now be Saturday, September 26. Shooting will take place from 9:00 to 1:00. President Jr. Panhel F37 SPECIAL-BUBBY HOUSE Say To T.J. -IT is better to strike out in the big leagues than hit a home run in the minors. P15 WHERE IS NANNY POO??? F38 , U^;;,', '' p, t" "' G:' . . ,. . :.. ; PERSONAL WARNING: BUBBY HOUSE will be in- filtrating the AHMAD Jamal concert. Don't leave your girl unattended! F13 CHICAGO couldn't hold her, And the Ugli definitely can't. But I can't help trying When she laughs that way. St. George P34 ROOM WANTED Single working girl needs apartment with 3 or 4 other girls. Call 668-7462 any time. F31 CONTACT LENS WEARERS, write for free catalog and free introductory sample of Alleragan Wetting Solution. Limit one per person. The Looking Glass, Inc., MD-9, Box 441, Ypsilanti, Mich. F STARVING STUDENTS P42 HILLEL INVITES you to Sukkot O-H. Sun., ept._27, 2-5 p.m. P32 I NEED A ROOMMATE (male) desper- ately!! The place is a spacious double at 545 South Division, just north of Packard and near Central Campus. The price-$55 per month. Anybody interested call 761-1373, or come to the place-apt. no. 5. Best time is any time in morning or all day Thursday. F24 Does Bubby House also listen to COLLAGE on WDTM-FM? p3tc. P40 WAKE UP SERVICE -- Have your phone ring at any designated time - day or night - LOW RATES. DON'T BELATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - fAGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 665-8871 (24 hours) P42 DEAR MR. POOPSIE- Hope you are feeling better real soon. I hope you aren't making any passes at the nurses, except the traveling one, of course. S. F25 CAROL-Sorry I missed your P-Bell party in August. Good times lie ahead. Mike i F41 FLY CALEDONIAN Europe in '65. 761-2348. F19' AUSTIN DIAMOND - "Where marginal prices buy quality diamonds!" 1209 8. University. 663-7151. F JOHN BINKLEY is no longer a meanie! But his new pen is nasty. P29 LAST WEEK for Senior and Graduate pictures to be taken for the 1965 MICHIGANENSIAN. MAKE AN AP- POINTMENT NOW. P38 AND IT SHALL come to pass that out of Zion shall come a prophet. And ye, oh Manyah, shall know him by his hairs. And you shall call him by his true name: The High Exalted Baby. -Sandra Jane 9/64 P44 THE PRESIDENT of Junior Panhel wishes to remind all senior and grad- uate women who wish to have their; pictures in the 1965 MICHIGAN- ENSIAN that this is the last week in which they wil be taken. Make an ap- pointment on the Diag. F40 --finest quality laundry- _. fifi, i °.£ . . _ go s t A- &AAgid PERSONAL REPUBLICANS, help DEFEAT Gold-4 water. Republicans needed for Re- publican precincts. Call Americans to Defeat Goldwater NO 2-8630. F18- APTS. LIMITED - We have moved to our new location at 610 S. Forest, Suite No. 1. P16 Meet the Right People The purpose of our organization, using established techniques of personality appraisal and an IBM system, is to' introduce unmarried persons to others whose background and ideals are congenial with their own. Interviews by appointment. Phone after 9 a.m., NO 2-4867. MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC INTRODUCTION SERVICE I HELP WANTED PART-TIME HELP NEEDED. Up to $30 a week. 3-5 hours work. 764-8936. H40 WANTED: Witress part time. Call Omega Restaurant, 105 N. Forest. H32 DRIVER EDUCATION Instructor forI teaching high school students to drive. Hours after 4 p.m. and week- ends. Must have taken Drivers Ed. Course at University or elsewhere. Call 665-4071. H10 BOYS, Fri. and/or Sat., 8:30 p.m.-2:00 a.m. Apply in person after 1 p.m. Drake's Sandwich Shop. , H36 BOY OR GIRL, 10-12 a.m., Mon.-Fri. Apply in person after 1 p.m. Drake's Sandwich Shop. H371 WANTED: delivery boy part-time. Call Omega Restaurant, 105 N. Forest. H33 4 MALE STUDENTS PART-TIME If you wish to earn from $50-$120/wk for this semester and have a car, call Mr. Foster at 668-6808. H28, 20 TO 25 YR. OLD GIRL to live with handicapped college student. Must be able to drive. $50/wk. 662-7075. H34 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $6' for Rh positive; $7 and $10 for Rh negative. Hours: Mon., 9-4; Fri., 1-7. 18-21 yrs. old need parent's permis- sion. Detroit Blood Service, 5 North Hamilton, Ypsilanti, Mich. H29 MALE HELP WANTED - busboys must be 18 yrs. old. Phone 665-3636, ask for manager, Webers Inc. H3 FOR SALE ELECTRIC BASS GUITAR. Used 2 months. Excel. cond. $100. Call 665- 8936. B29 SET OF 4 Slingerland drums, blue, pearl, $200. 429-7987. B28 HI-FI COMPONENTS for sale. Rek-O- Kut turntable, Scott amplifier, Koss headphones. Call Rich after 7:00 pm. at 764-1635. B30 FREE - Info about sale of'30 yr. old hand-made Vega Long Neck, 5-string; 15 yr. old Martin Tenor Guitar. 665- 8086. B23 MISCELLANEOUS HAVE LOW wages frustrated you? Do you object to one of the lowest min- imum wages in the Big Ten schools? Join U. of M. Student Employees' Union. M13 IT'S FRIDAY! Can you think of a better time to go to RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard Go there THEN too. Open every night 'til 12. M TIRED OF Starvation Wages? Come to the U. of M. Student Employees' Union Organizational Meeting Sun., Sept. 27 at 3 in the Multi-Purpose Rm., UGLI, and do something about it. M12 HAYRIDES in the country $12 for 2-hr. ride. 3 miles from the campus. NO 2-9097. M11 BIKES AND SCOOTERS USED CARS 427 FORD. 1963% fastback, dual quads, 4-speed, excel. cond., must sell. $2200. 663-7147. N27 1960 SAAB, $700. New engine, belts, roofrack, AM-FM, bed kit. Staff mem- ber leaving country Oct. 1. Must sell. 764-4273, 8-5 p.m. N16 1963 CHEVY II Super Sport white con- vertible. 449-8451 evenings. N18 '58 KARHMAN GHIA. Excellent cond., must see. 665-0971. N8 158 CHEVY Convertible; red, white top, V-8, radio, heater, automatic transmission, good cond. Call Paul, 668-6978. N20 1962 CORVAIR, 4 speed, slver-blue. $1200. 663-7754 after 6. N17 RED & WHITE 1957 Hillman Husky Wagon, R & H, 4-speed, excel. trans- portation. $295. 663-7323. N19 VW -- '64, ANTHRACITE, Blaupunkt, radio, WW. ALSO '62 Pont. Sport Coupe, R, H, WW, stick. Both in excellent condition. Call 665-9178 after 9 p.m. N15 1960 SIMCA, $230. 40,000 miles. 665-5487. 1959 RENAULT DAUPHINE only 38,000 miles. Good cond. Reasonably priced. Call 662-1725. N13 CUSTOM '60 Triumph Bonneville. '62 frame, fast. Call 665-9352 after 6:30. '56 MERC. - Hardtp, stick, good cond. $135 or best offer. 665-5968, between 3:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. N13 1960 FORD 2 door, excellent cond. in- side and out. $495. Call 668-8452. N5 1961 VALIANT - Excellent condition. 662-4576, ask for Hilary. N7 '59 MG. TONEAU radio, wire wheels, low mileage. Call NO 2-0854. N-5 VW 1963 sedan. Clean, in good cond. zt/H, W/W. $1400 or first good offer. 27777 Joy Rd. Garden City - just 15 mi. east of AA. Call 427-2082 after Sunday. N-6 FOR SALE -- 1962 Austin 850. For Info, call NO 3-0760 after 6. N42 M-G Midget. '62 Mint Cond. All extras. 761-0933, $1,250. N25 '63 STING RAY CONY. 662-7086 after 5:30. N10 '55 BUICK, auto-transmiss, wh-wall tires, elec. windows. Good cond. Call NO 5-3380. N12 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, G1l ARS, ANI) BONUOS lMental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MIISICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington BE SURE TO WATCH Football, the World Series, and the Election Campaign on a NEJAC TV set. RENT a 19 in. GE Portable for only $10.00 a month. Call NEJAC TV Rentals. 662-5671. X-1 WANTED TO RENT WANTED--Apt. to share with 3 girls. University Hosp. area. Can occupy immediately. Linda, 63-1204. L1O NEW CARS IS YOUR OLD CAR finally falling apart? Find a new one through the Michigan Daily Classifieds. V CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES AUTO MAINTENANCE and accessories? Advertise through the Daily Classi-, fieds. 8 MOVE ONE WAY IN THE U.S.A. Move Truck Rental System 202 W. Washington St. Call 665-6875 Si ALTERATIONS ALTERATIONS Call 663-5737 P1 HELP! CHANGES easily made when advertised thru the Daily Classifieds. P BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! LEVI S SLIM-FITS--$4.49 "White," and 5 Colors For "Guys and Gals" LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Neved Needs Ironing Asst'd. Colors-$6.98 LEVI'S DRESS PANTS Asst'd. Colors-Styles-$4.98 up REAL ESTATE PROPERTY bought and sold through the Daily Classifiedal R LOST AND FOUND A RED TENNIS racket with initials JK on it was lost last week at Palmer Field courts. \If any info. call 665- 5310 after .5. A16 MAN'S BULOVA wristwatch lost. Very sentimal' value. Lost between Sybil and Hoover and Princeton and 7th. Reward. 662-7028. A13 KEYS in brown case lost Sept. 13. Re- ward. Call 764-8769. A14 LOST: 1964, U-M ring, initials C.D.T. III. inside. Call 764-8956. Reward. A12 BUSINESS SERVICES LIKE GOOD MUSIC? Call the Esquires, established band, new to this area. 665-4691. . J9 TYPING-Offset and wake-up service. HU 2-0191. J5 WILL DO TYPING at home. Call Mar- ilyn McGuire, 663-5328. J8 WANTED TO BUY GRADUATE student wants to buy old coins. Phone 429-7773.. ' K3 WANTED. Honda 150 c.c. 1963 or 1964. 662-4431, ext. 338 Ki FOR RENT 2 -BDRM. FURN. APT. All uti Close to campus. $150. Ca or 662-7445. 2 MAN, EFFICIENCY APT. ne $105/mo. Call 663-3932. HURON TOWERS Furn, efficiency apt. on Avail. Oct. 1. Call' Mr. Kl 663-3521 eves. or Mrs. Bui 6625. APT. AVAILABLE IMMEDIA'] $52. 3 girls. Geddes St. Ca THIRD ROOMMATE wantec Large apt. near campus. Ce FOR RENT: space in the Da fled section - Fall sublet - lease - cheap! 3RD MAN WANTED for a: Forum on State St. for re: first semester. Call 761-263 TRANSPORTATION to and Daily is cheap - so is a cl NEED 1 MALE ROOMMATE completely modern furn bedroom apartment. 410 C near campus. 662-7787. ROOM AND BOA BABY-SIT'TER - Room & B change for babysitting and some evenings. If liv pay salary. Call 665-8277. S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI's For Gals and Guys "White" and Colors-$6.98 LEVI'S JACKETS Blue Denim-$5.49 ~White"-$5.98 LEVI's Dungarees-$4.49 LEVI's Superslim's-$4.98 Gal's LEVI'S "Cut-Offs" $3.98 and $4.29 Open Mon. & Fri. Nites SAM'S STORE 122 E Washington b ti7 VS* SAT UR DAY-i :15 BOB UFER I 1429 Hill St. . E GOOD SEAT, Sat. Present and I plain 0 Aa _'. 1 j.. i, if &0 PUBLIC INVITED m AMERICAN PREMIERE! byTolstoyNscc Directed by Ellis F Settings and Lighting designed by Costumes designed by Nanc You can read 150-200 pages on hour using the ACCELERATED READING method. You'll learn to read DOWN the page comprehending at speeds of 1,000 to 2,000 words a minute. And retention is excellent. This is not a skimming method; you definitely read every word. You can apply the ACCELERATED READING method to textbooks and factual material as well as to literature and fiction. The author's style is not lost when you read at these speeds. In fact, your accuracy and enjoyment in reading will be increased. Consider what this new reading ability will enable you to accomplish-not only in your required reading but also in the additional reading you want to do. No machines, projectors, or apparatus are used in learning the ACCELERATED READING method. In this way the reader avoids developing any dependence upon external equipment in reading. A Tuesday evening class in ACCELERATED READING will be taught, adjacent to the University of Michigan campus beginning in mid October. It's an experience to be able to read a book in one sitting and see it as a whole. Beour guest ata30-minute public demonstration of the ACCELERATED READING method and see it applied. BRING A BOOK!, Demonstrations will beheld at the Michigan Student Union on: WEDNESDAY, Sept. 23 at 7:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY, Sept. 30, 7:30 P.M. ;londow "Epic!"r critics cheer: "Powerful & Bold!" "Original & Fascinatingi" TRIUMPH 200cc, 4 speed sycro, racing equip. Call 665-7513. Z32 '63 TRIUMPH 650 CC. Excel. shape. $875. Call 2-2725. Z30 1963 BSA GOLD STAR, 650-plus cc, 10 :1 compression, fast, excellent condition, asking $925, may consider trade down. Call 665-2789. '733 ZUNDAPP CYCLE-250 Cuper Sabre. 4-speed, Syncro. Call 662-0705. Z20 1963 LAMBRETTA. Excel. cond. Call 449-2827. Z34 ZUNDAPP CYCLE 250 F., super saber. 4-speed cyncro, new tires. 2-0705. Z31 Fresh from Detroit to Your Door, Every Sunday Morning FREE DELIVERY U ONE EXTRA DAY! THE PHOTOGRAPHER TAKING PICTURE OF SENIORS AND GRADUATES FOR'THE 1965 MICHIGANENSIAN WILL REMAIN ON CAMPUS ONE EXTRA DAY! Anyone who is to receive a degree from any school or colle University in either December, May, or August of 1965 r his picture taken this week for it to appear in the 1965 M1 ENSIAN. Our photographer will be on campus only until September 26. , To avoid last minute crowds, make an advanced appointme MICHIGANENSIAN Sales Booth on the Diag. If you are make an advanced appointment, stop at the Student Publicati 420 Maynard, in coat and tie (or appropriate dress for wome time between twelve o'clock and six o'clock this afternoon o seven o'clock and nine o'clock this evening. Saturday the pho will take pictures from nine a.m. to one p.m. U' i U U U