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September 25, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-25

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my£td$!an ?iaitg
Seventy-Fifth Year

Union Allocation Isn't Repaid


T hird AP2


54nious Are Fre 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH.
Will Prevail

NEWs PIONE: 764-0552

rials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

EPTEMBER 25, 1964


America'sWar Spirito
Pre mpting asic P rities

UNITED STATES is now able-and
ill continue to be able-to "ensure
lestruction of both the Soviet Union
Communist China, under the worst
inable circumstances accompanying
outbreak of war," according to De-
e Secretary McNamara.
gically, it seems, that would end the
er. Unless we want to be able to de-
the rest of the world as well, there's
much more the defense establish-
t can do. Having reached the pen-
Hate utopia, it might take a deep
pre-set all those missiles to go off
ie event of attack, and just disap-
ter all the defense workers had been
ated, there would suddenly appear
xtra $47 billion in the federal cof-
and an unimaginably massive weap-
industry without work and ready
put to better purposes.
.d as soon as Russia (and probably
ce) had reached the same super-
rful point, the whole nuclear cold
business might suddenly lose much
childish glitter.
P REAL WORLD rarely operates ac-
rding to one's peculiar logic, how-
And so the game most likely will
n. Basic needs will continue to be
;changed, and tensions will continue
tics of Soviet and Chinese so-called
tarianism often charge that Rus-
feeds a constant war threat to keep
eople dedicated to the state. While
conomic system staggers along, de-
ng everyone of freedoms and com-
attention is diverted by the ex-
t, "enemy." No one minds very much
having decent food, clothing and
er, or having few avenues for poli-
ose critics would do well to reflect
ist how eager the United States has
to make more than verbal forays
rd peace, on just how much our
my depends on the defense indus-
n just how frantically the govern-
attempts to convince its constit-
that it is fighting a noble war
reedom. against an insidious inter-
nal plot.
|Y MIGHT WELL conclude that this
,tion is just as determined as its
used enemies to obscure its basic
bural dysfunctions in a patriotic
loud. They might find that the gov-
ent-once having started along the
Mling road to a growing military es-
hment-now cannot ignore certain
y vested interests and pursue ra-
I policies.
is hard to believe that grown men
not, by this time, have reached rea-
>1e solutions to the world power
gle. There has been an amazing
3y of sincere efforts to reverse the
race through arms control or dis-
rnent. This sluggishness cannot be
uted to a lack of viable, intelligent
atives, for thinking men have been
igating, recommending and de-
ing alternatives for as long as the
t of nuclear explosion has been
ng over the cold war.-
re have been only laggard efforts
ny at all-to settle differences in
ions less imminently nuclear. Our

policies in Viet Nam are a prime exam-
ple. We seem to be imposing a war there
-and all the deprivation of civil liber-
ties which accompanies war-on people
who are unenthusiastic and bewildered
by the whole affair. And in pursuing that
war, we have consistently ignored the
challenge of negotiating a viable and ra-
tional settlement.
AT TH;E SAME TIME, we have shown a
shocking disinterest in opening mean-
ingful channels of communication with
other nations. We pompously cold-should-
er Cuba, refuse even to recognize China
and East Germany, open only the small-
est trickle of trade with Russia while
trying to seduce her satellites, support
dictators in many nations and deal high-
handedly with the many underdeveloped
nations which depend heavily on our aid.
These actions illustrate just how sin-
cerely we want world understanding.
But even more frightening than the
specific policies pursued are the social
attitudes which generate and need those
policies. More frightening because the
strength of those attitudes bodes ill for
the re-ordering of priorities that is so
LISTENING TO SEN. Goldwater, one
hears the manifestation of a perva-
sive, blinding fear that America's precious
vital fluids will be dried up into vile-
smelling clay unless our shores are con-
stantly and imposingly impenetrable.
Moreover, that fear Is not limited to
Goldwater and the numerous reaction-
ary groups; in a less vocal form, it un-
derlies the emotions of an indeterminate-
ly large majority of the population.
Like so many fears, this fear of weak-
ness in the face of the Communist men-
ace sustains itself because it is actually
soothing to those whom it grips. By re-
ducing reality to a finite set of absolute
goods and absolute evils, it does away
with both the ability and the need to per-
ceive what is really troubling the na-
tion. Without fear, the mass of non-
thinkers in America would be lost in the
unnerving sea of society's fundamental
Out .of men's fear grows the defense
establishment, and from the combination
of these two grows our tremendous un-
willingness to dismantle that estabish-
ment. Taking simply the relation of the
defense budget to the Gross National
Product-without considering the endless
multiplying effect of the money spent by
the defense industries-a good 10 per
cent of our production and employment
is devoted to military purposes. The
calamities experienced whenever even one
defense plant relocates indicate, in minia-
ture, the critical role of war in our econ-
IF THIS NATION sincerely wanted it,
there is no reason why the adjust-
ment to a true peacetime economy could
not be made. There is certainly no lack
of viable methods, and there is certainly
no lack of other things to do. Yet to
stop building nuclear arms is to de-
stroy the necessary physical manifesta-
tion of the war spirit. Eventually it might
become impossible to ignore the folly of
avoiding peace, when the arms race had
ended with its inevitable whimper. Even-
tually we might have to relinquish our
comfortable fears.
After the Second World War, it took
America one year to dismantle a mili-
tary structure over twice as large as the
present one. But then the nation wanted
peace. Now it would take-as one con-
servative estimate goes-at least three

years. Plus a radical psychological up-
People would have to think about the
implications which automation has for
unemployment, inequalities in income
and the basic organization of the econo-
my. They would have to face the crucial
futures of civil rights and education.
They would have to take a hard look at
poverty in America. They would have to
consider the future of our cities.
THESE PROBLEMS manifest basic par-
adoxes between American ideals and
realities. We cannot continue- to place
them second to a trumped-up need for
military superiority and to deal with

To the Editor:
the University has been sur-
reptitiously allocating a portion of
my tuition toward the support of
the Michigan Union. I don't mind.
It wouldn't make much difference
if I did. And besides, every time
I consider the benefits that accrue
from my semi-annual enforced
dues payment, my senses reel. I am
allowed to
-walk up the front steps
-buy magazines at the front
-spend my money at the MUG,
dining room, pool tables, and
bowling alley.
-cash checks (a privilege grant-
ed to persons male or female, stu-
dent or faculty)
-look up out-of-town phone
umbers in the Union phone books.
* * *
to the desk and buy a Bun Bar
just to prove to myself that I-
little old 9567202-can get one
Just by. putting down my dime.
Sometimesuthe employes are even
This morning I gathered up my
courage to ask if I could reserve
a room for my parent s on the
evening of 'October 16, so that
they could end their prolonged
absence from their eldest son.
"The Union is the place to do
it," I said to myself. "After all, it
is the organization for providing
facilities for Michigan men. It
says so right on their match
I was, however, politely but
firmly informed that all rooms at
the Union are held for alumni on
football weekends, whether or not
they have asked for reservations
yet. If I would come in four days
before my parents are to arrive,
on the off chance that there were
any rooms left, the Union would
deign to rent me one.
NOW IT SEEMS to me that
the Union's prime responsibility is
toward the men attending the
University now. I have been in-
formed, in effect, that I cannot
reserve a room there until May,
1966, at which time my need for
such a room will be minimal.
It is possible the Union's policy
in this respect is the result of
financial support from its Life
Members. Let the Union be in-
formed that this policy at least
quartered any monetary return
the Union might ever have expect-
ed from me.
If the Union expects me to3 sup-
port it,maybe it should get around
to supporting me.
-Richard J. Weiland, '66
To the Editor:
SHOULD the University ever be
so concerned with its budget
that an austerity campaign is
deemed necessary, I am suggest-
ing that the Plant Department be
closely examined as a possible
stronghold of featherbedding and

For a one hour and fifteen min-
ute period yesterday afternoon, I
observed one unusually brawny
looking employee do absolutely
nothing on University time. He
did nothing for ten minutes in
front of Mason Hall, nothing for
twenty-five minutes behind the
hedge in front of the General
Library, nothing for the eight
minutes it took him to walk from
the library to the University
Museum, nothing for the five min-
utes that he stood there smoking
a cigar, nothing for the six min-
utes it took, him to walk to a
small white building in back of
North Hall, and nothing for the
thriteen minutes during which he
spoke to one of his constituents
in front of the building.
* * *
FINALLY, the two men entered
a door marked "Rogues," and
emerged eight minutes later in
street clothes (at 3:48), readyk to
"call it a day" which most likely
was scheduled until 4 o'clock. At
$4.50 per hour, a little simple
arithmetic will yield substantial
figures over a yearly interval, cal-
culated at one and a quarter hours
wasted per day per man, which is,
I think, a conservative estimate.
-John Varriano, '65
To the Editor:
THISLETTER is in response to
Mr. Bremer's letter explaining
AFECIGGE. I do this on the pre-
mise that it is a serious organiza-
tion, fully intending its avowed
policy of obtaining Canadian citi-
zenship should Sen. Goldwater be
elected. This is what Mr. Bremer
would have us believe, although
many people, I'm sure, find it hard
to swallow.
AFECIGGE epitomizes a state
of affairs for which Democrats
have been falsely railing against
Republicans for years. That is
campaigning against ideas rather
than for concepts. AFECIGGE is
a genuine example of such a situa-

How can people who would so
readily renounce their U.S. citizen-
ship be called loyal Americans? It
would seem that their loyalty is to
whatever country can offer them
the best deal. In subscribing to
the principles, its members are, in
effect, declaring that they are
poor losers and that they have -no
confidence in our system of gov-
ernment, a system that has func-
tioned without destroying the
United States or the world for
some 185 plus years.
* * *
TO BELIEVE that the election
of one man would spell disaster is
pure folly.
Just another evidence of the ir-
rationality of AFFECIGGE is the
belief that merely moving a few
miles to Canada would alleviate
all .the supposed hardships of
American life. What reason is
there to believe that if the United
States waas tin the throes of eco-
nomic and political disaster, life
would be better anywhere else?
I do not support Goldwater or
Johnson at this moment, but I'm
not contemplating any drastic
change of life, should either be-
come President.
--William R. Ader, 166E

THE ASSOCIATION of Producing Artists inaugurated its third Ann
Arbor season last night with the American premiere of Piscator's
"War and Peace." APA brilliantly realized this dramatic conception of
Tolstoy's novel in what may be its finest production here.
The play itself succeeds in being what few would have thought
possible-a remarkably true dramatic version of the novel. Piscator
has unerringly distilled the essence of "War and Peace": its scope, its
characters and its philosophical point of view.
Some scenes expand (Natasha's introduction to the Old Prince);
some contract (the opera scene and the abduction scene); some
scenes are realistic, some expressionistic (the death of Andre). Pis-
cator eliminates many of the minor characters, as well as Helene, wife
of Pierre. Yet the essential remains. For instance, the quests of Pierre
and Andre, frequently intersecting, remain the axis of the play.
UNFORTUNATELY, the character of Natasha (Rosemary Harris)
does not completely survive the transposition from novel to play.
This occurs probably because two scenes fundamental to her charac-
ter development are missing from the play: the ball scene (barely

Be gins with Tc



To the Editor:
ONCE AGAIN I must commend
the Michigan Union's Special
Projects Committee for its inten-
tions, but not for its actions.
Nazism undoubtedly is outside
the memory of most of the Univer-
sity's students, but George Lincoln
Rockwell is not the proper person
to inform these students about ,it.
He does not truly represent Nation
al Socialism, but has only borrowed
its name for his own brand of
racism, hatred, and toy-soldier
It would be far better to invite
a reputable historian or political
scientist for the Union's purpose
than to provide a forum for Rock-
well's hate-mongering.
--Michael S. Nash, '68

- DatlY-=Jal

Pierre observes Andre at war

GCA ContradictoryDream


Tryt New
'At the Michigan Theatre
J OHN GEILGUD'S production of
"Hamlet" completed a two-day
run at the Michigan Theatre yes-
tera'y, as part of a nationwide ex-
periment called "Electronovision."
Outstanding acting and the honest
simplicity of the presentation af-
forded the audience an exciting
evening of Shakespeare.
Richard Burton plays a Hamlet
of vigorous manhood, a Hamlet
disillusioned with life, yet with
an urgent desire to live. The range
of Burton's voice makes the pas-
sionate soliloquies intense arid
gripping and the philosophical
lines direct and meaningful. In
voice,tin gesture, in facial expres-
sion, Burton establishesnhimself as
the dominant figure on the stage.
In therole of Polonius, Hume
Cronyn gives Burton the most
notable support. His consistent in-
terpretation keeps Polonius a pre-
tentious old man and never allows
him to appear wise.
Eileen Herlie is an appropriately
sensual mother for Hamletg.but
Alfred Drake (Claudius) commits
an error of emphasis. The inten-
sity of his acting in the praying
scene highlights an otherwise
lackluster performance, n g gr vi n g
Claudius rather more of our sym-
pathy than he properly should
THE HONEST simplicity of the
production consists in the rela-
tively bare stage, the plain dress,
and the straightforward filming
of the play. ;Initially disturbing,
the lack of costume soon seems
an asset to the production, pro-
viding the least possible distrac-.
tion from the speeches of the
actors. The bare stage has a sim-


been telling the country that
the President has become too pow-
erful and that this very powerful
President has been much too weak
to win the cold war and stamp out
crimes of violence in our city
The senator has based his cam-
paign on the thesis that the
powers of the Presidency must be
reduced and that then a smaller
and weaker President can and
should do away with the most
troublesome problems at home and
This central contradiction is
the hallmark of Goldwaterism.
The senator finds it easy to believe
that a smaller, shruken, much less
costly government can overawe the
Communist nations jointly and
severally, can command the West-
ern Alliance and can put Latin
America in order. In Barry Gold-
water's mind, a cheaper govern-
ment could act more strongly, a
weaker government could see that
the cities are successfully policed.
* * *
run the world and yet pay less?
The fact, to be sure, is that to do
what Senator Goldwater wants to
have done demands a much more
powerful government than we have
Why does he think it doesn't?
The plain truth, I submit, is that
he is a dreamer, that when Barry
Goldwater talks' about public af-
fairs he lives in a world of fan-
tasy. He dreams that all things
are possible. For it is only in the
world of dreams that weaker Pres-
idents can do gigantic things, that
great results can be achieved at
little cost.
This unworldliness is a part of
his personal attractiveness. In his
world everything becomes possible
when you have said that it should
happen. There is no clash between
the theories and the facts. The
hard realities do not really exist.
It was this boy who has never
grown up fully who said the other
day that when he was President
he would install his. ham radio
set in the White House and would
then be able to talk to a number
of heads of state.
** *
from reality is not always charm-
ing. Many dreams can be quite
cruel, and when Senator Gold-
water talks about the poor he can
be very cruel. He has been making
much of our common worries about
the increase of crime. And ex-
ploiting this worry for political
purposes, he has been claiming
that he, Barry Goldwater, can
stop the crime which Lyndon
Johnson is, so says Goldwater,
How is President Johnson pro-

take from anyone who has more
than they?"
This must be about the first
time in 200 years that any public
man has argued that charity cor-
rupts the characters of the poor.
IT IS ,NOT ONLY charity that
is corrupting the poor. The search
for justice is also corrupting the
poor. The Goldwater theory about
civil rights for Negroes is that by
enacting laws about these rights
the Negroes have been incited to
demand these rights. According to
one of his leading supporters, per-
haps the most distinguished in-
tellectual in the Goldwater camp,
Prof. Milton Friedman of Chicago
University, the civil rights act
"has -directed Negro resentment
against whites."
Thus, it is not the grievances
that incite the Negroes; it is the
effort to redress the grievances.
The campaign has been under
way for about two weeks, and it
begins to look as If the real issue
to be decided is not whether this
or that policy or this or that piece
of legislation is sound, but whether
Barry Goldwater is fit to be Presi-
dent in the hard. world of reality.'

On Tour



come out against the use of alpha-
il order in systemization, claiming
ng other things) that alplabetical
is illogical. He needn't worry. If
ess continues at the rate it's going
we'll all be arranged numerically in
ot-too-distant future.

suggested) and the hunt scene.
In some respects, however, the play improves upon the novel.
The whole unconvining treatment of Karataev and his revelations
to Pierre has fortunately been stricken from the play. Tolstoy's philos-
ophy, often expressed in tiresome digressions, which impede the
flow of action and character, is absorbed in the play accurately and
without residue.
Advance publicity threatened that Piscator had revised Tolstoy's
novel to express a contemporary message. Fortunately, this amounts
to only a few introductory and terminal remarks by the Narrator,
who appeals for an end to war.
* * * *
ELLIS RABB has meshed a variety of staging techniques and
styles into a dynamic synthesis. For instance, Andre's wounding at
Austerlitz, a pivotal scene in the novel, received stunning visual treat-
ment by means of a tilted screen, which emphasized Andre's focus
on the sky. This screen, when Napoleon appeared behind it, conveyed
the haze through which the wounded man saw Napoleon. The retention
of the tilted screen in the subsequent contrasting scene of Doloxov's
cruel remarks about Andre lent a visual accusation to that voiced by
The battles were handled in several ways: exposition by the
Narrator or messenger reports. The Battle of Borodino, played much
like a game of chess by Pierre and the Narrator, was well conceived
but lacked the visual clarity important to its success. Other scenes,
by means of effective diction, a few soldiers and flags, good sound
effects, evoked Whole battlefields with amazing success. The technique
of showing a huge map of Europe against the stage wall could have
been utilized more effectively and for longer durations.
* * * *
THE NARRATOR of the play (Clayton Corzatte), like the narrative
voice of the novel, supplied exposition, assumed small roles or
sardonically commented on the proceedings. The comments of the
Narrator, who appears in modern dress, made the multiple transitions
less abrupt and coordinated the many pieces of the play.
APA never reached such a uniformly high level of acting in its
previous productions. In particular, Ronald Bishop gave a masterful
portrayal of Pierre; Sydney Walker played the Old Prince superbly.
-By Richard R. Sheldon

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A, NEIL BER~iSON. Editnr

g Editor

Fditorial Director

I . \ 7IL ZP-.

2MAN ................ Personnel Director
=INGER ...- Associate Managing Editor
Y .......... Assistant Managing Editor
EATTIE......Associate Editorial Director
D ........Assistant Aditorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
RD '.....................Sports Editor
Nn - -- .. Ag..aate n mtsn WAitn

- " 1



-A av". 41WAAW "I TAM A WON"

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