PRIORITIES AND THE WAR SPIRIT See Editorial Page 'Y Sir~ at t Low-4 with westerly winds Continuing pol Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No.23 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1964 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT Us Fall Enrollment Soars to Record of 29,16 Officer Aunnounces Twelfth Annual Rise . Literary College Leads Increases With 755 Jump over Last Year By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM The enrollment for the fall semester hassoared to a record peak of 29,103, an increase of 1715 over last fall. In releasing official enrollment figures yesterday,' Registrar Edward Groesbeck announced that this total marks the 12th con- secutive year where fall enrollment has climbed to a new record. It is, however, the first time in recent history that the totals astounded the predictors. Last spring, officials had planned for a student body of 28,800. Leading the increases was the literary college, which jumped from 8,779 students last fall to 9,536. The graduate school recorded - * * * * * * * *. * Will Analyze, Not Predict By MICHAEL HEFFER The Survey Research Center has started its national pre-election poll, Prof. Philip Converse of the political science department said yesterday. Converse, an SRC study director, explained that the SRC's Political Behavior Program survey is being conducted by a specially trained staff. This 'staff will interview about 2,000 people across the na- tion in their homes. The purpose of the survey is not to predict the elections, but to collect and analyze information on political behavior, Converse em- phasized. The SRC is more inter- ested in "why" people vote as they do, rather than how they' vote, he added. Accurate The surveys are Uyite .accurate, being off only one to one and one half per cent of the time, or more accurately, three per cent off 19 out of 20 times, Converse said. The margin of error is in- versely proportional to the num- ber of people interviewed, he add- ed. r An average interview lasts from one hour to an hour and a half, Converse said. The questionnaire covers first opinions and attitudes on parties, candidates, and issues. The person answering the ques- tionnaire is given time to discuss what he likes about each can- didate and what action he would like to see the candidate take. Other questions have ready-made answers from which the responder can choose. Civil Rights This year about 15 minutes are devoted to the progress of the civil rights movement, integration and the racial make-up of the re- sponder's neighborhood, Converse said. One question asks if the per- son would comply with an order to bus his children to another school. The last section contains per- sonal questions about family, in- come, and occupation. One ques- tion asks "How many more chil- dren do you and your spouse ex- pect to have?" There are three steps in select- ing those interviewed, Converse said. First, SRC establishes 60 to 70 sampling unit areas, each con- taining one or more counties. Then, houses are selected from within these units. Analysis and Publication Including costs of travel, train- ing, and staff salaries, each inter- a 316 student increase over its 6604 total. from last year. And the engineering college showed an in- crease of 173 to hike its total en- rollment to 3,079., The real surprise came in the size of the freshman class of the literary college. Officials, in plan-! ning housing and course accom- modations last year, had foreseen a 2650-student freshman class. But the final totals will reportedly be closer to 2950. Not Released Groesbeck has not yet released the enrollment by class or the in- state, out-of-state totals. He did say that the extra stu- dents, which produced unusual dormitory and classroom crowding, were brought here by an increase in student loan funds. To prevent a similar miscalcula- tion next year, Groesbeck expects "to be on top of the freshman situation.'' The admission~s office' is reportedly considering "delayed admissions policy." Under this pro- cedure, a student would be accept- ed with the stipulation that he begin school in the second term. The winter terms in past years have traditionally shown a de- cline of about 1000 from the fall. Spring enrollment last year drop- ped to 26,161, a decrease of more than 1200 from the previous fall. Officials are predicting about 28,000 for this year's winter term. However, if the delayed acceptance procedure is in~troduced; the win- ter total will swell next year. The enrollment figures released yesterday are based on "residence credit enrollment." That figure in- cludes all students who are ful- filling undergraduate or graduate requirements on the University's Ann Arbor, Dearborn or Flint campuses. Not Included The total does not encomnpass the students taking credit courses under the extension program or those enrolled in non-credit courses. There were nearly 6000 students in this category last year. Groesbeck stressed the continu- ing upward trend of enrollment which began with the return of the war veterans. In the fall of 1951, 17,226 stu- dents enrolled here. By 1955, the total had leaped to 20,676. In 1960, the student body had, expanded to 24,538. It has increased about 1000 each year in the early sixties un- til increasing over 1700 this fall. The estimates which will be sent to the Legislature reportedly fore- see an enrollment of about 30,400 for next fall. See ENROLLMENT, Page 2, UAW May Strike GM At Ten DETROIT (P)-Walter Reuther, president of the United Auto Workers, said early this morning that he was "very pessimistic that a strike, against' General Motors could be avoided." "The time is short and the dif- ferences remaining are great," Reuther wrote Louis Seaton, vice- president for personnel of GM, yesterday in proposing compulsory arbitration. "There is now the basis 'for reasonable doubt tha those differences can be resolved on a mutually satisfactory basis in the few hours remaining." Reuther proposed that a three- member board of arbitration re- solve company-union differences on grievance procedures, union representation in the plants, pro- duction quotas, discipline and working conditions. The UAW chief conceded that GM's latest money package offer would provide economic gains similar to those previously won at Chrysler Corp. and Ford Motor Co. Reuther has estimated these worth 54 cents an hour over the three-year span of the new agree- ments. Reuther told Seaton a strike against gigantic GM would have "broad ramifications and impact" upon the national economy, di- rectly affecting such other indus- tries as steel, rubber, glass, tex- tiles, aluminum, copper, lead, zinc and electrical equipment. GM itself employs 354,000 pro- duction workers in 129 plants in 71 cities. Even if it shuts off GM's assem- bly of new 1965 models at 10 a.m. today, the union. disclosed it will permit GM parts plants to con- tinue in production -- to avoid crippling Ford and Chrysler. IQC Protests Rate Revision Interquadrangle Council passed a motion last night concurring with an Assembly House Council request that the administration be denied the right to revise room and board rates during period of contract. "The recommendation will be submitted as a joint motion from the two bodies," IQC president John Eadie, '65, said. The resolution also suggested a revision of the unlimited admis- sions quota policy and the con- struction of new dorms as steps that could eliminate overcrowd- ing. Eugene Haun, University hous- ing director, appeared at the meeting and promised to submit a letter explaining in as great detail as possible the recent room and board rate hike. Haun's action is in response to an IQC motion requesting a brea:- down of the use of room and board funds and a rationale for the rate increase. Further, a committee was set up to investigate the legality of the rate revision clause of the room and board contract. Senate Apportnmeni Foreign Aid bill Passage Committee To Resolve $217 Million Slash WASHINGTON (P)-The Sen- ate passed late yesterday Presi- dent Lyndon Johnson's $3.3 billion foreign aid authorization bill after adopting a compromise solution to its long controversy over legisla- tive reapportionment. A 45-16 roll call vote passed the measure which sets a ceiling on foreign aid spending fortle cur- rent year. Actual funds must be provided in separate legislation. Passage of the measure came in a burst of speed after the ap- portionment stalemate created by a liberal Democratic filibuster against a proposal to delay court- ordered reapportionment of both houses of state legislatures on a population basis was broken. Out of the Way With that issue out of the way, the Senate quickly adopted by voice vote an amendment by Sen. George D. Aiken (R-Vt) to re- quire of aid contractors doing business with the foreign aid pro- gram the same loyalty oath he said is required of beneficiaries of the new war on poverty program. The bill, as it cleared the Sen- ate. had been cut $216,700,000 be- low the $3,516,700,000 Johnson re- quested and what the House pre- viously authorized. The measure now goes to a Senate-House conference commit- tee for a reconciliation of differ- ences in the two versions. Across the Board After first cutting the bill across the board by $216,700,000, $50 million below the recommenda- tions of its foreign aid committee, the Senate subsequently restored $50 million for the purchase of domestically produced beef, poul- try and other meat products for donation to school lunch and sim- ilar ,programs abroad. The House conferees will con- sider, among other Senate changes, administration - opposed amend- ments raising interest rates 'on economic development 1o a n s abroad and imposing an inflexible prohibition against further assist- ance to Indonesia. The latter amendment would deny aid to the Sukarno regime and terminate training of In- donesian military and police per- sonnel at United States bases or military schools or under U.S. contracts: { See Qukc :eess f Passes Cam 0 1 ; _ j i Liberals Victori Over Dirksen R Bill 'Nonbindin W WASHINGTON (V Senate adopted yesterda binding request to fede to go slowly in reap; state legislatures on a 1 basis, and removed a n stacle to early adjouri Congress-perhaps next The 44-38 roll call was for liberal Democratic who, since Aug. 12, h conducting an on-and-o: ter against a proposal i a mandatory delay it courts' application of the Court's one-man, one-yc This decision provides houses of state legislatui portioned on a populat under it, district co rts i trict states when le'isla to do so. -Associated Press COMMITTEE REPORTS, CHIEF JUSTICE EARL WARREN and the other members of the special commission that investi- gated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy present their report to President Lyndon B. Johnson. The findings are expected to point conclusively to the guilt of Lee Harvey Oswald, the ex-Marine marksman who was murdered in Dallas two days after the assassination and his arrest. Commission sources have disclosed that no evidence of a link has been found between Oswald and any conspiracy of the left or right, here or abroad. From left are:,John J. McCloy; Sen. Richard. Russell (D-Ga); Rep. Gerald Ford (R-Mich); Warren; Johnson; Allen Dulles; Sen. John. Sherman Cooper (R-Ky); and Rep. Hale Boggs (D-La). In background at left is the commission counsel, J. Lee Rankin. LEA DERS CONFERENCE: Exam.-ine ProblemsFacing ' Mansf iel tPropos~ Rider Yesterday's vote was o: to the $3.3-billion fore authorization-bill, pas which before adjournme legislative must for the administration. "The amendment adop offered by Sen. Mike IV (D-Mon), the Democrati as a substitute for one by Sen. Everett M. Dir Ill), the Republican leade IThe aim of the Dirk, posal-for a time co-spon Mansfield-was to stall districting orders for on years to allow time for of a constitutional an upsetting the Supreme C ing, at least to the e permitting states to I branch of the legislatur tioned on a geographical By KAREN KENAHj Vice - President f o r Academic' Affairs Roger Heyns, Prof. Mar- vin Felheim of the English de- partment, and Student Govern- ment Council President T o m Smithson, '66, spoke to campus leaders last night concerning prob- lems which currently face the University. Heyns said that the major con- cern of the administration was how to meet the expansion which is inevitable in the next decade.' Felheim spoke of creativity with- in faculty and of faculty relation- ships with students. "We have an important' com- mitment to extend the University facilities to as many people as possible, but have at the same time a commitment to maintain the quality of graduate and un- dergraduate instruction," Heyns said. "It would be foolish for anyone to think that the next three or four years will -be as luxurious as it has been in the past." Another difficulty is organiza- tion. In the University organiza- tion is centered around depart- ments. To individual faculty mem- bers their position within their department is more important in terms of security than any other relationship, Felheim said., Smithson said that the problem closest to student leaders is stu- dent apathy. "Most students ap- pear to be inwardly oriented with no commitment to anything larger than their personal lives. Student activities are one way to attempt to instill a larger sense of respon- 1 sibility in students." Catwg Exlains Merger Of Student Aciiy nt I 0 C nI (. 0 By JOHN MEREDITH i INDUSTRIAL SEMINAR: Numerical Control Revolutionizes Metal- By ROBERT JOHNSTON "Numerical control is the most significant new development in manufacturing technology s i n c e Henry Ford invented the assem- bly line," Frank Lynn of INTEC, Inc. (Industry and Technology) said yesterday at an-industrial de- velopmenthseminar in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Using numerical control pro- cesses, metal-working machinery is controlled by a pre-planned punched tape or computer pro- gram instead of by a human op- erator working from engineering drawings, A numerical control metal-working machine can take a piece of steel and turn it into a metal part machined to pre-set tolerances and specifications in a fraction of the time a human op- erator would take. New Technology production to short-run metal- working jobs," he said, and "the uses are broader than just metal- cutting. Numerical control is al-. ready used to wire computer con- trol panels and has applications for inspection, welding, the pro- duction and use of engineering drawings and the creation of flex- ible automatic assembly devices for a variety of mass production uses. 'In the long-range outlook, peo- ple seem to be the biggest prob- lem." Lynn said responsibilities have to be completely reorganized, new jobs created and a whole new approach to the industry's business worked out. Small shops, which account for most of the work done now, will be hit hardest, because they lack the capital needed. Industry Union president Kent Cartwright, '65, explained the state of theQ proposed merger of the Union and League student activities to the c Union board of directors last night., n "A combination of all Union and League functions under one C governing body will be considered later," he said. "The plan that is be- ing worked out now encompasses only the student activities area.".u At present, the two organizations have separate activities pro- i grams directed by different sets of officers, each responsible to .____ ..________their respective boards. Unified Structure "Under the new plan," Cart- C wright remarked, "four student c " officers would administer a uni- P r o r' j n9efied activities structure serving "The officers would sit on the s boards of both the Union and N nology and to bring the techno- League and have a vote on mat- I logical frontier to their attention." ters coming before each 'body.n He explained that the Michigan However, only the Union Board Department- of Economic Expan- would have authority in the area k sion sponsors five projects at the of student activities." University for basic research ing. manufacturing processes. "Pro- Cartwright said that he hopes duction and processes aren't the to be able to submit a final Uctv University's business," Farris said, ties merger plan to the Union "but industrial success is closely Board soon. I" expect that the re- relaed o th trinin ofthevised structure may be in opera- . related to the training of the tion by next March," he added., people employed and the knowl- ony nex Mrch, he ad. edgetehaetwowt.Te "Only a few problems, mostly ii - edethey have to work with. The volving financial procedure, re=, gap between basic research done ,,ingr at the University and industry is main. bridged by engineering students There has been talk of a Union- that move into industry and by League merger since 1962. A wellr seminars such as this one." publicized report by a specialN Advantages Union - League study committeeE Prof. Richard C. Wilson of the was completed in the spring of industrial engineering department 1963. This report called for re- of the engineering school spoke placement of the two organiza-' on the effects of numerical con- tions by a single campus center., trol on labor, set-up costs, inven. The Regents, however, rejected tory and quality control. the idea, and Union and League rp hnwh r1 .tinca,-amr. n ntinofficers have since concentrated In the six-week debate Dirksen proposal, its principal argument was one-man, one-vote doctri deliver control of state netropolitan areas at th of rural dwellers. Opponents contended that Dirksen's plan was constitutional invasion courts' jurisdiction and a ranted . affront to the Court. Most of the filibusterin went along with the 1 substitute, on the groun is merely advisory, but Se Morse (D-Ore) opposed Morse argued the Sena not go even as far as a Congress gesture critica court. After the Mansf posal was adopted he kil i t but was defeated, Thirty-seven Democr seven Republicans supp Mansfield amendment Republicans and 15 D mostly Southerners, oppo Morse's motion to t killed by 43 Democrat. Republicans. Reach Ace On NDEA By The Associated Pr WASHINGTON - H Senate conferees reach ment last night on a 1 would expand and ex amount of student loan:f rently available. The bill, part of the Defense Education Act, the House and Senate cation of the conferees Tuesday. The comoromise meas { ;.z