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September 24, 1964 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-24

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iverine Threat Scares' Highly-Ranked Illini

Sports Editor
The Daily Illini
PAIGN -Illinois' dreams
4 national championship
st largely with the one
rhich managed to beat, it
more than opinion that
ese two frontrunnershcol-
r. 7 the Big Ten chain-
will be decided.
ear the Wolverines dealt
blow to the Illini's hopes
ndefeated year as Coach
Elliott administered his
onsecutive triumph over
Pete. And this time, it
be forgiven.
Tougher This Year
nois had all the tools
on, it has them in even
abundance and ferocity
ig the list is, of course.
ica center-linebacker Dick
whom at. least one writer
in's own Tommy Harmon
October issue of Argosy

maagazine) sees as winner of the
Heisman trophy.
Butkus' uncanny ability to be
where the ball is, no matter where
it is, paid off to the tune of 145
tackles i 10ngames last season
and 97 stops in seven games as a
Flanking Butkus are Wylie Fox.
a 201-pound converted fullback
at left guard, and 220-pound Ed
Washington in the right slot.
No Injuries
Fox, despite being the lightest
Illini lineman, played the entire
season without injury. In addi-
tion, he wrested the job away
from then co-captain Dick Dell-
er after the first game.
Fox's ability was best shown ir
the Rose Bowl when he recover-
ed three fumbles during Illinois
17-7 Washington triumph.
Washington, who many clairr
has not yet reached his full po-
tential, had his finest hour dur-
ing the Rose Bowl, also, when he
accounted for eight tackles and

threw opposing quarterbacks for
losses on three occasions.
Illinois has been said to bej
strongest from tackle to tackle
and 262-pound All-Big Ten left
tackle Archie Sutton and 217-
pound Bill Minor,right tackle, ac-
count for much of this.
Seeks All-America
Sutton, giant of the team, it
seeking All-America status this
season. His 6'4" height makes him
difficult to stop (once his march
toward opposing passers has be-
Minor is the fastest Illinois
lineman and leads the red-dog-
gers over. Although he broke hi.
foot after the Northwestern game
last season, forcing him to mist
three games, he came back in the
important Wisconsin game anc
proved his worth when he recov-
ered a fumble on the fly and
pranced 20 yards, evading would-
be tacklers, before he realized that
the ball had already been signal-;
led dead.

Despite the loss of both it.
regular ends, Mike Summers ant
Bill Pasko, Illinois still is strong
at this position.
Own Six Letters
Rich Callaghan, Dave Mueller
Gregg Schumacher and Ed Rus-
sell have a total of six letters
and sophomores Bob Trumpy ant
Bo Batchelder are ready to chal-
lenge the best of them.
Currently, though, it appear:
that Callaghan and Mueller wil
be the first on the field in Illi-
nois' Sept. 26 opener at Califor-
Callaghan, who will probabl3
become Illinois' fifth, nine -lettei
man, is fast developing into one
of the Big Ten's best defensive
Mueller is the serest-handed re-
ceiver on the team and caughi
seven passes for 97 yards last
season. Schumacher is the speed-
iest and snared nine aerials foi
133 yards.

Trumpy, 6-5 and 200-pounds
may also see work as defensive
back and punter. He could de-
velop into one of Illinois' brightesi
hopes for next season.
Custardo at QB
Manning the quarterback slo'
will be Fred Custardo, who as a
sophomore last year divided tim
with now-graduated Mike Talia-
Custardo has a strong, quick
arm and all the poise of a two-
year veteran. He accounted for 24
completions and 236 yards whilt
allowing only two interceptions ii
53 attempts last year.
And he can run, too. His rush-
ing average of 5.2 yards per carry
was the best on the team.
Custardo will also kick Illinois'
Donnelly on Defense
Custardo's defensive replacement
is co-captain George Donnelly,
already being heralded as one of
the best safeties in Big Ten his-
tory. Donnelly's three regular sea-

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son interceptions and two Ros(
Bowl steals came at critical point:
in Illinois wins. Donnelly will al-
so take over Jim Plankenhorn'
field goal chores.
Starting halfbacks this year will
undoubtedly be scatback Slammin
Sammy Price and wingback Ror
Price was. Illinois' second lead-
ing ground gainer last year, ac-
counting for 381 yards in 98 car-
ries for a 3.9 average. He also
caught 10 passes for 09 yards.
Price is a 5-11, 209-pound quickie
who tours 100-yards in 9.8.
Last season Acks was No.
quarterback and made occasional
appearances only. Yet he netteC
47 yards in 8 carries for a 5.9
average and Elliott realized tha'
this kind of runner had to find
a spot on the first unit.
Acks Backs
So Acks replaced graduated Jim-
my Warren at wingback, although
he will probably back up Custards
as signal caller. This has been
pointed out already this fall wher
Custardo injured his shoulder ir
practice and Acks took over th'
QB slot until Custardo returned.
.The Illini have two of the-
strongest/ bull fullbacks in the
league in Jim Grabowski and Tony
Grabowski capped off a great
novice season in the Big Ten by
being named "Player of the Game"
in the Rose Bowl after netting
125 yards on 23 carries.
The 6-2, 207-pounder is a mas-,
ter at spinning away from tacklers
after first contact and is also
seeking All-America status.,
Grabowski tied for high scor-
ing honors in the Big Ten with
six touchdowns last season. He
gained a total of 616 yards -
highest for an Illini since All-
American J. C. Caroline gained.
1,256 in 1953.
Grabowski's worth was early
known to Elliott, so the latter
picked Big Jim over 1962's tar
scorer Al Wheatland forthe. No. I
Wheatland's gone, but Parole
is a f'ne second unit replacement
A 5-10, 194-pound plunger, Pa-
rola played No. 1 during spring
practice while Grabowski was .out
with an injury and gained 14.9
yards for a 5.8 average during the
annual intrasquad game.
And that's the 1964 Illini, e
team shooting for the highest prize
in the nation.'

Oh-h-h Give Me A
Where The AA U



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ILLINOIS IS SHOOTING for the national championship this
year. Two men instrumental in these plans are Dick Butkus and
Jim Grabowski. Butkus, everyone's All-American last year at
linebacker, anchors the defense while Grabowski, the Rose Bowl
star, is the starting fullback.
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Official Notice from the
Anyone who is to receive a degree from any school or college
of the University in either December, May, or August of 1965
must have his picture taken this week for it to appear in the f
1965 MICHIGANENSIAN. Our photographer will be on cam- I
pus only until Friday, September 25.
Make advanced appointments on the Diag or stop at the
Student Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard St., in coat and tie
sometime between twelve and six in the afternoon or seven i
and nine in the evening. Each sitting takes exactly seven and
one-half minutes.

Maor League
W L Pet. GB
New York 93 59 .612 --
Baltimore 90 64 .594 4
x-Chicago 89 64 .581 4%/
Detroit 80 73 .523131/2
x-Las Angeles 78 76 .506 16
Cleveland 76 77 .499 1712
Minnesota 76 77 '.499 17%
Boston 69 85 .444 25
Washington 60 94 .391 34
Kansas City 55 97 .358 38
x--Playednight game.
New York 4-6, Cleveland 3-4
Detroit 10, Baltimore 3
Washington 1, Boston 0
Minnesota 2, Kansas City I
Chicago at Los Angeles (ne)
No games scheduled
W L Pct. GB
Philadelphia 90 63 .588 -
Cincinnati 86 66 .566 31,
St. Louis 84 67 .556 5
San Francisco 85 68 .556 5
Milwaukee 78 73 .517 11
Pittsburgh 77 73 .513 111
Los Angeles 75 77 .493 14/
Chicago 69 82 A457 20
Houston 64 70 .416 26%
New York 51 100 .336 38
San Francisco 4, Houston 1
New York '2, St. Louis 1
Pittsburgh 7, Milwaukee 4
Cincinnati 6, Philadelphia 4
Chicago 9, Los Angeles 6
Los Angeles at Chicago
St. Louis at Pittsburgh (2)
Milwaukee at Philadelphia (n)
Only games scheduled
All Colors... $2.98
- .

If you should spot what looks like a confederate flag fluttering
from the top of the diag flag pole sometime in the very near future,
don't be surprised-Ann Arbor, until now a relatively peaceful town
disturbed only by occasional CORE demonstrations and panty raids,
now boasts of being the rebel headquarters in the row now stirring
the track world.
The war of rebellion, in which the United States Track and
Field Federation is trying to unseat the old guard Amateur Athletic
Union as .the governing body of track and field, now lies smoldering
under the impasse set up by the MacArthur agreement, but will
spring forth again, Phoenix-like, from the flames of the Olympic
The move to Ann Arbor by the USTFF, completed late this
summer, came mainly in response to an understanding inside the
USTFF since its founding that the USTFF headquarters and its
executive director, Charles D. (Chick) Werner, would move to
the Midwest-seat of the USTFF power. From the time it was
first organized in 1962 until the present, the Federation had
located its headquarters in University Park, Pa., home of Penn
State University. Werner, who spends much of his time flying
from one USTFF strategy meeting to the next, considered a site
in the Chicago area at first but finally settled on Ann Arbor
"because I wanted to stay in a college town."
Money Is The Root .. .
Another reason for the USTFF move, for the more cynically
minded amongst you, was based on purely economic considerations.
Ann Arbor is the location of the Wolverine Sports Supply Co., owned
and operated by Michigan's head track coach, Don Canham. Wol-
verine Sports Supply does a large mail order bsness in sports
equipment for various institutions in the country supporting sports
programs. In the pursuit of this
business, Canham has built up an
enormous mailing list of around
a quarter of a million
The Federation mails a great
deal of its promotional literature
using addresses and addressing
equipment provided by Canham.
Previously this required three
separate mailings - one mailing
from University Park to Ann Ar-
bor for the addresses, another'
from Ann Arbor to University
Park .to get the stuffings and
proper cancellation, and the final
mailing from University Park to
the various institutions. All that "
will be required for USTFF litera-
ture now is one mailing. For the
Federation, which is rumored not ac .
to be in the best of financial
shape right now, this is a con-
siderable saving.
Werner, in an intervie'w for this C D. (CHICK) WERNER
column, gave the impression of .
being a very political animal. For one who is used to talking wth
Canham from which stories carrying such headlines as, "Canham
Vows AAU Doom," often developed, the change in manner was some-
what surprising.
Werner freely admits that he has become a much more cautious
interviewer since he assumed the role of executive director. "When I
was track coach at Penn State I was a lot freer with my quotes, too,"
he says. Werner learned the art of descretion the hard way early in
the life of the Federation when a quote of his, commenting on the
late President Kennedy's "intervention" in the track struggle, appear-
ed on the wire services as the "interference" of the President in the
track struggle.
What can be gleaned from talking with Werner concerning the
post-Olympic period when the MacArthur track truce is terminated
reveals more of'an attitude on the part of the USTFF than any really
concrete facts. The attitude is that it will be Nellie-bar-the-door dur-
ing this winter's indoor track season.
Know Nothing Party . .
The Federation plans to go along this winter just as though
the AAU didn't exist-which the USTFF feels it rightly shouldn't,
anyhow. If you want to look for one especially hot spot this win-
ter, watch the. open competition category. Such big track names
as Parry O'Brien, Hal Connolly and Dyrol Burleson are in this
class as well as thousands of other independent track club mem-
bers. Under the MacArthur plan it was hands off these men for
the USTFF-but no more!
As to whether the President will call an athletic conference to-
gether as is "strongly recommended" in the MacArthur agreement,
is anybody's guess. The conference-in which "representatives of the
athletic groups and associations, leading sportsmen and sportswomen
of the country, and such educators and writers as may be engaged
in the field of sports" are expected to participate-would be for the
purpose of organizing a united front for American sports.
Offhand this stuff sounds like good campaign publicity for the
President, but chances are that nothing would come of such a
There are two reasons for pessimism about such a conference.

First, because getting a united front out of two such widely diversive
organizations as the AAU and the USTFF would be harder than
mating a Chihuahua with a Saint Bernard, and secondly, because
the idea of a united sports foundation, such as the AAU was and still
partially is, runs against the basic Federation philosophy that all
sports in the country should be governed as entirely separate entities.
This is the way,that sports are managed in nearly all the other coun-
tries of the world, and this is the way the federations want it in the
United States.











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SEPTEMBER 24, 1964


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