~i~r£hrlgan ~uUx Seenty-Fifth year EDITED Aft MAwActR BY STUIDENTSof ''M UN IYEZST'Y oCW M CMC. UNDMR. AUrrHOVMTYOF BoARD Im CONTROL of S1uDmrr PuMJicA'no LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: t Social Discontents and the Loyalty Oath Tradition ma Are e,420 MAYNARD ST., ANN AR3OR, MiCH. Li Prml NEws PHoNE: 764-0552 iitorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. )AY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR LOUISE LIND, T he Residential College: Finally a Non-Monster YOU WOULD THINK an enlightened institution like a university wouldn't build monsters. Monsters such as Mary Markley and South Quadrangle. When the Army builds cold, impersonal barracks, no one thinks twice. But in a university-almost by definition replete with intelligent peo- ple who ought to be aware of the re- lationship between the physical and the human-it's genuinely surprising. That there{ are people here who under- stand how the physical structure of liv- ing quarters affects the quality of life in them is unmistakable; there are men like Prof. Theodore Newcomb, the resi- dential college's top faculty mind orn the housing problem. That those men are not in the offices where existing dornitories were planned is also unmistakable. HOW ELSE COULD we have ended up with long, depressing corridors down which the drop of a pin resoun'ds, minis- cule, artless, uncomfortable cubicles, tasteless food, annoying meal lines, huge, cold dining halls? How else could a struc- ture be built that towers forebodingly above and beyond the individual, facing him with its lackluster monotony of bricks, glass and steel? To be sure, there is meaningful inter- action in the dormitories. But it is al- most exclusively In spite of them-rare- ly because of them. Maybe the answer isn't a paucity of imagination. Maybe it's just a dearth .of courage to stand up to the economizers in the administration and assert con- vincingly'that this will not do. Whatever the reason, planning really need not have taken such a course. The residential college will prove that some-' thing much better is possible. JF CURRENT THINKING is put into the final blueprints,- its structures would have only 30 people in them-in build- ings three stories high, that's about 10 on a floor. The rooms would be distinctive as imagination allows. They would be somewhat more spacious. They would be more flexible-not only might furniture be moved around, but with the opening of doors and the shift- ing of living arrangements, singles could be made into doubles, doubles into quad- ruples, almost without end. There would be lavatories serving as few as three people, perhaps lounges on each floor and certainly a comfortable lounge for each unit of 30. There would be regular dormitory rooms, some apart- ments, some cooperatives. MOST LIKELY, there would be facili- ties for seminars or classes right in the dormritories. All the units would be so close to each other and so close to the main class- rooms and libraries that the invidious psychological segregation of learning from living which the central campus now generates would be greatly mini- mized. As Newcomb puts it, the residences will be built so as to ensure "informal, repeated interaction on a personal, mean- ingful level.", OF COURSE much of this might not materialize in the final analysis.While residences can afford to be less parsimon- ious because they are largely self-liquidat- ing, the unforseeable configuration of cost and administrative decision may modify many of the brilliant ideas cur- rently circulating. But even if that happens, the fact re- mains that someone actually did plan an exciting place in which to live. Some- one will actually have designed a resi- dence that students might like. One only regrets that no one thought of building pleasant residences before, or that no one had the courage to in- sist that accountants should not design the places in which human beings must live. -JEFFREYGOODMAN To the Editor:' EVERY YEAR it happens . . and just about this time. Som social discontent makes public tha he has had his basic human right torn from his very soul by bein made to sign a chauvinistic oath of loyalty to the United States This year, alas, is to be no dif ferent. Indeed, someone from th picket-sign platoon has already made sure that the tradition wil be carried on. What is perhaps more distaste- ful is, the disgustingly apologeti attitude displayed by Universit officials in defending the oath They make issue of the fact thai the onee-required Communist dis- claimer ha.s been abandoned, a regrettable move of which they have no basis for being proud They should assume, and correctl so, that most American citizens would proudly sign an oath of loyalty to the United States. WHAT I would like to know is what will be the next item for protest. Have not M. Zweig and other guardians of human liber- ties ever noticed that there is an American flag flying right on the diag itself? No other flag, mind you, just an American flag! Actually, though, there seems to be somewhat of a contradiction in the "line" of the Anti-oath Folks. To wit, the loudest protests against the Mississippi and Alabama dele- gates who did not wish to sign a party loyalty oath came from members of the ADA (Hubert not being the least of them). The ADA, let us remember, has 'always fa- vored doing away with, among other things, loyalty oaths of any kind. Strange indeed are the travelings of M. Zweig and other fellows in liberal politics. -Steven M. Freedman, '65 Dying Socialism To the Editor: I WAS SADDENED to read your recent articles reporting the comments of Show and Blomen, vice-presidential candidates . for the Socialist Workers and Social- ist Labor parties. I was saddened not because of a deep personal commitment to so- cialism, but because their speeches seemed demonstrative of the ap- proaching death of a great move- ment. Aside from the vigorous aid they are giving to civil rights causes, these great idea leaders of the past seem very sterile. It's ob- vious that American socialism has run its course and is on its death- bed. Mr. Blomen talked of our pres- ent system as "sick and insecure," suffering from "mental break- down" and "obsolete." Well, I'm afraid those words better describe his own movement. Somehow this 'THE LADY': Vintage Hitchmcck At the Cinema Guild TONIGHT and tomorrow night. the Cinema Guild audience will be waiting in anticipation through two very bad and one mildly fun- ny Woody Woodpecker cartoons for a 1938 Alfred Hitchcock film, "The Lady Vanishes" with a top name cast. On its collective mind will be the thought that Hitchcock has been slipping of late, cf. "The Birds" and "Marnie," and that his best work-the movies in which his technical and ironic prowess shine-can be found during his English years in the thirties. "The Lady Vanishes" provides an op- portunity to examine this theory, if only partially. I feel that "The Lady Vanishes" is technically superb, but suspense- fully immature and melodramat- ically implausible. But then, this is true of all his works. Only in recent years, suspense has been heightened to a satirical and heart-thumping pitch. HITCHCOCK, in this film, has infested one of his typical "con- spiracy" plots with several in- triguing minor characters. His eye is always open for the in- congruous in their actions and idiosyncracies. However, his leads are straight - jacketed, sweet- mouthed imbeciles.3 Margaret Lockwood is sweet, pretty and, quite accidentally, the target of the conspiracy plot. Michael Redgrave comes to her aid, playing on his clarinet like Pan and smoothing her ruffled feathers. But we have seen this a million times from the days of Douglas Fairbanks to the ever- bubbling Cary Grant. As Nero probably said, "It's 2 bore," and he went back to fid- dling. Hitchcock hasn't realized this yet. 'But he has learned how to masquerade this defect with subtle grace-such as having the audience expect to find the body of a woman, but turning up a spotted calf. These touches are sardonic comments on life in the movement never kept pace with an evolving society, and it now e lies decayed and politically bank- t rupt. s* g THE SOCIALIST publication on h sale in Ann Arbor, The Weekly People, reminds one of the quo- tation: ". . we are hollow men, e empty men, headpieces filled with V straw." I would commend that dis- I appointing publication to anyone who has any doubts of what I - say. No one with any education or ccritical bent 'could help but be repulsed by its blatant shallow- ness. Ideas of replacing the civil t government of the republic with industrial unions, for example, are too insane to be taken seriously. Speaking with embarrassing frankness, I regret to say the ob- vious: that this dying movement not only is devoid of viable, con- structive ideas, but also clearly gathers most of its support from the response-seeking elements of sther dissident, disoriented and paranoiac, who, incapable or un- willing to cope with their environ- ment, reject it. The country needs new ideas and a little agitation. I certainly hope new sources spring forth, but it is time for the socialists to stop kidding themselves. -Thomas Rasmusson, '66L More Rockwell To the Editor: IT SEEMS TO ME, that in the course of the editorial com- ments opposing Mr. Rckwell's forthcoming visit, a very signifi- cant ruse has been perpetrated on your readers. None of the writers question Mr. Rockwell's right to speak, but only his right to speak at the University, and thereby miss the point completely. What these people have done is to raise the question of whether we others have a right to listen, and I submit that there can never be any doubt about that. I reject Mr. Rockwell's ideas flatly, and I also reject any sug- gestion that the Union, operating in its proper function, does not have the privilege of inviting whomever It considers to be of interest or controversy. Simul- taneously, I reject the presumption of any man to deny me the privi- lege of listening to Mr. Rockwell after that occasion has been of- fered, simply because some in- dividuals, like myself, happen to disagree with his views. * * * I CANNOT HELP making the observation that an ideology which has managed to create one of the most hideous circumstances of civilized history ought at least to be subject for discussion. And I think the appropriate place for that discussion is in an intellec- tual community where intelligent Americans are most likely 0o con- tribute constructively to the exam- ination of ideologies, i.e., in the universities. By the same philosophy which promoted these anti-Rockwell dis- sertations, one could reasonably continue to the point of outlawing all discussion of Nazism, thereby reconstructing the curricula of the philosophy, political science, his- tory, and psychology departments. It seems, really, that the reason why these people have opposed the' Rockwell visit lies much more deeply than the mouthing of pla- titudes about etiquette and re- sponsibility and propriety. Beneath these comments is an irrational fear that perhaps Rockwell will convince us he's right. This is rather obviously absurd since the vast majority of-us will come away unimpressed even if those who distrust us will refrain from tell- ing us that we have to do so. Most Americans do not hate Negroes and do not hate Jews. Most of us are opposed to wars for aggrandizement, and genocide turns us cold. All in all, I cannot escape the feeling that America will still be America after Rock- well departs. -Ev Woods, '65 T HE HEAD of the American Nazi Party is to speak in Hill Auditorium on October 13. Some students see constitutional liber- ties endangered if this party is not given a University forum. We do not advocate that Rockwell be denied the Constitutional guar- antees. But let him come to Ann Arbor on his own initiative and let him rent a hall at his own expense. Let the University re- main untainted. Hill Auditorium is not the place for the call t re- ignite the crematoriums. Plane fare and accommodations for Rockwell and his zealous storm trooper(s) should not be supplied by the student body. We cannot see how failure to subsidize him constitutes a denial of his rignts. The University is, or ought to be, a moral force in our society. When it sees injustice or corrup- tion, it must voice its disapproval in loud tones. Are we now to con- clude that genocide does not merit this denunciation? Some students persist in making freedom of speech the dominant issue. They fail to see that free- dom of speech never was a con- sideration. One and only one stu- dent-Jack Warren-is responsible for bringing Rockwell here. It was his job to screen Rockwell from a wide choice of personalities. The normal power structure of the Union rubber-stamped his deci- sion, and that was that. One stu- dent decided for twenty nine thou- sand. If it is not too bold, may we suggest that this was the clearest example of an infringe- ment on freedoms.- * * * SO IT IS DONE. Our campus will be a culture medium for the perpetuation of a psychopath's dream-unless, by the remotest chance, enough student and fac- ulty have "an emotional orgasm," and demand that the invitation be withdrawn. "Silent protest" is no protest." -Samuel Broder, '66 Robert Greenberg, '66 _ Alvin R. Jaffin, '66 Jay Kleiman, '67 James Orcutt, '66 To the Editor: A S LONG AS George Lincoln Rockwell is our guest on this campus, the rules of etiquette and hospitality will require that we feed him and provide him lodging and pay his travel expenses. Un- doubtedly we will also pick up the tab for his lackeys. In addition his presence here will gain him (and already has gained him) widespread attention not only here on the campus but in the local press and in nearby communities as well. This is the type of nourishment cancer needs if it is to grow.- Sterilization kills diseases. I for one do not want to contribute to the encouragement of Rockwell, I don't want him to have a chance to find out how courteous we are to our guests, (as we were to Gov. Barnett, who was no more than a sideshow exhibit), and as a mem- ber of the Michigan Union, I t . .. ., . ,.., Tight Little Island protest that he is being brought here. Now that he has been invited, let's deflate the ego boost .;our Union staff has honored him with. Let's send Rockwell a cancellation; let's do our part to let him know i/f pop-~ perience, and extends mental ana moral horizons beyond the here and now. University students will learn far more about Nazism, German and American, by going to the library than by listening to the leader of the American Nazi T J 1 I that we think of him as we think of all opportunists and hate mer- chants. Let's. reject Rockwell! -Lawrence Okrent To the Editor: R. JOHN WARREN'S letter, attempting to clear up "recent confusion" pertaining to the im- pending visit of the leader of the American Nazi Party to this cam- pus, under the auspices of a Uni- versity student group, is com- mendably well-intentioned, moder- ate in tone, and eminently civil- ized. None of these qualities, how- ever, lends substance to Mr. War- ren's arguments. Mr. Warren gives four reasons for the invitation to the. Nazi: 1)" that, because most University stu- dents are too young to, have any personal recollection of World" War II, and because even more are uninformed about American, Nazism, the Nazi's speech will-have educational value, allowing "each student to form his own opinions and conclusions about the issue of discussion"; .2) that the very nature of a university necessitates efforts to present all viewpoints on all subjects lest knowledge of that subject remain incomplete; 3) that the Nazi and his party are no threat, but that the concept behind him is, and that conse- quently the University community can increase its awareness of a dangerous concept by listening to one of its innocuous exponents (a bargain basement value, surely) ; and 4) - that the University can well afford to risk lending the Nazi the dignity of a University platform for the sake of assisting "the c a m p u s" to remember Nazism. None of these reasons sus- tains serious analysis. * * * ONE OF THE chief values of formal education is Lhat it re- moves the limitations of the pos- sibilities of so-called practical ex- Tale of Quad Treatment RECENTLY A FRIEND of mine, a fel- low quadrangle' resident and an in- dividual not generally given to telling wild tales, informed me of an interest- ing incident which befell him some time ago. Despite the length of time which has elapsed since that day, the message' remains the same. It seems that this friend of mine (I'll call him Jack, although of course that's not his real name) and his roommate de- cided that they would prefer a bunk bed in' their double-room instead of the two separate beds they had to begin with. Their reasoning was simple enough: hav- ing both beds in one unit would mean that they would have more room to study. So Jack went to see East Quadrangle Di- rector Stuart M. Zellmer about obtain- ing a bunk for their room. THEIR CAUSE seemed lost from the outset when Zellmer told Jack that there were no bunks to be had in the quad. This was enough to placate Jack the first time around; but when he happen-, ed past the storage room a while later and saw hundreds of bunk beds stand- ing around gathering dust, he lost little time going back to Zellmer. It would seem that now that all con-, cerned knew the bunks were there, there would be no reason why' Jack couldn't have one. In all probability, there wasn't, either; but Zellmer came up with the excuse that the beds he had said earlier were nonexistent (but which were in the storage room all along) were ac- tually part of a quadrangle system "bunk pool." Noting that all quadrangles took bunks from this "pool" to use them in temporary housing, Zellmer concluded that Jack had no right to have one for his own room. 'WELL, JACK HAD BEEN in temporary housing before, when he first came to South Quadrangle; and so he realized from his own experience that surplus Navy cots and not bunk beds had been used in his temporary housing. Moreover, one doesn't argue with Authority; so Jak returned deifetd to his room. total distance of about six feet (exclu- sive of the wall). BUT ALAS AND ALACK for sweet con- tentment and congenial study sur- roundings, the dragon of Bureaucracy once again reared its ugly head in the person of Stuart Zellmer. Entering the room on other business not too long after the transaction had taken place, he was horrified to see a bunk bed where two single beds should have been. He called poor Jack onto the carpet and told him that he (Zellmer) would have to think the whole sordid matter through and decide whether he could allow Jack and his roommate to retain their bunk bed. In the next day's mail came a terse memorandum stating that the boys would have to return the beds to the rooms whence they came or face a heavy fine. And so the sad tale has ended. Jack and his roommate} had two single beds- which they didn't like-and their neigh- bors had their bunk bed-which they didn't like. It would have cost nothing to allow the four students to retain the type of beds they preferred, and Zellmer's agreement to the original proposition would have saved all concerned a lot of needless bother, to say nothing of the way in which such an action would have demonstrated Zellmer's concern for the students. ON THE CONTRARY, the actions of that week demonstrated that Zellmer has little (if any) concern for the stu- dents. Nor is this a fact demonstratable for only one person on the University payroll; the bunk bed matter is only one of a number of events (including the North Campus parking controversy and the $34 residence hall fee hike) that show not only the University bureaucracy's lack of communications with the students but also its lack of concern for them. There is no use crying over spilled milk, as an old proverb tells us; and the events delineated above have probably already been long forgotten by those in- volved. But nobody should ever forget that Jack's sad tale represents only one n+,,,4- 4'n a- -n # ,a nu n , ni 'norl Party. Whatever titillation the Nazi may provide, it will not be relevant to the formation of sound and informed opinion. A university neither can nor should attempt to view knowledge democratically: as if knowledge were composed of so many individ- ual subjects, 9ach with an equal claim to representation. It is perhaps possible to argue that.the- community of universities can claim all knowledge for its prov- ince, but even then' only within those bounds .that are' evident from commonly acepted ethical standards. To argue that we cannot know what is.good unless We first taste what is evil is to pretend that we are still living in the Garden of Eden. I am sure that most Uni- versity students know better. And no case at all can be niade for the' notion that the University has a responsibility to its students to let. them hear the Nazi, any more than could be made for the ide that it has the responsibility to let them witness an act of sexual perversion, for the sake of broad- ening their experience. * * * MR. WARAEN'S third argu=- ment is incomprehensible. If the reader feels that my paraphrase of It, is mere caricature, I refer him to Mr. Warren's letter mn The. Daily (Sept. 23). As to Mr. Warren's fourth argu- ment, this is, as he implies, a matter of opinion. Obviously I dis- agree with him. It seems to me strange that Mr. Warren and his committee should be in a position to confer the very real dignity of a University platform upon the Nazi. It strikes me as peculiar that Mr. Warren and his committee have the power to decide that it is more important for this year's undergraduates to have the oppor- tunity to hear the Nazi than for the University, which will be here for some time to come, to assign a level of dignity to its platforms beneath which It will not descend. And it seemss to me amazing that Professor Ilie's profound and elo- quent letter, published last week, falls apparenty, on deaf admin- istrative ears while Mr. Warren's letter has all the earmarks of a fait accompi. THE REASONS fr not permit- ting the Nazi to 'speak on our campus are not dealt with by Mr.' Warren. I will content myself with giving just one. It is that we can- not :allow our University to sink Into amrality, as if, notoriety enhanced any perversion with suf- ficient intellectual interest for its public display .on University premises. I call on Mr. Warren to recon- sider his stand, and I fervently hope that the University will r- consider the implications of its silence. Twenty years may seem long enough to Mr. Warren to have given Nazism only historical interest. But I assure him that it is still far too soon to see a swastika again, and the curiosity of the young is a particularly ironic reason to urge those of us who will not forget because 'we cannot forget to pretend that we are living fossils. -Rudolf B. Schmer Office of Research Administration Democracy'..d DEMOCACY .as the West de- i I I 4 I \ -~ & u~a a' if I i