NON-MONSTER HOUSING See Editorial Page ' Y Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom 4bF 4:3 a t.1 PARTLY CLOT High-75 Low-60 Little change in temperature I, -4 VOL. LXXV, No. 22 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1964 SEVEN CENTS Detail Structure of Union-League Plan Conibined Executive Would Have Four Senior Officers on Board By PHYLLIS KOCH Further progress on the Union-League merger was reported last night as Women's League President Nancy Freitag, '65, detailed the internal structure of the proposed new organization. Her report, delivered to the League Council, was based on a meeting last Saturday of League and Michigan Union representatives. External structure had been worked out the previous week. The executive board is to consist of four senior officers: -A president; -An executive vice-president, in charge of the total budget and finances for the organization and the daily liaison with the business 'offies of the Union and League; ;- k j _ -An administrative vice-presi- iu ; Y dent, in charge of the committees and their projects, and r -A coordinating vice-president, B t S14 n in charge of the coordinate activi- ties, including such major week- ends as Homecoming, Spring Weekend, Soph Show. Petitioners for senior officers would have to have junior stand- SAIGN (P)-ith the end of in. SAIGON ()-Wi he en Michigan Union President Kent Saigon's general strike, the po- Cartwright, '65, will report to his litical heat on Premier Nguyen board of directors today - their Khanh's government has subsided first meeting of this academic once again, but observers say the year. lull probably won't last more than "There is absolutely no question a few days. that the merger is a reality," Cart- The capital's major labor union wright said yesterday. While not is satisfied for the moment, and completely satisfied he said that demonstrating crowds are off the it is "the best possible student or- streets. But new trouble looks ganization that could be conceived likely to come from other quar- at this point." ters. The city is tense. The merger will bring every- r Crises have beset Khanh for the thing under one Board of Direc- past two months at increasingly tors, merging student activities on frequent intervals with increas- all levels. ingly serious results. In every case Three steps remain until the .the goverrnment has won tempor- merger becomes official: approval arily peace only by making ma- by the League Board of Govevnors, jor concessions to political, re- the Union Board of Directors, ard ligious and labor opponents. th iRegents. Mandate The proposed merger has been Khanh has a mandate to rule the subject of debate for quite as premier for only 36 more days. som9 time at the University. The He has promised to relinquish his prol em became the object of pub mandate at the end of that time lie attention after the issuance of to a "high national council" of the Robertson report in the spring lr to 20 members being organ- Of 1963. ized by the chief of state, Maj.' Gen. Duong Van Minh. The council's mission is to , create a civilian government, and it can ask Khanli to remain as caretaker premier for an addi- tional period. But it is to be made k..": up of diverse elements, including rival political and religious lead- ers. In the past, such groups have not achieved unity of action and opinion in South Viet Nam. Should Khanh take things into his own hands and try to stay on s without the council's approval, he is sure to face more hostile dem-.r z """' onstrations by Buddhists, stu . .. dents,, and other 'groups. This .. would increase the likelihood of another coup attempt by young officers who have demanded a stronger government. Revolt A revolt of mountain tribesmen RICHARD CARDINAL CUSHIN in- the highlands of central Viet Cardinal Meyer of Chicago confe Nam 150 miles north of Saigon of the twentieth Ecumenical Coi still causes major concern. It be- gan Sunday with a "declaration U " S. 3m of independence" and a demand for regional autonomy by several hundred primitive "montagnards" " w whom U.S. special forces had trained and armed to be guerrilla fighters against the Communist Viet Cong . VATICAN CITY (P)-America The revolt 'appeared yesterday Ecumenical Council yesterday for to be spreading throughout Dar- and set off a conflict with Eun lad province and apparently in- Americans' stand was applauded, in cluded many more of the tribes- eansy thn ira bad in men than participated originally. Nearly the entire body of 24 The Saigon government ordered bishops from Canada and Latin Am reinforcements of lowland Viet- council to come out in favor of r namese troops into the area. from Italy and Spain denounced The tribesmen held -five camps to the Roman Catholic Church. just outside Ban Me Thuot and highlighted one of the most dra-' refused to talk to government of- matic meetings of the 3-year-old ficials. American special forces council. men were trying to act as inter- In the space of less than four meDaros demonstrations by hours, the following issues arose: Dangaaerous ed r-yThe council fathers9accepe youiths at the coastal town of Quil 'Tecuclftesacpe Nhon appeared quelled for the 1111by a vote of 1,927. to 292 a cru- moment by government promises cial provision that bishops in un- to oust a number of town officials. ion with the Pope share in his Many observers believe this supreme jurisdiction over the pattern is leading South Viet church. This is the heart of the Nam toward a general collapse collegiality issue which Pope Pau that can be averted only if the has called the "weightiest and Saigon government regains some most delicate" business of the cif its authority. council. 'It could ultimately lead Wellman Skeptical of U' Senate Refori By JEFFREY GOODMAN When University professors re-open discussion next month on whether to restructure the faculty Senate, they will find the man at the helm of the organization calmly skeptical. While he definitely doesn't want to be a block to free dis- cussion on the question, he does have his personal views. Prof. Richard Wellman of the Law School, chairman of the Senate's 19-man Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, feels that the proposed reorganization of the Senate is essentially unnecessary and possibly detrimental to the Senate's function. He views that function as providing an "ongoing tinuing structure through which faculty can evaluate University." And he believes that the Senate's present in the context of the overall University structure, is rational one for fulfilling that function. and con- the total structure, the most More Action-Oriented Not necessarily so, according to the members of the Senate's Subcommittee on University Freedom and Responsibility. If their opinions follow the proposal they issued last spring, these men feel the Senate structure could and should be much more action- oriented. The idea is that the 1200-man Senate-which meets only once a semester-would elect a 65-man University Assembly to meet once a month. The Assembly would be authorized to speak for the Senate on matters of University interest. SACUA, which now meets once a month, would meet weekly and be cut from 19 to nine members. It would continue to serve as the Senate's executive arm and liaison with the administration. Thus, the thinking goes, the Assembly would involve more faculty more frequently in the ongoing business of the University. And the executive body-because it would be smaller-would be better able to put. Senate decisions into effect, even though it would continue doing a sizeable part of its work through its numerous subcommittees. The freedom and responsibilitycommittee goes even farther, however. In its original proposal was a section defining general and special Senate responsibilities in a form seemingly much different from present responsibilities. While this section was not submitted to the Senate at the spring meeting-and thus is not formally on the agenda for further debate-indications are that it will be brought up at the restructuring discussion, sched- uled for Oct. 14. Generally, one paragraph reads, the Senate should "enable the faculty to participate in the making of University policy decisions and in the appointment of leading administrative of- ficers." Participate in Policy-Making Among other specific duties, "the Senate shall (through its delegated bodies) participate in the formation of University policy. in relation to: -"The annual and other general University budgets, particu- larly those features of such budgets which concern changes of policy that occur from one year to another; -"The directions to schools and colleges concerning prin- ciples of appointment, promotion and salary." Wellman sees an essential ambiguity in the whole responsibili- ties section. If it merely seeks to define the faculty's voice in the University power structure, he feels it is unnecessary, since adequate channels already exist 'for the expression of faculty opinion. Inefficient, Ineffective On the other hand, the proposal may be seeking to establish, a greatly expanded authority for the faculty. Yet this authority, Wellman feels, could not be handled ef- ficiently or effectively, for it would conflict with the special professional functions of the faculty. And whatever its responsibilities are to be, he says, the Senate-would be hampered by a restructuring. AsWellman views it, the University power structureis rationally organized. Through it, decisions of all kinds are in the hands of men whose specific function is to determin ought to be done in given cases. In the hierarchy, faculty are best suited to furtherin versity interests through teaching. At other levels, they work with departments, schoc colleges to exercise their expertise in matters such as a] ments, curriculum and counselling. At an even more in level, the administration's executive officers are responsil trained directly for such tasks as mediating between con demands for fipances. Concerned, Knowledgeable Through this structure, Wellman feels, faculty have a quate means of influencing decisions at the levels wher are most concerned and most knowledgeable. Not only do Senate, through its myriad committees, provide a direct for criticizing administrative policies, but the departmen organized to allow maximum faculty participation. In the smaller departments this is often provided by faculty a direct vote in 'key decisions; in larger departmer on the college level, power is delegated to the chairmen, dea executive committees who are in constant touch with pro "I see no need for new legislation to provide for a voice which already exists," Wellman feels. "I don't thi system is at all static. We are coming more and more point where we can say with assurance that any Un matter anyone wants discussed can be attended to by a committee, which can communicate directly with the appr administrative officer." If, however, the responsibilities section of the proposa expanded power, the faculty would be overstepping its r bounds. "I don't think the Senate, SACUA or a University A& should think it their purpose to run the University," WE See DOUBTS, Page 2 tRAP Inches Toward Helping Nation's Poor The Economic Research and Action Project took some small, al- most invisible steps this summer toward what its sponsors hope will be success in organizing the poor for social and economic gains. The Students for a Democratic Society project sent about 110 students into 10 centers of urban poverty this summer and will con- tinue work in seven or eight of them through the coming year. Most projects involved organizing poor whites into small groups for action on jobs, better housing and welfare conditions and schools. "It's wrong to measure success in terms of ERAP's long-term goal -an inter-racial organization of the poor. It is too early to say Court Halts Senate Moves To K Southern Decision Redistricting,,,Ride Q -Associated Press ] G (right) of Boston and Albert er yesterday at the second session uncil Ask Pledge Freedom an cardinals pressed the Vaticano a declaration on religious liberty xopean conservative prelates. The violation of council rules. 44 U.S. bishops, with support by nerica, issued urgent appeals for the eligious freedom for all. Cardinals such a declaration as a danger The clash in St. Peter's Basilica 'C >anything about that," declared ERAP director Rennie Davis. "You have to look at begin- nings. I was impressed with the success ERAP had in reaching whites. The groups discussed, plan- ned actions on economic issues." Davis said that in at least seven areas, ERAP summer project staff members had created viable community groups able "to oper- ate under their own steam." The project has emphasized building block organizations in the cities in which it worked. Davis explained block organizations pro- vide a stronger political base. The summer found ERAP proj- ects in these cities: -Baltimore. ERAP staffers have helped form a biracial 300-member union of the unemployed called Union for Jobs or Income Now' (U-JOIN). Its major effort has been protesting red tape in receiv- ing unemployment compensation and demanding more retraining programs and projects that would employ the area's unemployed. -Chicago. The ERAP project there is similar to Baltimore with the Jobs or Income Now (JOIN) unemployeds union dealing with some 200 to 300 persons. JOIN is collecting signatures for a peti- tion to Mayor Richard Daley seek- ing more jobs and public projects. Five out of 11 summer staffers are staying with the project this fall. -Philadelphia. ERAP has tak- en a different approach by setting See 'ERAP,' Page 8 By The Associated Press WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court yesterday granted a stay temporarily blocking a lower court decision which struck down a section of the civil rights act af applied to a Birmingham restaur- ant. At the same time, Justice Hugc L. Black said he had been au- thorized by the five other justices here to announce that the court is willing to hear arguments on the case Monday, Oct. 5. That is the opening day of the court's new term, at which it haf already agreed to hear the first challenge to the new civil rights act-the Atlanta motel case. It I, rare for the tribunal to hear ar- guments on opening day. Black, who supervises the cir-- cuit where the cases were heard said "it is a rule of law that courts of equity will not enjoin the en- forcement of an act of Congress except under the most imperativf or exigent circumstances." On Aug. 10, Black had refus- ed on the same ground to block enforcement of the civil rights law in the Atlanta case, in which a three-judge federal tribunal hel( the public accommodations sectior of the act constitutional. The Atlanta situation w a; slightly different. The Atlanta res- taurant is located adjacent to an interstate highway, close to in- terstate commerce, while the Birmingham establishment is'sev- eral blocks from the nearest typ of interstate travel. In the Birmingham decision, the three judges agreed that Congress has the authority to control in- terstate commerce and also in- trastate commerce "only when those activities have such a close and substantial relation to inter- state commerce." -0V ote ToOn Ms Drksen 'Next Comp -Associated Press REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL candidate Barry Goldwater waves to a cheering crowd yesterday in Dallas, Texas. Earlier in the day, Goldwater charged in a Fort Worth speech that President Lyndon B. Johnson "plays politics with defense contracts." Goldwater Says Johnson Uses Defense for, Politics DALLAS (P)-Sen. Barry Goldwater accused the Johnson ad- ministration yesterday of playing politics -with defense contracts and using income tax returns to apply pressure for campaign sup-. port. New Measure M Only Recomme Have No Legal WASHINGTON (/P)-'I Ing party leaders in tl dissolved their uneasy pi on legislative reappo yesterday and agreed I vote " today that. may way to adjourning Con fore election day. Democratic leader Mi field (D-Mont) won rel his co-sponsorship of R leader Everett M. Dirk reapportionment-now" offered a compromise I end a 35-day-old stalema The compromise pla: voted on today and if it ed the legislative logjai broken. Sen. Paul Douglas leader of the liberal g Ye The Republican presidential nominee also fired a new barrage of charges at Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara. McNamara addressed the American Legion Convention here Tuesday strongly defending his policies and contending the U.S. de- fense establishment never had been more powerful. Goldwater couldn't wait for his speech before the American Legion convention to cut loose at McNamara. He began on both the defense secretary t r . FOREIGN VALUES: and President Lyndon B. Johnson on his early morning stop at nearby Fort Worth. Spaar Asks Understanding of, Japan Council Forms Study Groups. fl The Student Government Coun cil Executive Committee announc- ed officially at the SGC meeting last night the formation of com- mittees to study the motion of Barry Bluestone, '66, on student grievances. Bluestone presented Council with to a new form of c nurch govern- ment, a permanent senate of bish- ops to help the Pontiff rule. -The controversial declaration on religious liberty came up for de- bate for the first time and touch- ed off an immediate storm. De- bate will continue on the issue ir coming weeks. Spearheading the American bishops' campaign were Cardinal: Richard Cushing of Boston, Al- bert Meyer of Chicago and Jo- seph Ritter of St. Louis. -The Vatican announced the By DAVID GARELICK Richard Spear, speaking on "Some cliches about Japan" said last night that the "correctness" of certain virtues or vices at- tributed to Japanese culture "depends only on individual prefer- ences." Speaking in the International Students Association's "Aware- ness" program, Spear emphasized the importance of direct ex- change in understanding other cultures, particularly non-Western ones, which are often interpreted by Western standards only. "We must not merely be told what another people is like," Spear said. It is frequently a matter of our own judgment; any' clear cut generalizations or cultural catagorizations only lead to contradictions. Cultural classifications are seldom clear cut. He pointed out an example of such a contradiction in the common misconception of the Japanese people as "polite, reserved. and soft-spoken" when actually many of them are "cool, violent anl impolite." The fact that the Japanese may be aggressive when pushing their way into a bus and then, at the same time, tranquil and diplomatic when meeting someone that they know on that and their "slyness and underhandedness" Spear went on to say that once we gain a thorough understanding of all the customs and beliefs, any other statements we make concerning the "right- ness" or "wrongness" are only in the form of subjective personal preference. According to Spear, before making any sort of value judgment about Japan, one ought to know something about the Japanese character and temperment, their concept of pride, group cooperation and common sense. The Japanese place great emphasis on the group and the individual's subordination to the will of the group, he said. In a classical quote cited by Spear, the Japanese say "If you want to get on in society, don't make a disturbance." Spear brings this in to stress the importance this concept has, not only in the daily life of a Japanese but also in his cultural heritage. Asked if traditions had been influenced at all by the modern technological and economic changes in Japan, Spear said that the cultural changes hadn't been great and expressed the opinion that the Japanese wouldn't become very "Westernized" "We don't want all the countries of the world to live in one big Los He told an estimated 8500 per- sons in Fort Worth that the TFX warplane contract was "a poli- tically oriented piece of business." "We must never play politic. with defense," Goldwater said. But he added quickly that at President he wouldn't try to shift the contract-which may total $( billion before completion - awa'3 from the General Dynamics Corp. in Fort Worth. In Evansville, Ind., Sen. Huberi Humphrey chided Goldwater for not speaking out against the John Birch Society during Goldwater'; appearance on television Tuesday night with former President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The socie- ty has attacked Eisenhower. Goldwater and Eisenhower chat- ted together about campaign is- sues in a half-hour program broadcast from the general's Get- tysburg farm home and sponsored by Republicans. "I was kind of hopeful that dur- tling to uphold the E Court's June 15 one-man vote ruling, hailed Man proposal as "a significant v Dfrksen took a no-retrea and said he would return again next year for a law ing court-ordered reapporti until Congress can act on stitutional amendment ov ing the Supreme Court ruli Efforts to end the Doug filibuster against the D Mansfield rider had failec move to table the rider a: beaten recently. In effect Mansfield'sc mise would substitute fo sen's "thou shalt not" edict courts a simple "we hc won't" expression of conga sentiment. It would have not force which is what Dirksen sisted it should have. One factor . in Mansfield sion to try to end the d was the sparse attendance cent sessions-mute evidei many members are breaki: to join political wars back ] Mansfield adopted subs ly the same language Dirk posed Tuesday as a mod of his original rider. The difference is that it rsemC mandatory order to the cot substitutes the "sense of C approach. The compromise would