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September 23, 1964 - Image 1

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Little change i$'

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXV, No. 21




pi ~ w . - :.;_ _ _ _: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . fKx:Il
Ve Education c~o Acti-ons.rc:ty .:t ...:....t..# .C'. '?Sk:" '.:?< # .Y.t -r >K.<.3~ u'

The National Council of Accred-
itation for Teacher Education re-
cently examined the education
school and recommended several
changes in existing policies.
However, NCATE did renew the
school's accredation, Dean Willard
C. Olson reported.
NCATE suggested closer inte-
gration of 'the campus teacher
education programs with those of
the Flint and Dearborn branches.
In particular, the letter noted a
difference in curriculum require-
ments and quality of resources :n
the branch schools as compared to
the education school here.
Academic Records
The letter also recommended
that the academic records of
branch students be kept on file in
Ann Arbor. Presently, the educa-
tion school on campus does not
see a branch student's record un-

_Funds ere
For WInners
Of State Aid
Winners of scholarships from
the Michigan Higher Education
Assistance Authority can now pick
up money for the fall term at the
cashier's office in the Administra-
tion Bldg.
The University yesterday re-
ceived $65,000 from the state to
finance the scholarships, Ivan W.
Parker, assistant to the director
of financial aids, has announced.
Of the 1,292 winners at the
state's colleges and universities,
the University has 243, Parker
said. Awards to students at the
University vary from $100 per
term to the full $280 tuition fee
per term. Students in good aca-
demic standing can renew their
scholarships '
j This is the first year for the
state-financed scholarship pro-
gram, in which grants have been
awaided to three applicants in
each of. the state's legislative dis-
tricts. In addition, many scholar-
ships have been awarded on an
at-large basis.
Under the statewide program,
students can win grants not over
the full cost of the tuition at their
schools. The maximum amount is
$800. Since freshman tuition at
the University is $280, no grants
to University freshmen are for
over $280.
Of the state's winners, 908 have
chosen to attend public colleges
and universities, 322 have picked
private and parochial institutions,
and 62 will attend community col-
leges. In designing the program to
pay tuition fees for many up to a
maximum of $800, state legislators
hoped to encourage the winners
to apply their scholarships against
the higher costs of the private
schools, thus easing .,the space
problem in public schools.
The University has a three-man
team administering the scholar-
ships. Besides Parker, the team
includes Prof. Benno Fricke of
the psychology department, and
Gail Wilson of the admissions of-
fice. Parker indicated that fig-
ures on how many winners are
attending each of the state's
schools will be available in about
two weeks.
The Legislature has authorized
a scholarship program for next
year the same size as this fall's
program. Parker said high school
seniors can register for scholar-
ship tests for next year's awards
between Oct. 12-Nov. 2 at their
high schools. The competitive ex-
amination will be given on Nov.

til it comes to them for certifica-
NCATE raised a question as to'
the time of identifying applicants
for the teaching certificate. The
education school requires such
applications be made no later than
November of the junior year. At
times, students are allowed later
entry; NCATE, however, prefers
early identification of all to pro-
vide b e t t e r counseling oppor-
A third area of recommended
improvement concerns additional
supervisors for coordinating the
student teaching program. NCATE
advised that more people visit the
schools and teachers under whom
students are working. "We have
long recognized this need," Olson
said, "but it's expensive and so
we haven't implemented it as
much as we'd like."
Representatives f r o m NCATE
visited the University for several
LSA Group'
To Discuss
About 25 literary college seniors
will offer their opinions on courses
and professors when the college
holds its semi-annual counselling
seminar Oct. 12.
The seminar will be open to
anyone seeking informal counsel-
ling from the viewpoint of other
students. The seniors present -
chosen for their experience with
various courses and teachers-will
represent nine different depart-
According to Edward Mehler,
'65, chairman of the literary col-
lege steering committee, this will
be the third such seminar-one
was held each semester last year.
Two-Hour Session
Basically, the seminar will be a
two-hour session in the conference
room of the Michigan Union, with
the student counsellors seated at
tables. The date of the seminar
has been set for one week after
preliminary time schedules for
the winter term will be issued, so
that students can ask about spe-
cific courses and teachers.
Mehler said the seminar will be
designed to give the kind of in-
formation usually found in course
evaluation forms. It is hoped the
seminar will supplement regular
faculty academic counselling.
Mehler also announced that the
committee-at its weekly meeting
Monday-had decided to investi-
gate literary college distribution
requirements in its future meet-
Accept Philosophy
Having accepted the philosophy
behind these requirements as
stated in the college catalogue,
the group will spend a weekly
meeting or so on each area of the
Eventually, it hopes to make a
recommendation to the curriculum
The first area to be investi-
gated will be the foreign language
requirements. Mehler noted that
some of the committee feel there
should be no requirement in this
field, others that three years of a
language should be necessary.
He also reported that two or
three positions on the committee
will be open to petitioners begin-
ning today. Anyone in the literary
college may obtain forms in Rm.
1220 in Angell Hall.
Petitioning will close at noon
Wednesday, Oct. 7.

days last March to validate the
education school's report concern-
ing its objectives, administrative
structure, academic standing of
education school students, faculty
qualifications, curriculum and stu-
dent teaching opportunities and
"M o s t .NCATE requirements
were met before their representa-
tives arrived at the University as
we knew what they wanted," Ol-
son said.
NCATE is recognized as the ap-
proved accrediting agent for
schools of teacher education by
the National Commission on Ac-
creditation-itself the answer of
institutions to the mushrooming of
accrediting agencies.
Dissatisfaction w i t h NCATE
from professional quarters has
been raised on several points, Ol-
son commented.
Some circles are worried over
state school systems accepting
teachers certified by NCATE ac-
credited institutions with less
scrutiny than teachers of non-
accredited institutions.
Others argue that NCATE is not
broadly representative of enough
academic specialties. To this end
Olson plans to attend a meeting in
Washington of the American As-
sociation of Colleges for Teacher
Education where the reorganiza-
tion of NCATE along more rep-
resentative lines will be under
While NCATE is actually' an
autonomous body, the AACTE was
influential in assisting* it into be-
ing and supplies a significant
proportion of its funds. Some
quarters are leery of the AACTE,
Olson noted, because of the pres-
sure its money may exert on
NCATE's policies.
To Give Aid
To Niehuss
A faculty advisory committee to
University Executive Vice-Presi-
dent Marvin L. Niehuss was for-
mally established Monday by the
Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs.
Formation of the committee wa
omitted from yesterday's report of
the monthly SACUA meeting, at
which an advisory committee to
Vice-President for Business ane
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont wa
also set up.
The group which is to work
with Niehuss-the Subcommittee
on the Role of the University in
Statewide Education -- will be
chaired by Prof. W. J. Pierce of
the Law School. Prior to Mon-
day's SACUA decision, it was F
subcommittee of another broad-
er group, the Subcommittee on
Educational Policies.
Prof. Richard Wellman of the
Law School, chairman of SACUA
revealed the formation of both
advisory groups. He also noted
that SACUA is in the process of
making two other existing com-
mittees into formal advisory com-
mittees to the vice-presidents fo
research and University relations
Naming these committees as ac-
tual advisory groups Is merely a
formal matter, Wellman said, since
they already perform most of the
functions of advisory groups.
These functions center around
providing a regular channel
through which faculty and ad-
ministrators can communicate
their ideas on a wide range of

-Daily-Ed Langs

THE PREMIERE PERFORMANCE of the 1964-65 season of the University's Professional Theatre
Program featuring the Association of Producing Artists, was greeted by many University dignitaries.
Above, left to right, University President Harlan Hatcher, his daughter Ann, and Mrs. Hatcher are
greeted by PTP director Prof. Robert Schnitzer. The opening night featured the APA in the first
American performance of Edwin Piscator's adaptation of "War and Peace," Leo Tolstoy's classic
Lewis Gives.HoustigFigures.


As of a week ago, 832 dormi-
tory residents occupied rooms to
which the University has added
an extra man this fall, Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis said in a report
released yesterday.
One hundred forty-eight of the
residents were in single rooms
which the University has con-
verted into doubles, while 684 were
in double rooms which the Uni-
versity has converted into triples.
The converted rooms bave re-
sulted from the University's re-
cent relocation of 450 students
r ho were in temporary housing
at the start of the semester.
The University accommodated
about 350 of those in temporary
housing by converting dormitory
singles into doubles and doubles
into triples. It relocated the re-
maining 110 by placing them in
rooms which students had reserv-
ed but failed to claim.
Temporary housing usually ac-
commodates about 200 students at
r the beginning of the fall semes-
ter. Under ordinary circumstances
the University is able to relocate
almost all of them in rooms which
go unclaimed. But this fall, the
University admitted about 250 ex-
tra freshmen without opening any
more housing.
As a result, 460 students wound
up in temporary housing, and the
University was forced to convert
- rooms in order to accommodate
- them. Earlier this month, Resi-
dence Halls Director Eugene
Haun revealed that the University,
is adjusting rates for those in
converted doubles to $10 under
the ordinary double rate, and for
those in converted triples to $15
below the ordinary triple rate.
Lewis' report indicated that P
policy the University established
this fall-that of not admitting
e new graduate students into the
dorms-saved the residence hal:
from further crowding this fall.

Last spring, 212 graduate stu-
dents had lived in Prescott-Ty-
ler House in East Quadrangle.
The University let no new gradu-
ate students into the /quadrangle.
this fall, though renewing the con-
tracts of those who wished to
ren.ain. One hundred seventy-five
of the 212 graduates elected tc

extra men to 135 rooms - 20
singles and 115 doubles.
Administration officials do not
see any substantial relief of the
crowding next year. 'the Univer-
sity plans to open the 600-man
Cedar Bend housing project on
North Campus in the fall of 1965
But administrators do not believe

leave Prescott-Tyler. this can accommodate an expect-
There are now only 37 graduate ed further increase in freshmen a

Number of students in converted rooms 832... ...

Set Convocatiro
For Later in Fal
Advisory Committee Decides
To Use Rackham Amphitheatre
University President Harlan Hatcher will hold the first of
convocations with students in early November. But a student advi
committee, helping him with the planning, has not yet finalized
The advisory group conferred yesterday with the President
picked Nov. 5 as a tentative date for the assembly. It will conv
for the first time in 40 years, a president and interested students
to discuss the role of the University.
The assembly will be held in the Rackham Amphitheater,
a 1200-student capacity.. Audio, and possibly visual, portions of
meeting will be carried into Rack-i


Total number of singles

Number converted ............. . 20
Total number of doubles....... 1111


. 212

ham Aud, which has an additional
600 seats. The possibilities of
closed-circuit television are being
investigated although the com-
mittee rejected a larger site, Hill
Aud to create a more intimate
setting, Inter - Fraternity Council
President Lawrence Lossing, '65,
reported. He chairs the advisory
The, group includes: Susan
Beasley, '65; Mary Spencer, '65;
Richard Kraut, '65; Robert Pike,
'65; Student Government Council
President Thomas Smithson, '65;
Sherry Miller, '65 and Lossing.
Lossing said the tentative for-
mat calls for an opening address
by President Hatcher to be fol-
lowed by an open-end question.
and answer period. Students, with
the aid of roving microphones, will
be able to throw out questions
without topic restriction.
However, to give structure to
the gathering this year, President
Hatcher will confine his . speech
to one general area, Lossing said.
Three Possibilities
The committee is considering
three possible orientations which
the President might take:'
-As a distinguished educator,
President Hatcher might view
"the role of the university com-
munity in the face of social
change," touching upon such
fields as civil rights activity;
-As a "pragmatic administra-
tor," he might delve into specific
University problems, such as dor-
mitory crowding or enrollmeni
'prospects, Lossing said;
-As a "moral leader" President
Hatcher could view student "aloof-'
ness" which he feels is far too
widespread a m o n g adolescents
All three topics will be geared
to the undergraduate. President
Hatcher said when he announced
the convocations last spring that
redefinition of the role of under-
graduate education is necessary.
The idea of a president address-
ing the students on school issues
is not new. President Hatcher re-
portedly told the committee that
heads of higher education institu-
tions sponsored these gatherings
in the early 1900s.
At the University, the last
president to lead a convocation of
this type was Marion Leroy Bur-
tofi (1920-25) who spoke at the
beginning of each year and a
couple times during each term.
President Hatcher annually wel-
comes freshmen at Hill Aud, ,but,
except for special events, rarely'
addresses students on other occa-
He did present a report of his
world trip in 1902 and presided at
the University's memorial service'
for the late John F. 'Kennedy last
The closest precedent to the up-
coming student convocation was in
the early 1950s. At that time, his
n e w administration sponsored
convocations to help returning
veterans adjust to their new
academic life.

1 rtens
SAIGON (M)-Premier Nguyen
Khanh's political situation bright-
ened somewhat yesterday. A com-
promise agreement ended a gen-
eral strike in Saigon, the threat of
a new antigovernment demonstra-
tion faded and provincial hotspots
had no fresh eruptions.
"Of course we have won,' said
Vo Van Tai, secretary-general of
the Vietnamese Labor Confedera-
tion's Saigon council, in calling
off the strike launched by 20,000
workers Monday. "The govern-
ment has' been. forced to give in.
If they don't keep their word, they
know we can turn more thousands
into the street."
Government negotiators appar-
ently held the line against'a labor
demand for repeal of a state of
emergency regulation officially
barring strikes, but yielded on
other points.
No Lockouts
The government announced de-
crees banning lockouts and pro-
hibiting employers from firing
workers while the state of emer-
gency prevails.
Communications were restored
and electric power and water came
on Monday n i g h t. Petroleum
plants, tobacco and textile factor-
ies, dock facilities and municipal
buses are expected to be back in
normal operation today.
Some labor leaders conceded the
Communist Viet Cong apparently
sought to manipulate the strikers,
Trouble Spots
Tension was evident at three
northern centers, but the , day
passed without trouble.
Reports persisted that there
may be disturbances at Nha
Trang, on the South China Sea
190 miles northeast of Saigon. A
demonstration said to have been
planned for yesterday failed to
Crowds still milled in the streets
of Qui Nhon, sa coastal city 260
miles northeast of Saigon, where
youths took over the radio station
and demanded for the ouster of
all ements of the defunct Ngo
Dinh Diem's government from
Khanh's regime.
Army Efforts
U.S. army officers sought to
cool down several hundred. auto-
nomy-minded mountain tribes-
men, specially trained for guer-
rilla fighting, who slaughtered 17
of their, lowland Vietnamese offi-
cers Sunday and temporarily'
seized the radio station of Ban
Me Thout, 150 miles north of Sai-
gon. Government authorities re-
claimed the station and several
companies of Vietnamese troops
held the town by nightfall.

Number converted

. .. 115

Proposed number in freshman class (June, 1964).......
Actual number in freshman class (August, 1964)........
Graduate students in Prescott-Tyler (1963-4)........
Graduate students in Prescott-Tyler (1964-5)........

students in the house. If the!
University had admitted new
graduate students, the level would
have stayed around 200, officialE
have indicated.This probably.
would have displaced about 15C
more students into temporary.
housing this fall, they said.
The report reflected the ar.
rival of the more than 200 extra
freshmen into the residence half
in its statistics on freshman class
totals. The University had pro-
posed a freshman class for thiE
fall of 3,975, it said. It finally
admitted 4200, and converted dor-
mitory rooms to accommodate the
extra 225.
More women than men are oc-
cupying converted rooms, the re-
port said. In the women's resi-
dence halls, the University has
added an extra resident to 167
rooms-54 singles and 113 doubles.
In the men's halls, it has added

well as relieve the crowding in
the present residence halls.
Administrators had known that
there would be some crowding
this fall as early as last spring.
But they had not expected it to
be as extensive as it was. The
University, sticking to its policy
of admitting all in-state freshmen
it thinks can do the work, found
more qualified applicants from
Michigan than it had expected.
MeN amara
Defends U.S.,
Arms Position
DALLAS (P)-Defense Secretary
Robert S. McNamara said yester-
day the United States can now
and will in the future be able to
"insure the destruction of ')oth
the Soviet Union and Communist
China, under the worst imagin-
able circumstances accompanying
the outbreak of war."
McNamara answered criticism
of American defense capabilities
in a prepared speech keynoting
the national convention of the
American Legion.


'MacLeod Praises Honors Program,

IFC Disciplines Member

By JEREMY RAVEN the Superior Student, which he
describes as a' "clearing house for
"The University's psychology de- the exchange of information about
partment is without any question honors programs throughout the
one of the best in the world," country."
according to Prof. Robert MacLeod Such programs, he feels, are
of Cornell University, visiting hon- "designed to provoke an oppor-
ors }professor at the University tunity for able and well-motivated
this year. students to assume a large meas-
MacLeod, professor of psychology ure of responsibility for their own
and director of the honors pro- education. This involves giving
gram at Cornell, is leading an in- students the opportunity to de-
terdepartmental honors seminar velop their own interests, with the
on "Man's Conception of Him- instructor serving as a guide rath-
self" and a graduate course in er than a taskmaster.
"Psychological Phenomenology." "Ideally, a good honors student
Unlike most professors, Mac- does not need examinations and
Leod will require no final exam- grades except as indicators of his
ination in his course. "I am op-grdsecp smcarsf
nati n is e "I am O own progress. While we have tc
posed to examinations," he com- conform to some extent with the
ments. "They are pernicious. Theexisting system, our hope in hon-
focus the student on preparation ors is always to de-emphasize
for the exam rather than on ors is alay says.
the subject matter. They have grades as goals," he says.
- - -___.=___--' -1- -U- apTeodd oles 'not believe tha'

ticn. The University has been
willing to undertake adventures ir
education. Usually we find that
the small colleges take the lead in
educational experimentation, but
this is one large university which
is facing the challenge of mass
education in a most constructive
way," he says.
So far in his stay here, Mac-
Leod has had contact only with
honors students, and his impres-
sion is that they are "top-notch."
He feels that laboratory facili-
ties are "excellent but terribly
crowded" and that the Under-
graduate Library is "one of the
best I've seen."
Finishing a Book
In his spare time, MacLeod is
trying to finish a book to be
titled "Persistent Problems of Psy-
chology." He hopes to go back
to Africa to work on some cross-

Republicanpresidential'cand For
dlate Barry Goldwater, who has F orSocial Rule Violations
been critical of McNamara's de-
fense policies, will address that
group tomorrow. The Interfraternity Council Executive Committee disciplined
Eight Times Sigma Alpha Mu last night for two violations involving "conduct un-
McNamara told Legionnaires the becoming to a fraternity."
new Minuteman II ballistic mis- The first violation took place on Sept. 4 when one member of the
sile will be more than eight times fraternity was observed with a girl in his room, a "non-communal"
as effective as the first model of area where women are not allowed.
the weapon. The boy, a sophomore, claimed ignorance of this regulation and
He also said present strategicsaid that he was only showing his girlfriend around the house. The
forces now include 1,100 bombers - _

with over 500 of them on 15-min-
ute alert, and more than 800
readied ICBM's deployed.
He also noted that the U.S.
navy has 256 Polaris missiles de-
ployed in 16 submarines with 25
more subs under construction.
Manned Bomber?
In regard to charges that the
administration plans to phase out
the manned bomber as a strategic
weannn McNamara said the nres-

committee ruled, however,
the house was responsible
keeping its members informer
regulations and gave Sigma
pha Mu a suspended fine of
The second incident took i
Sept. 5, and concerned a p
that was registered late and
properly chaperoned. IFC dec
that the violation was causes
confusion o nthe part of a n
annointed social chairman

rnrar, "

Drive _To
Alumni, H
A nation-wide p r
strengthen alumni un
and support of the Un
announced yesterday

PlZnV R.nRF.R.T Mari FOD I

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