11 Seventy-Fifth Year EDrrD AND MANAGED B STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSrTY OF MICiGmAx UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS FORMULATING PLANS... Small Colleges in Large Universities 'er, Opinions Ae Free 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN AJ.oR, MICH. Truth Will Pevan NEwS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL SATTINGER . In Defense of the Good Ol d American Way THIS Is AN EDITORIAL for mother hood, America and the five-cent cigar. It's against honors housing, King George III and cigarettes. What's right with America? Not much, some would have us believe, while just about everything is wrong. Why? A maldistribution of power and wealth is a common answer. Power and wealth, we are told, are mu- tually self-supporting and self-perpetu- ating. They have combined to trod on and exploit the poor, discriminate against minorities, stifle the intellectuals and impede social development. The result is social stagnation. Eventually, when this powerful elite has fully developed and refined its great- est instrument, automation, the process of exploitation, discrimination, censor- ship and impedance will reach its dis- astrous end-99 per cent of the country completely at the mercy of the other one per cent. PITY. Look for a moment at where the powers that run this country are lo- cated. A few things stand out. In poli- ties it is easy to say that the President is at the top, but the lines of policy deci- sion and implementation in the national government run almost , incoherently through a fantastic array of offices, sec- retaries, under, secretaries, bureaucrats, commissions and committees on both the legislative and executive sides of govern- ment. Add the endless array of foreign repre- sentatives and domestic groups looking after their own, stir in the strong ties of congressmen to their home areas and the somewhat nebulous ties of the President to the voters, and you get some idea of the forces that shape our political direc- tion. Of necessity the lines of influence and control are bewildering and often frustrating. But they are designed spe- cifically with the idea that those con- cerned with and knowledgeable about the problems at hand should be the ones to discuss them and formulate acceptable solutions. AND THIS IS JUST the national gov- ernment. Repeat the whole array at the state and then the local levels. The problem is not concentration but disper- sion of power. The degree to which ad- vocates of social change regard this as bad is reflective of the degree to which they are able to marshall this process in their favor. Those who are unsuccessful would naturally like to see a greater con- centration of power,. assuming it is in their hands. Move on now to the business world. The so-called captains of industry-the oil, minerals, transportation and finan- cial magnates-made their bid for con- trol of the country early in this century. They came close, but the ponderous and shaky alliance they managed to create between business and government was destroyed in 1929 through its own weak- nesses. FREE ENTERPRISE, which rests bas- ically on the profit motive, survived. It was and still is an extremely powerful and efficient system on which to base the country's economics. But we found out in 1929 that it is also a delicate and treach- erous system. A bit of bad air and it col- apses. Turn your back and it knifes ou. Nevertheless, properly controlled and egulated-and we are learning more and ore about how to do this successfully- t is a powerful system unmatched in he world for the efficient production of oods and services, the development of ew techniques and products and the ap- lication of free choice as an integral and ssential part of distribution. Business per se is hardly democratically un, but it is part of a free market sys- em that forces it to run itself efficiently, roductively and with maximum return. OWER IN AMERICA is found in many p other places. There are the courts, ardly perfect, yet hardly isolated from i orces of change and development. There re the journalists, the financiers, the a *1 s~y fnn ~ ,~. r..A..,.a university people and the plain people who have, if nothing else, their votes. This vast panorama of power and men. and machines and politics contains with- in it a great capacity for change, for growth and development. The myriad points of control and the endless lines of influence have insured this. Such a capacity for change, however, is being put to a severe test in this world of brinkmanship, nationalism, Russia and civil rights. IN AMERICAN SOCIETY there are the Negro and the poor that have not yet found their places, or had their places found for them. They are rejected and ig- nored. They are currently the pre-emin- ently static part of our society. The Negro, however, is beginning to comprehend his position and is trying to tear himself away from it. He has achiev- ed a remarkable degree of sucess. The assimilation of the Negro into a dynamic role in American society and culture has proceeded farther than any such pre- vious development in history. There is no sign that such an assimila- tion is about to be rudely reversed. At this stage it probably couldn't be, for it has passed the point of no return. The Ne- gro has had a taste of what he can achieve in the way of jobs, education, influence and acceptance. He's not going to settle for less now. BUT THERE ARE still the poor. The great American economy has appar- ently passed them by. Free enterprise and big government, singly or together, have done little for them. But before drawing any conclusions from these gen- eralities, it is well to note a few specifics of the case. Poverty is not the simplicities that some might wish. Even getting an estimate of numbers is a major undertaking. Those who have studied the problem most com- prehensively make a conservative esti- mate of 20 per cent. That is, 20 per cent of all U.S. families have inadequate in- come for a basic level of subsistence. What is important, though, is not so much how many are poor but why they are poor. Several reasons assert them- selves very prominently in the studies made. The largest classes of the poor are found to come from the aged, the severe- ly disabled, families of three or more with only one adult member, those em- ployed at one time recently but present- ly without a job, farmers and self-em- ployed and Negroes. It was with precisely these groups in mind that the Presi- dent's "political" poverty program was formulated. IN ADDITION, two other important fac- tors have turned up in these studies of poverty. The first is that inheritance is not a major source of poverty, which is to say that the children in poor fam- ilies do not necessarily stay poor them- selves. The second is that poverty is not at all confined to the "economically de- pressed" areas. Five per cent of the coun- try's population live in these "depressed areas." Seven per cent of the poor live in such areas-not much of a disparity. One can also note from an analysis of the sources of the poor that automa- tion is not an overriding factor. Forces within our society and our economy are fully capable of controlling this "great threat." It is a simple enough matter of arithmetic that a labor force capable of a given level of production is capable of so much more production with better equipment. Full use of this capacity is largely a matter of governmental stim- ulus, combined with business ambition+ and union watchdogging. WHICH STILL LEAVES unanswered the basic question of what to do with this hard-core poverty-those, excluding the Negroes and the temporarily unemployed discussed above, presently incapable of playing a productive role in our economy. With the problems thus defined and put into statistical form, the answers, theor- etically, are fairly explicit. Educate,, train and rehabilitate mentally and physically ' all whom you can and support the rest with public funds. These are the steps being taken, and, while it hasn't been a£ spectacular start, and the means are hardly as explicit as the ends, at least it By THEODORE M. NEWCOMB EACH OF THE "big three" uni- versities in Michigan is either operating or planning some kind of small-college enterprise for its undergraduates. Two of the three new campuses in California that are destined to become huge uni- versities, hardly more than half of whose students will be under- grads, are engaged in similar plan- ning. Connecticut's Wesleyan Uni- versity, a private institution of very modest size has already launched the first few of what are to be several small units within the larger one. A glimpse at the anticipated advantages of these and other enterprises may be instructive. Both largeness and smallness in universities have their education- al uses. Large institutions are apt to offer such advantages as a wide range of specialized academ- ic offerings, a comsopolitan stu- dent population, a diversity of enjoyable and exciting things tc do. These advantages are often at the cost of individual home- lessness and anonymity, especial- ly on the part of younger under- graduates. These personal costs may or my not bring with them a decline in motivation to learn, or even in learning how to learn, but in universities like ours, they are often accompanied by a certain divorcement between personal-so- cial interests and academic-intel- lectual ones. Personal-social con- cerns are reasonably well provid- ed for, usually, in the informal life of students; but insofar as such interests are separated from books, classrooms, and laborator- ies, intellectual concerns may b( cut off from the sense of here- and-now reality that is so im- portant to learning. If such kinds of anonymity and divorcement are more prevalent in large institutions -than in smal' ones, the reasons are not hard to discern. Take the "tradition- al" small, liberal arts college in this country as an example. Here one lives, dines, and plays with many of the same individuals with whom one sits in class; ideas, problems, and controversies that stem from hearing the same lec- tures and reading the same books "spill over," easily and naturally into residence halls, dining rooms and other everyday student ren- dezvous. Divorcement between the personal-social and the intellec- tual-academic is not invited, un- der these conditions. * * * DIFFERENCES between large and small colleges, however, dc not inevitably inhere in the sheer size of the educational institution as a whole. They have to do rather, with the manner of it. organization, because it is this that determines who interacts with whom, about what, how often, and under what circumstances.At this point, the history of higher edu- cation in America is illuminat- ing. Until a few decades ago, our universities and colleges wer small enough so that, without an3 special planning about organiza- tion, student-faculty interaction retained an informal quality thai usually minimized both individual anonymity and serious divorce- ment between personal and aca- demic concerns. With subsequent growth in the size of the univer- sities, there has been little change in fundamental organization; with some interesting exceptions, noth- ing changes except that everything gets bigger.- Let me offer two illustrations. There are now at least three de- partments in the LS&A College whose faculties number one hun- dred or more and whose student, each year are well up in the thou- sands. Who meets whom within any of these departments comes to depend upon whether one is a graduate or undergraduate stu- dent and what one's specialty ih within the discipline. In short, in- formal sub-organizations develop but the department as a whole, a a sub-organization within the uni- versity, has only limited impact upon those who interact within it -especially undergraduates. This, of course, is a descriptive-illustra- tive statement, not an evaluation. Take, as another example, the organization of the University's student residences. They have nc direct relationship to students' academic activities. This organi- zation has the consequence tha' , '4 5 h s r Y i f 1 t i r 's i all University freshmen have ready opportunities to interact witY- many other freshmen and a good many sophomores, but relatively few upperclassmen (especially in the case of men), in such im- portant activities as living and eating. It also has the consequence that the persons with whom one interacts in this setting have little more than a chance likelihood of going through the same academic experiences at the same time. ** SUCH CONSIDERATIONS, I be- lieve, have a good deal to do with dissatisfactions on the part of many of the fast-growing univer- sities in this country. As they sense the consequences of growth without reorganization, they come, to see that with internal reorga- nization it may be possible to gain the advantages both of largeness and of smallness. The total univer- sity community can provide the advantages of complexity, cosmo- politanism, and diversity of stim- ulation. Small colleges within the university-especially if they meet two conditions-can provide the advantages of smallness. These conditions include, ideally, both a residential basis and a partially distinctive curriculum for relative- ly small groups of students. It has been said, correctly I believe, that many industrial or- ganizations have been more sensi- tive to matters of internal reor- ganization that need to accom- pany growth than have most uni- versities. Perhaps we, in the near future, with our presumed re- resources for theoretical under- standing and for research inquir- ies, can outdistance the more com- mercially-oriented institutions in this respect, as we attempt to meet our own objectives. NEXT WEEK: Nicholas D. Kazarinoff, ... FOR SCHOOL GROWTH LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: 0* American Politics: You Can't Even Be a Liberal THEODORE M. NEWCOMB, professor of of psychology and sociology, has pub- lished an extensive series of books and ar- ticles and is recognized nationally as a lead- ing social psychologist. He came to the } University in 1941 from Bennington College. Newcomb is chairman of the doctoral pro- gram in social psychology. "Jus' One More Li'l Shot" r , LAW- E 0 0 - N T 'I Ii NO~ TPhf Tl C I To the Editor: NORMAN THOMAS once said that most Americans do not know the difference between so- cialism and Communism but feel that both are bad like a stomach ache. To the above philosophies one should add liberalism, inas- much as to be or to have been a liberal is apparently indefensible in the opinion of a considerable number of our population. In recent televised interviews, Senator Humphrey was obliged to parry skillfully questions regard- ing his former membership in the ADA (Americans for Democratic Action). It was up to him to prove that he is moderate-that he has been on the safe side all along. Every decent politician nowadays aspires to the classification of "moderate" even .if he happens to harbor progressive and generous views, as does Senator Humphrey. MEMBERS OF a panel in such programs as "Face the Nation" obviously go all out to test the mettle of candidates for high of- fice. However, in this case their zeal seemed somewhat overdone. It was not so much the senator's political philosophy that appeared to interest the panel, but the real emphasis was upon any possible "taint" of liberalism past or pres- ent. Repeated attempts to ferret out the truth did bring out the fact that the senator had been a liberal, instead of a moderate, years ago. Thank Heaven he has reformed and become a good mod- erate. That is the word for all as- pirants in our highly conservative society. I imagine that a European ac- customed to tolerance of all poli- tical philosophies: left, right and center, would have been immense- ly amused by last Tuesday even- ing's performance-a very serious form of educational entertainment, reminding one of a doctor's oral examination in the good old days. At any rate, it is comforting to know that Mr. Humphrey is a genuine moderate at present even though years ago, when a callow and naive young man, he ventured a step or to away from the same center. -Antoine J. Jobin 'U' Loyalty Oath To the Editor: THE FOLLOWING is the text of a letter I have sent to Vice- President for Academic Affairs Roger Heyns, protesting the re- quirement that all University per- sonnel take a loyalty oath as con- dition of employment. The oath is prescribed by state law, dating from the McCarthy period in 1951. But I fail to un- derstand why the University, a constitutionally autonomous body in Michigan, allows its internal operations to be controlled in this matter, unless University officials agree with the oath. The required oath reads: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitu- tion of the United States of Amer- ica and the constitution of the state of Michigan and thatI will faithfully discharge the duties of my position to the best of my ability." y-Michael Zweig, Grad Dear-Mr. Heyns: I WISH TO express to you and to the Office of Academic Affairs my extreme distaste for employe oaths as a condition of academic employment at the University, and the great displeasure which ac- companies my signature to the re- quired oath. I am happy at all times to pledge that I will do my job "according to the best of my ability," as this pledge states, and I believe that the University as my employer has the right to de- pose must be to close the academy to persons with certain political and social beliefs, beliefs which are not germane to any decision re- garding the technical competence of the persons barred. I have honestly signed this oath, forced to do so by my desire to continue my education here and to gain the educational benefits of being part of a research team in my field. But while submitting to this illegitimate demand, I wish to express vigorous protest and to appeal to you to do whatever is in your power to abolish this re- quirement which runs against all principles of a free society and an academy open to all who are com- petent. Sincerely yours, Michael Zweig AFRAFECIGGE To the Editor: HAVE ONE comment concern ing Stuart Bremer's AFCIGGE (Americans for Emigration to Canada if Goldwater gets elected) and its members: Good riddance. However, for those who, when President Goldwater takes office early next year, will be too lazy to follow uj on their pledge, I should like to form a group which will easily accommodate their de- sire to save face. It is called the AFRAFECIGGE (Americans to Forgive and Rehabilitate the Americans for Emigration to Can- ada if Goldwater gets elected) (af- raf-a-siggy). -David Andrew, '65 Friendly' Theatres To the Editor: AFTER READING last Satur- day's Daily, I discovered that Ann Arbor's local Butterfield Theatres have once again succeed- ed in lowering their, already du- bious public image, again in the form of the State Theatre. Last year "Seven Days in May," in itself a rather mediocre cel- luloid portrayal of the book, was cut in order to run under the two- hour limit-equivalent to the one dollar limit. THIS YEAR, however, the State management outdid themselves. After announcing on Thursday that "A Hard Day's Night" was to be held over through Friday, they came out on Saturday proclaim- ing, "Last day showing of the Beatles. Starting tomorrow two Alfred Hitchcock romance mys- teries"-neither of which was "Marnie," the Hitchcock movie that was previewed to follow the Beatles. If Ann Arbor businessmen in general would stop being so dollar- conscious and become as "friendly" as their ads make them out to be, they may find that student opin- ion of them would start to pick up. What with public feeling at its present level, they don't have much to lose. -Dave Metzger, '68 Good Reviews To the Editor: IJUST FINISHED reading the reviews of the movies on your editorial page. It appears that you are about the only ones who 'the producers of trash films cannot fool. Your articles attack the pro- per sting to a form of criticism which has of late grown very dull. I approve completely of your ap- proach. Keep it up. -George Sternbach, 68 Poverty nb 1 F{ - d96'4f Ir WF~ When Old Friends' EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a twice-monthly series of edi- torial features by members of stu- dent newspapers belonging to Col- legiate Press Service. Ed Schwartz is a senior major- ing in government at Oberlin Col- lege in Ohio. By ED SCHWARTZ Collegiate Press Service OBERLIN-There are few more discomfiting experiences for an undergraduate than comparing notes with high school buddies as to recent accomplishments and future plans. You would think that such occasions would be marked by benevolence, camarad- erie, and reminisences from the glorious past. Not by a long shot. Just about the friendliest comment you can inject into these repartees is a "bye" modified by a "good," and the chances are that it ill be one of the best "bye's" of your college career. In the first place, everyone's become a psychoanalyst. You know the look-that faintly derisive smile which says, "Aha!l He still hasn't overcome that latent in- feriority complex which plagued him ih hir h ~c n nrm- ed, at which point the two of you dissect the rest with unrestrained brutality. You can be sure that out there on the highway two others are rendering you the same disservice. Along these same lines, it is imperative that you prove how much you have changed. If you were jovial in high school, wince periodically to indicate the un- remitting torment which afflicts you now. If you were known as a cynic, be sincere; if you were in- genuous, act jaded. Let the lo- quacious become silent, the witty become sombre, the rock 'n roller become beat, the artistic become materialistic, and the Don Juan become Victorial. The most humil- iating insult is to be accused of "not having changed a bit." Your only recourse in dealing with such slander is to assure your detractor that though outward appearances remain unaltered, deep down in- side you are a new man. Then you shut up for the rest of the con- versation. THIS PSYCHOLOGICAL gam- Conve neI criteria are length and time As to the former, Durrell's "Alexandria Quartet" is the ideal, comprising four volumes, all of which must be completed to understand the first. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" may be substituted, particularly since. Russian writers sound more impressive than English or Ameri- can. The time factor indicates when you have finished a novel two years before any of- your friends and magnanimously to al- low them to discover it themselves, when you can say that you have outgrown it. Novels are only one area of combat. For some, new clothes be- come the target. Past seductions are also popular. In hip circles, it has become fashionable to des- cribe the latest encounter with LSD or morning glory seeds. The gaines are different, but the rules are the same: never let 'em out do you. IN FACT, the expert remains conscious at all times of the con- versational value of everything he does. When his girl leaves him, he suffers twice as much, so as to be