THE GOOD OLD AMERICAN WAY See Editorial Page :Y 1MwA6 ~Z~ait4b MOSTLY CLOUDY High-78 Low-60 Occasional showers this afternoon and tonight Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 20 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1964 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES Larcom Reports Faulty Housing Council Hears Buildings Labeled As Below Legal Construction Codes By LEONARD PRATT City Administrator Guy C. Larcom told the Ann Arbor City Council last night that there are at least 317 cases of substandard housing within the city. He noted that the seriousness of the cases vary, but that all were below legal limits. Of 852 housing projects begun since 1955, the date the city first inaugurated its separate building department, only 402 have been certified for occupancy, Larcom said. 249 "dual family projects" have been built since 1955, but only 93 have been inspected, he noted. Larcom completed his report by noting that only 85 of the 232 rooming houses built or renovated since 1955 have been approved by the city for occupancy. To remedy the situation, Larcom recommended that the council hire two additional full-time buil ing inspectors. He said that these :.: .} inspectors would begin work by starting inspections of the esti- mated 650 Ann Arbor rooming houses which have never been certified. The list includes .build- . - ings on both the city's and the }r;.. ' . University's list of questionable dwellings. A f t e r questionable buildings have been inspected, Larcom sug- gested the institution of a regular program of building inspection. As the program is outlined, it would allow for regular inspections on a basis of two-year intervals. Lar- com said that two additional in- spectors would be enough to keep up with local construction. Further strengthening the city's policy on rental housing, Larcom proposed that certification notices be issued with a date of expira- tion, a practice not followed GUY . LACOMpresently. GUY . LARCOM Samuel J. Eldon, assistant city ,,attorney, noted that enforcement Ct Sof , these procedures, as well as, A HC Beeks those already in effect, is also being strengthened. Under new procedures, the owner of a sub- standard building will be given a 1.1(LI.11 certain period, from 30 to 90 days, to repair his property. If the re- pairs have not been certified by ~on-tracts the end of this period, the owner will receive a notice from the city W L4UJREN BAUR + attorney's office. If repairs are not completed Assembly House Council passed within 15 days after this notice, a motion yesterday calling for al- the attorney's office is authorized leviation of the present situation to prosecute the owner. This prose- caused by residence hall over- cution may take either the form, crowding. of a fine or of the issuing of a warrant against the owner. A The motion as presented by third method would be the issuing AHC President Maxine Loomis, '65 of a Circuit Court order to either directs that AHC work for the repair the property or to tear it I Viet Nam Near End Of Strike SAIGON (')-Saigon's genera: strike went into its second day yesterday but appeared nearing ar end. Labor leaders were negotiating with top government officials an seemed to believe that the big- gest of their demands-the right to strike and organize-already had been met. Meanwhile, government and United States authorities investi- gated the possibility that for the first time North Viet Nam had sent battalion-sized integrated units into South Viet Nam to help the Communist Viet Cong. The Saigon government claim- ed that two enemy battalions were ambushed Sunday just south of the demilitarized zone between North Viet Nam and the south. Saigon claimed that 64 of the enemy were killed in a three-sided trap laid by government forces. Possibility Gen. William C. Westmoreland commander of U.S. forces in Viet Nam, told newsmen there was a possibility that the two . enemy battalions were regular North Vietnamese units and that thi was under investigation. He said reports from U.S. officers in th area were still sketchy. The general strike in Saigon Sunday raised fears of a genera collapse of Premier Nguyen Khanh's government and another coup. Although U.S. officials said they were confident the troubles could be ironed out, the mood of the American community was one of deep depression. Viet Cong elements were be- lieved to have played an import- ant part in the walkout yester- day of 20,000 workers, which crip- pled communications and public utilities in the capital. Demonstrators Nearly 3000 demonstrators mill- ed yelling about the premier's of- fice during more than an hour of negotiations there between union leaders and Labor Minister Dan Sy Hien. The government gave in on several points, but deferred until today a decision on the workers' demands for such thing as the legal right to strike and an end to the state of emergency proclaimed last month. Student demonstrators of twc rival factions virtually took ove the coastal city of Qui Nhon; 26C miles northeast of Saigon. They seized the radio station and broad- cast demands for ousted from the government of all can Lao ele- ments--meaning holdovers from the Ngo Dinh Diem regime., Reliable sources disclosed blood- shed attended the tenporary seiz- ure of the Ban Me Thuot radic station Sunday by American- trained irregulars of the Montag- nard Mountain tribesmen who want autonomy in the four prov- inces where they make up most of the population. Meanwhile, United States offi- cials in Washington are uncertair whether two American destroyer s ored hits on any of four un- identified vessels they encounter- ed in the Gulf of Tonkin last Friday night. So far, it was reported by au- thoritative sources yesterday, nc evidence of any hits, such as debris or floating bodies, has been recovered. Presumably the vessels were Communist North Vietnamese tor- pedo boats. The Russian news agency Tass said in Moscow yes- terday that three unidentifie ships were reported to have beer sunk by American destroyers and that five ships in all were "al- Schaadt Dorm Ci Predicts Further rowding Next Fall HEW APPROPRIATION: ----Johnson Signs Education Bill By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM President Lyndon B. Johnson yesterday signed into law a mas- sive $7 billion appropriation bill which will provide several million dollars for loans and construction here. The bill, allocating funds for several federal agencies, will help thousands of potential nurses and doctors pay their expenses prac- tically interest-free. It will increase the nation's largest general loan program-the National Defense Education Act. And it represents the first fed-j eral investment in undergraduate and graduate classroom construc- tion, which has heretofore been left to the state and private donor. The federal agencies involved are the departments of Labor and Health, Education and Welfare. Express Anxiety But officials, aware of the bill's content since the introduction last spring, have expressed greater anxiety over the timing recently. The President's signing yesterday will free most of the funds in time for the first tuition payments Sept. 30. The urgency to pay off loans- pledged to students last spring and this summer-prompted offi- cials here recently to request and receive an advance payment of $500,000. This money comes from the nation-wide $135 million NDEA loan program. The University's share will be increased by $200,000 next semes- ter, lifting the total participation, to $700,000 for the year. .Matching Money These funds are increased one- tenth by University matching money and expanded further by students repaying their loans of, past years. Nearly 2000 studentsi will participate. / The appropriation bill offers $10 million to the nation's potential dentists and doctors. The Univer- sity will receive about $250,000 of this amount. Prof. John Gosling of the med- ical school reported last night that he anticipates about $150,000 will WALTER P. REUTHER deletion of the last line of resi- dence hall contracts which now, reads, "the University reserves the right to revise the rates upward or downward within the period of this contract." Under this motion, the Univer- sity would have to make any changes in room and board rates before residence hall contracts are signed. "The existing situation is very unfair to students who plan their school-year budgets and then are suddenly confronted with an increase in rates," Miss Loomis emphasized. Less Overcrowding' The second part of the motion concentrates on lightening the burden of the existing over-crowd- ed conditions in the women's res- idence halls with emphasis on considerations for the future of the system. Four possible measures were pro- posed for dealing with the prob- lem and ARC plans to investigate all of them before deciding which one or combination would be most feasible for further implementa- tion. 1) The progressive revision of admissions policy as regards the seemingly unlimited admissions quota.. Goes Beyond AHC, This proposal goes a little be- yond the 4urisdiction of AIC ane would involve legislative as well as administrative action. Accord- ing to Miss Loomis, AHC plans to investigate the present policies to determine if anything can be done to change them. 2) The planning and construc- tion of more University residence halls immediately, if the problem is to be decreased even by the fall of 1966. 3) The implementation of an updated system for residence hall contracts, with special emphasi. on the rapidly, changing needs of trimester students. One Semester Contracts Under consideration here is the possibility of one-semester room contracts, so that students whc desired could move out roff the down, Eldon noted. Larcom explained that the only housing unit which the city has on record are those for which building permits have been taken out. This includes both new build- ings and major building renova- tions. If no building permit were ever taken out, however, the city would have no record of the building and would never have inspected it, Larcom said. In other words, if no building permit were ever requested to cover major renovations, or if the building has not had any major repairs since 1955, it, has not been certified or inspected. Larcom said that there was no way of telling what percentage of multiple dwellings in the city have not been inspected because of this lack of a registration pro- cedure for them. Hannah Advocates Summer Schooling Prof. John A. Hannah, President of Michigan State University, said in a speech yesterday that the United States should consider abandoning summer vacations and start operating schools year-round. i J A 1 "1 i i IUAW Names Deadltine for GM Strike. DETROIT 01)-The United Auto Workers union yesterday set a strike deadline of 10 a.m. Friday against giant General Motors Corp. unless a* contract is signed covering the firm's 354,000 UAW- represented workers. UAW President= Walter Reuther told newsmen that, in addition, the union has set a second strike deadline of the Friday a week later for settlement of some 18,000 at-the-plant grievances. Reuther said that the deadline fwas being set five days in advance 'to give the company maximum ad- vane notice. Louis Seaton, vice-president of GM in charge of personnel, dis- closed that the company made a new econo~mic proposal covering' hourly-rated employes represented by the union. Seaton said the new proposal "is in line with the settlement established at Chrysler." He, described the offer as "a' realistic b a s-i s for agreement which we hope can be concluded as soon as possible." Bosh the _Chrysler and Ford agreements with the UAW pro- vide for 36 minutes of relief time daily instead of the previous 24 minutes for those whose work pace is controlled by machines or as- sembly lines. The annual improvement factor, currently 2.5 per cent of the base wage rate or six cents an hour, ' whichever is greater, goes to 2.8 per cent, or seven cents, in Sep- tember of 1966. An additional, two cents an hour will be added to the wage rate the same month. There will be no 'general wage increase in 1964 but employes will receive an increase of about one per cent in take-home pay next month when the company starts paying the full cost of group life ant disability insurance. Herto- fore, workers have shared the cost. Malcolm Denise, chief bargainer for Chrysler, has described the new contrac. as including larger life insurance benefits, fully com- pany-paid health insurance for both employes and retirees and in- creased severance pay. SA CUA Sets Committe For Liaison with Pierpont' By JEFFREY GOODMAN { A faculty advisory committee to Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont will take its place among existing liaisons between professors and administrators. Formation of the Committee on Business and Finance was an- nounced at yesterday's monthly meeting of the faculty Senate Ad- visory Committee on University Affairs. According to Prof. Richard Wellman of the Law School, chair- man of SACUA, the advisory group will communicate faculty thinking on a wide range of problems to Pierpont. While the group will occa- sionally m a k e specific recom- mendations to him, it will be primarly consultative, d e a ling Hear largely with faculty opinion on how to approach given concerns. The committee, to be chaired;$e$ PROF. GOSLING become available for medical' school loans. In accordance with. federal provisions, about $100,000 will go to freshmen and the re- mainder to upperclassmen. Dental School The dental school will distribute $100,00 with freshmen also getting priority. For the nursing school, Dean Rhoda Russell has been unable to estimate the loan funds which will become available. The money will be allocated through a special nursing advisory board along the enrollment, state population and need guidelines which apply in most federal loan programs.. Johnson's signature has also set in motion the administratiye machinery, for dispersing $483 million in building fundsthis year. This sum includes $60 million in graduate construction grants and $180 million for undergraduate construction. Undergraduate Funds The undergraduate funds will be dispersed by state commissions. In Michigan, the legislature has created a nine-man group, repre- senting public and private col- leges. It will appropriate $10 mil- lion in federal funds annually, using school building programs as a guide to determining priorities, The graduate construction grants are being allocated directly, by a federal agency, the Office of Education. The Office of Business and Fi- nance here has announced its in- tention to apply for .part of a $5 million graduate library addition. The signing of the appropria- tion bill was termed "urgent" by higher education officials through- out the country. SOffzicial Sees 600 More Freshmen, Views Cedar Bend' Housing Project as Too Small To Help By ROBERT HIPPLER The residence halls are certain to be more crowded next fall than they are now, Residence Halls Business Manager Leonard Schaadt predicted yesterday. Schaadt indicated that the only new dormitory the University plans for next fall-the North Campus Cedar Bend Housing proj- ect-will not keep up with the in- crease of incoming freshmen, let alone' accommodate the hundreds of students now living as extra men in converted dormitory rooms. I Cedar Bend's capacity will be about 600. Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont, Vice- President ..for Student Affairs James A. Lewis, Assistant Director of Admissions Byron G. Groesbeck and Residence Halls Manager Eu- gene Haun all had no comment on Schaadt's prediction last nigl t. First Indication Schaadt's was the first indica- tion from the administration that the currnt housing situation will continue into next year. Currently, an estimated 500 dormitory residents are living in rooms to which the University has added an extra man this fall. Of- ficials have;added an extra man to many doubles and to some triples. The Cedar Bend Project is slat- ed to accommodate upperclassmen only, most of whom would be transfers from other dormitories. Schaadt predicts that though Ce- dar Bend will take 600 students from the other residence halls, over 600 ,new freshmen will enter the University next fall, worsen- ing the present crowding in the halls. Whether Schaadt's prediction comes true or not, the University has several tricks up its sleeve, for bdth this year and next. All are aimed at getting students out of the residence halls. For example, Pierpont and Lewis have discussed a plan which would allow this fall's fraternity pledges above freshman level to break their residence halcon- tracts and move directly into fra- ternity houses if they wished. The plan, which would require an action of the residence hall board of governors, was proposed by Inter-fraternity Council Presi- dent Lawrence Lossing two weeks ago Administration sources indi- cated last night that Lewis might have comment on it today, Local Freshmen Officials have also considered a plan requiring all freshmen with homes in or near Ann Arbor to live at home. Such freshmen cur- rently have a choice between home and the residence halls. The Uni- versity used a plan similar to this during the jam-up following World War II. In addition, officials are letting no new graduate studentsinto the residence hals. Under a t policy initiated this fal, the University is signing contracts with only those who already live in the halls. Haun indicated last night that the policy will continue next fall. Earlier this month, Haun ad- justed downward the rates for all students in dormitory rooms with an extra man. Students ,n a $960 single which has been converted into a double now pay $890 apiece. This is $10 below the ordinary rate for doubles. Students in a $900 double converted into a triple now pay $830 apiece. This is $15 below the ordinary rate for triples. At the time of the adjustment, Haun indicated that if crowding con- tinues next year, similar rates will prevail. Lewis will release a general re- port today on this month's relo- cation of over 400 students from by Assistant Dean Herbert Johej of the architecture and