THE MICHIGAN DAILY mWar and Peace" Starts APA. The American premiere of "War and Peace" will open the fall festival of the Professional Theatre Program, Sept. 23 in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Rosemary Harris, Keene Curtis, Ronald Bishop, and Jennifer Harmon of the Association of Producing Artists, the resident company, will star. The production is directed by Ellis Rabb. Peter Wexler, the designer, has utilized the Epic Theatre style, created by Erwin Piscator, whose version of the Tolstoy novel is being staged here, which combines slide projections, special film techniques and move- able platforms. This- will give the play fluidity while encompassing the enormous scope of the Napoleonic Wars. Brendan Behan's "The Hostage," also shown below in rehearsal, Giraudoux's "Judith" and "Man and Superman" by G. B. Shaw will be the other presentations in the fall festival. The following analysis of "War and Peace" was taken directly from a talk given by Ellis Rabb to the members of the APA. "WAR AND PEACE is, as you know, a novel by Leo Tolstoy. The play we are now going to rehearse is by Erwin Piscator. It, too, is called 'War and Peace' because Mr. Piscator based the play on the novel. You might say the novel inspired the play. You could say, as Piscator says, the play is "after" the novel. You might say that the novel suggested the play. "Say anything-but don't say- don't think-we are about to do the novel on the stage. "That would not be possible and Piscator did not attempt any such folly. He wanted to use the novel as the basis of an ironic thesis. "The novel has retained its sig- nificance through the force of Tolstoy's art and the profundity of his humanity. But Piscator is try- ing toI point out that Tolstoy's history and his subject were of a time when war could be fought for an ideal, a cause, as 'a solu- tion for human contradictions.' Such wars were romantic by na- ture in spite of all their horror. ** * "WHEN WE DID the Whitman play in Ann Arbor ("We, Com- rades Three"), I remember Bald- ridge pointing out that the Civil; derstanding of his experience-of his ability to grow through exper- ience-of his desire to 'be better.' "Thus Piscator says of Tol- stoy's novel, let it be an inspira- tion-but let it be a warning. The double-edge of his sword is to embrace the inspirational force of its 19th century message in the ironic light of the awesome power of 20th century facts. "So--our major task is to 'tell the story' and to capture the scope and dimension of that epic form. "THE MEANING of the story is dramatized in its parallel and con- current characteristic develop- ments and conflicts. "Throughout, a dramatic par- allel exists in our relationship to the war and peace within each individual, the war and peace ir their personal relations with each other, the war and peace between leaders of the nations, the war and peace between the direction of that leadership and the will of the individual, the war and peace between whole countries with each other. "Piscator has employed three basic techniques. "1) The fundamentally realistic scene, "2) The capsule sequence, and "3) The suggestive segments (expressionism). "Sections are often made up of contributions from these methods. All three must be approached and acted out from the point of view of realistic-thoughtful-specific inner motivation. However in each we must employ a different set of rules governing our selectivity. "THE EXPRESSIONISTIC form finds its origin in the work of such earlier German writers as Eranst Toller and George Keiser. in such plays as 'Masse Mensch' and 'Gas,' and in the American theatre in such plays as 'Beggar on Horse-Back' and most promi- nently and popularly in the mu- sical comedy the dream ballets ir 'Carousel' and 'Oklahoma,' or the great fight sequence in 'West Sid Story.' "In our production, the entirc company will dance or pantomim the retreat from Moscow. You-will do things 'in character' but as ex- pressed by dancers or mimes as well as actors. "With this play we have a sub- stantial challenge and a great op- portunity. The novel 'War and Peace' is a masterpiece - so we should not lack for a source of inspiration. * * "PISCATOR IS a very clever man-a revolutionary and an in- novator. His life is filled with imagination, originality and pur- pose. "The productions of this play in West Germany at the Schiller Theatre and in England at the Old Vic have been enormously success- ful. The Piscator-Brecht theatre was, and is, truly an actor's thea- tre-the text is a basis for the actor's invention. Finally, the text is like a good scenario-or a good libretto. "The success of the play de- pends on how excitingly we bring it to life-how well we make it- how well we dance or sing it, how we shape it, coordinate it, balance it. Jennifer Harman is seen as Lisa in the APA's "Ware;and Peace," from the novel by Tolstoy. (l .k II DIRECTOR ELLIS RABB War was the last of the major romantic wars. The last that would ever; or could ever, be fought. Henceforth mankind can only fight purely for survival- if we fight at all. The irony being that the fight itself will destroy any possibility of survival. "Therefore Piscator's sword is double-edged. He has tried to suggest, to imply, the glory of the novel-the scope, grandeur and terror. But' by the end, Pis- cator reminds us boldly that while the will to live has compelled us to survive conflict in the past- now the day has come when even greater understanding can no longer comfort the survivors-for if there is another war there prob- ably will be no survivors to learn by it. "WARS WERE NEVER glorious, in themselves but in man's sur- vival of them there was a positivej value, a glory. The atomic war heralds the end of such glories. "But new glories born by thel same survival instinct must be ours. Tolstoy believed in man'sl ability to struggle towards greater and greater understanding. His novel is a living testimony of man's yearning for greater un- IJ Cutlines by Gail Blumberg Keene Curtis as Napoleon confronts Pierre played by Ronald Bishop in the American Premiere of "War and Peace." 1 James Graf, PTP resident staff technician, adjusts special, light equipment for the production of "War and Peace." IA "The play is more than ever not on these pages but in us." 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